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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/12/11 Rabbi Mitch's Weekly Teaching

Weekly Teaching
By Rabbi Mitchell M. Hurvitz


Chag Sameach!

Join us for Sukkot and Simchat Torah!

Our sukkah is built and it's time to rejoice! Sukkot services start on Thursday morning at 9:30am. Services for the second day of Sukkot take place on Friday morning at 9:30am. A kiddush luncheon in the Temple Sholom sukkah will follow services on both days.

A congregational celebration in honor of Simchat Torah will take place on Thursday evening, October 20th, at 6:30pm.

Temple Sholom will also hold holiday services for families with young children on Thursday, October 13th at 10:45am and on Thursday, October 20th at 5:30pm.

All are welcome!

A complete list of High Holiday services is available by visiting www.templesholom.com, or click here for more information.

Rabbi's Weekly Teaching


Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

According to news reports, Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is finally going to be released by Hamas as part of a prisoner exchange, albeit with very controversial mathematics: one Israeli versus hundred of terrorists in return.

While the politics of the cost to release Gilad can be debated, there is nothing but joy for his family that they will finally be able to welcome him home. The Israeli government has enabled this to happen at a very high price, but they are driven by the ethos of our Jewish perception that each and every Jew is part of our collective family.

As members of this collective Jewish family, in which each and every soul is precious, we are bound to each other; needing to vigorously confront that which threatens us. Jews in every corner of the earth must not only cherish our Jewish homeland of Israel, but must also defend and support her as well. How we effectively become educated on Israel and become her advocates is of utmost importance to these crucial efforts.

As I stated in my Rosh Hashanah sermon just two short weeks ago: we have to take action for Israel now. We have to do all we can before; once again, it's too late.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. understood the need to be united in the face of a storm. My co-religionist brother offered this spiritual charge in support of Israel:

Dr. King said: "Zionism is nothing less than the dream and the ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Scriptures tell us, the Jewish people once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them. How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfillment of God's promise that His People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land. This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less."

Our Jewish homeland is shaking in the wind. Lightning is striking. The storm is upon us; let's all respond to this crisis with decency, with dignity, and with brotherhood.

This link will provide you with the full text of my Rosh Hashanah sermon on this topic, and I invite your feedback. Additionally, I am providing the highlights of Temple Sholom's upcoming Israel Education and Advocacy programming as well as the action sheets we handed out at our Rosh Hashanah service inclusive of 13 concrete actions we can take in support of our Homeland and our Jewish brothers and sisters. Please click on the links above to learn about how Temple Sholom is taking action, and how you can become involved.

Just as hope - hatikvah - has been the guiding force and light that will, God willing, bring Gilad Shalit home, so it must be for us, to pray that our commitment to taking action for Israel now will bring about a time when all Israel, and every Jewish soul, shall rejoice in a future of safety, security and peace.

Am Yisrael Chai, v'Chag Sameach!!

-Rabbi Mitch

Temple Sholom
300 E. Putnam Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830

Temple Sholom | 300 East Putnam Avenue | Greenwich | CT | 06830

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