Or if a group of Greenwich School children went to see the statue of Liberty, but they were not allowed on the ferry, because they were not accompanied by a new work city resident.
All Public Parks Belong To All The Public.
That's why they are called public parks.
You don't hear taxpayers in Nebraska complaining about their tax dollars being spent on having the Coast Guard being first responders to Greenwich Ferries and Islands.
Editor of the Greenwich Time:
Another break for nonresidents
To the editor:
Greenwich, we did it again, Thank you, former First Selectman Jim Lash, for opening our beach islands to anyone, without any real input ("Islands open to everyone," Greenwich Time, June 15). Those of us who live here and pay taxes to maintain the islands gladly would have outsiders share for the same ferry ticket price we pay, and yes, let them take all our parking spaces, as Sam Romeo said.
As I said before to all taxpaying residents: Maybe we should all move out, and that way we can come back and enjoy all the amenities Greenwich has to offer for free.
Dodi Fallanca McCollem
The writer is a Representative Town Meeting member from 12 District.
Unfortunately, Dodi Is Fanning The Flames Of Intolerance In Greenwich
Go on to the Greenwich Time Message Board and many of the comments are beyond parody and beneath contempt.
How long do you think Greenwich can thumb thier nose at decent America before there is some type of consequences?
In n 2001 we were told you had to open the beach on reasonable terms, but instead of complying, our spineless politicians spent outrageous tax dollars catering to hateful windbags.
First Selectman Peter Teasi, should be commended for having the guts to tell residents the truth. Unfortunately, Jim Lash choose tax dollars while pandering to intolerant windbags who put hateful comments on newspaper message boards.
What are these uncivilized and intolerant windbags going to want their politicians to do next?
Maybe they will want the town attorney to argue that Greenwich owns all of the air space over the Town of Greenwich and no air planes will be able to fly over
Maybe, the uncivilized and intolerant wind bags then you can get a pandering politician like Dodi Fallanca McCollem to say that Greenwich owns the all the air in Greenwich and non-residents wont be able to breathe in town.
Maybe, Dodi McCollem can get the town to rope of the beaches, there could be a non-resident and resident sections of the beach.
We are sure that Town Attorney John Wayne Fox will get one of his sleaze bag consulting lawyer buddies to charge the town hundreds of thousands of dollars to argue that seperating the beaches is perfectly legal.
We can hear Mr. Fox now telling the newspapers how things at the beach are going to be seperate but equal.
Maybe, Dodi McCollem and John Wayne Fox should organize a KKK rally right on the beach to make their point about non-residents using the beach.
At Times, Greenwich can be become so intolerant, unwelcoming, classist, and, yes, racist?
Some of the comments on the Greenwich Time message board are showing us that a form of quiet racism and bigotry raising its ugly head in Greenwich.
Comments like this are uncalled for....
- i hope u speak spanish says...."get ready for boom boxes playing mexican songs loud, families of 25 setting up shop for the whole day on the grills and not a word of english being heard. Welcome to Greenwich".
- Sugarmags says....." I just hope it stays clean and safe like it's always been."
What, is Sugarmags afraid of being mugged as she gets off the ferry?
Will women be raped and killed right in front of their families by criminal non-resident gangs who don't speak English?
No wonder Greenwich is once again the laughing stock of the nation as AP wire features the town's foolishness.
The taxpayers of Greenwich should stop wasting their time fighting over "cupcakes and beaches".
The single family home-owners of Greenwich need to start fighting to stop the town politicians from wasting their tax dollars on the many useless, bottomless, money pits that they pursue or support.(endless studies, excessive employee waste, useless lawsuits, bloated consultants, etc, etc, etc).
More Letters To The Greenwich Time Editor
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