Two weeks ago, I made reference to state mandated codes which every building must comply with. Handicapped Accessibility is a big one. It's the law.
I'm happy someone is following up on it.
I will add, however, the loss of wheelchair basketball, wasn't a big concern of mine because I don't play. What bothers me is the lack of knowledge concerning the term "handicapped accessible" A ramp is also a necessity for people who have trouble climbing stairs. So, people who have undergone knee, back or hip surgery sometimes rely on the ramp. Then, the elderly, who may use the ramp because it is just easier to manage. So, the list of people unable to use the Greenwich YMCA grows...
I get tired of people's insensitivity when one move is so simple. The woman who runs the Greenwich YMCA should not need me to explain priorities and very basic empathy. She should KNOW or she should put her expert people skills to work a switchboard, or maybe a toll booth.
I will add, however, the loss of wheelchair basketball, wasn't a big concern of mine because I don't play. What bothers me is the lack of knowledge concerning the term "handicapped accessible" A ramp is also a necessity for people who have trouble climbing stairs. So, people who have undergone knee, back or hip surgery sometimes rely on the ramp. Then, the elderly, who may use the ramp because it is just easier to manage. So, the list of people unable to use the Greenwich YMCA grows...
I get tired of people's insensitivity when one move is so simple. The woman who runs the Greenwich YMCA should not need me to explain priorities and very basic empathy. She should KNOW or she should put her expert people skills to work a switchboard, or maybe a toll booth.
Would someone please hire the YMCA a PR agent?
For What Its Worth
For What Its Worth
Look: if there are no good reasons not to build a temporary ramp, then the Y should say so and go ahead and do the right thing......If there are, then the Y should point them out. It’s already angered half of its (now former) members and jeopardized its financial support in town by a series of blunders
P&Z to review YMCA proposal
Commission Chairman Donald Heller said he expects the body to approve the extension, based on the five-year deadline.
"Tomorrow night looks like a relatively simple evening," he said Wednesday.......
...The YMCA has also had to contend with members and the public who have expressed frustration that the facility was not made wheelchair accessible during the first phase of the project, Fretty said.
"Am I horrified and sad that it is not accessible?.....
.....The Greenwich family of Luis Gonzalez-Bunster, who is in a wheelchair, has requested the facility build a temporary ramp until the rest of the facility is complete.....
11/07/08 YMCA Hires Greenwich Attorney Christopher Bristol In An Effort To Keep Handicaped Out New Facility.
Greenwich YMCA requests more time
......ADA requirements have come into sharper focus recently as the family of a man who uses a wheelchair has fought to get a temporary ramp installed while renovations are carried out. On Monday, YMCA officials announced that the facility will not be handicap accessible until renovations are complete.
The YMCA has completed some of its renovations, such as the new Olympic aquatics center, which opened in November 2007. A new basketball court also opened Monday. YMCA officials also expect a warm-water therapy pool, new spin and aerobics studios, a teen fitness center and childcare classrooms completed by June 2009, according to an e-mail sent Wednesday by Ashleigh Rowe, communications director for the YMCA.....
.....Calls were not returned from Greenwich Family YMCA officials or their attorneys Wednesday.
Rebecca Fretty Is Making Sure That
There Will Be No Wheelchair Basketball Games At
The Greenwich YMCA
To Rebecca Fretty,
apparently "headless and brain dead"Head of the
Greenwich YMCAMs Fretty:
Obviously you don't belong running any town facility if you ignore the LAWS REGARDING HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY. Not only are you violating a mandated code, you can/will be sued....
Family pushes YMCA for wheelchair ramp
The family of the town man who could not access the Greenwich Family YMCA because the building is not wheelchair accessible, is now pressuring the nonprofit organization to install a temporary ramp or face the possibility of being shut down.
Luis Gonzalez-Bunster's family contacted Greenwich attorney Frank Peluso, who said the facility is in violation of town, state and federal laws for not providing access to people with disabilities, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Town of Greenwich building code.
YMCA wrong to deny access
To the editor:
Once again, we can see the discrimination that continues in town against people with disabilities ( "Man fighting for YMCA access, Greenwich Time, Oct. 20). We have been the silent minority, but things are about to change.
We recently formed the First Selectman's Advisory Committee for People With Disabilities. The mission is to advise town officials on matters pertaining to the rights and needs of citizens with disabilities. We will also advocate for improvements to make the town more accessible for people with disabilities.
The YMCA building expansion should never have been given a temporary certificate of occupancy. Why should some people be allowed to use this facility when others are turned away?
.....I hope that the YMCA will find some way to make this area accessible immediately, and that the town will consider whether its temporary certificate of occupancy should be withdrawn.
Carol Kana
The writer is a member of First Selectman's Advisory Committee for People With Disabilities.