"I can't play with the other kids at the YMCA, becuase of Planning and Zoning Chairman Donald Heller"
By Colleen Flaherty
Staff Writer
Article Launched: 11/15/2008 02:34:32 AM EST
Article Launched: 11/15/2008 02:34:32 AM EST
Despite impassioned words from two disabled Greenwich residents, the Planning and Zoning Commission has unanimously approved an extension for the Greenwich Family YMCA's construction and interim site plans.
"It'll be two years since the time (everyone else) can get into the building to when the first person with a wheelchair can," visually impaired resident Alan Gunzberg told the commission at its meeting Thursday, saying that the planned lack of elevator access and handicap-accessible ramps until June 2009 prohibited the disabled from enjoying the YMCA.
The YMCA has been mired in controversy since a handicapped member came forward in September, speaking out against the lack of handicapped access during ongoing construction since 2004, particularly to the pool.....
..... Carol Kana have wondered publicly whether that is true.
"The people in this town have been the silent minority," said Kana, a wheelchair-user who described herself as physically handicapped.
"The people in this town have been the silent minority," said Kana, a wheelchair-user who described herself as physically handicapped.
In the end, however, the commission was swayed by lawyer John Tesei, who, in representing the YMCA.....
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