Wallerstein Was Lying To The RTM All Night Long
Was It Extortion?
Monday Night Sue Wallerstein And Her School Pals Threaten The Representative Town Meeting With IF You Don't Give Us The Money It Will Be The RTM's Fault If Hamilton Avenue School Doesn't Open On Time
"I do think the administration needs to have a Plan B in place. We're in a tough position," school board member Leslie Moriarty said. "Our responsibility, and I know we all agree on that, is to make sure we can educate the kids throughout the year. We're going to need some physical hard evidence that the Hamilton Avenue building is actually going to be ready"
"We're not going to be in a situation where we're two facilities down," school board member Michael Bodson said. "We're not going to get into a situation where we have uncertainty on both and then pull the trigger.
The Story:
District to ready 'Plan B'
In one possible scenario, Hamilton Avenue School may open late while in another one, Glenville School is the one with the delay...
...Hamilton Avenue School students and staff, who had been housed for three years in a modular school building, are expecting to return to their newly renovated building in Chickahominy. That project has experienced multiple delays over the years, and now, is close to completion. But the town's building inspectors have not yet signed off on the project, which leaves the project hanging in the balance....
...If there are short-term delays at either the Hamilton Avenue or Glenville School projects, officials said they may consider delaying the start of school year for those students. Another option would be to scatter students to other schools across the district.
Board members said that while delays at one school would be bad, they wanted to avoid having it impact both schools....
Enough Is Enough
t is time for all Ham Ave and Glenville parents to once again attend the next Board Of Education meeting and let it be known that this is not acceptable and Failed - High - Paid - Administrators Like Sue Wallerstein Need To Go!!!!!!!!!!
Is anyone really surprised by Leslie Moriarty, Michael Bodson and the rest of this dysfunctional school board delivering another delay.
This is the same dysfunctional school board that insisted putting Hamilton Avenue Building Committee Failures on the new 25 Million Greenwich High School Building Committee.
The single family home - owners are getting sick and tired of paying for this insane BOE roller-coaster ride to hell.
The worse part is that Leslie Moriarty, Michael Bodson and the rest of this dysfunctional school board knew all along that Hamilton Avenue School was not going to be ready.
Leslie Moriarty, Michael Bodson and the rest of this dysfunctional school board doesn't give a damn that their continuous lies will cause parents and their children will have a stressful summer not knowing for sure where our kids will be in the fall.
Yesterday, Glenville And Hamilton Avenue parents learned that the modulars still have high levels of mold.
Now, today the parents have to hear their children once again don't know where their little children are going to school.
How much sadistic can this disfuntional school board be to the parents of Greenwich ?????
If Ham Ave. is not be ready in late August, then Leslie Moriarty, Michael Bodson and the rest of this dysfunctional school board should resign.
Delaying the start of the new school year for the Ham Ave. and Glenville is not be acceptable. These small innocent children have been punished enough!!!!
Who in their right mind believes that the BOE "just recently" decided that the Ham Ave School "might not" be done on time.
These heartless jokers knew this back in March when they closed the modulars.
Betty Sternberg tried to cancel a tour of Hamilton Avenue School last weekend,
But parents and community members spoke up and demanded a tour.
It was apparent to almost everyone on the tour, including those without construction expertise, that this building would not be ready for the start of school.
But the newspapers in town ignored the concerns of these parents and community members.
The BOE only came forward, after they shook down the RTM for over One Million extra tax dollars.
Please see:
06/05/08 Are Hamilton Avenue School Parents Getting Screwed By The Greenwich Board Of Education
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