Lacing into modern news commentatorsBernie Yudain
Back in my early days on Greenwich Time, the paper won quite a few awards from our peers. But there was one honor we cherished more than any certificate or dinky loving cup.
There was this gentleman named George Cornish, who was the esteemed city editor of the New York Herald-Tribune, a veritable lion in the world of journalism. It was the advice he regularly gave to young job-seekers we at Greenwich Time wore with pride.
Several of these aspirants who came to us to seek employment with us said they had been interviewed by Mr. Cornish, and his advice to them was to go up to Greenwich Time and try to get a reporting job there.
If they were fortunate enough to join the Greenwich Time staff, he told them, and if they worked hard and learned the craft at this suburban place for a few years, they should then come back to him and he would consider hiring them at the Trib.
Apparently, Bernie Yudain Fails To Realize That George Cornish Was Joking When He Suggested That Wet Behind The Ear Cub Reporters Should Go Work For The Laughing Stock Of New York Metropolitan Journalism Also Know As The Greenwich Time.
Can Bernie Yudain Recall On Greenwich Time Reporter That Went To Work For The Great New York Herald-Tribune City Editor Mr. Cornish?
Can Bernie Yudain Recall One Greenwich Time Reporter That Became A Great Editor After Working For Joe Pisani Or Himself?
Can Bernie Yudain Recall One Greenwich Time Reporter That Worked For Him Or Joe Pisani That Won A Pulitzer?
Let's Take A Look At Great Reporting:
2007 Pulitzer Prizes:
CommentaryCynthia Tucker of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
When In The Last Thirty Years Did Greenwich Residents Ever Get Reporting And Commentary That Even Came Close To This?
In fact, in the nearly 100 years that the Pulitzer Prize has been handed out the Greenwich Time has never even been considered.
And it is not like it would be hard for a Greenwich Time reporter or editor to get noticed by the Pulitzer Prize Committee.
The Prizes Are Administered By The Columbia University School Of Journalism In New York City.
Pulitzer prizes are decided by the Pulitzer board. As of May 1, 2008, the current board New York City based members are:
Amanda Bennett, Executive Editor/Enterprise, Bloomberg News
Lee Bollinger, President, Columbia University
Kathleen Carroll, Executive Editor, Associated Press
Thomas Friedman, Columnist, The New York Times
Paul Gigot, Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal
Sig Gissler, Administrator, School of Journalism, Columbia University
Nicholas Lemann, Dean, Columbia University School of JournalismEven The Greenwich Times Former Corporate Parent
Is Represented On The Pulitzer Prize Board:
Ann Marie Lipinski, former Senior Vice President and Editor (2001-2008), Chicago Tribune
As Well As The Flagship Newspaper Of MediaOne
Which Was Managing The Greenwich Time For Hearst Newspapers
Up Until Six Months Ago:
Gregory Moore, Editor, The Denver Post
All Of These Pulitzer Prize Board Members Are All Very Aware Of The Greenwich Time.
In Fact, Many Past Pulitzer Prize Board Members Lived Right Here In Greenwich And Were More Than Aware Of The Reporting In The Greenwich Time.
The Point Is That It Would Not Be Very Hard For A Good Greenwich Time Reporter To Get Noticed By The Pulitzer Prize Committee.
It Sure Is A lot Easier For A Greenwich Time Reporter To Get Noticed, Than Say A Reporter From The Springfield Missouri News And Leader.
And We Are Not Saying That It Impossible To Move Up From The Greenwich Time .....
Michael Dinan a Greenwich Time writer who has found his tenure with the paper most rewarding. He now tends bar in Stamford.
Nor Are We Saying That A Pulitzer Prize For News Reporting
Will Never Ever Come To The Town Of Greenwich......
Editor And Publisher
Dec 8, 2008
NEW YORK For the first time, the Pulitzer Prizes will accept submissions from online-only news outlets, but require that they be "text-based" submissions from news organizations that are updated at least weekly and include original reporting.
Pulitzer Administrator Sig Gissler told E&P that "we are expanding the Pulitzers to include many text-based newspapers and news organizations that publish only on the Internet." At the same time, they are "stressing" that all entered material should come from news outlets that publish material at least weekly, "are primarily dedicated to original news reporting, are dedicated to coverage of ongoing stories and that adhere to the highest journalistic principles."
Gissler said the change, to take effect with the upcoming 2009 prizes, is occurring as part of the prizes' effort to "keep up with the changing media landscape."
Asked, for example, if a news outlet such as Huffington Post -- which is a mix of personal blogs, link aggregation and original reporting -- would be eligible, he declined to comment saying he did not want to discuss any individual outlet.
Gissler stressed that Web sites of magazines and broadcast and cable outlets will not be eligible because they are primarily part of news outlets that are not connected to newspapers. Also, sites that call themselves online "magazines" would be ineligible (this might pertain to Slate and Salon).
In a Q & A provided by Gissler, there is this exchange:
"Q: If one or two people call their Web site a “text-based newspaper” would it be eligible?
"A. Possibly, if all the other criteria are satisfied. But to competeeffectively, an entry would have to demonstrate a high level of originalnews reporting."
Also from the Q & A:
"Q: Can you give examples of online-only newspapers that would qualify?
"A. A growing number of sites, such as MinnPost, Voice of San Diego, St.Louis Beacon and Washington Independent, do original reporting. But it is premature to discuss eligibility before an entry has actually beensubmitted."
"Q: What should be in a cover letter?"
"A. The Pulitzer Board is looking for a description of the journalisticmission of an online-only organization and ample evidence of its primary devotion to original news reporting. The letter should also summarize theentry."
Maybe Chris Fountain or Rob Adams have a shot at bringing a Pulitzer Prize to Greenwich.
Or maybe, Bill Clarke, could bring us a Pulitzer if he starts writing his columns on a weekly basis. Mr. Clarke Could Display It In The Greenwich Library Lobby.
But, I would Personally Count Out Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani And His Crew Of Failed Heast Newspaper Reporters Who Hang Out At "Our Greenwich"
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