Dear Greenwich Roundup,
Today is Earth Day, a day to remember the fact that our stewardship of this planet is the primary legacy we will leave all of our children.
As Jim Himes argues in an opinion piece in today's Connecticut Post, now is the time for us to act decisively to ensure that our state is a leader in green collar jobs, and that our children have the opportunity to live in a healthy and sustainable world.
The citizens of Greenwich need to act together in order to face this huge challenge.
Please take a minute now and invite your friends, neighbors, and family to join in this collective effort.
We in Greenwich, all realize that the health of our planet is an issue that affects every aspect of our lives, and which deserves our attention every single day.
We are mired in a financial mess brought on by Bush-Shays economic policies and mired in a disastrous war brought on by Bush-Shays foreign policy.
And there are other huge challenges on the horizon, so many of which are tied to climate change, our nation's energy policy, and our planet's very survival.
The time to act is now. If we are going to make progress, we need more allies on our team, we need people from Greenwich to help spread the word.
Can you think of a co-worker, neighbor, friend, or family member who cares as much as you do about our country's future - our economy, our planet?
Please forward today's Op-Ed to them and ask them to join the team:
A Greenwich citizen that is concerned about the
economy and the environment
Please send your comments, news clips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com