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Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Sidney Freund Lied To Parents AndTaxpayers (greenwichroundup.blogspot)
Here is an e-mail response that was sent by Ms. Williams on 2/19.
It appears the e-mail address used was not the same as you gave me today.
Please confirm receipt of this message.
Many thanks.
Debra Debra A. Nielson
Office Supervisor Law Department
Town of Greenwich
101 Field Point Road
P.O. Box 2540
Greenwich, CT 06836
(203) 622-7868
Please see the attached response to your FOI request.
Thank you. Gina Williams
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Greenwich Board of Education 290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
(203) 625-7458
The BOE Written Response Is Posted At Greenwich Roundup And Shows That Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent Freund Lied When He Said That Greenwich Board Of Education Facilities Director Anthony Byrne Voluntarily Went On Three Months Of Administrative Leave.
Anthony Byrne Never Resigned Or Requested To Be Placed On Administrative Leave Before He Was Escorted Out Of The Board Of Education Headquarters.
Byrne Was PLACED On Administrative Leave For Misconduct.
The Rumor Around Town Is That Superintendent Freund Covered This Up And Gave Byrne A $30,000 Administrative Leave Package, In Order To By His Silence
There Are Many Unconfirmed Reports That Byrne Threatened To Rat Out Persons Associated With Frank Mazza's 30 Million Dollar Hamilton Avenue Building Committee.
All T0o Often Greenwich Residents Have To Suffer From The All Too Compliant Corporate Media Outlets, Like The Greenwich Time, That Are Too Afraid To Protect The Interests Of Taxpayers, Parents And Children.
Where Is Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber And The Greenwich Time Reporters?
More At Greenwich Roundup.....
More Greenwich News From Topix:
A.G. investigates Bridgeport charity after director charged in robbery scheme (Connecticut Post)
One day after a Bridgeport man was arrested and charged in a scheme to coerce troubled teens into a life of crime through a questionable foundation, the state attorney general has launched a probe into his organization. Comment
One day after a Bridgeport man was arrested and charged in a scheme to coerce troubled teens into a life of crime through a questionable foundation, the state attorney general has launched a probe into his organization. Comment
Day Two: More Greenwich Post Breaking News About GMEA (greenwichroundup.blogspot)
Breaking News Greenwich Post Ace Reporter Ken Borsuk Keeps Hammering Away At The GEMA Union Scandal Union members call for criminal probe of GEMA .....Additionally, Ms. Evans said there was a total of $2,250 in American Express Gift Checks purchased with union dues and that she couldn't find any indication of what they were used for except that they were given to "members going through a hardship." "The board apparently took it upon itself to give gift cards to those people," Ms. Evans said. "It was a completely arbitrary decision made in a vacuum with just the [union's executive board]. This is a violation of our bylaws. They never came to the membership with this. My personal feeling is that this is something the majority of the entire membership would have to be comfortable with and if they were going to do this, they should have sent a letter out to everyone and gotten feedback on it. Now that this has come out, people are coming up to me and asking, 'What about when I went through a hard time? The union didn't help me.'" Ms. Evans also said there is a lack of transparency around distribution of money from the union's "sunshine fund," which was created by the executive board out of union dues to provide gifts, flowers and other morale boosters for union members sick, injured or in the hospital for surgery. Ms. Evans said some union members have gotten lavish gift baskets and others haven't even gotten cards, leading her and others to wonder why it's so arbitrary. More At Greenwich Roundup Comment
Breaking News Greenwich Post Ace Reporter Ken Borsuk Keeps Hammering Away At The GEMA Union Scandal Union members call for criminal probe of GEMA .....Additionally, Ms. Evans said there was a total of $2,250 in American Express Gift Checks purchased with union dues and that she couldn't find any indication of what they were used for except that they were given to "members going through a hardship." "The board apparently took it upon itself to give gift cards to those people," Ms. Evans said. "It was a completely arbitrary decision made in a vacuum with just the [union's executive board]. This is a violation of our bylaws. They never came to the membership with this. My personal feeling is that this is something the majority of the entire membership would have to be comfortable with and if they were going to do this, they should have sent a letter out to everyone and gotten feedback on it. Now that this has come out, people are coming up to me and asking, 'What about when I went through a hard time? The union didn't help me.'" Ms. Evans also said there is a lack of transparency around distribution of money from the union's "sunshine fund," which was created by the executive board out of union dues to provide gifts, flowers and other morale boosters for union members sick, injured or in the hospital for surgery. Ms. Evans said some union members have gotten lavish gift baskets and others haven't even gotten cards, leading her and others to wonder why it's so arbitrary. More At Greenwich Roundup Comment
Nino Sechi: Don't take Greenwich's many jewels for granted (Connecticut Post)
Our outside thermometer read 43 degrees at around 3 p.m. last Saturday. The sun was shining brightly, hardly a cloud in the sky -- perfect weather for a walk in the park, Bruce Park that is, even if it was still Feb. Comment
Our outside thermometer read 43 degrees at around 3 p.m. last Saturday. The sun was shining brightly, hardly a cloud in the sky -- perfect weather for a walk in the park, Bruce Park that is, even if it was still Feb. Comment
This Just In To The Greenwich Topix Message Board.....
SAC's Cohen Trades Secrecy for Golf With Investors Enticed by 30% Returns
In late January, billionaire Steven A. Cohen hosted a golf outing for two dozen people at the Bear Lakes Country Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.....
In late January, billionaire Steven A. Cohen hosted a golf outing for two dozen people at the Bear Lakes Country Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.....
... neither Cohen nor any of his analysts would meet with him. Cohen, who lives on a 14-acre (6-hectare) estate in Greenwich, Connecticut, which he bought for $14.8 million in 1998, allowed a reporter to visit his offices in Stamford. He declined to ...
After the Whistle By Rob Kelley: Dr. Katherine Vidasdi talks injuries and the female athlete
Recently graduated Greenwich star Hana Bowers was just one of many young female athletes who suffered through injuries during her high school career having had to sit out most of the 2009 spring lacrosse season with a back injury....
Recently graduated Greenwich star Hana Bowers was just one of many young female athletes who suffered through injuries during her high school career having had to sit out most of the 2009 spring lacrosse season with a back injury....
GA's Karen Miller steps down after 18 years
For the past 18 years there has been one constant in the Greenwich Academy squash program and that constant has been head coach Karen Miller .....
For the past 18 years there has been one constant in the Greenwich Academy squash program and that constant has been head coach Karen Miller .....
Image-inative journey
On this journey, be prepared to see some magic. But it is a trick that is solely created by the eyes of the beholder....
On this journey, be prepared to see some magic. But it is a trick that is solely created by the eyes of the beholder....
... artist Miggs Burroughs of the 20 or so pieces featured in his one-man show, "Journeys," which is on display at the Greenwich Art Society gallery through March 24. It is just one way to explain the process of lenticular imagery that Burroughs employs ...
UPDATE 2-Carrington suit vs American Home to proceed
... the contracts that were written when defaults were low and did not anticipate events like the housing crisis. Greenwich, Connecticut-based Carrington said it negotiated special rights to direct the servicing on defaulted loans when it bought $128 ...
... the contracts that were written when defaults were low and did not anticipate events like the housing crisis. Greenwich, Connecticut-based Carrington said it negotiated special rights to direct the servicing on defaulted loans when it bought $128 ...
HaHaHa - Matt Taibbi Skewers whiney Aig VP Jake DeSantis
The whole article is a great read - here's an excerpt - click the link and read the whole thing....
The whole article is a great read - here's an excerpt - click the link and read the whole thing....
... But DeSantis works for tiny, 377-person AIGFP, a unit that had only two offices -- one in London and one in Greenwich, Conn. And we're talking about financial professionals, the most shameless group of tirelessly envious gossips ever to walk the ...
Billionaire tax cheat Leona Helmsley loved a good bargain. So, were she still around, the late hotelier might appreciate recent happenings at her Greenwich, Conn., estate known as Dunnellen Hall....
Greenwich upends Darien in key boys FCIAC hockey matchup
For the past six weeks, the Greenwich High School boys hockey team has illustrated why it is the defending FCIAC champion and once again, a squad to beware of in the postseason....
For the past six weeks, the Greenwich High School boys hockey team has illustrated why it is the defending FCIAC champion and once again, a squad to beware of in the postseason....
Midcountry mansion has classical details
The aura of a venerable country estate is captured in this mid-country setting encompassing three-plus acres on Stanwich Road.
The aura of a venerable country estate is captured in this mid-country setting encompassing three-plus acres on Stanwich Road.
Rick Green: Mary Glassman Stands Out Amid Glitter In Connecticut Governor's Race
T here's a Democrat running for governor out there who knows how to cut spending, who understands both governing and the crisis that Connecticut is facing.
T here's a Democrat running for governor out there who knows how to cut spending, who understands both governing and the crisis that Connecticut is facing.
Breast cancer luncheon highlights young survivors
Geralyn Lucas was never a lipstick woman. But these days, the New York City resident is best associated with the bright red shade she sported in 1995 when, a day after her 28th birthday, she had her right breast removed after being diagnosed with cancer.
Geralyn Lucas was never a lipstick woman. But these days, the New York City resident is best associated with the bright red shade she sported in 1995 when, a day after her 28th birthday, she had her right breast removed after being diagnosed with cancer.
Greenwich Resident Linda McMahon's Supporters Are Having Trouble Getting Tickets To See Her Debate.
Can Someone Help This High Schooler Out?
CT High School Student Wants To Get Involved In Greenwich Resident Linda McMahon's Election Battle
Hello, my name is Brian Fritz I am a student at Simsbury High School.
I was reading the letter sent out by Linda McMahon's Field Director Matt Laconte asking for supporters to show up at next tuesday's senate debate. I have tried calling the University of Hartford Box Office and found that all tickets were gone.
Is there still need for support and are there any seats left?
I have spoken with people such as Sean McCoy and Keven Kulunain (spelling is most likely wrong) to try to find out ways that I can help out McMahon's campaign.
Please let me know if there's anything I can do and if there are any tickets left to come support her.
Thank you very much,
Brian Fritz
Can Someone Help This High Schooler Out?
CT High School Student Wants To Get Involved In Greenwich Resident Linda McMahon's Election Battle
Hello, my name is Brian Fritz I am a student at Simsbury High School.
I was reading the letter sent out by Linda McMahon's Field Director Matt Laconte asking for supporters to show up at next tuesday's senate debate. I have tried calling the University of Hartford Box Office and found that all tickets were gone.
Is there still need for support and are there any seats left?
I have spoken with people such as Sean McCoy and Keven Kulunain (spelling is most likely wrong) to try to find out ways that I can help out McMahon's campaign.
Please let me know if there's anything I can do and if there are any tickets left to come support her.
Thank you very much,
Brian Fritz
Most Recent Comments At The Greenwich Topix Message Board Is About ....
When Greenwich Roundup Types The Greenwich Time Listens:
The Greenwich Time Tries To Report On What Happened With Tony Byrne But No One At The Greenwich Board Of Education Or In Town Govenment Is Talking
One Month After Security Escorted Tony Byrne Out Of BOE Headquarters.....
Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Starts To Ask questions About Tony Byrne, But Hits A Stone Wall With The Powers That Be
Greenwich schools facilities director to step down
By Colin Gustafson, STAFF WRITER
Director of Facilities Anthony Byrne has tendered his resignation, effective sometime in March, according to Board of Education Chairman Steve Anderson.
School officials declined to discuss the reasons for Byrne's departure, saying it was a confidential matter.
"I'm not going to discuss personnel, one way or the other," Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund said.
Efforts to reach Byrne, whose absence began Jan. 4, on Thursday were unsuccessful.
"I was told (Byrne) was going to be retiring," First Selectman Peter Tesei said. He declined to discuss the matter further, saying it does not fall within his authority as first selectman.
District employees were notified of Byrne's absence in an internal memo on Jan. 4, a school official said.
Byrne earned $138,758.27 in the 2009 calendar year.....
.......As facilities director, Byrne was responsible for helping select contractors for school-related construction projects and maintenance work. He also supervised the work of these contractors, oversaw the district's capital projects, and managed the budget and operations of the custodial staff, a school official said.
His job has been filled on a temporary basis by Susan Chipouras, an independent contractor who worked with Milford-based Turner Construction during its management of Glenville School's reconstruction.........
....Town Attorney John Wayne Fox also declined to comment on Byrne's decision to take leave.
unbelievably byram says....
What goes around, comes around. Eventually. Sorry that it hasn't happened sooner, may have put dollars where they REALLY needed to go...into the schools and not someones' pocket.
townie says ....
Finally! He finally got what he deserved! I
am sure he had a partner involved in all of his kick backs!
Why doesnt the town also look into how Charles Swartz is ripping the town off?
NORTHIDAHO says ....
townie says ....
Charles Swartz is the man who tests air quality formold. No one from the town questions anything hedoes. It has been proven he is not licensed. Whenhe found out about tony byrne i bet he was scaredhe would be involved
NORTHIDAHO says ....
Thanks for the info. If I were looking for a job in Greenwich salary wise the Police Dept. would have to be my first choice no one seems to be watching the store there!$207,000.00 for one cop is unbelievable, it would be interesting to know how much it was with the benefits or maybe we'd be better off not knowing. Chief's salary in the small town where I live is about $50,000.00 and I don't think anyone gets much overtime. Now-a-days many small town don't have the money to have a police Dept and depend on the County Sheriff's Dept to provide that service. Others keep one cop on the payroll to run the speed trap which can be run such that it is self supporting and doesn't irritate local folks much. I guess that's what selective enforcement means, only write tickets to out of town folks!! Country life is great.
Thanks to Greenwich Proud for posting comment worthy items on TOPIX where the public can comment without signing their life away. Free speech does live but it's getting harder to find all the time.
unbelievably byram says ....
Unfortunately, the efforts of Mr.Charles Schwartz were for future possible claims. One of the technicians(?) handling the air sampler filters had said that the testing of these filter cartridges requires extensive lab work to obtain the results. What I haven't figured out is who exactly were those poor devils that did the actual asbestos abatement and if they were licensed and legally able to work.
Greenwich says .....
We feel that the Greenwich Time has sensationalist headlines for the purpose of selling newspapers, not reporting the truth. We cancelled our subscription.
Noth Idaho says .....
Looks like there may still be some fire where all the smoke is on the Ave.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com