Monday, April 12, 2010
04/12/10 Green Mountain Goes to Greenwich

04/12/10 Stop The Hearst Newspaper Presses Susie Costaregni Is Once Again Getting Her Free Drinks For Plugging Valbella Week After Week After Week
Got Fake news tip?
Or just say that you seen a has been celebrity pumping gas in town?
E-mail Susie Costaregni at
She will print anything you tell her.
Better yet, impress your friends by Susie her that you saw a dead celebrity eating at at Valbella in Riverside last night.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
04/12/10 We snuck into Mr. Tiger's neighborhood, which makes East Hampton and Greenwich, Conn. look like Munchkinland

New York Daily News
Tiger Woods lost the Masters, and he won't win the Mr. Congeniality award from his neighbors in the gated community in which he's sequestered himself all week.
When Woods let out those expletives on the hallowed grounds of Augusta National Saturday, the wealthy residents of Westlake, the gated, guarded community in which Woods has sequestered himself during the Masters, weren't surprised.
We snuck into Mr. Tiger's neighborhood, which makes East Hampton and Greenwich, Conn. look like Munchkinland.
Huge plantation houses with Greek columns and balconies like the White House nestle amongst magnolia trees, and we found Woods' grey rented mansion on the ironically named Honor's Way.
After missing a shot Saturday, the beleagured past champion sputtered, "Tiger Woods, you suck! Goddamnit!"
Reminiscent of the time at Cog Hill in 2001 when he kicked the grass, threw his clubs, and again yelled at himself by name, this outburst was picked up on the CBS Sports microphone.
Radio funnyman Mike Opelka noted, "Golf is a royal and ancient game, and there's a certain decorum that's expected. This isn't the World Wrestling Organization."
That's the behavior golf fans object to in Westlake, which, of course, has its own golf course.
"I don't care about his behavior off the course," said one neighbor, a physician. "What I object to is his behavior on the course. It's not gentlemanly. He's thrown clubs. It's my understanding that Arnold Palmer has told him, 'That's not the way we do it.'"
Further down the road, we stopped to gawk at a house about 40,000 feet large, built on the exact angle to catch the first rays of sun in the master bedroom. It has a separate 6,000 square foot house for the maid, and its own helipad. Maybe they can lend their chopper to Tiger for quick escapes.
They had their own gates-within-the-gates, but fortunately, another Tiger neighbor, Rav Jevath, a hotelier and author of the murder bible "Homicide: A Bibliography," talked to us in front of his own seven-bedroom, five-bathroom home.
"[Woods] has rented from my friend in the past, but he inquired too late this year, so he rented to somebody else" said Jevath, who added the going rate is $35,000 for the week.
Woods has reportedly rented two mansions, one for staff, including a chef since, unlike the other pro golfers and caddies, he doesn't dine out at the historic Partridge Inn or anywhere outside the walls.
"He used to mostly order take-out, and eat it right out of the Styrofoam container," Jevath says. "Isn't that sad, to have all that money, and not savor life's moments? He comes to Augusta every year, but he doesn't seem to enjoy our city."
Jevath credits Woods for breaking barriers as a minority, but he notes, "We have a large African-American community here in Augusta, and Woods doesn't interact with it at all."
Woods' foundation does teach golf to children in California and other select states, but not here, where he's won the green Masters jacket four times, Jevath notes.
"It would mean so much to them," he adds.
Woods works out at the gym in the compound's private club, but doesn't associate with residents, highly successful people themselves.
"He looks right past you," says Jevath. "You can be standing right next to him and he will look like you're not even there. If you don't look a man in the eyes, it's very insulting.
"He's very cold. Everyone says it. He seems to be a man without empathy."
04/12/10 PRESS RELEASE:Small Business Marketing Ideas and Strategies in a Bad Economy Detailed in Free eBook
The Small Business Administration reports that a record number of businesses have defaulted on SBA loans, and a quick search on Google News shows that “small business failures” brings up many current news stories.
“Market conditions have changed, which means small business owners must use new ideas and marketing strategies if they want to grow and increase their profits, even though others around them continue to struggle in this bad economy,” explained Charlie Cook, author of “The New Profit Rules.”
Cook has many years of marketing and business experience, and he has completed an ebook he is offering free in an effort to help small business owners not only survive, but prosper in what he calls the “new economy.”
“The New Profit Rules” is available for download without cost or obligation at Cook’s web site
The newly released book has already helped many small businesses find new clients and customers, close more sales, and increase profits. Praises for the book from business owners who have successfully used it can be found on the web site.
Cook said he was inspired to write the book and offer it for free because he was dismayed by all the news reports that seemed to imply that business failure is to be expected in a down economy.
“Businesses do not have to fail, and in fact they do not even have to suffer just because the economy has taken a dive. There are some very simple principles that business owners can use, and I describe these in detail in my ebook. Business owners simply need to change their business strategies in order to profit in the new economy, but if they continue to use the same strategies they used during the boom years they risk failure,” explained Cook.
“The New Profit Rules” is well written, and is designed to be an quick, easy read that is simple to put into action. Business owners are taught eight strategies they can use to bring in new customers, and make additional sales for increased profits right away. Cook says he wants to help business owners survive and prosper, so he is offering the book at no cost.
04/12/10 Teacher of the Year to speak at UMass
Anthony Mullen, the 2009 National Teacher of the Year, will keynote a special event at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth on Thursday, May 20. The event is being hosted by the Journey into Education and Teaching program, which helps teacher aides become elementary-level special education teachers. Area educators, including teachers, administrators, teacher aides and higher education faculty are invited to attend the event and participate in a question-and-answer session with Mullen following his address on “Recovering Lost Students.”
Mullen is a former New York City police officer who turned to classroom teaching in 2001. He teaches ninth through 12th grade special education classes at the ARCH School, an alternative education branch of Greenwich High School in Greenwich, Conn.
04/09/10 Should You Get Involved If You See A Neglected Child? Think Twice - Your Life Could Be In Danger If You Contact DCF About A Greenwich Child

04/12/10 McArdle’s Florist & Garden Center hosts breast-cancer benefit
McArdle’s Florist and Garden Center in Greenwich, Conn., is hosting its 11th annual Sales Days to benefit the Breast Cancer Alliance,
From Thursday, April 29, through Saturday, May 1, McArdle’s will donate 15 percent of every purchase to the Breast Cancer Alliance to fund breast cancer research, education and outreach.
Owner James McArdle III sees his continuing support of the alliance as a way of giving back to the community. “We are all in this together,” Mr. McArdle said, “and we are proud to contribute to the health and well-being of our mothers, sisters, daughters, neighbors and customers through our support of the Breast Cancer Alliance.”
Please send your comments,news tips and press releases to
04/12/10 Solo guitarist presents 500 years of music in Old Greenwich
The guitarist has performed throughout the United States and Europe, in concerts and at festivals and museums, and has written soundtracks for documentaries and radio drama which have been broadcast on public television and radio.
The concert on April 24 will include classical and contemporary music by Bach and Thelonious Monk. Mr. Griggs will also perform compositions by Gaspar Sanz, an Spanish 17th-century baroque guitarist, Django Rheinhardt, a mid-20th-century French/Gypsy jazz guitarist, and Baden Powell de Aquino, a Brazilian guitarist who died in 2000 and composed in the bossa nova, samba and Brazilian jazz styles.
Critics have described Mr. Griggs’ guitar playing as a “master of soft and expressive tones” and “stunning in its intensity.” Mr. Griggs explains, “500 Years of Music for Guitar traces the history of guitar music, and includes Renaissance and Baroque music, as well as Spanish classical, flamenco, jazz, blues, and Brazilian music, together with some of my own compositions.”
This is Mr. Griggs first Greenwich concert. The Reverend Victoria Miller, rector of Saint Saviour’s, explains that “we are delighted to host Peter Griggs. His extensive repertoire will provide an enjoyable concert experience for both classical, jazz and world music lovers.”
04/12/10 A Surprise For Greenwich Resident Ned Lamont: Marconi decides he's stilla candidate for governor

Rudy !!!, Rudy !!!, Rudy !!!
Marconi Pulls A 180 On Lamont: He Is Still Going To Officially Be A Candidate
Ridgefield First Selectman Rudy Marconi will announce his candidacy for governor today, a reliable source close to his campaign said.
Mr. Marconi’s exploratory committee sent out an e-mail media advisory Monday morning, stating that the first selectman would be making an announcement regarding his campaign later this afternoon in Hartford, before the Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey Dinner.
He plans to make the announcement outside the Hartford Convention Center at 4:30 p.m.
“There is buzz that he is getting out, but he is getting in,” the source said. “He is going to announce his candidacy tonight.”
Mr. Marconi formed a committee to explore running for governor last October.
Other announced Democratic candidates include Ned Lamont of Greenwich and former Stamford mayor Dannel Malloy.
Mr. Marconi will need to gain delegate support at next month's Democratic State Convention. Any candidate who gains support of 15 percent of the delegates earns a spot in the primary. The gubernatorial Democratic primary is scheduled for August 10.
Information on Mr. Marconi’s campaign and his stand on issues can be found at .
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
04/12/10 Where Is Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber And His Greenwich Time Reporters? - Supreme Court To Release Skakel Ruling (Updated 7 Times)

Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber is once again a sleep at the switch as prosecutor Susann Gill tells The Associated Press that the state's highest court is expected to release its ruling late Monday morning.
Skakel, a nephew of Ethel Kennedy, was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in 2002 for fatally beating Martha Moxley with a golf club in Greenwich.
Skakel had asked for a new trial after another man implicated his two friends in the killing. But a judge in Stamford turned that request down in 2007. Skakel then appealed.
Skakel is a nephew of Robert Kennedy's widow, Ethel.
Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani was knuckled under by the powerful Kennedy clan, when he refused to publish an independent Martha Moxley Investigative Report for ten years.
Mr.Pisani commissioned the independent investigative report that eventually became to the book that led to Michael Skakel's conviction.
WHDH-TV | Conn. court to rule on Kennedy cousin's appealA Connecticut high court is expected to rule on a Kennedy cousin's appeal of 1975 murder conviction. Ethel Kennedy's nephew, Michael Skakel, was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in 2002 for fatally beating 15-year-old Martha Moxley with a golf club in Greenwich. He asked for a new trial in 2007, but a judge denied the request. Skakel then appealed the decision |
High court set to release decision in Skakel conviction
Debra Friedman, STAFF WRITER
Published: 11:21 a.m., Monday, April 12, 2010
A decision regarding the latest appeal of Kennedy family cousin Michael Skakel for the 1975 slaying of his Greenwich neighbor, Martha Moxley, is expected to be released by the state Supreme Court Monday afternoon.
The decision has been pending for more than a year after lawyers for Skakel argued credible evidence including videotaped testimony points to two other men as Moxley's killers.
The videotaped evidence involves Gitano "Tony" Bryant, cousin of NBA star Kobe Byrant. Bryant, a formerBrunswick School student, claims two of his friends killed Moxley.
At oral arguments in March 2009, prosecutors maintained Bryant's story is false and asked the high court to uphold Skakel's conviction.
Skakel, a nephew of Ethel Skakel Kennedy, was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in June 2002 for brutally beating Moxley to death with a golf club on Oct. 30, 1975 when they were 15. His conviction came after nearly two decades during which the murder remained unsolved. Skakel has maintained his innocence.
In 2007, state Superior Court Judge Edward Karazindenied Skakel's bid for a new trial based on the Bryant evidence, ruling it was not credible. However, the state Supreme Court has the authority to overrule that decision.
Greenwich Time Staff Writer
Debra Friedman finally gets her story out at 11:21 AM, But the decision has been announced and the AP is breaking the story all over the United States
Debra Friedman finally gets her story out at 11:21 AM, But the decision has been announced and the AP is breaking the story all over the United States
Monday, April 12, 2010; 11:32 AM
Conn. high court denies Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel's bid for new trial on murder conviction.
Kennedy cousin loses appeal in murder conviction
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel (SKAY'-kel) has lost his bid for a new trial in the 1975 killing of his 15-year-old neighbor in a wealthy Connecticut suburb.
The Connecticut Supreme Court on Monday upheld Skakel's murder conviction in a 4-1 decision.
Skakel is a nephew of Robert Kennedy's widow, Ethel. He was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in 2002 for fatally beating Martha Moxley with a golf club when they were neighbors in Greenwich (GREHN'-ich).
The 49-year-old Skakel had asked for a new trial after another man implicated his two friends in the killing. A judge turned that request down in 2007. Skakel then appealed to the high court.
Forget About The Greenwich Time
You Can Read About The At The Supreme Court Decision About Michael Skakel On The CT Court Website:
Supreme Court Advance Opinions: Released after 11:30 a.m. |
October 30, 1975:Martha and some friends went out for an evening of
"mischief night" pranks before stopping at the home of Tommy and
Michael Skakel.
Martha was due home around 10:00 PM; She never comes home.
Martha's family, neighbors, friends and the Greenwich Police begin
searching for Martha around midnight. Dorthy Moxley waits up all night
for Martha to return home.
October 31, 1975: The search continues throughout the night. Greenwich
Police begin considering Martha's disappearance as a possible run-
4:00 AM: Greenwich Police search Belle Haven.
6:00 AM: John Moxley returns home from his search.
10:00 AM: Dorthy Moxley went to the Skakel home looking for Martha and
speaks to Michael.
12:15 PM: While walking through the Moxley's backyard, 15-year-old
Sheila McGuire finds Martha dead under a pine tree. The murder weapon
was a golf club, which was later matched to a set owned by the Skakel
12:30 PM: Police arrive at the crime scene.
4:00 PM: GPD requests the Connecticut State Police Mobile Crime Scene
4:30 PM: C.S.P. Crime Scene Lab arrives.
5:30 PM: Martha's body is moved to Greenwich Hospital.
5:40 PM: Tommy Skakel is taken to the Greenwich station for
questioning; he returns home at 10:30 PM.
November 1, 1975: Dr. Elliot Gross conducts an autopsy concluding that
Martha was killed with a golf club.
November 2, 1975: Greenwich detectives remove a set of golf clubs
matching the murder weapon from the Skakel home. Greenwich Police put
out a nationwide APB for a missing portion of the golf club.
November 3, 1975: Tommy Skakel is given a polygraph test. The results
were inconclusive.
November 4, 1975: More than 500 people attend Martha's funeral in
Greenwich surrounded by onlookers and the media.
November 9, 1975: Tommy Skakel is given a 2nd polygraph test and
reportedly passes.
November 10, 1975: Greenwich Police conduct an extensive background
check on Ken Littleton.
November 15, 1975: Detectives re-interview the Skakel's, Andrea
Shakespeare, Jim Terrien and Helen Ix.
November 21, 1975: Ed Hammond is given a polygraph test and passes.
November 24, 1975: Greenwich Police ask a New York City Area Dry
Cleaners Association to report any blood stained clothing.
December 2, 1975: Greenwich Police ask all Fairfield County Dry
Cleaners to report any blood stained clothing received since the
December 2, 1975: John Moxley is given a polygraph test and passes.
December 9, 1975: John Skakel is given a polygraph test and passes.
December 11, 1975: Greenwich Police search the Skakel's Windham, NY
residence with Rushton Skakel's Permission.
December 12, 1975: Greenwich Police receive the autopsy report from
Dr. Gross.
December 13, 1975: Detectives re-interview Tommy Skakel and take hair
December 17, 1975: Dorthy Moxley is given a polygraph test. The
results are inconclusive.
January 16, 1976: Detectives receive written permission from Rushton
January 20, 1976: Greenwich Police are contacted by Chris Roosevelt of
the Whitby School.
He tells them that he will NOT release Tommy's school records without
first speaking to the Skakel's. He also states that if Tommy was
arrested, he would be defended by a battery of lawyers who would claim
the boy was "temporarily insane".
January 22, 1976: Rushton Skakel formally WITHDRAWS permission to
release Tommy's school records. Later that day Rushton collapses with
chest pains and is rushed to Greenwich Hospital where he informs
detectives that he has retained Manny Margolis as Tommy's criminal
January 25, 1976: David Moxley sets up a meeting between Police and
his friend John McCreight a consultant who wants Greenwich Police to
bring in outside help.
January 28, 1976: Detectives request to permission re-interview Ed
January 30, 1976: Attorney Manny Margolis advises Police that he has
advised the Skakel's NOT to talk with police.
February 4-7, 1976: Detectives go to Detroit, MI to get advice from
Detroit Police on the case.
February 9, 1976: Detectives go to Brunswick School to try and get a
written statement from Ken Littleton - Littleton is unavailable.
February 18, 1976: Detectives meet with Skakel family advisors Fr.
Tommy Guinan and Fr. Mark Connolly concerning medical and
psychological tests they would like perform.
February 25, 1976: Detectives meet with Rushton Skakel, Fr. Mark
Connolly and Attorney Manny Margolis concerning medical and
psychological tests they would like perform.
March 3, 1976: Attorney Manny Margolis informs detectives that his
client will NOT COMPLY and be tested.
March 5, 1976: Ed Hammond and his mother are re-interviewed.
March 15, 1976: Tommy Skakel is given a psychological exam in NYC
under a false name.
March 16, 1976: Greenwich Police consult with Nassau County Police on
the case.
March 25, 1976: Donald Browne holds a press conference and states they
are frustrated by an unnamed family's lack of cooperation. He does not
identify the family.
March 28, 1976: Rushton Skakel tells the Moxley's that Tommy has
passed a psychological exam but refuses to give the results to police
on advice of council.
March 31, 1976: Two Detroit detectives arrive in Greenwich to assist
with the investigation.
April 2, 1976: Detroit detectives interview Robert and Mildred Ix.
April 5, 1976: Greenwich Police attempt to re-interview Ken Littleton
- he declines.
April 7, 1976: Ken Littleton refuses to talk to detectives and refuses
to sign a statement about Tommy Skakel.
April 13, 1976: Ken Littleton retains Attorney John Meerbergen and
notifies police.
April 15, 1976: Police talk to witnesses regarding the barking dog the
night of the murder.
April 16, 1976: Police check with Animal Control looking for "barking
dog complaints" the night of the murder.
April 22, 1976: Detectives re-interview Ken Littleton with his lawyer
April 30, 1976: Tommy Skakel admitted to Greenwich Hospital.
May 11, 1976: Skakel's receive a full psychological report on Tommy
Skakel from Dr. Lesse.
September 2, 1976: The Moxley's attorney informs police that the
Skakel's have agreed to have Dr. Lesse speak to a doctor for the
October 18, 1976: Ken Littleton fails a polygraph test.
October 19, 1976: Ken Littleton tells police that his attorney has
advised him not to submit himself for tests.
October 21, 1976: Detectives meet with attorney Margolis and tell him
they would like to re-interview the Skakel's regarding Ken Littleton.
Margolis is given a list of questions.
October 30, 1976: Detectives do an overnight stakeout of the murder
November 9, 1976: Attorney Margolis contacts police with a list of
answers regarding Ken Littleton.
November 12, 1976: Police do a background check on Ken Littleton.
March 3, 1977: The Moxley's attorney tells police that they have
arranged a doctor to review Tommy Skakel's file.
May 1977: Ken Littleton is given 5-7 years suspended sentence for
burglary charges in Nantucket, Mass. Littleton refuses to submit to a
sodium amytal interview in return for reduced charges.
October 30, 1977: Detectives again do an overnight stakeout of the
murder scene.
December 12, 1977: Detectives travel to Vermont where Tommy Skakel is
attending school to obtain information.
December 14, 1977: Detectives travel to Boston to speak with Ken
Littleton's Probation Officer.
March 5, 1978: Michael Skakel is arrested in Windham, NY on charges of
unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, speeding, failure to comply
with an officer and DWI.
June 1978: Tommy Skakel is expelled from college for academic reasons.
October 17, 1978: Governor Ella Grasso authorizes a $20,000 reward.
October 28, 1978: Greenwich Police meet with a psychic who contacted
them regarding dreams.
October 30, 1978: Detectives again do an overnight stakeout of the
murder scene.
Mid-November 1978: Michael Skakel escapes from the Elan School and is
returned a few days later.
November 29, 1978: Michael Skakel escapes from the Elan School again.
December 12, 1978: Michael Skakel escapes from the Elan School again.
October 30, 1979: Detectives again do an overnight stakeout of the
murder scene.
October 30, 1980: Detectives again do an overnight stakeout of the
murder scene.
July 31, 1981: Police contact a second psychic about the case.
September 27, 1981: Police meet with the second psychic about the
October 30, 1981: Detectives again do an overnight stakeout of the
murder scene.
July 13, 1982: Greenwich Time newspaper requests to see the
investigation reports.
July 20, 1982: Police DENY the request.
August 6, 1982: Greenwich Time newspaper "formally" requests to see
the investigation reports under the "Freedom Of Information Act".
October 4, 1982: Greenwich Police Department requests to see and edit
Len Levitt's Greenwich Time article before publication. Their request
is denied.
October 30, 1982: Detectives again do an overnight stakeout of the
murder scene.
December 9, 1982: An FOI hearing is conducted regarding the police
January 5, 1983: Detectives talk to Ken Littleton who states he has
been talking to reporter Len Levitt. He also states that he is now
willing to undergo tests to prove his innocence.
May 11, 1983: FOI Committee decides that police must hand over
selected parts of the police report.
Summer 1983: Len Levitt's article is written on the case - Greenwich
Time and Stamford Advocate Editor Joe Pisani REFUSES to publish it (so it sits in Joe Pisani's lower desk drawer under lock and key). The Kennedy clan is elated that Pisani has knuckled under to their pressure.
In 1988: Martha's father, David Moxley, dies unexpectedly in New York
City. Mr. Moxley is buried in Greenwich next to Martha.
April 30, 1991: Greenwich police and the State of Connecticut announce
that they are reinvestigating evidence in the case.
June 2, 1991: Len Levitt's article is published in the Greenwich Time
under the headline "Moxley Murder Case Still Haunts Greenwich".
August 9, 1991: The Moxley family increases the reward to $50,000.
They also set up a toll-free telephone number to assist in an
announced reinvestigation by the State Attorney's office by Frank Garr
and Jack Solomon.
SOMETIME IN 1991: The Skakel's hire Sutton Associates to investigate
the murder.
1993: The book "A Season in Purgatory," by Dominick Dunne, is
October 1993: Dr. Henry Lee submits his findings to the Greenwich
Police, the report is 6 inches thick.
January 5, 1994: At a press conference, Jack Solomon admits that there
is nothing new in the investigation at this point - he also blames the
Skakel family for not cooperating.
September 30, 1994: Frank Garr retires from the Greenwich Police to
work as an investigator for the State Attorney's Office. He is
assigned full time on the Moxley Case.
November 26, 1995: Len Levitt writes an article for "Newsday Magazine"
he was doing the night of the murder.
June 19, 1996: The Moxley's double the reward money to $100,000.
October 1996: Evidence is taken to Washington D.C. to the Defense
Department for DNA testing.
June 1998: Superior Court Judge George Thim starts an 18-month, one
man grand jury review of information gathered by Frank Garr and the
State Attorney's office.
Spring - Summer 1998: The books "Greentown" by Timothy Dumas and
"Murder in Greenwich," by former Los Angeles Police Detective Mark
Fuhrman, are published.
November 1998: The grand jury interviewed more than 30 witnesses in
connection the case. Some reportedly are former residents and staff of
the Elan School in Poland Springs, Maine. At the same time counsel for
Michael Skakel, headed by Stamford based defense attorney Michael
Sherman, has made a motion to suppress all testimony from staff and
residents of the Elan School citing "doctor - patient
December 10, 1998: In his ruling, Superior Court Judge Edward
Stodolink stated that the owner of the center, where the state alleges
former Greenwich resident Michael Skakel may have made admissions as
to the murder, must give grand jury testimony.
March 11, 1999: Suffolk County (New York) Judge Michael Mullen ruled
that private investigator, Willis Krebs must appear before the grand
jury in Bridgeport.
March 24, 1999: When Krebs appeared before the grand jury, Willis
Krebs refused to divulge those names on the basis that it was
confidential information, but was later ordered to do so.
July 28, 1999: A Florida appeals court ruled that Rushton Skakel, the
father of Michael and Tommy Skakel, was ordered to testify before the
Connecticut grand jury investigating the Moxley Case.
August 5, 1999: The state Appellate Court has reversed a state
Superior Court judge's order that a drug and alcohol rehabilitation
center's owner must testify what he knows about admissions a suspect
allegedly made concerning the Martha Moxley murder. It remains
unclear, however, whether the Appellate Court decision would affect
testimony the grand jury has already heard from others who attended
the rehab center with Skakel.
September 9, 1999: Rushton Skakel Sr. spends over an hour answering a
grand jury's questions about what he might know concerning his sons'
possible involvement in the 1975 murder. In addition the grand jury is
still looking for testimony from James (Dowdle) Terrin, cousin of
Michael and Tommy Skakel, who was with the Skakel brothers the night
of the murder.
December 10, 1999: The Grand Jury officially ended its investigation.
By law, Judge Thim had a maximum of three, six-month terms to complete
his investigation. His final term ended on Friday December 10. Judge
Thim had 60 days to say whether he believes there is enough evidence
to make an arrest. The prosecutors office is not bound by his
decision. Even if Judge Thim finds probable cause for an arrest,
prosecutors may decide there is not enough evidence for them to win a
January 19, 2000: 9:00 AM: At a news conference which was held in
Bridgeport, Connecticut, prosecutors announced that an arrest warrant
had been issued for an unnamed juvenile. Attorney Mickey Sherman told
reporters that his client, Michael Skakel, was on his way to
Connecticut to surrender to authorities.
Michael Skakel surrendered to Greenwich Police. Skakel was charged as
a juvenile. The Skakel family posts $500,000 bail and he is released.
February 8, 2000: At what could only be described as a 'media circus',
Michael Skakel was scheduled to appear in Stamford Juvenile Court for
arraignment. But, Juvenile Court Judge Maureen Dennis decided to
postpone his arraignment on murder charges until March 14, reportedly
so she can look into whether to open the proceedings to the news
March 10, 2000: Judge Maureen Dennis rules on a request from five
newspapers and The Associated Press which had asked to open the
juvenile proceeding to the public. The judge agreed to allow press
coverage and moved the arraignment to Stamford Superior Court, Tuesday
March 14th.
March 14, 2000: In a four-minute court appearance, Skakel heard the
charges against him read aloud and was advised of his Constitutional
rights. Because this is a juvenile case, Michael Skakel was entitled
to a "reasonable cause" hearing, which was held on June 20, 21 and 28,
When leaving court, Michael Skakel approached Dorthy and John Moxley
and said "I feel your pain," Skakel followed with "but you've got the
wrong guy." John Moxley said he told Skakel, "We'll find out in
June 20, 21 and 28, 2000: Michael Skakel appeared for a "Probable
Cause Hearing". Skakel was flanked by his brother, sister and cousins
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Douglas Kennedy. Witnesses appeared for both
the prosecution and defense on whether Skakel actually admitted to the
murder while attending the Elan School in Poland Springs, Maine.
August 17, 2000: Judge decides Skakel will stand trial. Stating
evidence from a probable cause hearing showed "well beyond mere
suspicion" that Michael Skakel could have caused the death of Martha
October 5, 2000: The Juvenile report from a court-ordered background
investigation was been delivered to the presiding judge.
January 31, 2001: Kennedy nephew Michael Skakel will be tried as an
adult in the 1975 murder of Greenwich teen-ager Martha Moxley, a judge
February 11, 2001: The prosecution filed a motion to have the case of
Martha Moxley murder defendant Michael Skakel moved to Bridgeport from
Superior Court in Stamford, which a judge only last week designated as
the trial site.
February 14, 2001: Michael Skakel appeals judge's decision to try
Skakel as an adult.
February 21, 2001: Michael Skakel is charged as an adult.
November 2001: The CT State Supreme Court said it would not hear
Skakel's appeal of the decision to transfer his case to adult court,
saying it was too early in the legal process to consider that issue.
Appeals are not normally granted until verdicts are reached.
December 11, 2001: Connecticut State Superior Court Judge John
Kavanewsky denied a long-standing motion to dismiss the charges
against Michael Skakel.
May 4, 2002: Trial took place in Connecticut State Superior Court in
Norwalk with Judge John Kavanewsky presiding.
June 7, 2002: With the family and friends in the courtroom the 12
person jury found Michael Skakel "Guilty as Charged of Murder in the
1st Degree"
June 23, 2004 Lawyers for state ask Connecticut Supreme Court to
uphold the murder conviction.
Jan. 14, 2005 Connecticut Supreme Court hears arguments to appeal the
verdict. The appeal contends prosecutors failed to turn over crucial
Aug. 29, 2005 Skakel's defense team files a petition for a new trial.
Jan. 13, 2006 Connecticut Supreme Court unanimously upholds the murder
Feb. 15, 2006 Skakel's defense team files a motion asking the state
Supreme Court to rehear arguments in his murder appeal.
March 21, 2006 State Supreme Court denies request to rehear appeal.
Skakel's defense announces plan to appeal to U.S. Supreme Court.
July 12, 2006 Petition is filed with U.S. Supreme Court asserting that
Skakel's due process rights were violated by the State Supreme Court
Oct. 14, 2006 Prosecutors file a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court
asking the justices to reject Skakel's quest to be set free, arguing
that his due process rights were not violated.
Nov. 13, 2006 U.S. Supreme Court rejects Skakel's request to review
April 17, 2007 Hearing for a new trial begins in Stamford.
Oct. 25, 2007 Judge Edward Karazin Jr. denies Skakel's bid for a new
Today - April 12, 2010 State Supreme Court denies Skakel a new trial.
Behind The Times
Debra Gets An E For Effort
Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Says
"There's Nothing Wrong With Second Place"
The Greenwich Time Writer Debra Friedman Posts
Court Documents That Greenwich Roundup Linked To
Hours Earlier Today
Skakel Appeal Denial
2:39 PM
Greenwich Celebrates Michael Skakel's
Court Room Failure On Facebook
Greenwich Roundup AP News Alert - Conn. high court denies Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel's bid for a new trial on murder conviction.
The Twis At The Greenwich Time Are All Over Twitter Tweeting About Michael Skakel In An Effort To Catch Up With Greenwich Roundup
- Skakel denied new trial after appealing Moxley murder conviction. 2 hours ago
- High court denies Skakel's bid for a new trial for 1975 slaying of Martha Moxley. 3 hours ago
- State Supreme Court to rule on Kennedy family cousin Michael Skakel's appeal for a new trial. Check back for updates. 3 hours ago
- The Greenwich Time Is All Over Facebook, But Nobody Cares To Comment
Greenwich Time State Supreme Court denies Skakel new trial in Moxley murder
Greenwich Time High court set to release decision in Skakel murder conviction
Greenwich Time State Supreme Court denies Skakel new trial in Moxley murder
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