When I Pushed The Publish Button
For The "Coven Of Blackguard Bloggers" Post
My Laptop Died.
I Did Not Even Get A Blue Screen Of Death. I Got A Totally Black Screen.
The Light For My Hard Drive Shows It Is Working But The Monitor Is Dead.
I hooked the laptop up to an external monitor, but I it received no video signal from my laptop.
I am freaking out and blaming everything and everyone I know including Satan himself.
I will elaborate much more on this at a later time.
In the meantime, I am trying to get back on the Internet, as soon as, possible.
I tried taking my laptop around to knowledgeable friends of mine at Harvest Time church today, but no one was able to cure the blacked out laptop screen.
I am actually borrowing someones laptop to make this post now.
I have a desk top computer in my home office that is mostly used for word processing and is not hooked to the Internet.
So I have to run about 35 feet of wire from the cable modem to the computer, then I have to go through the nightmare of turning of the modem and routers over and over until the modem connects to the desktop.
Then I have to put about a thousand patches and updates on the desktop computer that does not even have service pack one.
Next I get to install firewalls and virus protection.
I hope to be back up and running by Monday evening.
I apologize for the inconvenience to my readers and will fully post what happened later.
Greenwich Roundup
Update Chris Fountain
From For What It's Worth
Writes In
Brian - upon mature reflection, I've decided that the proper name for our new group should be the "Greenwich Coven of Blackguard Bloggers" - sounds like a real conspiracy then. I smell articles of incorporation! By laws! Well, perhaps tee shirts and small tattoos in discrete locations. Anyway, let's go for it.
Chris Fountain
Dear Chris,
Would it be possible to choose a slightly different name.
I only have a limited amount of computer equipment and I am just not in the mood to tempt the dark side of this world.
Would it be possible to have a more positive tittle.
Instead of Coven could we like the Fraternal or Benevolent Order of Greenwich Bloggers.
Or could we be like the protective guild of bloggers.
Plus I am not so keen on this blackguard blogger title.
It sounded cool until I got the black screen of death on my lap top.
Maybe we could be loyal bloggers or something like that.
Or better yet maybe we could make a central website and call it something like "Eye On Greenwich" or "Focus On Greenwich" and have all the local blogs linked there. Maybe each blog could have it's own web page that had an RSS feed of the latest blog posts from that blogger?
What Do you think about this idea Chris.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
and please don't nominate me to be in the "Coven Of Blackguard Bloggers".
My HP Laptop, which I had nickednamed "Honey Pot" is now a door stop.