Just A Half A Block From Greenwich Avenue
Wilbur Peck Court Turns Into Fort Apache The Bronx ....... To Bad Paul Newman Wasn't Around To Help Protect The Police Station !!!!!
Gang Awareness: Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Needs To Learn To Recognize The Signs Of Gang Activity
The Davis Avenue Are Has Around The Clock Drug Sales, Gang Graffiti Tags, Young Men And Teens Throwing Down Gang Signs, As Well As, Repeated, Escalating And Aggressive Behaviour Towards Law Enforcement.
The Only Argument Is Just How Embedded And Organized The Gang Culture Is In The Neighborhood That Is Just Blocks Away From Greenwich Avenue
The Greenwich Time Likes Referring To Gang Members Who Assault Police Officers As Just "Residents", Because They Don't Want To Upset Chief Ridberg Who Keeps Insisting That There Are No Gangs In Town.
Many Of The Gang Members And Some Of Those Arrested Are Not Even "Residents" At The Wilbur Peck Projects .....
The Greenwich Time Likes Referring To Gang Members Who Assault Police Officers As Just "Residents", Because They Don't Want To Upset Chief Ridberg Who Keeps Insisting That There Are No Gangs In Town.
Many Of The Gang Members And Some Of Those Arrested Are Not Even "Residents" At The Wilbur Peck Projects .....
If Greenwich Time Writer Lazy Meridith Blake
Is Affraid To Report All The Facts,
Then Greenwich Roundup Will Have To Tell
The Rest Of The Story:
Police, residents clash at Wilbur Peck
By Lazy Meredith Blake
Staff Writer
Violence erupted outside the Wilbur Peck Court public housing complex early Saturday morning, as police attempts to quell a late-night gathering descended into mayhem.
When the riot, which at its peak included more than 50 people, had finally been subdued after about an hour, five men were arrested and three police officers were injured.
Officers responded to the parking lot outside Building 1 at Wilbur Peck Court on Davis Avenue at 2:40 a.m. following reports of a loud and unruly group of about 12-15 people, according to police.
What Lazy Meridith Blake Fails To Report Is That
The Group Was An Affiliated Group Of Gang Members
"It was unlike anything that I've seen before," said Sgt. James Bonney, who responded to the call.
The incident began when officers arrived to disperse the crowd. Several members of the group began yelling profanities at them, Bonney said.
An officer approached Jorge A. Cardenas-Rey, 21, of 12 Wilbur Peck Court, one of the most vocal people, and asked for his identification, police said. As Cardenas-Rey went to reach into his pocket for his ID, he lunged at the officer in an attempt to take his police baton, police said.
A fight broke out between the officer and Cardenas-Rey, police said. The officer finally wrestled him to the ground, where he was able to handcuff Cardenas-Rey, according to the report.
As Cardenas-Rey was being handcuffed, a 17-year-old, whose name is not being released due to his age, picked up a large rock and attempted to strike the officer in the back of the head, police said. Police shocked the boy with a stun gun and arrested him.
Police Sources Complained To Greenwich Roundup That
The Incident Was Being Minimized By The Greenwich Police Department, Because Police Chief David Ridberg
Keeps Insisting There Are No Gangs In Town.
More officers were called to the scene as the crowd grew to more than 50 people. Several members of the group continued to incite others to attack the officers, police said, adding that dozens rushed the police vehicles.
After nearly an hour, the crowd finally dispersed, Bonney said.
"We probably could have arrested another 15 people, but we just didn't have enough officers," he said.
Three of the 12 responding officers sustained injuries ranging from a lacerated hand and a contusion on the head to a possible concussion, according to the police report. All received medical attention, but none were hospitalized, police said.
Greenwich Police Officers Say That They Are
Not Able To Speak Freely About
The Increasing Gang Violence In Town.
In all, five people were arrested and charged with inciting to riot and breach of peace.
When Cardenas-Rey sat in the back of the police car, he kicked and broke a window, Bonney said.
When Cardenas-Rey sat in the back of the police car, he kicked and broke a window, Bonney said.
Cardenas-Rey was also charged with assault on peace officers, criminal mischief, interfering with an officer and criminal attempt at first-degree assault, according to the report. He is being held on a $250,000 bond.
The 17-year-old was also charged with assault on peace officers, interfering with an officer and criminal attempt at first-degree assault, according to the report. He was treated and released from Greenwich Hospital. He is being held on a $100,000 bond.
Police also arrested another three people who were allegedly instigating the violence: Daniel Steven Flores, 21, of 70 Wilbur Peck Court; Stephen Wells, 18, of 8 Booth Place; and Joseph Antanascio Carey, 19, of 97 Wilbur Peck Court.
Police Officers Tell Greenwich Roundup That
Jorge Cardenas-Rey Holds Some Type Of Leadership Position
In The Gang That Greenwich Police Chief
David Ridberg Says Doesn't Exist.
Further, Greenwich Police Officers Are Angry That It Was Not Released That Jorge Cardenas- was arrested on Valentines day morning and charged for a very similar incident that did not escalate in to an out of control situation.
In The Valentines Day incident Jorge Cardenas-Rey
was arrested for interfering with a police officer
and disorderly conduct.
Greenwich Police Officers say after that the Valentine's Day arrest, and many after other previous incidents, they have repeatedly complained that Gang activity is getting out of hand in the Davis Avenue Area.
But, Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg just ignores their complaints
The 17-year-old was also charged with assault on peace officers, interfering with an officer and criminal attempt at first-degree assault, according to the report. He was treated and released from Greenwich Hospital. He is being held on a $100,000 bond.
Police also arrested another three people who were allegedly instigating the violence: Daniel Steven Flores, 21, of 70 Wilbur Peck Court; Stephen Wells, 18, of 8 Booth Place; and Joseph Antanascio Carey, 19, of 97 Wilbur Peck Court.
They were also charged with interfering with an officer and inciting injury to persons or property.
Carey was released on a $100,000 bond. Wells and Flores are each being held on $100,000 bond.
All five are scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford on March 23.
Some people in the group later went to Greenwich police headquarters and continued yelling at police, but no arrests were made, according to the report.
Nine Months Ago Greenwich Roundup Warned
Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg That
The Gang Activity In The Davis Avenue Area Was Going
To Spill Over Into The Greenwich Avenue Area
Today An Angry And Organized Mob Was A Half A Block Away
On Havemeyer Challenging, Threatening And Cursing
At Officers Inside Their Headquarters Building.
Greenwich Time Editors Did Not Send Photographers Or New Video Equipment To The Hour Long Wilbur Peck Disturbance Or The Much Longer Police Station Disturbance, Because They Were Afraid For The Personal Safety Of Reporters Like Lazy Meridith Blake.
Tony Savino And The WGCH News Crew Did Not Run Down And Record Or Interview Gang Member's And Their Family Members In Front Of The Police Station For The Very Same Reason.
Greenwich Officials Continues To Ignore Byram Gang Problem As Gang Fight Comes To Davis Avenue Next To Bruce Park.
Greenwich Police Officer Caught In The Middle Of Gang Fight
Just Blocks From Greenwich Avenue
Calls for backup brings, almost the entire, night time shift to bring the down town street under control.
Will The Greenwich Police Department release copies of the radio tapes of the gang incident to the press and the general public?
This all happened Friday over night just blocks from Greenwich Avenue.
Greenwich Police Officer and Backup Officers are forced draw weapons on the armed gang members on Davis Avenue.
Four Or Five Gang Members Arrested By Greenwich Police Officers.
Knives, Bats and Other Weapons Confiscated From Gang Members who will appear in court on Monday morning.
Luckily no Greenwich police officers or innocent civilians were not injured in bringing the disturbance under control.
Port Chester Gang Members Were Involved.
Greenwich Police Department Withholds Information about this gang incident from Cablevision News 12, the Greenwich Citizen, the Greenwich Post, the Greenwich Time and WGCH.
Greenwich Police Chief Ridberg needs to set up gang task force, before innocent civilians or police officers are hurt or killed.Gang members have started to get a foothold at Greenwich High School, will a student have to be stabbed before Town Officials force the Greenwich Police Chief to form a police task force to combat the gangs.
There have been many gang related shootings in Port Chester. Will someone have to die before the Greenwich Police Chief develops a strategy to combat the growing gang problem in town?The Greenwich Police Department Can Hide Gang Violence To The Complacent Mainstream Media Of Greenwich, Police Officers Are Telling Greenwich Roundup What Is Really Happening On The Streets Of Byram And Down Town Greenwich.
Police will follow up this week with the Greenwich Housing Authority, which oversees the housing complex, to determine if the alleged offenders will face further consequences, possibly eviction, for their actions, police said.
If You Think Terry Betteridge Made A Stink
Last Month When The Town Took Away
The Traffic Officer From Lewis Street,
Just Wait Till Organized Gang Members
Come Down Lewis Street And
On To Greenwich Avenue.
How many Greenwich Police Officer's Have To Be Hurt Or Endangered, Before Police Chief David Ridberg Admits That There Is Strong Gang Activity In The Davis Avenue Area And Forms A Gang Task Force With Effective Suppression Techniques.
It Is Clear That This Situation Is Getting Out Of Hand When The Greenwich Police Union President James Bonney Will Be Quoted On The Front Page Of Tomorrow's Sunday Greenwich Time Saying....
"We probably could have arrested another 15 people,
but we just didn't have enough officers."
This Gang Is Getting Stronger And Stronger Every Day.
In Nine Short Months The Gang Members Have Went From Threatening Police Officers To Actually Attacking Police Officers And Then Going Over To Police Headquarters To Threaten The Officers Some More.
Often When The Greenwich Police Department Responds At Wilbur Peck There Are Seven Or Eight Police Cars And The Swat Van
There Have Been Many Gang related Shootings In Port Chester And Stamford
Will There Have To Be A Gang Related Shooting On Davis Avenue,
Before Police Chief David Ridberg Wakes Up?
Please See Read About Another Gang Incident
Reported In Greenwich Roundup:
Please Also Read How Greenwich Citizens Are Complaining
That Nothing Is Being Done About Gang Activity:
04/21/08 - Reader Submitted Comments: Nightmare On Pemberwick Road
04/21/08 - Reader Submitted Comments: Nightmare On Pemberwick Road
Please Also Read About The
Gang Graffiti Problem In Byram:
01/15/08 - Even More Complaints About How Byram Was Hit Hard With Gang Related Graffiti This Weekend
3 Greenwich officers injured breaking up melee
Hartford Courant
Hartford Courant
GREENWICH, Conn. - Greenwich police say three officers were injured and five men were arrested after members of an unruly crowd tried to attack police as they broke up the disturbance.
The incident early Saturday near the Wilbur Peck Court public housing complex involved at least 50 people at its peak. Police were called to the Greenwich complex early Saturday to disperse about 15 unruly people, but say the crowd quickly grew and some people rushed the police and their vehicles.
Three of the 12 responding officers sustained injuries including cuts, bruises and a possible concussion.
All received medical attention, but none were hospitalized. Five people were charged with inciting to riot and breach of peace, including two who were charged with assault on a police officer.
Police say some people in the group later went to Greenwich police headquarters and continued yelling at officers, but no arrests were made. The incident remained under investigation Sunday.
Stamford Advocate
GREENWICH -- Violence erupted outside the Wilbur Peck Court public housing complex early Saturday morning, as police attempts to quash a late-night gathering descended into mayhem.
When the riot, which at its peak included more than 50 people, had finally been subdued after about an hour, five men were arrested and three police officers were injured.
The Topix Message Boards Are Have Over 50 Comments About
The Story. Currently There Is A Debate Going On With One Person A Hand Full Of Current And Retired Greenwich Police Officers Who Regualrly Hang Out On The Message Boards And Opine On Greenwich.
The Last Comment In The Debate Was From esg:
esg said:
Here are some questions for all of those who rush to believe the police and quickly condemn the teen-agers. Were any of the suspects armed?
Did they brandish weapons towards the police in a threatening manner?
Did the police have previous credibility with the suspects or was there just tension and harassment?
Did the officers actually escalate the tensions rather than lessen the stress?
Do the cops have preconceived prejudice toward minority teens?
After all, remember the lawsuit a few years ago by five black officers and two Hispanic officers, which claimed there was a pattern of racial discrimination against minority members of the Greenwich police force and the public.
The lawsuit said supervising officers have made racist comments on a systematic and continuous basis and have tolerated such conduct and behavior from its officers.
The seven plaintiffs were Officers Terral Hardy, John Rodriguez, Scott Johnson, Carlos Franco, John Woodward, Robert Brown, and Vincent O'Banner.
God bless them for speaking out back then. Why is this unfortuante incident a surprise to anyone?
esg had started the debate with this comment:
esg said:
Maybe the racist comments here would be of interest to the U.S. Justice Department.
I hope they investigate not only this tragic incident but the overall way the Greenwich police relate to blacks and Latinos.
Perhaps many of the comments on this story are from current or former police officers in Greenwich.
Everyone in town knows the cops have one standard for the working class part of town and a different one for Round Hill Road, etc.
It only comes to light when a kid gets zapped by a taser at the high school or an insensitive, poorly trained police contigent can't relate to teen-agers hanging outside of their homes on a weekend night.
BPTPopo responded to esg with:
Let me set you straight.
The original complaint came from neighbors inside Wilbur Peck about drunken idiots screaming and yelling at 2:30am. They were asked nicely the first time to quiet down.
It was the second time that one decided to attack a cop and set the wheels in motion, not the other way around.
But you are right about one thing, it is difficult to relate to severely intoxicated idiots making a nuisance of themselves in the middle of the night.The vast majority of the residents are good people, much easier for a cop from a working class background to deal with.
As for the U.S. Justice Department, this is called free speech.
Retired GPD responded to esg with:
Dear Esg, why don't you research the Justice Dept.'s investigation of The Greenwich Police Dept. that came on the heels of the 4th of July near riot at Armstrong Court in 1994?
Townie responded to esg with:
Try thinking before you spew idiotic statements that have no basis in fact. Sounds like YOU are the one trying to make it a racial incident vs the fact that it was a drunk & disorderly disturbance that escalated into mayhem.
Later Rtired GPD Added:
OK, so maybe some of the comments ARE from former GPD officers (like myself) and current members.How about we wait and see if some of the offenders post a comment or two - that is, after they wake up or make bond.
I'm pretty sure their stories will reflect much of your biases.
It will be interesting to see how Terry Mardula and The Housing Authority handle this.
esg, In post 45 you were given the opportunity to tell us all how you would have handled this incident.We're still waiting. By the way, the lawsuit by the minority Officers has to do with promotions and job assignments. It has nothing to do with the way the public is treated.
Inciting a riot sec 53a-178: the actor advocates, urges or organizes six or more persons to engage in tumultuous and violent conduct of a kind likely to cause public alarm.
You Can Join The Livly Discussion
At Topix By Following This Link:
These Topix Comments Clearly Show That......
Once Again Hearst Newspaper's Has Ignored Many Segments And Voices Of Greenwich Society.
Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has Once Again To Do His Duty To Get Lazy Reporter Merideth Blake To Interview Represenitives Of All Who Were Involved In This Incident.
Lazy Meriduth Blake Only Interviewed Sgt. James Bonney The Head Of The Greenwich Police Union For This Story For This Story About 50 People Supposedly Rioting In Greenwich And Then Angrily Protesting At Police Headquarters.
This Is Clearly A Violation Of Hearst Media Journalistic Standards And It Is Happening On Hearst Newspaper President Stephen Swarts Watch.
Bruce Hunter And Lazy Merideth Blake Need To Learn That There Are At Least Three Sides To Every Story And They Need To Include All Of The Vioces Of Greenwich Society.
In This Case There Is At Least Four Sides, The Meyhem With The Police, Gang Activity In The Area, The Greenwich Police Departments Community Relations And The Minority Police Officer's Lawsuit That Alleges That Discrimination Is Pervasive In The Greenwich Police Department.
Lazy Greenwich Time Reporter Meridith Blake Ignored Everything Except The Meyhem With The Police Department And Then Only Used One Sourse .....
Sgt. James Bonney The Head Of The Greenwich Police Union.
Greenwich Roundup Is Not Saying That Sgt. Bonney Is Not A Good And Dedicated Policeman. No Officer Bonney Lives In And Cares About Greenwich.
In Fact, Greenwich Roundup, Thinks Bonney
Is One Of The Best Police Officers In Greenwich.
Moreover, Bonney Has Proved Himself A Very Able Union Leader Who Taught Former First Selectman Jim Lash And The Previous Police Cheif A Thing Or Two
But This Is Not About How Good An Officer Or Union Leader Jim Bonney Is.
It Is About Hearst Newspaper Reporter Lazy Merideth Blake's Continual Failure To Be Impartial And To Seek Out And Listen To All Members Of Greenwich Society When She Reports In The Town.
This Is Why Greenwich Blogger Bill Clarke Calls The Paper The Yellowich Time.
It Is Time For Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter, To Start Following Hearst Media Journalistic Standards And To Report All The Facts.
Don't Be Like Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe "The Censor" Pisani And Pick And Chose Sides.
Just Tell It Like It Is And Let The Chips Fall Where They May.
At The Very Least Bruce Hunter Should Of Had Lazy Merideth Blacke Mention That Greenwich High School Security Officer Carlos Franco, Former Greenwich Police Department Officer Terral Hardy And Greenwich Police Officers John Rodriguez, Scott Johnson, Carlos, John Woodward, Robert Brown, and Vincent O'Banner Contention That There Was A Pattern Of Racial Discrimination Against Minority Members Of The Greenwich Public.
Even If Lazy Meridith Blake Doesn't Have Any Contacts With The Members Of Greenwich Society That Have To Live On Davis Avenue And In Wilbur Peck Court, She Still Could File A Freedom Of Information Request With Greenwich Housing Authority Honcho Terry Mardula For The Video Of The Incident.
The Multiple Wilbur Peck Survelance Cameras Don't Lie.
They Just Report The Facts And Let The Chips Fall Where They May.
What A Better Way For The New Greenwich Time Publisher Michelle McAbee To Demonstrate The Power Of Hearst Newspaper's New Internet And Video Inititive By Putting The Housing Authority Riot Video On The Front Page Of The Greenwich Time Home Page.
Video Of A Japaness Coral Group Is Sooooooooo Cute.
That Greenwich Time Video Of Those Sweet Little Oriental Angelic Singers Is Just Sooooooooo Charming And Delightful.
But This Type Of Greenwich Time Video Is Not Hard News .....
It's Just Cute Fluff
On February 2nd, Hearst Newspaper President President Steven Swartz promised Greenwich Time Readers A Management Shake-Up And The '100 Days of Change' Initiative Aimed At Challenging Traditional Thinking At The Green Kitty Litter Liner In Order To Retool The Local Daily Publishing Disaster.
On February 2nd, Swartz Boldly Issued A Statement that said, "100 Days of Change' is something that all of our newspapers are invested in. We will not stand idle; we have been working for some time on reinventing our businesses while demonstrating to advertisers and readers the exceptional value that newspapers deliver."
Ten Months Ago Ex-Greenwich Time Managing Editor Jim Zebora Refused To Go After The Survelance Video When The Greenwich Police Department Fired A weapon three Times Inside Greenwich High School.
Isn't it curious that Greenwich High School operates has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on closed circuit television cameras that cover virtually every nook and cranny of the school, both inside and out, and employs the biggest security staff of any school in the state of Connecticut, and also stations an armed police officer there full-time who has made literally scores of arrests the past three years, yet when a 140 pound student gets 50,000 volts three different times the Greenwich Time is too afraid to video which is a public document.
Now Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Refuses To Go After The Wilbur Peck Court Survelance Video Of The Madness And Meyhem That Occurred Between 12 Greenwich Police Officers And 50 Civilians.
Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Only Published An Article That Has Lazy Reporter Meridith Blake Only Interviewing The Greenwich Police Depatment's Union President.
So Far It Looks Like Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Is Delivering "100 Days Of Bull Crap" To Greenwich Time Readers.
Bruce Hunter"s Lack Of Journaistic Judgement Is A Liability To Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz's Plans To Revitalize The Greenwich Time
Mr. Swartz Is Going To Fail Miseralby If He Continues To Allow Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter To Make Daily Decissions That Are Damaging The Credibility Of The Newspaper.
esg and other Greenwich residents are still invoved with two day old debate with current and former Greenwich Police officer who troll the topix message boards around the clock.
In Fact Thing Have Got So Salty And And Racist On The Topix Message Board The Greenwich Time Has Shut Once Again Had To Shut Down A Messageboard That Current And Former Greenwich Police Officers Have Chosen To Dominate.
Go To The Police, residents clash at Wilbur Peck On The Greenwich Time Website And Try And Click On The Dead "POST YOUR COMMENTS" Link
esg wrote:
I thought police officers were not supposed to discuss pending cases. Oops, that's right, Greenwich cops do what they want despite the rules.
BPTPopo replied:
You thought wrong.
Ret-PD added:
Hey BPTPopo - just wanted to let you know I find your posts very interesting.
Good luck with the career.
BPTPopo responed with:
Thanks. I should probably stay off here, but it's like an addiction to answer those who do not know of what they speak.
So many in Greenwich don't know how good they have it. It really is a great city with so many opportunities.
BPTPopo and other Greenwich Police Officers might be wise to monitor thier message activity so that it doesn't reflect poorly on the Greenwich Police Department and the town.
A couple of weeks ago three Harrison police officers have been suspended over racist and sexist comments on their Facebook pages.
The Harrison town attorney Bob Palladino , the Board of Commissioners and Police Chief David Hall had suspended the officers.
The town is still investigating and may eventually fire the officers.
Before the meeting the police chief had placed the three on modified duty.
One detective reportedly made watermelon and fried chicken jokes about President Barack Obama on the social networking site.
The detective and others reportedly ridiculed the Mayor Joan Walsh with sexual comments.
A former police officer who was recently fired and has filed lawsuits against the Police Department was the one who tipped off town Supervisor Joan Walsh that other officers were exchanging sexual jokes about her on their Facebook pages
Steven Heisler, who was fired last month after he was accused of covering up for suspended Officer Ralph Tancredi in a bar scuffle, said he shared some of the documents with Walsh last weekend.
The supervisor consulted lawyers to consider legal action.
Mr. Hessler might have even shared the documents with the Journal News, because the town moved quickly after news paper broke the story.
In less than 24 hours after the story broke on the front pages of the journal news the town scheduled special closed-door sessions and suspend Detectives Rich Light and Frank Massaro, Officer Mike DiLauria and Code Enforcement Officer Ed DiBuono.
Heisler said he first heard about the Facebook exchanges from Tancredi, who learned about them from friends in town.
The Facebook remarks were posted over the past several months by Light, Massaro, DiLauria and others. They include several racist remarks, some about President Barack Obama, and a series of exchanges in which they joke about having raunchy sex with the 74-year-old town supervisor joan Walsh.
Hessler said he felt feel the good cops and good citizens of this town need to have a voice without fear of retaliation.
Hessler said he was someone who has been retaliated against already and felt that he needed to be that voice. Hessler says he is in fear of further reprisals from the department.
Hessler asserted repeatedly the supervisor and taxpayers have the right to know what is being said by police officers on the town payroll.
God Forbid If Recently Retired Greenwich Police Captain Michael Pacewicz Showed Up At The Greenwich Time And Town Hall Offices With Topix Print Outs, Because He Didn't Get That Extra Pension Money He Was Promised.
There is A Lot Of Litigation Swirling Around the Greenwich Police Department Right Now, You Never Know Who Just Might Be Disgruntled
Hearst Newspapers And Topix Administrators Have Had To Repeatedly Lock Out The Acoount Of One Poster In For Inappropriate Messages And Repeated Service Violations
The Banned One Is A Police Officer Groupie Who Follows The Greenwich Officers Around Topix As They Post, But Often The Banned One Makes Town Residents To Think Poorly Of The Officers, The Police Department And The Town
The Banned One Wrote:
This is my third Topix name. I've been banned twice. Originally as Trollinginconnecticut and more recently as Pissingyouoff. I have a unique way of telling people to Go f*** yourself.
The asterisks posted here are Greenwich Roundup's.
This person is having a hard time learning his lesson so he's already on his 3rd username.
Many Others Are Following The Banned Ones Lead And Making Comments That Also Reflect Badly On The Greenwich Police Department And The Town In General ......
Rose Carey-Pierce wrote:
Actually the lawsuit originally had to do also with the public, but that part was somewhat dropped from the suit.
You really can't pull a wad of money out on Greenwich Ave, being black, one day my brother was waiting for an officer to move so that he could park his car, and the officer asked what the f**k was he looking at, my brother said that he is trying to park, so after making more rude remarks the officer moved from blocking the parking space where my brother lived.
A while back, google it if you can, these teens talked to the Greenwich Time about being harrassed by the cops while sitting with their friends on the ave., it was on the front page
I believe, so discrimination in Greenwich is not fantasy or story telling,
I hate to say..but if I have to I will, and loudly.
wilburpeck4lyfe wrote:
nothin to do with race at all. But greenwich cops poke their heads in the wrong places. While tryin to calm down a group at armstrong or the peck, there's a drug deal goin on in coscob or riverside.
Yo i dont know what you're talking about cause my mom worked her ass off to get me and my family a good education. I undertstand you're damn way of working is in a damn office doing your work in a computer. My mom deserved to earn more money then all you stereotype greenwich people cause she busted her ass cleaning your mansions and walking your annoying show dogs and taking care of your spoiled kids. You dont know how we live in the peck, some of the boys arrested are good kids..actually all of them are good kids and good friends. Not like the backstabbers in normal greenwich. We work our asses of in labor. This has nothing to do with race cause there is some white people in wilbur peck who work as hard as hispanics and blacks. try to live at the peck to find out how we are all family before judging that we dont do sh*t.
really wrote;
the peck is a joke. Move it to old greenwich! Let the yuppies deal with the unruly blacks and L.A..
Kim wrote:
It is a shame that more people were not arrested. The police were sent to the housing complex on a reasonable complaint. The complaint then turned into a riot. If the Greenwich Housing Authority doesn't administer additional punishment on these troubled men this will be a long summer for the police and the residents at Wilber Peck Court.
SEN Wrote:
Standards are NO different for the wealthy in Greenwich. Respect the police and people around you and you will be respected. Act like a drunken, arrogant idiot and attack a police officer and you put your life in jeopardy. The police aren't looking to incite violence and possibly be injured or killed themselves.
As for this being gang related, inside sources say it WAS gang related.
Unfortunately, there have been MANY wake up calls for these repeat offenders that have prior arrests.
pat wrote:
"We probably could have arrested another 15 people, but we just didn't have enough officers," he said.
Does anyone else thinks that's a lame excuse coming from law enforcement?
Let's not "serve and protect" the community because we don't feel like calling in reinforcements on a Saturday night to handle a riot.
In The Know responded to Pat With :
Hey Jack Butt, where are they going to get the reinforcements from?
Most of the Greenwich Cops live an hour away, because they can't afford to live anywhere around here on the salary the get paid.
Besides, GPD drastically cut the Overtime ... do you think they are going to come in for FREE?
There just isn't enough guys out there on each shift.
Maybe this will wake up the GPD Admin.
Honestly this is NOBODYS business what people at wilbur peck do. F*** the police and what other rich mother f***** think, This is RIDICULOUS half of what is written about that night is FALSE and exagurated like no other.
Gweneviere reponded to PIGS GOT BACON with:
LOL, and we subsidize this guys housing too I bet. I think it is my Business when I'm footing the bill!! or is that your roll in life? a drain on society?
solo wrote:
Greenwich police are Bulls**t, Racist, who have too much time.
Your shot! you can attest to nothing...Im from wilbur peck, been working since I was 14...My crew came up in the 80,s 90,s and we are all sucessful..you have no facts, or Idea what you are spewing...so fall back.
jim wrote:
wilbur peck is a not a good place to live and i would know i lived there for 25 years they got rats and roaches crawling all over the place it really unsanitary. There is a small amount of kids causing trouble but thats like in every neigborhood and the greenwich police like harrassing everybody because of it especially if your a minority thats right i said it and you know its true. Somehow i think greenwich police didn't handle the situation very good because come on the greenwich police haven't done anything right ever. I very surprised they said they didn't have enough cops cause everytime something happens over there or anywhere in greenwich they send like 15 cop cars plus backup swat.
Taxpayer wrote:
Evict them all.
Then send them to sensitivity training to understand the crap that police put up with every day.
God forbid one of these losers got a scratch, then we would have protests against police brutality.
All residents of public housing should have to go to classes explaining how lucky they are to have a place to live.
If they don't like it, get out!
Ret-PD wrote:
Many interesting comments, but sadly, not one wishing the injured officers well, so here it is:
God Bless You and I hope any injuries are minor and easily healed.
Let us pray for the injured officers and let us also pray the Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg wakes up to drug, gang and community relations problen that is going from bad to worse on his watch
We Will Leave The Last Word To:
The Banned One AKA Trolling in Connecticut and Pissingyouoff
Greenwich Roundup Must Admit That He Has Enjoyed This Posters Comments Over The Years ...... Just Don't Tell Anyone I Said That
The Banned One said:
Color doesn't matter. A drunken a hole is a drunken a hole.
More Meyhem In The Streets
America's Next Top Model Brawl in New York City
========================================================== Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.
All across America there is a thin blue line that protects America from anarchy ........ and then there is Greenwich Poice Chief David Ridberg's mismanagement of the towns highly paid and well trained police department that is not allowed to go after drugs and gangs in Western and Central Greenwich.
Greenwich has patrolmen who used to be supervisiors in New York City, but came to Greenwich for the higher pay and benifits provided to patrolmen in Greenwich.
These new officers have a proven skill set of supressing drug activity on some of the meanest streets of of New York, bur Ridberg fails to deploy these assets in the Davis Avenue, Pemberwich Road and Byram areas.