We all know that Greenwich Board Of Education Chairman Steven Anderson could careless of poor children on the West side of Greenwich once again get cheated.
Besides he had a good old time at Harborfest.
But Where Are The Hamilton Avenue School Community Leaders?
Where They Involved In Bob McIntyre's Fiasco Too!
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
- Where is Laura DiBella in all this Harborfest mess?
- Why hasn't Mina Bibeault spoken out?
- Why isn't Barbara Riccio demanding answers?
- Why isn't Dr. Deborah Cline calling out the individuals that partied on her children's money?
There Is Nothing More Disgusting Than To Rob A Poor Innocent Child Of The Resources That He Or She Needs To Improve Their Lot In Life
Where is Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber?
The Greenwich Time couldn't uncover who is responsible for the failure of Harborfest if you drew them a map.
Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber may not have the journalistic balls to cover how a bunch of Greenwich BOE insider's partied on the dime of Ham Ave children, but Greenwich Roundup does.
Concerned Hamilton Avenue parents have went to the Greenwich Time and been ignored, now they are going to the state.
Maybe after the state officials get involved and start issuing press release the clueless reporters that work for McCumber will start to their job.
It Is Time To Start Protecting The Forgotten And Innocent Children At The Bottom Of The Economic Pyramid In Greenwich.
In Other Places The Media Protects The Interests Of Children
Why Wont The HAM AVE PTA Members Fully Account For The $59,000
That Was Taken In At Harborfest?
If There Is Nothing To Hide Then Bob McIntyre Should Tell Everyone .....
Where Did The Money Go?
Who Got Paid?
Why Is There No Accounting For The Harborfest Proceeds?
Did Somebody Benefit Personalty?
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
The school is the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to economize.
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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