Greenwich Roundup's Gossip Hounds Are Watching Every Breath That Joe And Susie Take. Pisani And The Dish Can't Make A Move Without It Being Reported To Greenwich Roundup. Watch For Upcomming video of
Susie "I Like Jiucy Celebrity Rumors"Costaregni .
Scandal-Monger Susie Finds It Difficult To Follow Regis Around As Greenwich Roundup's Gossip Hounds Are Following Her Everywhere.
Greenwich Roundup Gossip Hounds Ask, " Guess Who Joe Pisani's Personal Assistant was Amd Is?"
Greenwich Gossip's Gossip Hounds Report That Last Year "The Dish" Wrapped His Personal Christmas Presents. Will She Help Him Tie The Bow This Year?
Hot Tempered Joe "The Censor Pisani Has Started To Wonder If Angry Catholic Priests Are Ratting Him Out By Reveling His Secrets. Things Can Only Get Worse !!!
Greenwich Roundup's Citizen Journalists Provide More Idle Gossip About Joe And Susie "The Dish" Costaregni:
Romans 1:29 – “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips.”
Proverbs 18:8 – “The words of gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts.”
I have recently wondered if Joe Pisani was simply an opportunist or a good guy. Again, it seems like I have more questions than answers.
This gossip/student/mentor thing? I wondered about this after reading her "fair well to a friend" column after The Greenwich Time told JP to take a hike. It wasn't your "typical" coworker, "hey I'll miss you, good luck" type of "writing". It was complete immature beyond basic sentimental teenage style DRAMA. I thought immediately there was something off mark.
It went something like: "I met Joe Pisani while I was working at a Yachting magazine." ( Now she turns out to be a former high school student) Then there was "I will always feel an emptiness in my life or heart" or something along the lines of a broken heart. Boo hoo. "We spent hours talking about love, happiness and life" Sure, my wife would encourage me to have more conversations like that with someone ELSE. Please. Enough said there. And it ended "he will always be mine." Oh sure, and why not also be my Valentine? C'mon baby.
Oh yeah, I don't care what these people do in their spare time. I don't care what people do unless it's shoved in the faces of hundreds
Here's a guy who pretends he is the "Second Coming of J.C ," ranting and raving about how corrupt the Catholic Church is. Meanwhile, his life behind the scenes, mimics a Monica and Bill reenactment?
Its a pity what lust does to people. I take that quote directly from THE MAN, Joe Pisani.
I'm sorry I ever subscribed to The Greenwich Time for so long and please don't mail that Kitty Litter Liner the Greenwich Post to my home anymore.
Never mind, I'm already sorry. I thought he was gone, along with his unethical unprofessional unbelievable behavior and overinflated ego. I always wondered how his head fit through the doors of St. John the Evangelist as a DAILY Communicant. The only reason I know he went to Mass daily was he was always telling people he did. Enough said.
Go back to the mountains in VT and take the dumb done dish with you.
Brother Joe,
Jesus commanded, in Matthew 18, that conflict resolution among church members begin with the aggrieved party attempting to resolve their dispute with the offending party alone.
Only if this did not work would the process escalate to the next step, in which other church members would become involved. In no case did Jesus authorize complaining to another church member without having confronted the offender first.
Here's The Lastest Dish On Pisani:
But Wait There Is More:
Please see previous reader posts about Joe Pisani:
Please send your comments To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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