For Immediate Release
NFA takes an emergency enforcement action against two Connecticut commodity pool operators
February 12, Chicago - National Futures Association (NFA) announced today that it has taken an emergency enforcement action against Paul Greenwood and Stephen Walsh, both of whom are sole proprietor Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) Members of NFA located in Greenwich, Connecticut. Greenwood and Walsh are co-CPOs of a commodity pool named WG Trading Company, LP ("WGTC"). Effective immediately, the Member Responsibility Action (MRA) is deemed necessary because Greenwood and Walsh have failed to cooperate with NFA in its investigation of the CPOs in that they failed to produce books and records relating to their CPO activities and other transactions in which they engage. Additionally, Greenwood and Walsh have failed and refused to respond to NFA's inquiries regarding numerous promissory notes totaling hundreds of millions of dollars executed by them individually in favor of an investment vehicle to which two NFA listed commodity pools have loaned a total of over half a billion dollars.
The MRA suspends Greenwood and Walsh from NFA membership indefinitely. The MRA also prohibits Greenwood and Walsh or anyone acting on their behalf from soliciting or accepting any customer or pool participant funds and they are prohibited from placing trades for any pools that they operate or control except to liquidate existing positions. Additionally, the MRA prohibits them from disbursing or transferring any funds from any accounts which either of them own, control or which are held in either of their names without prior approval from NFA.
The MRA will remain in effect until such time as Greenwood and Walsh have demonstrated that they are in complete compliance with all NFA Requirements. Greenwood and Walsh may request a hearing on this matter before NFA's Hearing Committee.
NFA is the premier independent provider of innovative and efficient regulatory programs that safeguard the integrity of the futures markets.
For more information contact:
Larry Dyekman (312) 781-1372, ldyekman@nfa.futures.org
Karen Wuertz (312) 781-1335, kwuertz@nfa.futures.org
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