Tuesday, April 6, 2010
04/06/10 Greenwich Roundup Reader Comments On "First County Bank Hosts Seven Free Investor Seminars"
I have visited this site.
It is a very good banking website.
I got a lot of information.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
04/06/10 Who Is The Cowardly Anonymous Guy That's Been Attacking Investigative Journalist Teri Buhl? Maybe It's Charlie Gasparino. He's Bitched Before
What A Gas Bag: An Annoying Troll Named Anonymous Was Attacking Investigative Journalist Teri Buhl At 3;44, 3:50 And 3:55
Judge Jed Up SEC's Ass Again « Dealbreaker: A Wall Street Tabloid ... These days, Judge Jed Rakoff’s name creates about as much agita inside the SEC as as Bernie Madoff. If Wall Street’s cops on the beat didn’t have enough to deal with already, now Judge Jed is up their ass about a seemingly meaningless legal settlement in the Galleon insider trading case....
Posted by anon April 6, 2010 at 3:50 PM Oh fuck Teri Buhl…her last name is an onomatopoeia for regurgitation which is what I did when having to endure her writing. 11. Posted by Anonymous April 6, 2010 at 3:55 PM. Hey!! Do you guys see what's going on with the "Teri Buhl" ... |
COMMENTS: During A Time Of War, While Brave Young Men And Women The Shed Their Blood In Lonely Far Of Lands Clueless Unpatriotic Clowns Like Charlie Gasparino Make A Joke Of Freedom Of The Press. My 25 Year Old Son, Who Is A Sargent In The United States Army, Recently Returned Form Iraq And Survived Three IED Attacks Protecting The Free Speech Rights Of All Americans. He Did Not Volunteered To Put Himself In Harms Way So That Fox News Reporter Charlie Gasparino And Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Could Do This To Teri Buhl. In A Time Of War The Last Thing This Country Needs Is Censorship PLEASE SEE: Did Charlie Gasparino get Teri Buhl fired? Analysis & Opinion ... It’s well known that Charlie Gasparino likes getting into mini-feuds with reporters who write about him, myself included...... It’s part of what makes him Charlie, and he’s welcome to call me a twerpy nutjob as much as he likes. But he and former Trader Monthly publisher Randall Lane now seem to have gone far beyond name-calling on blogs: it looks as though they have gone so far as to get a full-time reporter fired from her job, in retaliation for her writing about them.
.....So what happened here? Buhl wrote about Gasparino a couple of times on the blog she was hired to write at the beginning of this year — the blog entries are now down, of course, but for the time being the Google cache can be seen here and here. They weren’t particularly nice about Charlie, and they called him “Gas-bag”, a common nickname which he doesn’t like. Angered, Charlie called up Zebora, Teri’s editor, and accused her of “stalking” him; Zebora, like any good editor, had her back.
Meanwhile, another media bigwig was getting annoyed by Buhl. Buhl had written a story about Randall Lane for Dealbreaker in July 2009, saying that he would find it difficult to sell the assets of his bankrupt company, Doubledown Media, and that he’d given his cousin access to Doubledown’s subscriber list after promising his subscribers that he would never do such a thing.
04/06/10 Keisha Grant is now following Greenwich Roundup on Twitter!
Keisha Grant (KeishaGrantNBC) is now following Greenwich Roundup's tweets on Twitter.A little information about Keisha Grant: Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com |
First County Bank Hosts Seven Free Investor Seminars
Dear Editor,
First County Bank will host the first of seven free investor presentations for the public on Thursday, April 8, discussing how this recovery is different and what investors should do about it. The final event takes place on April 28.
Economist Donald Klepper-Smith and First County Bank Vice President and Trust Officer Paul Bubniak are the presenters for the series. They will provide the investor audience with new perspectives to consider when planning investment strategy over the short and long term.
Please find attached a news release on these events and their details, as well as RSVP information.
If you'd like to talk with either Klepper-Smith or Bubniak, or attend one or more of these events yourself, please give me a call at 203.705.9203.
Thank you very much.
Jason Kannon
Vice President
Creative Partners
One Stamford Landing
62 Southfield Avenue, Suite 110
Stamford, CT 06902
T: 203 705 9203
M: 203 981 4230
E: mailto:jkannon@CreativePartners.com
STAMFORD, Conn., April 6, 2010 — First County Bank’s Trust and Investment Services is hosting a series of seven investor presentations on how this recovery is different and what investors should do about it. Being held at bank branches throughout the county, the free events are open to the public and promise to provide new perspectives for investors to consider as they plan investment strategy over the short and long term.
“New and different investment strategies are needed in today’s economic environment. Anyone who is interested in investment strategy and economic trends in this recovery will find this interactive presentation of value,” said Paul Bubniak, vice president and trust officer at First County Bank. Online reservations are suggested and can be found at First County Bank Event RSVP.
Economist Donald Klepper-Smith and Bubniak are the presenters for this series. Klepper-Smith is chief economist and director of research for DataCore Partners LLC, a Connecticut-based professional services firm. A professional researcher for more than 20 years, he develops and directs strategic planning initiatives on behalf of clients in order to help them make better business decisions.
Klepper-Smith was previously chief economist and director with Scilla Dowling and Natarelli in New Haven, and also served as executive director of the New Haven Regional Data Cooperative, helping to grow Connecticut nonprofit institutions. In 1978, Klepper-Smith earned a master’s degree in public administration from S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook, N.Y., focusing on economics, econometric modeling, statistics and forecasting theory. In 1975, he earned a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from Stony Brook.
Bubniak joined First County Bank in 2004 as a trust officer and now holds the position of vice president trust and investments. Previously, he was vice president and investment product manager, wealth management and trust for People’s Bank. He earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Queens College, City University of New York. Spending the past 25 years working with high net worth individuals in Connecticut, Bubniak specializes in investment management and estate planning.
1042 High Ridge Road
Stamford, Conn.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
6 – 7:30 pm
637 Shippan Ave.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
6 – 7:30 pm
1260 Post Road EastWestport, Conn.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
6 – 7:30 pm
151 Main St.
New Canaan, Conn.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
6 - 7:30 p.m.
1006 Post RoadDarien, Conn.203.655.3944
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
6 – 7:30 pm
59 Mason Street
Greenwich, Conn.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
6 – 7:30 pm
700 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, Conn.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
6 – 7:30 pm
*This event will only feature Paul Bubniak, vice president and trust officer at First County Bank.
First County Bank, headquartered in Stamford, Conn., is an independent mutual community bank with 15 branches in Stamford, Greenwich, Darien, New Canaan, Norwalk and Westport offering deposit products, mortgages, trust and investment services, business banking services and online banking. First County Bank has assets in excess of $1.2 billion. For additional information, please visit www.firstcountybank.com.
Please send your comments, news tips ans press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
04/06/10 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Afternoon Edition
The Latest News About Greenwich
Fresh Direct Goes to Greenwich Wall Street Journal ... the Long Island City-based company is expected to announce that it will immediately begin delivering to four communities near Greenwich, Conn. and ... |
Headlines: 'Luxury Is Not Dead' as Greubel Sells for $490000 in Greenwich Los Angeles News Today (Corrects ownership of De Grisogono in 17th paragraph.) Von Sperling's company, Polished Social Image Consultants , charges $3000 a day for services from ... |
Finance Committee Votes To Create Hospital Tax; Favor Highest Estate Tax In ... Hartford Courant In turn, places like Greenwich Hospital would be net losers under the scenario. The bill calls for setting aside an extra $20 million in revenue to help the ... |
Tree conservancy looks at local trees Thursday night Greenwich Post The Greenwich Tree Conservancy is offering the chance for people to learn more about the trees found in Connecticut and literally right here in our backyard ... |
Abilis looking to expand firewood operation Greenwich Time Abilis clients Margaret Makuck, left and Kevin Finn, carry a log to the truck, while Matt Hochman, ... |
Halloween in April scares up some charitable fun Norwalk Plus Magazine On Friday, April 30, from 8 pm to 11 pm, the Greenwich Jaycees will host Halfway to Halloween in the private banquet room of Butterfield 8, located at 112 ... |
Littlejohn & Co. Announces Recapitalization of CTI Foods PR Newswire (press release) GREENWICH, Conn /PRNewswire/ -- Littlejohn & Co., LLC, a private investment firm that applies an operational approach to building middle-market ... |
BOYS LACROSSE Cardinals buying into Bulkley's new system Stamford Advocate Greenwich High School boys lacrosse captains PJ Schwabe, left and Colin Dunster on the athletic fields, on Monday, April 05, 2010. ... |
Ferguson Library once again under fire Stamford Advocate Greenwich Library, the busiest library in the state, sees about 2000 people each day, director Carol Mahoney said. The $7.3 million appropriation from the ... |
Business Experts Praise New e-Book on Marketing Ideas and Strategies for ... The Open Press (press release) (OPENPRESS) April 6, 2010 - Old Greenwich, CT – Small businesses can make some simple changes to marketing strategies to increase profits in a down economy ... |
Dr. Ronald McMahan, Leading Energy Expert, Named Special Advisor to General ... PR Newswire (press release) GREENWICH, Conn., April 6 /PRNewswire/ -- General Atlantic LLC (GA), a leading global growth equity firm, today announced that Dr. Ronald McMahan, ... |
Patriots Mailbag: With the start of the draft fast approaching, Mike Reiss ... ESPN Crazy Fan in CT (Greenwich, Conn.) A: I think he'll make 10 to 11, although I didn't think he'd make 12 last year, either. One thing to keep in mind is that ... |
The Markets Don't like the Look of Greek Debt Tuesday Wall Street Journal (blog) ... over Greece and its quest to square its debt obligations," said Andrew Wilkinson, senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers in Greenwich, Conn. ... |
Greenwich In The Blogosphere
"Mr. Greenwich" « The Laurel By dubymcd Bernie Yudain, a veteran newspaperman who served as Greenwich Time's managing editor into the 1950s, later using his wit and humor to capture the town's essence in his weekly newspaper column, died Saturday at Greenwich Hospital. ... The Laurel - http://thelaurelct.com/ |
The Hour's News Hound » Blog Archive » Greenwich Historical Society... By Nanette Morges The Greenwich Historical Society recently received a $5000 grant from the Connecticut Humanities Council for research to aid in marketing and communication planning. The project will explore public perceptions of the Historical ... The Hour's News Hound - http://blogs.thehour.com/newshound/ |
Rep. Camillo Remembers a Local Legend – Our Greenwich By franktrotta So long, Bernie, You will be missed by many. I know you will keep 'em laughing and busy in the Greenwich section of Heaven. Fred Camillo. Old Greenwich,CT. (State Representative 151st District). Posted in: Uncategorized. ... Our Greenwich - http://ourgreenwich.com/ |
Did I Really Move to Greenwich?: Where The Wild Things Are By Yelena So something you might not know about me is that I'm not opposed, either in theory or practice, to the outdoors. Sure, there are things that exist in the outdoors, bees, opossums, drifters, that I'm not especially partial to, ... Did I Really Move to Greenwich? - http://didireallymove.blogspot.com/ |
Capitol Watch Blog - Connecticut Politics, Political News and ... By Christopher Keating Greenwich Hospital, for example, could lose from $5 million to $8 million, officials said. Danbury Hospital, on the state border, is talking about a merger with New Milford Hospital - and they are both currently on the "loser'' list ... Capitol Watch - http://blogs.courant.com/capitol_watch/ |
REMINDER: REP. CAMILLO TO HOST FREE E-WASTE PICK-UP FOR EARTH ... By jdooley GREENWICH- State Representative Fred Camillo (R-151st) will be hosting a free e-waste turn-in and pick-up GREENWICH RECYCLES DAY to allow residents to dispose of any device or appliance with an electric cord or charger: ... repfredcamillo.com - http://repfredcamillo.com/ |
A Recently Updated Web Page About Greenwich
Larchmont-Mamaroneck Patch - Greenwich-based Pet Store Opens In ... The Pet Pantry Warehouse, which began 65 years ago in Greenwich, Ct. sees the neighborhood, community based pet store as an important alternative to big box ... larchmont.patch.com/.../greenwich-based-pet-store-opens-in-larchmontm-hosts- community-event-april-19 |
04/06/10 Yje New And Improved Greenwich: April RTM Meeting

You can follow the voting and broadcast on this web site, or follow GCTV Channel 79's Twitter channel GCTV79 with any Twitter application. GCTV Channel 79 is broadcast on Cablevision channel 79 in Greenwich and is available on the internet at http://gctv.greenwich.org/
Link to the online article:
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
04/06/10 Now That You Finished The Census
The Greenwich Historical Society recently received a $5,000 grant from the Connecticut Humanities Council for research to aid in marketing and communication planning. The project will explore public perceptions of the Historical Society’s core values as well as seek feedback on the types of programs that motivate membership and support. The resulting information will assist in the development of new activities, exhibitions and membership initiatives to better serve the community’s needs.
The project will also survey communications preferences, which will enable the Historical Society to develop more efficient communications and heighten both member and public awareness of its activities. It will also explore potential partnership initiatives with other local organizations that share overlapping membership.
Sponsorship International Research (SRi) of South Norwalk, aided in the development and design of the survey. The project comes in conjunction with implementation of a new logo and graphic image for the Historical Society to be unveiled later this spring, designed by creative director Angela Vecchio, a former resident of Greenwich. The new image was developed to reflect the Historical Society’s new mission statement, which focuses on a contemporary and broad-based approach that seeks to “inspire people to make personal connections with the past and use stories and objects from Greenwich to illuminate the American experience.”
Representatives from the Greenwich Historical Society will be administering the survey at public meetings and venues throughout Greenwich now through May and it will be sent to all members. It may be completed on line or in writing and should take about ten minutes to complete. Call 203-869-6899, Ext. 12 for more information. The only two requirements are that participants be Greenwich residents and over age 18.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
04/06/10 Goldman Sachs Invests In $4 Billion Greenwich Hedge Fund

The Greenwich hedge fund, Level Global Investors LP., founded by David Ganek, bets on the global rise and fall of stock prices employing long/short strategy to make its investments.
“We believe this investment by Petershill is an important milestone in the continued development of Level Global’s investment management platform as an institutional quality business,” managing partners David Ganek and Anthony Chiasson said in a letter to shareholders, which was first published by Bloomberg news.
04/06/10 We Just Don't Know What Happened - Fire investigators unable to determine cause of North Porchuck Road fire
The Top Greenwich News Story At Topix:
Fire investigators unable to determine cause of North Porchuck Road fire (Connecticut Post)
Officials could not determine the cause of the fire that destroyed the mansion at 71 North Porchuck Road in January, 2010....
Sept. 22, 1938 -- Greenwich was hit last evening by a tropical hurricane with 80-mile-an-hour winds and flood tides that brought death and destruction to New England coastal communities....
04/06/10 First Selectman Peter Tesei Is Quite A Magician: "Now You See It - Now You Dont"
04/03/10 This Is A Test Of First Selectman Peter Tesei,s Emergency Forgery System - Peter Tesei Is Busted On Twitter
Follow This Tweet From Mr. Finkbeiner |
Mission Impossible Tape scene
The episode begins with the Town Of Greenwich webmaster
getting orders from a hidden tape recorder and an envelope with
out dated weather forecasts.
The tape begins with "Good Morning, Boris Hurton, Greenwich IT Director",
"Your mission, should you decide to accept it is to post old
weather forecasts on the Town of Greenwich website"
The tape then ends with
"As always, should you or any of your IT Department be
caught, Greenwich First Selectman Peter Tesei will
disavow any knowledge of your actions."
April 6, 2010 | ||||
Home | Privacy Policy | Help | Contact Us | Site Map | Legal Town Hall - 101 Field Point Road - Greenwich, CT 06830 - (203) 622-7700 Copyright ©2010, Town of Greenwich. All rights reserved. |
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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