Arch Street School Teachers, Who Work With Anthony J. Mullen, a former NYC Police Captain, Who Was Connecticut’s And The Nations 2009 Teacher of the Year, Are Ignoring The Plight Of One Year Old Baby Lexi, And A Connecticut Department Of Children And Families Tipster.
Anthony J. Mullen Should Get The The Greenwich Police Department Involved In Protecting Baby Lexi And Her DCF Tipster, Before Something Really Bad Happens In Greenwich
Greenwich Police Commissioner Peter Tesei Needs To Know That ....
Things Are Spinning Out Of Control As Greenwich Public School Teachers And Greenwich Police Officers Just Look On.
Think Twice Before You Report Child Neglect To The Connecticut Department Of Families And Children, Because The Greenwich Police Department Does Not Take These Complaints Seriously And You Could End Up In Danger
Dear Greenwich Roundup,
I am having a real problem with the Greenwich Police Department.
i filed a complaint against two people because of a severely neglected child who is 1 year old child, named Lexi Whose Mother Is Natasha Mckenzie.
A lot of people were concerned about this baby, but have been afraid to anything about it.
i drove a friend to Arch Street School because she did not have a ride and no one could take her.,
As soon as i pull up a guy by the name of Steven Rodas who i filed the DCF complaint against because of child neglect comes up to my car and says get out because im going to rock your shit right here
He even opened the door and then i finally get out and his friend comes over and says if you say one disrespectful thing I'm gonna lay you out right here.
The Greenwich Public School teachers finally come out and tell Rodas to stop and tell me to leave.
Later my friend and family adviced me to go file a complaint against Rodas at the Greenwich Police Department.
They refused to allow me to file the complaint and they said theyre going to talk to Rodas.
When i asked what can i do because I know there going to come after me over the DCF child neglect complaint the a police officer responds "Don't worry they wont they take the bus".
Later that night a group of 7 or 8 people tried to hunt me down while i was at my friends house.
My friend was very scared and came into his living room and told me to stay there as he turned off the lights.
There were a group of people looking in cars trying to see if it was my car.
So i go to the Greenwich Police Department once again,
i waited 20 minutes and then GPD officer comes out and literally was smiling and laughing while I told him what my issue was. This Greenwich Police officer said come back in the morning and talk to a Greenwich Police Department Detective who was handling something unrelated to this.
Greenwich K-9 Officer Mike Machai sarcastically said, "You are on your own."
I call the police and ask why aren't you helping me and they hang up on me.
I gave them some very harsh words. at one point a Sargent Ryan comes on the phone and tells me to come in and file a complaint in the morning.
So i go back in the morning and talk to a Detective Manning who was handling the original complaint
I told him what had happened and he told me just keep a cell phone on you and call 911. meanwhile I have people trying to hurt me, ive received multiple threats and people are showing up at places i hang out.
My question for you is. who do i go to for help if the police cant help me. is there anyone above the police who can do something because right now im not going to bother going to them.
When it comes to my safety the Greenwich Police Department wont do a thing while if it involves a friend or family member they go nuts.
I know this isnt your problem but if you know anyone please let me know.
Name Withheld By Request
You Have A Very Very Serious Problem
Moreover, Greenwich Roundup Is Also Very Concerned About One Year Old Baby Lexi.
The Baby's Mother, Natasha Mckenzie Seems To Be Placing This Child In Very Violent Situations As The Greenwich Public Schools And The Greenwich Police Department Look On.
Why Isn't School Resource Officer Carlos Franco Or His Supervisor Micheal Reynold's Looking Into Your And This Babies Situation?
Greenwich Roundup has Heard Of Steven Rodas And It Is His Understanding That Mr Rodas Has A Long History Of Arrests And Violent Behavior.
It Is Also Greenwich Roundup's Understanding That The Steven Rodas Home Was Raided By The Greenwich Police Department.
Maybe, The Greenwich Police Department Is Not Assisting You In Obtaining An Order Of Protection, Because Mr. Rodas May Now Be Cooperating With Drug Dealing Investigations In The Greenwich Public Schools.
There Is A Lot Of Pressure On Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg To Put An End To Gang Members Who Deal Drugs In The Greenwich Public Schools.
Maybe The Reason That A Convicted Criminal Like Steven Rodas Is Not Being Arrested Is That He Might Not Be Willing To Help Greenwich Police Department Narcotics Investigators If They Arrested Him And Put Him In Jail.
Otherwise, The Greenwich Police Department Should Assist You In Getting An Order Of Protection.
If That Order Of Protection Is Violated And The Greenwich Police Department Is Called, Then Mr. Rhodas And His Hoodlum Friends Can Get Arrested.
Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Is Exposing The Town To Massive Amounts Of Liability By Not Properly Handling Your Complaints.
Further, The Teachers At Arch Street School Are Exposing Greenwich Public School Superintendent Dr. Sidney A. Freund And The Greenwich Board Of Education To Lawsuits By Not Reporting The Disturbance Involving You To The Greenwich Police Department.
How Will It Look In The Nation Press When The School That Is Home To National Teacher Of The Year Anthony J. Mullen Looks The Other Way While Something Happens To You Or One Year Old Baby Lexi.
The Taxpayers Of Greenwich Are Once Again Going To Pay Out The Nose If Something Happens To One Year Old Baby Lexi Or Yourself.
The Greenwich Police Department Should Immediately Assist You With An Order Of Protection.
Then The Greenwich Police Department Should Make It Crystal Clear To Greenwich Convicted Criminal Steven Rodas That If He Goes Near You He Will Be Arrested.
Here Is Some Recent Reports About
K-9 Officer Mike Macchia
04/06/10 Reader Submitted Comments: Greenwich Police Department Is One Sided
Just recently police were called to a house in Greenwich after there was a disturbance reported.
Meghan Grabarz who is the daughter of retired police officer Michael Grabarz came to pick up and drop off someone who was visiting the house. There was someone at the residence who police had told to stay away from Meghan Grabarz yet knowing that the person was there she proceeded to pull up in front of the house.
The person who police told to stay away, saw Meghan Grabarz pull up outside.
Meghan Grabarz had told someone at that house that she was going to kill that person who had been ordered by the Greenwich Police to stay away from.
This person who saw Meghan Grabarz pull up proceeded to go over to her vehicle and confront her regarding the threat.
She then proceeded to speed away, while yelling out the window.
About 15 minutes a police officer by the name of Mike who is in charge of the K-9 unit, showed up. He then asked to speak to the individual who was involved in the altercation.
Mike proceeded to use extreme profanity against this person telling this person "that he could arrest you motherf***** on the spot and I can kick your ass while I'm doing it."
05/16/09 Read Sunday's Greenwich Time Tonight For Free
March Officer of the Month and K-9 honored for drug search
When Stamford Police needed assistance during a February drug bust, Greenwich Police Officer Michael Macchia and his K-9 partner, Tyro, were deployed to help search a Stamford house for narcotics.
When Stamford Police needed assistance during a February drug bust, Greenwich Police Officer Michael Macchia and his K-9 partner, Tyro, were deployed to help search a Stamford house for narcotics.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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