Is Hearst Newspapers Able To Report The Whole Story In Greenwich?
06/03/09 The Greenwich Time Comes Out Swinging At Greenwich Roundup: Re RTM eligibility
Niel Vidgor Says His Editors Assigned Him To Investigate The False Republican Slander About A Greenwich Time Critic..
However, Niel Vidgor Said That He Was Going To "Fair" And Tell The Whole Story.
Lets See If He Reports On Robert McKnights Counterfeit previous Counterfeit Letter.
Let's See If He Reports On The Chairman Of District 3.
Let's see if he reports on the Republican Wabba Brothers and their being illegally elected to the Byram RTM. Then later having to be illegally appointed the Byram RTM once the word got out.
Let's see if Neil Vidgor looks the Republican Wabba brothers voting record.
Republican donors and developers get very special treatment on the RTM.
Let's see if Vidgor reports about the Republican that checked into the Delmar Hotel to be illegally elected in district 1, thus bumping a Democrat from the RTM. Then resigning and then being appointed in another RTM district.
Let's See If Niel Vidgor reports on the RTM member that resigned after it was discovered that the house he was using as an address was empty and had no utility hook ups.
Let's see if Neil Vidgor reports on how the RTM special elections are a sham and have very little or no public notice.
12/04/08 Byram Republicans Trying To Force Developers Sons Off The Representative Town Meeting (RTM)
And Just What Has Republican RTM Chairmam
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