To the Editor,
An article by Joe Pisani giving himself credit for comes down to a lot of nothing? What an insult to our intelligence. He sat on more disturbing facts and did the most dishonest newspaper's editing I have ever witnessed. As a person, he is a shallow shell of a man.
HUMILITY? Joe doesn't have an ounce in his bones. He is the most seff-absorbed person I have ever met. His columns often offered insight in to the dysfunctional Pisani household, where if I was a member, I would have been embarassed to have the same last name.
It was always someone elses fault, never Joe's. His woman friends would cry "poor Joe." He was a PLAYER. He surrounded himself with single women at the Advocate because they felt he "understood." Understood what? That he considered himself the greatest man on earth....he could please them, he would tell them all men (but him) were worthless dogs? And these dumb bimbos believed him. Joe's married? Is that how married men act? No way.
Of course Dan Malloy loved him. Joe never reported how his son was making racial death threats on a fellow student at Stamford High last year....and the girl was afraid to go to school for months.
Of course the people with the most to hide loved him, because he never printed the news, as it was. He either ignored it, or left it on page 9, in print so small it went unnoticed. He zeroed in on stupid isses, like Fr. Jude Fay and relentlessly played headlines with that storty until it finally effected the judge in not sending the priest to jail. That parish has still not seen justice or a dime from the money that priest stole.
His microscoping of some insignificant news and not others like the Moxly murder show a very personal lack of editorial leadership.
If he were to apply for an editoral job now, he wouldn't make it to the door. His reputation has been FAIRLY reduced to sewage. The party is probably because people feel sorry for the guy.. he's such a loser....and it is the Greenwich Roundup who is just bringing his 30 years of a job poorly done to light. Yeah, everyone, the Joe you didn't know.
Oh Suzy C was at this PARTY? She reported it in her star sightings? Slow day in Greenwich, Suzy? Tell me, how do you lower yourself to be Joe Pisani's barnacle band leader and still look in the mirrow.? Can't you find a nice single guy at all the bars you drink at?
The word for Joe Pisani is IMMORAL, not humble. Notice the priest from St John's, where he supposedly went to daily Mass didn't attend. That priest knows....that this was hardly a person to give tribute to.
Sick of the SOS with Pisani
An article by Joe Pisani giving himself credit for comes down to a lot of nothing? What an insult to our intelligence. He sat on more disturbing facts and did the most dishonest newspaper's editing I have ever witnessed. As a person, he is a shallow shell of a man.
HUMILITY? Joe doesn't have an ounce in his bones. He is the most seff-absorbed person I have ever met. His columns often offered insight in to the dysfunctional Pisani household, where if I was a member, I would have been embarassed to have the same last name.
It was always someone elses fault, never Joe's. His woman friends would cry "poor Joe." He was a PLAYER. He surrounded himself with single women at the Advocate because they felt he "understood." Understood what? That he considered himself the greatest man on earth....he could please them, he would tell them all men (but him) were worthless dogs? And these dumb bimbos believed him. Joe's married? Is that how married men act? No way.
Of course Dan Malloy loved him. Joe never reported how his son was making racial death threats on a fellow student at Stamford High last year....and the girl was afraid to go to school for months.
Of course the people with the most to hide loved him, because he never printed the news, as it was. He either ignored it, or left it on page 9, in print so small it went unnoticed. He zeroed in on stupid isses, like Fr. Jude Fay and relentlessly played headlines with that storty until it finally effected the judge in not sending the priest to jail. That parish has still not seen justice or a dime from the money that priest stole.
His microscoping of some insignificant news and not others like the Moxly murder show a very personal lack of editorial leadership.
If he were to apply for an editoral job now, he wouldn't make it to the door. His reputation has been FAIRLY reduced to sewage. The party is probably because people feel sorry for the guy.. he's such a loser....and it is the Greenwich Roundup who is just bringing his 30 years of a job poorly done to light. Yeah, everyone, the Joe you didn't know.
Oh Suzy C was at this PARTY? She reported it in her star sightings? Slow day in Greenwich, Suzy? Tell me, how do you lower yourself to be Joe Pisani's barnacle band leader and still look in the mirrow.? Can't you find a nice single guy at all the bars you drink at?
The word for Joe Pisani is IMMORAL, not humble. Notice the priest from St John's, where he supposedly went to daily Mass didn't attend. That priest knows....that this was hardly a person to give tribute to.
Sick of the SOS with Pisani