My recent request has been published with my name attatched .
Great! There goes my job. Not that I would lose sleep over that.
In fact, I would probably gain a few hours.
Nonetheless, how about sheilding a guy from obvious harm.
Did you have to pub my name.
Come on....I have contributed in the past and this just slapped me in the face.
What, did you think that nobody would be dumb enough to make those comments if they were still employed there.
Greenwich Roundup Is Not Sure If Your Pulling His Leg.
Or If Someone Is Setting Someone Up At The Greenwich Time.
Why Would You Write In Using Your Real Name Or At The Very Least Tell Greenwich Roundup To Withhold Your Name?
If This Message Was Really From A Greenwich Time Insider It Gave No Indication That He Or She Now Or Ever Had Worked At The Greenwich Time.
To The Best Of My Knowledge This Name Or Email Address Has Not Comtacted Greenwich Roundup In The Past.
At Any Rate The Name Has Been Removed From The Post.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@Gmail.com
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