Lee Whitnum Surprises Me
My Left Nutmeg
It's been quite a day for surprises. I am just going to report the facts on this one without commenting.......
Lee Whitnum 2008
Democratic Candidate for Congress
4th Congressional District of Connecticut
PO Box 7482,
Greenwich, CT 06830 1-888-426-8167
Dear Panel Members,
Pardon the informality of this letter but I wanted to get you the debate details as soon as possible. Thank you for agreeing to be a panel member hosting a question/answer session between the two Democratic candidates for US House of Representatives in the Fourth Congressional district: Lee Whitnum and Jim Himes.
DATE: August 4, 2008
TIME: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
LOCATION: The Concert Hall at Norwalk Town Hall.
Moderator/MC: Andrew Garfunkel, City of Norwalk Town Clerk 203-854-7747
Panel Members:
Jack Condlin, president
Stamford Chamber of Commerce
733 Summer St # 104, Stamford, CT 06901
(203) 359-4761
James Walker
City Editor
The Hour Newspaper
346 Main Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851
Colleen Flaherty
Reporter, New Canaan Advertiser
42 Vitti St
New Canaan, CT 06840
(203) 966-9541
Rebecca Surran
TV News Anchor, Channel 12
News 12 Connecticut
28 Cross Street
Norwalk, CT 06851
Jonathan Kantrowitz
Former Democratic Candidate for Congress
1994 and 1998
Fourth congressional District
The venue seats 1,000 and is open to the public. Rules, Panel Guidelines and sample questions will be provided to you. Please confirm that you are indeed still available.
Ed Moran, Campaign Managercc: Lee Whitnum, LeeWhitnum2008@yahoo.com, Jim Himes, info@himesforcongress.com, Lee Magri, Lmagri@norwalkct.org.
Please send comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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