Are they begging for another lawsuit?
The building has mold, broken windows, leaks, asbestos, and probably couldn't pass a building inspection if the town went in.
They are moving Glenville kids out because the building is a metal shed not fit for livestock much less children.
It is, as stated by Sternberg, educationally unsound and they know the school academic programs do not work as well in that building as they do in other schools.
Ham Ave test scores are droppping and the board of ed wants to put them in a building where they can't be educated equally compared to other schools?
Please see:
07/09/08 Surprise!!! - "A lot of it wasn't ready," Town Building Official Bill Marr said, "Most of these areas will need a re-inspection."
07/08/08 Hamilton Avenue School has passed only one of the 18 final inspections
07/08/08 - Hamilton Avenue Project Manager Gerard Adam,"Let's not keep repeating the same mistakes
Comments From Others:
JM Linds says:
If these things are "not hard to correct" when you fail an inspection, why are they not completed correctly to begin with????
Way to go Mr. Head of the Hamilton Avenue School building committee! Nice Job!
esg says:
From the exterior, it looks great. The building committee may have gone through some struggles but the final product is impressive.
HAS Mom says:
I agree that the final product will be impressive, when it is FINALIZED. They still have a long way to go before that building is complete. If work is continuing, explain to me please how the building systems, such as air, heat, etc. are already cleaned. This shouldn't be done until the building is finished, in total. Before my kids enter that school, whenever that may be, they damn well better get an outside hygienist in to test each corner!
Fed Up says:
I just heard that Hamilton Avenue wants to move into Glenville School while Glenville goes to the modulars. The town will delay the Glenville School project by atleast 4-6 months, driving up costs by millions and destroying the town's Capital Improvement Plan. The first project that will be taken off or indefinitely delayed is the High School Auditorium and classrooms. If your neighborhood has a project on the CIP list, you can all kiss it goodbye too.
This needs to stop now. They need to get Hamilton finished, they need to demolish Glenville tomorrow so they can't make more excuses and they need to fix the high school mistakes made when the auditorium was first built.
Parent says:
My kindergartener was in Glenville while we were dispersed and that building is a sty. The only thing its good for is a wrecking ball. I was horrified at the condition the town let it deteriorate to and there is no way I'd let my child step foot in that building again. Please tell me Principal Rau isn't considering putting us there! Why would she want us at a building full of mold, leaks, disgusting carpet and broken things?!
So Tired of This says:
Well that is exactly what she is lobbying for
================================================= Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@Gmail.com
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