Sounding the Alarm for Equal Justice ...
Hey Brian,
Depends how you define rich, of course (a resident of one of our housing projects would be considered rich by the average South African) but 19 Nearwater Lane is a 1952 split-level ranch owned by either the now remarried mother of the driver or by a landlord. Either way, we're not talking Round Hill Road here. The tragedy of the poor young man's death can probably do without inflammatory terms like "Rich".
In my opinion, of course. Here's a link to the tax card for the property. It's a proprietary site so it may not work. http://search.searchgreenwich.net/.searchgreenwich/sgfullbore.php?id=12-2218/S
Chris Fountain
Riverside CT
(203) 249-4394
In my opinion, of course. Here's a link to the tax card for the property. It's a proprietary site so it may not work. http://search.searchgreenwich.net/.searchgreenwich/sgfullbore.php?id=12-2218/S
Chris Fountain
Riverside CT
(203) 249-4394
Dear Chris,
You are right, it depends how you define rich.
I refereed to this Douglas More as rich, which is opposed to Mid Country Super "Rich" and Back Country "We Have More Money Than God" Rich.
This 24 Year Old came from a home of privilege. He never missed a meal or had to scrounge around for bus fare.
He is rich enough to sport in White SUV around high on whatever and mow down a kid who was truly struggling to better himself ridding a bike all the way from his grocery store job in Stamford.
If poor ole Joey had borrowed got drunk out of his head and borrowed somebody Else's SUV and killed Douglas Moore.
Joey would have been arrested on the spot, received a bail higher than $50,000 and probably spent a great deal of time confined in Bridgeport as his Grandparents came up with the bail.
The citizen's of Greenwich would not have had to wait over a month to learn the results of poor struggling Joey's toxicology results. We would have known almost immediately.
And by all accounts Joey was not the type of human being that would leave Douglas Moore is someones driveway grasping for his very last gasp of air.
Apparently, this 24 year old man was so bombed out of his head when the Greenwich Police Department found him crashed into a telephone pole the road, he didn't even know he killed a 19 year old kid who was struggling to get just to get by.
But, the Police and others powers that be in Greenwich knew Douglas Moore, his " now remarried mother" and father, and that's why this rich 24 year old man was allowed to leave the death scene under the influence without being charged.
Joey would have had a Perp walk and his picture would have been on the front page of the Greenwich Time as he was being escorted by police officers on his way to Bridgeport.
The fact is the Greenwich Police Department plays favorites in town.
I have been in the Glory Days diner and seen a bunch of rich kids get into a fight and trash the place. Scores of police cars show up and some of the teens are bleeding and no one gets charged or arrested.
I have been working a local building and underage teens from Old Greenwich are drinking and arguing behind the building. I called the police the rich kids flee leaving personal items like cell phones.
The police officer calls home on one of the phones and makes arrangements to return the phone. No one is arrested and I am left to clean up the mess behind the building I took care of at the time.
Next time your in the Glory Days Dinner ask one of the waiters how many times the police have had to be called on these spoiled brats from privileged households.
Of coarse you wont read about any of these Greenwich Diner disturbances in the Greenwich Citizen, Greenwich Post or the Greenwich Time.
Just like you wont read about Gang Violence just blocks away from Greenwich Avenue in the Greenwich Citizen, Greenwich Post or the Greenwich Time.
Please See:
If some poor kids from Byram were to trash the Glory Days diner or get caught having an underage drinking party behind a downtown building. They are getting arrested.
A poor kid from Byram gets arrested for an incident that involves a water balloon and he gets a $50,000 bail.
Douglas Moore is guy high in a SUV that mowed down a kid on a bike, fails to call 911, leaves him for dead on the side of the road, crashes into a telephone pole and still fails to call 911 is allowed to leave without being arrested.
Over a month later Douglas Moore Finlay is arrested for killing Joey and he is released on the same $50,000 water balloon crime bail.
It sure will be interesting to see who Douglas "I Was High" Moore called on his cell phone after he killed Joey and then crashed into the telephone pole.
It might be even more intersting to see who Douglas "I Was High" Moore cell phone call reciepiants called.
It sure to Hell wasn't the Ambulance
that could have saved Joey's life?
Sadly, there is a double standard in Greenwich
and it is all often based on income.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com