Town Of Greenwich Is Going To Put An End To The Senior Citizen Beach Card Counterfeiting Gangs.
Park's Department Head Joseph Siciliano has another dumb idea.
Joesph Siciliano is going to put holograms on senior citizen passes this year in order to stop the beach pass counterfeiters in Town.
Who the heck is going to make fake senior citizen beach passes?
Duh, Would Someone Please Tell Joseph Sicilano The Town Of Greenwich gives out senior citizen beach for
FREE !!!
Why isn't Joseph Siciliano smart enough to put the holograms on this years beach card, which costs $27 per person?
Better yet why isn't Joseph Siciliano smart enough to get holograms on parking stickers that cost $100 each?
Why isn't Joseph Sicilano smart enough to protect the taxpayers by calling one of the hundreds of firms that quickly deliver holograms?
Affordable Holograms USA
Hologram labels, stickers, ID card
products with same day service.
It's easy to get 1,000 holigrams for less than $200.
Here Is A Good Example Of
Incompetent-High-Paid Greenwich Town Administrators Pretending To Be At Work....
Currently, beach cards have the town seal printed on them as well as a bar code, though the town does not plan to scan the bar codes until next year.
Why isn't Joseph Siciliano smart enough to realize that Hand-held bar code scanners are cheap !!!!
3800G Barcode Scanners
New 3800G Replaces 3800LR-12
Readers $138.61
The Park pass bar codes are going to be in sequential order.
It is very easy to program a barcode scanner to accept pass numbers 00001 - 19145 and to reject all of the other numbers.
When is the Greenwich News Media Outlets Going To Start Asking Objective Questions That Deliver Hard Hitting Journalism That Protects The Single Family Home Owners And Taxpayers Of Greenwich?
Please read this Greenwich Time article and tell me if you see one quote from a Greenwich citizen or an opposing politician that thinks the public trust has been violated and that tax dollars are being mismanaged.
Beach cards to get holograms
To outsmart would-be counterfeiters, the town is introducing holograms on beach cards issued to senior citizens this year.
Next year, the town will put the holograms, which feature the town seal, on all beach cards. Currently, cards have the town seal printed on them as well as a bar code, though the town does not plan to scan the bar codes until next year. Beachgoers who try to enter Greenwich Point or Byram parks with counterfeit cards will also be in for a rude awakening next year.
"The town is embarking on a program where we'll be scanning all beach cards instead of a visual check," said Tom Greco, manager of business services operations for the parks department.
The town's introduction of added security layers to its beach cards comes as the police investigate an alleged counterfeiting caper involving the highly coveted passes, municipal parking stickers and marina permits.
Right now, much of what investigators have to go on in the case is a binder received in February from an anonymous tipster containing copies of the fake materials. It also identified the person allegedly running the operation, who police have said is a suspect and would not identify.
The alleged suspect in the case also has declined, through his attorney, to be interviewed by police, police have said.
Park officials said they were planning the measures before the scheme came to light.
Here's how it works In Greenwich:
High paid Government Officials make bad decisions that lead to very expensive failures.
The single family home owners are forced to pay for the expensive screw ups .
The Town of Greenwich spins those failed decisions, and the Greenwich press only types what failed Town Administrators spew out.
Then the reporters just put the town spew through a spell check and go home to listen to the World's Greatest Communication Hoax (WGCH) read the "spin clips" in the morning.
There is no accountability in Greenwich, because Greenwich reporters don't have the journalistic balls to ask Town Administrators hard hitting questions that expose the truth.
Greenwich reporters are afraid to do a simple Google search on the cost and ease of applying holograms on beach passes, because they would have to go back and ask some Town Administrators some real hard hitting questions.
It is much easier to run a Town Press Release through the spell check and then go home.
Weak Reporting Can Be Outsourced To India
Indians speak English and can run press releases through a spell check.
An Indian Reporter can make a free skype call to get a quote from the First Selectman, School Superintendent or any other public official listed on the Town Web Site.
Photo's can be emailed to India.
Technology Marches On....
Weak local news reporting
can and has beeen
outsourced to India
Your city's news - from India
The job posting was a head-scratcher:
"We seek a newspaper journalist based in India to report on the city government and political scene of Pasadena, California, USA."
Outsourcing first claimed manufacturing jobs, then hit services such as technical support, airline reservations and tax preparation. Now comes the next frontier: local journalism. ...
Read The Full Story:
A news site hires two to cover Pasadena from afar. That helps a shoestring budget go further.
By Alex Pham
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
May 11, 2007
When is local journalism not really local? When it's about Pasadena and written by someone in India. James Macpherson, editor and publisher of the Pasadena Now website, hired two reporters last weekend to cover the Pasadena City Council.
One lives in Mumbai and will be paid $12,000 a year. The other will work in Bangalore for $7,200. The council broadcasts its meetings on the Web. From nearly 9,000 miles away, the outsourced journalists plan to watch, then write their stories while their boss sleeps India is 12.5 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time. "A lot of the routine stuff we do can be done by really talented people in another time zone at much lower wages," said Macpherson, 51, who used to run a clothing business with manufacturing help from Vietnam and India.
So, on the Indian version of Craigslist, he posted an ad that said in part, "We do not believe that geographic distance between California and India will present unsurmountable problems, and that working together with you will result in your development of a keen working knowledge of this city's affairs." Dozens replied. One of the two chosen had attended the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Rob Gunnison, the director of school affairs there, is dismayed. "It just seems so fundamental to journalism to be there," Gunnison said. "I still can't quite believe it's not a hoax."
It's not. Macpherson plans to run his first batch of outsourced stories Tuesday. The Pasadena native runs the website, which he said gets 45,000 visitors a month, on a shoestring budget from his condo with help from his wife, a data entry worker and two interns. Macpherson plans to hire half a dozen more Indian reporters. He'll add some local flavor by doing interviews, then e-mailing the recordings to India. "When you instant-message someone in Mumbai, it's like looking over her shoulder," he said.
Ann Erdman, spokeswoman for the city of Pasadena, thinks the approach is a little odd. But "as long as they get their facts correct, I'm a happy camper," she said.
If Greenwich Time Editor And Chief Joe Pisani Is Not Careful
He And His Crew May Find Themselve's On
The Unemployment Line While There Jobs Are Outsourced.
Please read more:
02/18/08 - The Parks Department Has Another Beach Pass Scandal. Will The Police Be Called? Will the person reponsible be punished?
02/19/08 - Coverup? - Why Isn't This Felony Being Investigated By The Police Department?
02/20/08 - Is The Coverup Comming To An End? - Police Commisioner Tesei Lights A Fire Under Police Chief Ridberg's Rear End.
02/21/08 - Stop The Coverup - Since When Is Joesph Siciliano A Criminal Investigator?
03/18/08 - First Selectman Peter Tesei said, "Every effort should be made to identify the culprit and prosecute the person."
04/21/08 - You Can Blame This Screw Up On High Paid Parks Department Head Joesph "I Thought I Could Handle A Police Investigation" Sicilano
04/22/08 - See The Channel 2 Video - Fakes Allowing Many Access To Exclusive Waterfront
Please send your comments and news tips to Bangalore.
Press releases should be sent to Mumbai.
Lunch, anyone?
For those who can't decide...