Saturday, September 3, 2011
09/03/11 Michelle Jones Has A Message About Childhood Cancer
09/03/11 Multiple Motor Vehicle Break-Ins Hit Milbrook
The thief or thieves broke into four cars and discarded what they don't keep around the neighborhood.
One Greenwich resident, of Orchard Drive, reported to police that he noticed Saturday morning that the front passenger window of his vehicle was smashed and his Magellan GPS was gone.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/03/11 Two Thumbs Up To Temple Sholom And Barry Montgomery In Greenwich For Setting An Example For The Community That We Are All In This Together

If outages drag on for residents, we hope other institutions follow the lead of Barry Montgomery and Temple Sholom and provide people with access to communications.
Also a shout out to the Greenwich Library.
08/30/11 If You Need To Charge Up Your Phone Or Need Internet Access Go To 32 Field Point Road
08/28/11 Storm Update From Rabbi Mitch At Temple Sholom
08/26/11 A message from Rabbi Mitch At Temple Sholom In Greenwich
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/03/11 The Greenwich Topix News Message Board (11 stories) - TOP STORY: Sandy's Summer Stand - A Reminder of Simpler Times
Greenwich - News September 3, 2011 Sandy's Summer Stand: A Reminder of Simpler Times (Patch)
Carbon Monoxide Concerns Mount in Greenwich (The Daily Greenwich)
Greenwich health officials warn of carbon monoxide risk with generator use (NewsTimesLive)
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com Greenwich Beaches Now Open to Swimming (Patch)
Labor Days: A brief history of the workingman's Greenwich (Greenwich Citizen)
Wet and Wild: A Retrospective on the Soggy History of the Ten Acre Swamp (Patch)
... Yet this is not a new story. This site has been controversial long before the 60's baby boom resulted in Greenwich outgrowing its old high school (now Town Hall) and moving into a new building at the current Hillside Road site in 1970 ...
The biggest concern town officials expressed to U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal Thursday was that they don't believe Connecticut Light & Power devoted enough of its resources to bring Oxford customers back on the grid. ... River once again. Drayton-Rogers asked if Blumenthal, who said he also didn't have power at his house in Greenwich as of Thursday, if he could make applications to federal regulatory commissions that would force FirstLight to drop water levels to a ... UPDATE: More Greenwich News
Frustrations continue as CL&P scrambles to restore power (Connecticut Post) Frustrations over power restoration in the wake of Tropical Storm Irene remains high among Greenwich residents, despite a continuing push by Connecticut Light and Power that turned the lights on for roughly 94 percent of town customers by late Friday evening.
Obits (Greenwich Citizen) Sallie Williams, a long-time Greenwich resident and wife of Webb Williams, died on June 26.
Lights Coming Back on in Most of Greenwich (The Daily Greenwich) Just 8 percent of all Connecticut Light & Power customers in town were without power as of Friday afternoon in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, town officials said.
Genesee & Wyoming completes acquisition of Arizona Eastern Railway (Brotherhood of Lotive Engineers and T...) GREENWICH, Conn. - Genesee & Wyoming Inc. announced that it has completed its acquisition of the Arizona Eastern Railway from Iowa Pacific Holdings, LLC for $90.1 million in cash, subject to adjustment for final working capital. |
09/03/11 The Greenwich First Selectman's Report
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Frustration mounts as many Greenwich residents still without power
Greenwich Time In Irene's wake, first selectman candidate John Blankley has criticized incumbent Peter Tesei for a lack of pre-planning and proactive leadership. ... |
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The latest from town officials - Greenwich Real Time - Greenwich Time
By Magdalene Perez First Selectman Peter Tesei convened a meeting of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) today to review the status of the restoration effort and to discuss our plan for the next twenty four hours. As of 1:00 p.m. today 2358 CL&P customers ... |
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/03/11 From The Greenwich Time .....
Red light, green light: Greenwich crossing guards keep students safe
Nicole Narea, Special Correspondent
When his face crinkled in an inviting smile, female admirers queued beside... more »
09/11/10 Tony Willl Voting Along Republican Party Lines With One Exception: He Wont Vote For Tod Laudonia - Greenwich Roundup Agrees
Don't we all almost always use our vote to support our political affiliation? And as advocates of its interests, why not? Such partisan practice is expected and done in corroboration with our convictions. Right on!
Just ask people who know me -- I'm a steadfast Republican.
But I said "almost always." Come this November, I'm breaking from that mode in one particular instance and with good reason. I know Bill Grad, who is running for the office of tax collector. Forget that I'm a friend; his credentials are so strong I'd be irresponsible in not supporting his ambition. He's a Princeton grad with an MBA from Stamford, a proven entrepreneur who developed a successful specialized phone company and has held senior executive positions in select roles since then.
On top of all that, he's a nice guy.
I'm supporting Bill Grad's ambition. Yes, ambition. He wants the job, and to do the work that recently has proved to require a businesslike approach.
I'm really hopeful other staunch Republicans see their vote similarly. Many residents found from bad experience that this is an important post.
Tony White
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/03/11 Social Media, Technology Keep Residents Up-to-Date During, Post-Irene and more from Greenwich Patch
09/01/11 Carbon Monoxide Concerns Mount In Greenwich And More News From The Daily Greenwich
Main Street Connect
Your Home Town Online | |
News from The Daily Greenwich
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Carbon Monoxide Concerns Mount in Greenwich | |
by Anna Helhoski | 09/03/11 | |
| GREENWICH, Conn. — Many residents have experienced carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene in ... READ MORE |
Wilton Writer To Share His Fish Tales | |
by Kevin Zimmerman | 09/03/11 | |
| WILTON, Conn. – Join Wilton resident Jeff Yates on a virtual tour of the 19 trout streams in Fairfield County and discover where to ... READ MORE |
Lights Coming Back on in Most of Greenwich | |
by Anna Helhoski | 09/02/11 | |
| GREENWICH, Conn. — Just 8 percent of all Connecticut Light & Power customers in town were without power as of Friday afternoon ... READ MORE |
Greenwich Woman Charged in Vandalism
by Anna Helhoski | 09/02/11 | ||
GREENWICH, Conn. — A Greenwich woman was arrested in vandalism to a car and garage door Wednesday. A resident at 10 ... READ MORE |
Steve Carell Films, Greets Fans In Darien | |
by Casey Donahue | 09/02/11 | |
| DARIEN, Conn. – "The Office" star Steve Carell is in Darien filming his new movie "Great Hope Springs." Carell, seen here with ... READ MORE |
09/03/11 Senator Barry Goldwatter Inspired A Former Democratic Greenwich First Selectman.
As an 18-year-old student entering my freshman year at American University, I was privileged to be in Washington at the time scoping out the campus.
I vividly recall driving around the Memorial late the night before, navigating around thousands of buses parked cheek to jowl.
You knew something special was about to take place. What I have never told before was a truly memorable experience that happened earlier that day, on August 27, the day before Dr. King's speech, (and Lyndon Baines Johnson's birthday) when I was walking through the Capitol with Steven Edelstein, my future roommate.
As we walked through the rotunda, approaching us came Senator Barry Goldwater, the presumptive (and eventual) nominee for the Republican Party in the 1964 presidential race. He actually stopped us, asked our names, where we were from, and what our intended course of study would be. I was quite frankly amazed at how inquisitive he was.
This was no perfunctory inquiry by a very busy senator of two wet-behind-the-ears college freshmen. He was genuinely interested and spent well over 10 minutes with us, during which, Senator Kenneth Keating of New York came by. (Senator Keating would lose re-election to Robert F. Kennedy in 1964). Senator Goldwater urged him to stop and introduced us. But Keating, more true to form of the harried politician, soon departed.
Senator Goldwater, however, lingered, further asking us about various and sundry issues. I still have trouble recounting this unemotionally, especially when you consider that less than three months later I would stand in that same space alone and contemplate the untimely passing of our country's youngest president on Friday, Nov. 22, 1963 at 6 p.m.
In some small yet meaningful way, I feel as if I'm paying tribute to the memory of a man who inspired me to believe that leaders can have an impact on young people's lives, and that there still is some nobility in public service.
Roger Pearson
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/03/11 Permit Holders For The Town's Commuter Parking Lots Are Being Granted An Extension On Their Renewals Because Of Tropical Storm Irene
Commuters who miss the deadline risk being relegated to the waiting list for permits, which are in high demand.
Parking rates are being kept flat for the upcoming permit year, which runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30, 2012.
The wait list for Greenwich Plaza, coveted for its central location and parking garage, is estimated to be six years.
There are 720 permits were issued for Greenwich Plaza as of October 2010, with another 900 people on the wait list.
An annual permit for the garage costs $488, the same amount as the Soundview Drive commuter lot in the downtown. All other lots cost $279 for the year, including Island Beach, Horseneck, Cos Cob, Riverside, Old Greenwich and the Town Hall parking garage. The exception is West End Avenue lot in Old Greenwich, which is $100.
The total number of commuter parking spaces in town is 2,690.
Renewal forms went out earlier this summer to all permit holders, who can mail them to the town or do the transaction online at www.buymypermit.com/greenwich. A 3.5 percent processing fee will be tacked on to online renewals.
West End Avenue is the only lot that does not currently have a wait list.
please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/03/11 Jim Himes Says His Office Is Available To Provide Assistance To Those Affected By Hurricane Irene
Connecticut’s 4th District
August 30, 2011
Himes Offers Assistance to Constituents Affected by Hurricane Irene
WASHINGTON, DC – In the wake of Hurricane Irene and its extensive damage to the Fourth District, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) is offering his constituents assistance to help keep them safe, ensure they are able to collect the most for lost or damaged property, and let them know about helpful resources going forward.
“Over the past few days, I have visited several towns throughout the Fourth District and have seen first-hand the damage caused by this hurricane. We have a long way to go in dealing with the effects of this natural disaster, and it will be days – if not weeks – before things return to normal,” said Himes. “I and my office are here to assist my constituents in any way that we can. I have created an Irene recovery page on my website that provides useful resources to assist my constituents in their recovery efforts.”
While trained crews work around the clock to de-energize downed power lines and get power grids up and running, Himes is urging individuals to avoid downed power lines. To report power outages, downed power lines or other utilities-related problems in your areas, residents should call their utility provider:
· Connecticut Light & Power: Customer Service Number: 1-800-286-2000
· United Illuminating: Customer Service Number: 1-800-7-CALL-UI (1-800-722-5584)
In addition to the widespread outages that continue to affect residents of Southwestern Connecticut, many have also experienced damages to their homes or property. Himes is reminding his constituents to file claims with their insurance companies to recover the costs of the damage caused by Irene, and is suggesting that residents take photos of the damage, save receipts for transactions involving fixing damaged property, and call their insurance companies to file claims immediately. Residents can find more information at the Connecticut Insurance Department’s website, here.
Residents whose property is not fully covered by insurance may be eligible for federal disaster assistance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will begin setting up disaster recovery centers (DRCs) and accepting applications for assistance shortly. Residents can learn more about applying for relief here. Himes is also urging his constituents to contact their local emergency operations centers (EOCs) to report their damages here.
Finally, the American Red Cross has been mobilizing throughout Connecticut. Himes urges all residents who need shelter, food or water or who would like to help to contact them at 877-787-3327.
Himes has visited Bridgeport, Fairfield, Greenwich, Norwalk, Stamford, Weston and Westport to capture a glimpse at the damages caused by Hurricane Irene and to speak with local officials on the ongoing recovery. He plans to visit other communities in the Fourth District later this week.
“Over the past few days I have seen firsthand the devastating impact Hurricane Irene has had on our state,” said Governor Malloy. “As people take stock in the damage inflicted upon their homes and businesses, I am asking residents to help expedite the data collection process of these damages and call or email them in to the 2-1-1 Infoline. The reporting of this damage is a critical step in our attempt to secure federal aid in the wake of Hurricane Irene.”
“If granted, this declaration would bring much needed help to Connecticut residents and businesses,” added Governor Malloy.
Data will be collected starting immediately. The 2-1-1 Infoline will be fielding calls seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Report damage by dialing 2-1-1 or go online at www.211ct.org.
09/03/11 CT News Alert: It's Official: Connecticut A Federal Disaster Area
President Obama has signed the Connecticut disaster declaration, the White House announced late Friday night.
Read more at courant.com
“In the few days since Hurricane Irene swept through Connecticut, we’ve begun to see just how much damage was inflicted upon our state,” said Gov. Malloy. “While there are still roads to be cleared and electricity to be restored, people who are looking for ways in which they can help can donate money and goods through a safe, secure website. In turn, the state will coordinate these supplies and get them out to residents and businesses that need them the most.”
The website is FEMA-approved and coordinated through a national non-profit. It is designed to centralize donations, which are then managed by a task force leader at the state Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. In order to reduce logistical costs and allow officials to better meet demand, financial donations are preferred.
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago