Let's all take a big sip of School Board Kool-aid and forget all about those incompetent and deceitful school administrators that knowingly left little children in a contaminated classroom for over one year.
Ham Ave. students return to school
Greenwich Time - Staff Writer
The story of a friendship between Owen, a baby Hippo displaced from his home after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, and Mzee, a 130-year-old tortoise in Africa, was a fitting tale to share with kindergarten students from Hamilton Avenue School yesterday.
It was their first day at Glenville School after modular classrooms in use while Hamilton Avenue School is under renovation were closed for the rest of the year because of mold.
Elaine Gencarelli, media specialist from Hamilton Avenue School, decided to the read the book, "Owen and Mzee: A True Story of Remarkable Friendship," to the kindergartners during their first period for its theme of displacement and friendship...
... Damaris Rau, Hamilton Avenue School principal, and Deborah Cline, Hamilton Avenue School assistant principal, spent yesterday visiting each school to which their students were dispersed....
Quote Of The Day:
"I think its going to be a fantastic experience for the students, learning about community support and forging new relationships," Glenville School Principal Marc D'Amico, said while wereing rose colored glasses.
"I don't see any negatives in this at all,"as Principal D'Amico took another big sip of Superintendent Betty Sternberg's red colored Kool-aid.
I guess increased taxes for single family homeowners is not a negative....
Ham Ave. students return to school
Greenwich Time - Staff Writer
The story of a friendship between Owen, a baby Hippo displaced from his home after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, and Mzee, a 130-year-old tortoise in Africa, was a fitting tale to share with kindergarten students from Hamilton Avenue School yesterday.
It was their first day at Glenville School after modular classrooms in use while Hamilton Avenue School is under renovation were closed for the rest of the year because of mold.
Elaine Gencarelli, media specialist from Hamilton Avenue School, decided to the read the book, "Owen and Mzee: A True Story of Remarkable Friendship," to the kindergartners during their first period for its theme of displacement and friendship...
... Damaris Rau, Hamilton Avenue School principal, and Deborah Cline, Hamilton Avenue School assistant principal, spent yesterday visiting each school to which their students were dispersed....
Quote Of The Day:
"I think its going to be a fantastic experience for the students, learning about community support and forging new relationships," Glenville School Principal Marc D'Amico, said while wereing rose colored glasses.
"I don't see any negatives in this at all,"as Principal D'Amico took another big sip of Superintendent Betty Sternberg's red colored Kool-aid.
I guess increased taxes for single family homeowners is not a negative....
03/11/08 - Board of Education Chairwoman Nancy Weissler: Taxpayers Had Better Get Ready To Pay For School Board Mismanagement
I guess that screwed up Connecticut Mastery Tests is not a negitive.....
03/10/08 - Hamilton Avenue School Students Will Excell On The CMT's If The Biology Questions Are About How Mold Effects Children In A Small Classroom.
I guess that Greenwich School Administrators hiding mold from Hamilton Avenue Students for over one year as that children were suffered from headaches, prolonged sinus infections in the temporary modular classrooms is not a negitive....
Principal Marc D' Amico Keeps Telling The Glenville Parents Not To Worry About The School Administrators That Were Knowingly Going To Put Their Little Children In Contaminated Modular Classrooms.
But maybe Glenville parents should start listening to the maintenance staff member's who refuse to take a sip from Superintendent Sternberg's kool-aid.
03/05/08 - The Unionized (Teamstewrs) School District Custodial Staff Are Suggesting That There Might Be A School District Coverup At Ham Ave School
03/09/08 - Town Employees: Sternberg's Crew Knew - Mold Covered Tiles Replaced Over One Year Ago.
Principal Marc D' Amico Keeps Telling The Glenville Parents Not To Worry About The School Administrators That Were Knowingly Going To Put Their Little Children In Contaminated Modular Classrooms.
But maybe Glenville parents should start listening to the maintenance staff member's who refuse to take a sip from Superintendent Sternberg's kool-aid.
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