There Is Going To Be A Spiritual Revival In Greenwich
None Of The Mainstream Media Knows About This
And It Will Probably Happen Right Under Their Nose
... up behind me so that no one else can follow," says Roker. Along with this unusual request, Lauer, who grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut -- his dad was a bicycle company executive - ' says he is seeking more spiritual guests for the show these days. “People who have something meaningful to say,” he says. “My dad was Jewish. My mom is not. So I was not raised anything. I do feel a desire now to find something spiritual. Getting married and wanting to have kids has something to do with that. I’d love to see us book someone like...
I was at a church service this evening where pastors from all over Fairfield county came to Harvest Time Church for a special service. All of the pastors were repeatedly saying that there was going to be a religious revival right here in this area.
One pastor from Westport spoke about how his brother who a Hedge Fund manager called him up and said,"Last Wednesday, I was never more scared than any other time in my life."
Some pastors spoke about how the near financial collapse in this country had awakened many to what was important in their lives.
These pastors were not talking about a temporary awakening like 9/11 where we all feel to our knees on that day and started caring about one another for a few short months.
They were talking about a great awakening that is about to start right here in this area. Apparently there have been previous Great Awakening in the past and persons born in Connecticut have repeated been at the center of these events.
There have been four generally accepted Great Awakenings in U.S. history:
It was reported that one pastor saw a vision of a bellows that was in the shape of the state of Connecticut and the mouth of the bellows was that little slither of land where Greenwich juts into New York.
I know what many of you are thinking.
"This sounds freaking crazy."
But I have to tell you six months to a year ago I would have agreed with you. I have spent virtually my entire life making fun of spiritual or supernatural things.
But I have been changing my mind the last few months.
I have started to seek out spiritual things.
But when I pray for something or look to become more spiritual I start to have doubts that keep me from diving in head first.
I hold back.
And I think there are a lot of other good people in Greenwich who like me want this deep spiritual experience, but the hold back.
I am not trying to preach to you, but I think these Pastors are right that there is going to be an overdue spiritual awakening in this area.
As I have mentioned many times I started attending this Harvest Time Church on King Street in Greenwich.
It was sort of like opposites attracted each other.
Where I could at times be mean, they were always gentle and loving.
Where I sometimes could be rude they were always polite and hospitable.
Where I could at times be cruel they were always kind and understanding.
Where I enjoy striking out at persons I take offence with, they reach out and pray for those they find offensive.
In fact, I am one the least worthy or possibly the worse person in that congregation, but I want to tell you about what I have seen there and to report about the changes that are coming to Greenwich.
Years ago, I had been invited a few times to go to Harvest Time Church when they did not even have a church. They were meeting at the Western Greenwich Civic Center back then.
Each and every time I declined to attend the church.
Then about 16 months ago my wife was hired by the church to make flower arrangements for the church. There is an English and Spanish Congregation at the church and the women of both congregations were going to have a joint Mother's day dinner.
I helped my wife deliver the flowers and the ladies invited her to join them for the dinner. I also was invited to eat but I didn't want to sit with a bunch of ladies having a church dinner so I wandered around the church while my wife ate.
Later I found out that my Korean wife who was Buddhist had decided to convert to Christianity while listening to the Hispanic preacher lady. I told my wife that she was crazy and delusional.
However, my wife decided that she was going to attend this church as much as possible. I went along to try and discourage her as much as possible.
When this Pastor Glen was preaching I would make smart comments in her ear. If he was reading something from Genesis, I would say something like "Who is this guy to read from the Torah, you never hear a Rabbi reading from the book of Revelation."
When she ignored my repeated smart remarks, I decided to confront this Pastor Glen. I told him that she was changing so many things in the way my house was run and I did not like it."
Pastor Glen,"Told me not to be mad at him, that he was just the messenger."
My wife wanted to do everything in this church. If they were having a class she wanted to attend. If they were getting baptised she wanted her head put under water.
Worse yet, when she was being baptised the Pastor told her that he knew she had a great love for Jesus and that he knew that she was going to lead her whole family to Christ.
I sat in the pews thinking why is this Pastor encouraging her in this way.
When my wife found out that there was going to a meeting where she could be come a corporate member of the Church I went along. I think I was the only non-christian to ever go to this meeting. But I insisted on going so that I could try and prevent her from joining.
As I read through the paperwork, I thought I had found a reason to disqualify her from being a corporate member of the church, but the church secretary told me I was misinterpreting the paperwork.
Since my wife was Korean, I helped her complete her application to be a member, but I made a smart remark on one of the questions.
This made some church members chuckle, but infuriated my wife who is a very serious person who likes all of her paperwork to be in perfect order.
My wife told me that I could make smart remarks on any church papers that had my name on it, but she was not going to tolerate and more smart remarks with church papers that had her name on it.
This was going on for four or five months and the church was actually growing more and more each Sunday. In fact the Church decided to add an additional service and passed out cards asking if members would volunteer to help in the new service.
Even though I was not a member I told my wife that I was going to volunteer to do coffee service so I could drink coffee while she was sitting in church. I really wasn't volunteering. I just wanted my wife to think that her going to church was boring me to tears.
But actually, I was kind of starting to enjoy the short upbeat sermons that the Pastor was delivering.
Well anyway, the church called up and I was going to be the coffee guy. And I really started to enjoy this job. I was meeting and talking with so many people while I was serving coffee.
Eventually the church made a special place for this coffee service. They got a banner to hang near the coffee bar and there was even a flat screen TV where people could have coffee and watch the service.
I laughed and talked and joked with just about everyone in that church as I served coffee, but every now and then the subject of religion would come up, which would make me unhappy.
One boy named Nate who was helping with coffee asked me how long I had been a Christian. I told him I was not a Christian. I told him I was A Jew, but a very secular Jew. So this boy tells me there is a "new" covenant with God.
I then decided to demonstrate to this young teen, that I lack in many social graces, and told him that I did not need a "new" covenant with God. I was not even keeping the original Covenant with God. Now if I had two covenants I would two broken deals with God.
Later my wife was praying for something and some church members came and wanted to take over the coffee service and suggested that I should go pray with her. So I went to where she was and she was crying and I was thinking this was too much.
But these church members would not stop praying and I have to admit I was amazed at how hard they prayed for my wife. Well when the prayer was over we left the church and the thing she prayed for immediately happened.
When I went back to church everyone was saying wasn't that awesome, wasn't that amazing, wasn't that a miracle, etc.,etc.
I told everyone haven't you people ever heard of a coincidence. They happen all the time.
The people in the church said I was A doubting Thomas.
Well things went on like this for many more months. I listened to the sermons on TV as I served coffee
And about three months ago I was serving coffee when they came to shut down the coffee service down in order to set up a dinner for all of the new members that had joined that month.
So I went upstairs and sat with my wife and listened to the sermon and I don't know what happened but as I listened I had this intense desire to accept Jesus Christ as my saviour and went up to the alter.
As I did this I was not aware of much going on around me, but I was later told that three Jewish converts in the Church had came up and prayed behind me.
I have to tell you that while I am now a Christian, I am not a good Christian. I am actually a lazy Christian. When I had a chance to get Baptised I did not go.
I did become a corporate member of the Church.
My wife complained that I don't read the Bible or pray every day, so I started going to the early morning men's prayer group.
This group has amazed me. Time and time again I have seen various prayers answered and I mean answered at a statistical rate that in my mind says that these answered prayers are not mere coincidences.
I can't tell you the details about these answered prayers, because we have all agreed that what is lifted up in the prayer room stays in the prayer room. Most of the prayers are of a very personal nature.
I was really thinking that this small men's prayer group was pretty cool, until the Saturday before last I came to the 6 am Men's prayer and I saw the Hispanic Church having there weekly prayer meeting early morning prayer meeting in the sanctuary.
It is on a whole other level.
The lights are off and they are praying like I have never seen any group pray in my life. There are children, men and women praying with such a fever. I walked through the sanctuary and just watched them pray.
And I know just enough Spanish to understand some of the prayers. They are praying for National and local leaders and even the families of these leaders. They are praying for peace in the world and for members of their congregation.
They are even praying for the English Congregation at Harvest Time Church. It is just an amazing thing to see.
If you don't believe me just stop in next Saturday Morning and take a look. I can guarantee you that you have never seen nothing like this.
I have way too many doubts and I am way too weak spiritually to pray like the prayer warriors in this weekly Hispanic prayer meeting.
But I can tell you that I do think that Greenwich is ripe and over due for a spiritual awakening and I do not have any doubts whatsoever that it is going to happen very very soon.
And you heard it here first at Greenwich Roundup.