The Big Shots Are Never To Blame.
We fail to prevent the attacks on 9/11 and nobody is made to answer for it.
We charge into Iraq heedless of the consequences and nobody is made to answer for it.
Frank Mazza flushes 30 million dollars down the toilet and tries to get temporary certificate of occupancy a leaking school to the parents of Hamilton Avenue. Instead of getting fired Frank Mazza get to Chair the new Glenville Building Committee as the small children of two elementary schools suffer.
Wall Street implodes and nobody is held accountable.
The people who precipitated the worse financial crises in memory walk away mega rich while honest hardworking taxpayers and their grandchildren are left to cover over a trillion in debt.
Hamilton Avenue School Modulars are once again leaking and Greenwich's two incompetent buffoons Betty Sternberg and Sue Wallerstein will get $400k+ a year between them for once again making little children suffer.
Day after day a heartless lowlife reporter who doesn't want to make waves named Colin Gustafson sits on the story about water leaking once again in the newly repaired Hamilton Avenue School Modulars. Concerned parents put up a letter from Turner construction as Colin Gustafson looked the other way. Greenwich Roundup also published the letter as Colin Gustafson ignored the the cries small children of Hamilton Avenue school.
Please see:
Taxpayers are calling up the Greenwich Time Saying, "My God enough is enough!!! Stop Protecting The Powers That Be And Think Of The Little Children!!!"
So Amateur Reporter Colin Gustafson half heatedly files this poor excuse for a news story.....
Parents say they're still in the dark about the conditions of the Hamilton Avenue School's modular classrooms following the discovery of leaks and water damage in three of the temporary facilities last week.
Last week, inspectors said deteriorating seals in the rooftop ventilation systems allowed water from tropical storm Hanna to seep into three modulars, causing damage to ceiling panels and a light-fixture lens.
Most parents did not learn about the leakage until several days later, when the school's PTA Web site featured a Sept. 9 letter from Turner Construction Co. updating a school official on the situation.
The news has since riled parents, many already fearful that leaking water could contribute to mold growth at the modulars.
"I was beyond frustrated, given what this school has been through," said Dawn Nethercott, a PTA co-president.
Students have been attending class in the modulars for the last three years while they await renovations to wrap up at their school building, which also had mold problems.
Last March, administrators evacuated students from the modulars following the discovery of mold in the ceiling.
The modulars have had a history of frequent water leaks and moisture issues dating well before students and staff were forced to vacate last March, that were not thoroughly investigated, parents said.
To address the recent issues, Turner recommended in its Sept. 9 letter replacing the faulty rooftop seals. It also wrote that Hygenix, a Stamford environmental consulting firm, would conduct a survey and make recommendations on remediation procedures.
However, the status of those fixes remains in question. The ceiling tiles have been repaired, but it was unclear Wednesday whether the faulty mechanical seals had been addressed, and messages left with a Turner spokesman were not returned Wednesday.
In addition, a Hygenix official recently conducted a visual inspection of the modulars, according to Kim Eves, a schools spokeswoman. The company, however, has not publicized those findings, Eves confirmed, and has not returned multiple calls this week.
"They don't tell you the problem at first," said Hamilton Avenue mother Laura DiBella, "and if they ever get around to admitting it, they've fixed it."
Cub Reporter Colin Gustafonson Is Too Wet Behind The Ears To Even Know About The Incestuous Relationship That Exists Between The Town Of Greenwich And Hygenix. Longtime Residents And Others In The Know That There Is A Reason That The Town Uses The Un-Independent Hygenix, But The Incredibly Inept Colin Gustafonson Is Clueless.
I Guess Greenwich Roundup Will Have To Poor Colin Gustafonson A Tall Glass Of Lemonade And Explain Who Is Who At Hygenix In A Future Post That Once Again Scoops The Lackluster Greenwich Time.
In The Meantime Let's See How Long It Takes Rookie Greenwich Time Reporter Colin Gustafonson To Learn About The Water Flowing In The "NEW" 30 Million Dollar Hamilton Avenue School.
Please See:
Please Also See Greenwich Post Story:
Why Is Colin Gustafonson Afraid To Ask questions like:
- Who on the BET suggested hiring Frank Mazza as head of the building committee?
- Who hired Worth Construction Company?
- Did they do a Google on the construction co before they hired them?
- Can someone please tell taxpayers why Sue Wallerstein had people working on those modulars all summer, and NO ONE noticed deteriorated gaskets on the roof units?
- Is Sue Wallerstein an incompetant moron?
People have a lot of questions about what's going on at Hamilton Avenue School.
Let's see if the wet behind the ears, Greenwich Time Reporter, Colin Gustafonson can answer any of the above?
It is sad but true......Greenwich Time Readers Are Often The Last To Know What Is Really Going On In Greenwich.
Please send your comments, copies of letters, copies of emails, news tips, photos, press releases to the news organization that is not afraid of the powers that be in Greenwich.
Please note:
This story was prepared a few days ago, but did not publish properly due to technical difficulties at Blogger. So the story was reposted for your you.
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