"David McCumber You Are Overruled !!!"
Greenwich Time editor Dave McCumber gets overruled by Hearst Vice President And Greenwich Resident Lincoln Millstein
Up until now Editor McCumber had refused to provide fired investigative reporter Teri Buhl with copies of her own stories.
Is Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber Some Kind Of NAZI !!!
Mr. McCumber and had been responsible for all of Ms. Buhl's stories being erased and censored from the Greenwich Time website.
The joke around town was that Mr. McCumber also had ordered the Greenwich Time art department to airbrush Ms. Buhl out of any Greenwich Time staff photograph that pictured him with her together.
The real joke is, "What Greenwich Time art department?"
The truth is that if David McCumber wanted to have Ms. Buhl's images air brushed out of photos, then he would have to call up the Connecticut Post Art Department,
That's right, everything is now done out of Bridgeport, from human resources to newspaper printing.
Hearst Vice President Lincoln Millstien
Is Trying To Put Greenwich Time Editor
David McCumber's Stupid Mistake To Rest.
Greenwich Time Investigative Reporter Teri Buhl just got a copies of her online articles in a PDF, with a warning from the Hearst Newspaper online team, which is headed By Lincoln Millstien,
She was strongly warned that Hearst still owns the content and it she can’t republished the articles. Ms. Buhl is only allowed to use the PDF's to get a new job.
Greenwich residents are starting to see how pathetic and gutless Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber really is.
McCumbers lack of Journalistic ethics is only speeding
up the Greenwich Time’s inevitable demise.
Town insiders say the the Greenwich Time will most likely become a weekly supplement to the Hearst owned Connecticut Post.
Everyone now knows what happens if a Greenwich Time reporter tells the truth.
They can expect to be dismissed, mocked and fired like Teri Buhl.
Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber has refused to comment about his firing of Teri Buhl, but he can be reached at david.mccumber@scni.com.
Perhaps some of Ms. Buhl's fans should start sending letters to the Greenwich Post editor.
Greenwich Roundup thinks Teri Buhl should start an online Greenwich blog, like Chris Fountain did when the Greenwich Post fired him.
Maybe Ms. Bulh can report on the the secretive Hearst Corporation and she could also tell town residents about how the Greenwich Time is desperate and money hungry.
Even better Ms. Buhl could warn town residents not to give massive amounts of their personal information to the Hearst Corporation so that they can comment on Greenwich Time news articles.
03/21/10 Fox News Boy Charlie Gasparino Has No Comment About Teri Buhl's Firing At The Greenwich Time When Greenwich Roundup Called Him Up
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