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More Hearst Newspaper Bias In Connecticut: Meet Dan Debicella - Jonathan Kantrowitz - Connecticut News By Jonathan Kantrowitz RADICAL: Dan Debicella has repeatedly sided with insurance companies over the people of Connecticut, voting against nearly all senators to deny coverage for prosthetics, hearing aids for children, and treatments to help cancer patients ... RECKLESS: Dan Debicella has the worst environmental record of any Connecticut state senator in the past decade, according to Connecticut’s League of Conservation Voters.... WRONG: Dan Debicella voted to deny emergency contraception to victims of rape, then downplayed the importance of his vote..... Jonathan Kantrowitz - http://blog.ctnews.com/kantrowitz/ Wait A Minute ... Once Again Hearst Newspapers Is Being Unfair And Biased Someone Should Report Jonathan Kantrowitz To Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden Connecticut Post Reporter / Blogger Jonathan Kantrowitz Is Plagiarizing From Congressman Jim Himes' Campaign And Fundraising Emails | ||
Greenwich Roundup: 08/10/10 Meet Dan Debicella By Greenwich Roundup RE-ELECT Jim Himes Democrat For Congress ....RADICAL: Dan Debicella has repeatedly sided with insurance companies over the people of Connecticut, voting against nearly all senators to deny coverage for prosthetics, hearing aids for children, and treatments to help cancer patients ... ...RECKLESS: Dan Debicella has the worst environmental record of any Connecticut state senator in the past decade, according to Connecticut's League of Conservation Voters .... ....WRONG: Dan Debicella voted to deny emergency contraception to victims of rape, then downplayed the importance of his vote.... ....I'm going to work hard the next 84 days to keep Jim Himes serving us. I hope you'll join me - we can't afford the alternative. On to victory, Mark Henson Hey, Jonathan Do I Get My Yard Signs From You Or Jim Himes Campaign Manager Mark Hansen Please Mail Contributions To Jim Himes Campaign To: Tom Baden C/O CT Post 410 State Street Bridgeport, CT 06604 The Jim Himes Spokesperson Jonathan Kantowitz Can Be Reached Toll Free At (800) 423-8058 If Jonathan Kantrowitz Is Not Available Just Ask For CT Post Newspaper Publisher Mark Aldam Or Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz The Connecticut Post's main currency is public trust, and Jonathan Kantrowitz's failure to honestly acknowledge that his article was written by Jim Hime's campaign manager Mark Hansen undercuts Hearst Newspaper's integrity and undermines its credibility. Other journalists accused of plagiarism at Hearst newspapers were suspended from their reporting tasks while the charges were investigated. The ease with which electronic text can be reproduced from online sources makes one wonder how many other Connecticut Post reporters have been lured into acts of plagiarism: So-Called Connecticut Post Journalist Jonathan Kantrowitz has clearly been caught "copying-and-pasting" an entire articles and text from a Jim Himes campaign email. Shame, Shame, Shame On Hearst Newspapers, The Connecticut Post And Jonathan Kantowitz UPDATE #2 Jonathan Kantrowiz Has Bowed To Pressure And Quietly Updated His Plagiarized Web Page With Out Apologizing To Hearst Readers 08/12/10 Sneaky Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden Allows Plagiarizer Jonathan Kantrowitz To Update His Posting - No Apology To CT Post Reader
1 comment:
I'm not a Connecticut Post writer, I'm an independent (unpaid) blogger. Is it plagiarism to quote a campaign press release without attribution? Perhaps. But how does my doing so "screw" Debicella?
His positions are his positions, and if shining a light on them "screws" him, he has nobody to blame but himself.
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