It Used To Be In The Hard Nose Media World You Would Get The Ax If You Did Not Produce Immediate And Sustained Results, But Failed Grenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter Knows How To Survive By Playing Office Politics At Hearst Newspapers
As part of a move to reduce costs by 20 percent, Hearst Corp. said Monday 48 employees will accept buyouts at its group of Connecticut newspapers.
Employees of the Connecticut Post, News-Times of Danbury, The Advocate of Stamford, Greenwich Time and the Brooks Community Newspapers covering several Fairfield County communities were told in a letter from Senior Vice President and Hearst Newspaper Group Publisher Mark E. Aldam the buyouts and additional reductions are necessitated by a significant deterioration in business conditions and the strain of a deepening recession.
"Most of the individuals accepted into the voluntary buyout plan will be leaving the company within two to four weeks," Aldam wrote. "However, a few exceptions are anticipated to ensure a smooth transition."
It is unclear how many jobs will be shed by Hearst because Aldam said Monday the cost savings will be created through more than just employment reductions. He said other savings could be found in newsprint and elsewhere.
Don't worry. Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Will Remain To Suck The Life Out Of The Green Kitty Liter Liner That Pulled Him Out Of Unemployment
Hearst Newspapers Seem To Think That That Keeping A Failed Editor And A Lazy Reporter Like Meridith Blake Around Is The Key To Success In Greenwich
It Is Clear That The Failed Editor And The Lazy Reporter Know How To Play The Game Of Newspaper Politics In Greenwich ..... Keep Your Head Down And Don't Rock The Boat.
.....Despite concerns about the future of the business, Aldam said in his letter, the Connecticut newspaper group is moving forward to build new online and print products. He specifically cited recent cooperation between the dailies to create combined business, entertainment and classified jobs sections.
He said this doesn't mean there will be one newspaper because it is important to preserve the local reporting in its four dailies and six weeklies.
It Also Doesn't Mean That There Wont Be One Newspaper If Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz's The '100 Days of Change' Initiative Continues To Fails In Fairfield County
......Bruce Hunter And Lazy Merideth Blake Need To Learn That There Are At Least Three Sides To Every Story And They Need To Include All Of The Vioces Of Greenwich Society.
In This Case There Is At Least Four Sides, The Meyhem With The Police, Gang Activity In The Area, The Greenwich Police Departments Community Relations And The Minority Police Officer's Lawsuit That Alleges That Discrimination Is Pervasive In The Greenwich Police Department.
Lazy Greenwich Time Reporter Meridith Blake Ignored Everything Except The Meyhem With The Police Department And Then Only Used One Sourse .....
Sgt. James Bonney The Head Of The Greenwich Police Union
Greenwich Roundup Is Not Saying That Sgt. Bonney Is Not A Good And Dedicated Policeman. No Officer Bonney Lives In And Cares About Greenwich.
In Fact, Greenwich Roundup, Thinks Bonney
Is One Of The Best Police Officers In Greenwich.
Moreover, Bonney Has Proved Himself A Very Able Union Leader Who Taught Former First Selectman Jim Lash And The Previous Police Cheif A Thing Or Two
But This Is Not About How Good An Officer Or Union Leader Jim Bonney Is Or Is Not.
It Is About Hearst Newspaper Reporter Lazy Merideth Blake's Continual Failure To Be Impartial And To Seek Out And Listen To All Members Of Greenwich Society When She Reports In The Town.
This Is Why Greenwich Blogger Bill Clarke
Calls The Paper The Yellowich Time.
It Is Time For Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter, To Start Following Hearst Media Journalistic Standards And To Report All The Facts.
Don't Be Like Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe "The Censor" Pisani And Pick And Chose Sides.
Just Tell It Like It Is And Let The Chips Fall Where They May.
At The Very Least Bruce Hunter Should Of Had Lazy Merideth Blacke Mention That Greenwich High School Security Officer Carlos Franco, Former Greenwich Police Department Officer Terral Hardy And Greenwich Police Officers John Rodriguez, Scott Johnson, Carlos, John Woodward, Robert Brown, and Vincent O'Banner Contention That There Was A Pattern Of Racial Discrimination Against Minority Members Of The Greenwich Public.
Even If Lazy Meridith Blake Doesn't Have Any Contacts With The Members Of Greenwich Society That Have To Live On Davis Avenue And In Wilbur Peck Court, She Still Could File A Freedom Of Information Request With Greenwich Housing Authority Honcho Terry Mardula For The Video Of The Incident.
The Multiple Wilbur Peck Survelance Cameras Don't Lie
They Just Report The Facts And Let The Chips Fall Where They May.
What A Better Way For The New Greenwich Time Publisher Michelle McAbee To Demonstrate The Power Of Hearst Newspaper's New Internet And Video Inititive By Putting The Housing Authority Riot Video On The Front Page Of The Greenwich Time Home Page.
Video Of A Japaness Coral Group Is Sooooooooo Cute.
That Greenwich Time Video Of Those Sweet Little Oriental Angelic Singers Is Just Sooooooooo Charming And Delightful.
But This Type Of Greenwich Time Video Is Not Hard News .....
It's Just Cute Fluff
On February 2nd, Hearst Newspaper President President Steven Swartz promised Greenwich Time Readers A Management Shake-Up And The '100 Days of Change' Initiative Aimed At Challenging Traditional Thinking At The Green Kitty Litter Liner In Order To Retool The Local Daily Publishing Disaster.
On February 2nd, Swartz Boldly Issued A Statement that said, "100 Days of Change' is something that all of our newspapers are invested in. We will not stand idle; we have been working for some time on reinventing our businesses while demonstrating to advertisers and readers the exceptional value that newspapers deliver."
Ten Months Ago Ex-Greenwich Time Managing Editor Jim Zebora Refused To Go After The Survelance Video When The Greenwich Police Department Fired A weapon three Times Inside Greenwich High School.
Isn't it curious that Greenwich High School operates has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on closed circuit television cameras that cover virtually every nook and cranny of the school, both inside and out, and employs the biggest security staff of any school in the state of Connecticut, and also stations an armed police officer there full-time who has made literally scores of arrests the past three years, yet when a 140 pound student gets 50,000 volts three different times the Greenwich Time is too afraid to video which is a public document.
Now Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Refuses To Go After The Wilbur Peck Court Survelance Video Of The Madness And Meyhem That Occurred Between 12 Greenwich Police Officers And 50 Civilians.
Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Only Published An Article That Has Lazy Reporter Meridith Blake Only Interviewing The Greenwich Police Depatment's Union President.
So Far It Looks Like Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Is Delivering "100 Days Of Bull Crap" To Greenwich Time Readers.
Bruce Hunter"s Lack Of Journaistic Judgement Is A Liability To Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz's Plans To Revitalize The Greenwich Time
Mr. Swartz Is Going To Fail Miseralby If He Continues To Allow Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter To Make Daily Decissions That Are Damaging The Credibility Of The Newspaper.
GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) -- Greenwich police say three officers were injured and five men were arrested after members of an unruly crowd tried to attack police as they broke up the disturbance.
The incident early Saturday near the Wilbur Peck Court public housing complex involved at least 50 people at its peak.
Police were called to the Greenwich complex early Saturday to disperse about 15 unruly people, but say the crowd quickly grew and some people rushed the police and their vehicles.
Three of the 12 responding officers sustained injuries including cuts, bruises and a possible concussion. All received medical attention, but none were hospitalized.
Five people were charged with inciting to riot and breach of peace, including two who were charged with assault on a police officer.
Police say some people in the group later went to Greenwich police headquarters and continued yelling at officers, but no arrests were made.......
......Three of the 12 responding officers sustained injuries including cuts, bruises and a possible concussion. All received medical attention, but none was hospitalized. Five people were charged with inciting to riot and breach of peace, including two who were charged with assault on a police officer. Police said some people in the group later went to Greenwich Police Headquarters and continued yelling at officers, but no arrests were made . The incident remained under investigation Sunday.
The Advocate Staff
Posted: 03/16/2009 09:22:01 PM EDT
STAMFORD -- A courthouse melee broke out Monday during an arraignment for one of the five people arrested during a weekend gathering that turned violent at the Wilbur Peck public housing complex in Greenwich.
Saturday Mornings Mayhem Was Just A "Weekend Gathering" That Erupted Into A %0 Person Riot That Eventually Moved To The Police Station On Havenmeyer.
Just What Kind Of Gathering Was It Debra?
Was It An Ice Cream Social?
A Picnic?
An All Night Mens Prayer Group?
Rookie Hearst Newspaper Reporter Debra Friedman Continues With Her Ameturish Report .....
According to State Police, two men disrupted a hearing Monday by screaming and yelling at judicial marshals in state Superior Court in Stamford.
The two resisted arrest after the verbal altercation and were pepper-sprayed before being taken into custody, police said.Christopher Flores, 21, of 70 Wilbur Peck Court, Greenwich, and Miles Sy, 20, of 318 Delavan Ave., Greenwich, each was charged with interfering with an officer and breach of peace in the courthouse episode, police said.
Sy additionally was charged with assault on a peace officer capable of causing harm, police said.State Police responded to the courthouse at 123 Hoyt St. at 1:07 p.m. after receiving a complaint of a disturbance.
Why Does Debra Friedman Continue To Regurgitate
Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg's Mantra
That There Was No Gang Involvement In The Wilbur Peck Cout Riot,
The Police Station Public Disturbance
And Today's Court Appearance.
These Are Not Troubled Teens Who Were Just
Playing Music A Little Loud On A Saturday Morning
These Are Affiliated Gang Members Who Have Repeatedly
Proven That They Are Not Affraid Of Law Enforcement
These Affiliated Men Are Becomming Increasingly Agressive
On Greenwich Police Chief David Ridbergs Watch
The Greenwich Time's Failed Managing Editor Bruce Hunter
Is Covering Up The Facts.
Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman's So-Called News Report Seems To Suggest That They Do Not Wish To Disclose How Man Officers Were Involved In Flores And Sy's Courthouse Disturbance
"We sent adequate numbers of troopers and quelled the disturbance with the assistance of the marshals," said Lt. Paul Vance, spokesman for the State Police.
Now Failed Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter Has Another
Related Police Disturbance Video That Will Never See The Light Of Day
At The Home Page Of The Greenwich Time
Here Is Another Public Document That
Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Huinter
Doesn't Have The Journalist Balls Needed To File
A Freedom Of Information Rquest
Failed Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter Treats
The Green Kitty Liner Readers Like Mushrooms.
He Keeps Them In The Dark And Feeds Them Crap
Rookie Reporter Debra Fiedman Continues.....
Sgt. James Bonney, who was supervising the scene, said Greenwich police could have arrested more people if they had had more manpower.Cardenas-Rey allegedly kicked out the glass window of a police cruiser after being placed in the back of the car, injuring an officer, police said.
The 17-year-old juvenile also attempted to strike another officer in the head with a large rock, police said. He was subdued with a Taser and arrested, police said. He was treated at Greenwich Hospital.
Three officers were injured in the incident, sustaining contusions and abrasions, police said. None was hospitalized, police said.One of the three injured officers remained off-duty because of cuts on his face and hands from glass shards from the broken window, police spokesman Daniel Allen said.
The Coverup And The Gang Activity
And Drug Sales Will Continue At Wilbur Peck
Failed Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter
Should Push Greenwich Housing Authority To
Release The Wilbur Peck Survelance Tapes
For This Saturday Morning Melee
Hunter Should Also File A Freedom Of Information
Request For Also Release The Wilbur Peck Tapes
For The Last Month Of Weekend Nights
That Will Document Drug Activity
But Bruce Hunter Doesn't Have The Journalist Balls To Request The Public Documents And That's Why Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz's '100 Days of Change' Initiative Is Doomed To Failure Under The Current Greenwich Time Managing Editor.
Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman Reporter Continues.....
Police said they did not believe the group of youths was associated with any gang activity.
Let's Repeat This One More Time ......
Police said they did not believe the group of youths
was associated with any gang activity.
Who Debra?
Who Debra In The Police Department Said They
Did Not "Believe" That No One In The Group
Was Associated With "Gang" Activity
Who Was It Debra?
Why All The Secrecy?
Please Tell Us Who In The Police Department Said This, So That When The Gang Activity Escalates To A Kniving Or Gun Shots In The Davis Avenue Area We Can Quote The Genus In The Police Department That Misled Everyone.
When A Backcounrty Boy Gets Beaten Down At Greenwich High School By The Gang Members That Don't Exist In Town, Greenwich Roundup Would Love To Go Back And Quote The "Secret Police Offical That Did Not Want You To Use His Name" When He Said That The Department.....
"did not believe the group of youths
was associated with any gang activity"
Did Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Tell You That No Gang Members Were Involved In This Wilbur Peck Court Riot
I Wonder If We Ever Get To See The Wilbur Peck Riot Video, If Gang Tattoos And Signs Will Be Evident.
Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman Continues......
Terry Mardula, deputy director of the Greenwich Housing Authority, said he was called to the property early Sunday to speak with police.
Mardula said the men who live at the housing facility involved in Saturday's incident may be subject to eviction for violating their lease agreement.
"Without a doubt, these three individuals have violated their lease," said Mardula, noting that Wells, a nonresident, will be banned from the property.
Mardula said a letter to the family of the juvenile will be sent as well, warning them about the ramifications of his actions.......
Hey Problem Solved
We Don't Need A Gang Task Force
In Greenwich
Greenwich Officials Continues To Ignore Byram Gang Problem As Gang Fight Comes To Davis Avenue Next To Bruce Park.
Greenwich Police Officer Caught In The Middle Of Gang Fight
Just Blocks From Greenwich Avenue
Calls for backup brings, almost the entire, night time shift to bring the down town street under control.
Will The Greenwich Police Department release copies of the radio tapes of the gang incident to the press and the general public?
This all happened Friday over night just blocks from Greenwich Avenue.
Greenwich Police Officer and Backup Officers are forced draw weapons on the armed gang members on Davis Avenue.
Four Or Five Gang Members Arrested By Greenwich Police Officers.
Knives, Bats and Other Weapons Confiscated From Gang Members who will appear in court on Monday morning.
Luckily no Greenwich police officers or innocent civilians were not injured in bringing the disturbance under control.
Port Chester Gang Members Were Involved.
Greenwich Police Department Withholds Information about this gang incident from Cablevision News 12, the Greenwich Citizen, the Greenwich Post, the Greenwich Time and WGCH.
Greenwich Police Chief Ridberg needs to set up gang task force, before innocent civilians or police officers are hurt or killed.Gang members have started to get a foothold at Greenwich High School, will a student have to be stabbed before Town Officials force the Greenwich Police Chief to form a police task force to combat the gangs.
There have been many gang related shootings in Port Chester. Will someone have to die before the Greenwich Police Chief develops a strategy to combat the growing gang problem in town?
The Greenwich Police Department Can Hide Gang Violence To The Complacent Mainstream Media Of Greenwich, Police Officers Are Telling Greenwich Roundup What Is Really Happening On The Streets Of Byram And Down Town Greenwich.
Please See Read About Another Gang Incident
Reported In Greenwich Roundup:
Please Also Read How Greenwich Citizens Are Complaining
That Nothing Is Being Done About Gang Activity:
Please Also Read About The
Gang Graffiti Problem In Byram:
Over Three And Half Hours After Greenwich Roundup's Stamford Advocate Source Alerted Him To The Hearst Newspaper Cuts.
And Almost An Hour And A Half After Greenwich Roundup's Stamford Advocate Source Altereted Him To The Court House Arrests Article.
This Source Even Outed Rookie Reporter Derbra Friedman As The The Author Of The Article With A Byline Of "The Advocate Staff"
The Greenwich Time Web Site Has Decided To Post The Story
Why The Delay In Posting This Story At The Greenwich Time Web Site?
Was Failed Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Only Going To Post It In The Stamford Advocate, In An Effort Not To Upset Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg?
By Debra Friedman
Posted: 03/16/2009 10:41:13 PM EDT
STAMFORD -- A courthouse melee broke out Monday during an arraignment for one of the five people arrested during a weekend gathering that turned violent at the Wilbur Peck public housing complex, officials said.
According to State Police, two men disrupted a hearing by screaming and yelling at judicial marshals in state Superior Court in Stamford. The two allegedly resisted arrest after the verbal altercation and were pepper-sprayed before being taken into custody, police said.
Christopher Flores, 21, 70 Wilbur Peck Court, and Miles Sy, 20, of 318 Delavan Ave., were charged with interfering with an officer and breach of peace for the courthouse episode, police said. Sy was additionally charged with assault on a peace officer capable of causing harm, police said.
State Police responded to the court house, at 123 Hoyt St., at 1:07 p.m. after receiving word of a disturbance.....
Stamford-based attorney Mark Sherman was in court Monday representing two of the men arrested for the Wilbur Peck incident, Daniel Flores, also of 70 Wilbur Peck Court, and Stephen Wells, 18, of 8 Booth Place. Sherman said he was arguing for the judge to reduce Wells' bond when the disturbance started.
Christopher and Daniel Flores are related, Sherman said.....
......A judge reduced Flores bond to $50,000, but refused to reduce Wells bond, officials said, at which point the shouting started.
The two men were charged with inciting a riot, breach of peace, interfering with a police officer and inciting injury to persons or property, police said. They are both being held by the state Department of Corrections......
......Jorge Cardenas-Rey, a 21-year-old man also arrested Saturday, is accused of attempting to grab a police officer's baton and breaking a police cruiser's window. He was charged with numerous offenses including assault on a peace officer and assigned a public defender......
Police Officers Tell Greenwich Roundup That
Jorge Cardenas-Rey Holds Some Type Of Leadership Position
In The Gang That Greenwich Police Chief
David Ridberg Says Doesn't Exist.
Further, Greenwich Police Officers Are Angry That It Was Not Released That Jorge Cardenas- was arrested on Valentines day morning and charged for a very similar incident that did not escalate in to an out of control situation.
In The Valentines Day incident Jorge Cardenas-Rey
was arrested for interfering with a police officer
and disorderly conduct.
Greenwich Police Officers say after that the Valentine's Day arrest, and many after other previous incidents, they have repeatedly complained that Gang activity is getting out of hand in the Davis Avenue Area.
But, Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg just ignores their complaints
......A juvenile was also arrested but he was not identified due to his age. The youth was also charged with assault on a peace officer among other charges......
Flores, Wells, Cardenace - Rey And The Juvinile
What Ever Happened To The Other Joseph Antanascio Carey Who Lives At 97 Wibur Peck And Was Released On A $100,000 Bond?
What Happened To His Arrigment?
And How Can A 19 Year Old Wilbur Peck Resident Come Up With $100,000?
How does someone living in a subsidized housing complex come up with enough money to post $100,000 bail bond or $10,000 In Cash With In A Matter Of Hours?
Is There Some Kind Of Unreported Outside Income?
Greenwich Roundup Is Sure That This Huge $100,00 Bail Being Met By A Supposedly Low Income Family Could In No Way What So Ever Be From Any Neferious Activity.
Greenwich Roundup Is 100% Sure That No Criminal Activity Or Drugs Were Behind This Lighting Fast $100,000 Bail Bond, Because Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg's Repeated Assertion That There Is Not A Drug Or Gang Problem Just Blocks From Greenwich Avenue.
Limited Income Families Living In Subsidisized Housing Rapidly Come Up With Huge Bails All The Time. There Is Nothing What-So-Ever Wrong With That. It Happens All The Time.
Maybe Joseph Antanascio Carey's Church Had Held An Emergency Service And Collected Enough For The $100,000 Bail With In Hours
Maybe The 19 Year Old carey Has A Very Rich Reletive?
Or Maybe His Boss Instantly Loaned Him The Money, Because He Is Such A Hard Working Employee?
There Could Be A Lot Of Ways That Someone Living In Subsidised Housing Could Legitamately Make A $100,000 Bail With In Hours
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to or click on the comments link at the end of this post.