The First Thing Joe Pisani Does When He Lands A Greenwich Newspaper Job Is Hire Ammeter Newspaper Gossip Hound Wanna Be Susie To Hangout At The Bars Of Fancy Restaurants To See What Celebrity Ordered Over Priced Spaghetti
Just As Joe Pisani Has Susie Hounding Famous Greenwich Families
Greenwich Roundup's Citizen Journalists Are Watching Every Move And Every Breath Pisani Makes.
The Puppet Master Of The Greenwich Gossip Hound Is Now The Subject Of Idle Gossip.
Corrupt Publishers for Pisani says:
Pisani's a "pouter" I'm planning on plagiarizing the "Where's Waldo" picture book and calling it "Let's Hunt for Joe's Pout" Waldo even looks a little like Pisani....what a small world made even smaller.
Wisdom says:
I have read Sarah Littman and I think she is smart to stay away from the rest of the wannabe writers and whiners.
She has talent and isn't afraid to step out on her own. I almost wish John McClain chose her as his running mate, based strictly on her writing. How will I vote republican after Thurs evenings debate? I'm almost afraid to watch.....maybe Sarah Palin could switch places w/ Sarah Littman. Then Pisani would "encourage" Palin on-board b/c the story would be sensational and he could admit HE REALLY SAID THAT. And we could read how Joe saved Palin from mass destruction in the nationally focused election.
ida says:
Oh Joe, you are our HERO. Let's rename Greenwich Ave after you.
Manny says:
Yes, I thought the term "brown nosing" was generous. I'd like to say Pisani's entire head.
Joe Pisani's quoting Cicero and talking about the values of friendship caught my eye. Joe doesn't know what a real friendship involves. Bernie Yudain was a class act, for sure. Sorry Pisani, all the two of you share is your love for bow ties and he can wear one w/out looking like a silly little man-boy.
I don't have time for this though it makes me laugh.
Hardly Surprised says:
I saw this article. and thought is was OK..
Sure it was overdone and notably more nauseatingly kiss ass than usual, until Pisani introduced his protege-5th daughter-former english student- blah blah blah A-HEM blah send my comments to Susie Who?
Susie looks as haggardly as Pisani looks.
Get them out of New Canaan, Darien, Ridgefield, Fairfield, and where ever else they show up.
TRUTH says:
Doesn't Pisani commute to NYC?
Can't he dig up some real news down there?
Oh yes, he can use the same shovel he uses in his itsy bitsy PR firm run by a gentleman who also quotes Cicero, though not in Latin, who inherited big bucks for sitting on his derriere (French dictionary Joe). Joe loves following a money trail, doesn't he.
Old Days says:
Hey wait, is this Pisani-like behavior or is there something odd here? There's gotta be something in it for Joe or he ignores it. We all know that.
A friend of Paul Newman says:
I will personally pay $$$$$$$$ Hershan Acorn to take them all back and give us a break.
Thank you.
A friend of Paul Newman
(and don't even think about scooping up funeral arrangement info and putting it "OUT THERE"..... SUSIE C.)
Linda says:
What makes you think we are bored in New Canaan?
Most of us are busy trying to lose Christopher Shays because he is rather "Dan Qualish" and most of us are focused on what really matters.
Joe's dysfunctional life should stay private. We have our own spouses and kids driving us crazy that we really love. Do we need to read about his dungeon of drama?
And do we need to give Susie Cupie doll mini writing workshop or will Papa Pasini tutor her again?
For free?
What a big surprise.
Me next Mr. Pisani!!!!
Comment From Greenwich Roundup To Linda:
We sincerely apologize for saying everyone in New Canaan must be so bored that will enjoy reading Susie's column.
We should have realized that intelligent New Canaan residents would dislike her column as much as Greenwich news readers.
Please see previous reader posts about Joe Pisani: