WASHINGTON, DC - The Federal Bureau of Investigation today called off a nationwide search for the elusive Greenwich Citizen editor Don Harrision. The case, which touched off a nationwide search last Saturday when Greenwich residents started reporting that the Greenwich Citizen web site had not been updated.
The search had grown cold in recent days with practically no new leads, just daily complaints that the Greenwich Citizen web site had not been updated for over six days.
Exhausted investigators admit that Mr. Harrison may never be found.
"Nobody's seen Don Harrison since the Greenwich Citizen web site was last updated last Friday afternoon, and at this point there's no reason to believe anybody ever will." said Bob Smith, lead investigator in the case. "I fear the worst for Don Harrison."
The FBI became involved in the case after thousands of missing persons reports were filed in Greenwich about the failure of the Greenwich Citizen to update for a week.
The Greenwich Police Department reported a rash of calls from businesses advertisers and public establishments with urgent community event press releases.
There were also anonymous persons searching for Mr. Harrison wishing to complain about his boring news web site.
Greenwich Citizen readers complained time and time again that Mr. Harrison could not be found.
By Tuesday of this week, the Bureau had seventeen full time detectives on the case. "Don Harrison was getting a lot of attention back then." said an FBI source.
One Greenwich Citizen reader said that she is becoming nauseous from reading the same news article everyday at the so-called news web site.
The disgruntled web site reader said, "I am going to throw up if I have to read about the lying Glenville Principal Mark D'amico one more day at the Greenwich Citizen."
Please see:
06/18/08 Intern Accidentally Deletes Greenwich Citizen News Stories Five Days In A Row
Greenwich Citizen lead story:
Holding a Popular Principal Accountable: D'Amico to Return
...It was on day nine, May 15, that D'Amico confessed to the woman who previously held his job as principal, Dr. Ellen Flanagan, now director of the District's Human Resources department. Given the choice of resigning or being possibly terminated, D'Amico was suspended with pay and promptly hired a lawyer to defend him in the ensuing investigation. During this time, he reportedly briefly pursued another position in Fairfield County.
On June 3, D'Amico's apology to Sternberg and her colleagues for his "misstatements" brought the dénouement. "He took responsibility for these actions in a truthful or appropriate way," said Sternberg. She was encouraged by "his acceptance of responsibility, understanding and sincere apology.
Thought "very carefully"
That evening, Sternberg said she thought "very carefully" what would be an appropriate disciplinary action. It would be suspension without pay, to return to work on July 1, and be on probation for a year.
"He will have regular oversight by his supervisor, Greider," said Sternberg, and "John Grasso, principal of Riverside School, will serve as his mentor and sounding board over the next year."
In addition, D'Amico will meet with from time to time "a consultant on ethics and job responsibilities."
And when he returns to work on July 1, said Sternberg, "He will apologize to the Glenville community and to the parent (Frank Carbino) for "misrepresenting the facts.".....
Please send your comments of reports on the whereabouts of the Greenwich Citizen Editor to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
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