The New York Times reports that the Governor of Massachusetts is trying, again, to get rid of the requirement that policemen direct traffic around construction sites. Fat chance - the state's been trying to achieve this for decades and union power always prevails. The Times says no other state wastes resources like this but, wouldn't you know, Greenwich uses a modified system, requiring off-duty policemen, on overtime pay, to steer cars around all non-public work projects.
A town employee can move traffic around a town tree cutting operation but if that same bit of tree trimming is being performed by CL&P or a private tree company, cop(s) must be on hand. Don't hire one at your peril, because these guys will shut you down in a heart beat and even arrest you, as they did at the Post Office project on Valley Road.
Cops make out like bandits with this deal and Greenwich obviously figures that what we don't see won't hurt us, so our "negotiators" continue the practice. We spent, according to BET minutes, $32,000 a month in police overtime directing traffic during the Mianus sewer construction project, a work effort that stretched out years. That's just one small example, of course. And I assume, but do not know, that a cop's overtime earned directing traffic is treated like all his other overtime when calculating his pension.
Because that pension is based on the cop's last year's total compensation it's the norm that the retiring civil servant racks up as much extra pay as he can, all to our financial woe. As a town, we seem to accept this ridiculous situation as the price of labor peace but it sure looks like union extortion to me.
More Outragous Remarks From Mr.Fountain Can Be Found Here:
============================================ Please send your comments to
Donations To The "Chris Fountain Please Bail Me Out Of Jail Fund" Can Be Sent To Any William Raveis Real Estate Office In Greenwich.
However, he just might not need your help according to this recent William Raveis press release.....
Jean Ruggiero in the central Greenwich office was the No. 1 sales associate at William Raveis Real Estate in 2007. No. 3 at the company was Maria Ruggeberg, also in Greenwich. Charles and Rita Magyar in Greenwich were the No. 3 team companywide.
Becky Hanley, the Greenwich and Old Greenwich offices senior vice president and leader, was honored for her office ranking among the top three of 59 in the company. The Greenwich and Old Greenwich offices had sales of more than $500 million last year. Total sales volume for the company was $5 billion.
Jean Ruggiero in the central Greenwich office was the No. 1 sales associate at William Raveis Real Estate in 2007. No. 3 at the company was Maria Ruggeberg, also in Greenwich. Charles and Rita Magyar in Greenwich were the No. 3 team companywide.
Becky Hanley, the Greenwich and Old Greenwich offices senior vice president and leader, was honored for her office ranking among the top three of 59 in the company. The Greenwich and Old Greenwich offices had sales of more than $500 million last year. Total sales volume for the company was $5 billion.
Those from Greenwich and Old Greenwich who were named to the Chairman's Elite Club included Kathryn A. Adams, Marianne Broekmeijer, Gary Disher, Herb Ehrlich, Christopher "The Real Estate Market Is So Bad That I Once Again Am In The Chairman's Elite Club" Fountain, Lisa Gabriele, Randy Keleher, Natalie Quigley, Bari Taylor and Dee Weber.
Those named to the Chairman's Club were Calvin Darula, Kate Gamble (My Favorite William Raveis Realtor, Sorry Chris.BTW, Katie I Hope You Fill Better Soon) , Victoria Harris, Blanche O'Connell and Rosina Primo.
President's Club members included Mary Babbidge, Kara Cugno, Ward Davol, Kimberly Frattaroli, Nahed Hallaba, MaryDana McCann, Farideh Milani, Kathryn Paulson and Wendy Warren.
Hennepin County Library Director Amy Ryan has been offered the job of heading Boston's public libraries, and is expected to announce today whether she'll take it.
The 57-year-old Minnetonka resident was interviewed Thursday, along with other finalists, by that city's library trustees.
She's expected to meet with Mayor Thomas Menino and negotiate terms of the job before making her decision, said Mary Bender, a Boston library spokeswoman.
Ryan's openness and experience running community libraries in Minneapolis were considered her advantages in the Boston competition. Boston has 27 branches, and Menino wants more attention paid to them.
She's headed Hennepin County's libraries for the past three years after a career in Minneapolis libraries, and oversaw the merger of the library systems. She served as chief of the 14 branch libraries in Minneapolis before switching to oversee building projects. She described the Hennepin job as her dream job when she was named.
Hennepin County Commissioner Mark Stenglein said Ryan would be missed.
"I hate to lose her, but she needs to do what she needs to do," he said. "I think it's a compliment to the Hennepin County system that they're interested."
Stenglein said he thinks that even if Ryan departs, the continuing merger of library systems will go smoothly.
"She's done a good job of making sure she's covered things," he said. "That's what a good manager does."
Ryan said last week that she was invited to apply for the job, and found the Boston system too enchanting an opportunity to pass up. Boston is the nation's first big-city public-supported library. Its collections include Shakespeare folios, Mozart scores and the library of President John Adams.
Her parents are from Boston and a daughter attends college there.
This is an absolute outrage! As those of you who read The New York Times may have heard, The Waverly Inn in New York City's Greenwich Village does not accept reservations from anyone in the 203 area code! (For anyone who doesn't know, I am from the 203 area code) Apparently, our "sort" is not welcome. If anyone has a right to be infuriated by this, it's Blonde Excuse star Molly, whose family owned the Waverly Inn until recently!
You don't have to look hard to find the Waverly Inn in the news, it is the celebrity hot spot. The Waverly Inn makes appearances on Perez Hilton at least once a week, and is mentioned in countless articles about NYC. Of course, it was Molly's family that gave the Waverly Inn its reputation and made it a popular dining spot for Manhattan's rich and famous. I have many fond memories of visiting with Molly and going to her family's restaurant where, on any given night, you were likely to see someone worth seeing. Molly's family and their staff were friendly and welcoming to locals and even (gasp) 203 area coders!
My favorite memory of the Waverly Inn was doing coat-check with Molly and Cathy for Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick's private party. They were both so friendly and stopped to talk with us in the coat check room for a few minutes before heading out. In addition to that, I have often heard the story of Molly (when she was much younger) calling Britney Spears to invite her for dinner and getting a long phone call back from Britney the next day to apologize for not being able to make it. This friendly, open environment is, no doubt, due to the open, welcoming doors, and the fact that any patron of the Waverly Inn knew that they would be welcomed with a smile.
It's a shame that after Molly's family built up such a fine reputation for the Waverly Inn, that now the new owners would discriminate against an entire area code (that of its previous owners, even!).
Here are the articles regarding the tragic discrimination against Fairfield County's 203 area code: In New York Magazine
"[...]Mr. Carter, who remains intimately involved in the room’s nightly seating plan, does have a view of who is not welcome.
He said he tried to avoid “any stars of reality TV and hedge fund managers. For that reason, we screen calls from the 203 area code,” he said, poking fun at chateau country in the Connecticut suburbs."
Don't worry, Mr. Carter. We will not be gracing your establishment with our presence any longer, nor will we be calling from our tainted phone numbers!
SAN MARINO - Forensic scientists will re-examine blood recovered from the guesthouse of the Lorain Road property where Clark Rockefeller, aka Chris Chichester, once lived, sheriff's officials said Wednesday.
It may be a key piece of evidence in the 23-year-old missing persons case of John and Linda Sohus and a homicide investigation, officials said.
Los Angeles County Sheriff' Department spokesman Steve Whitmore said "a bloodstain somewhere in the guesthouse" is being looked at in the probe of Rockefeller and his possible connection to the disappearance of the Sohuses from their San Marino home in February 1985.
"All the evidence that we collected then and all the evidence that we have now will be looked at and re-examined with modern technology," Whitmore said. "That evidence includes a bloodstain on the carpet."
At the time of the bloodstain's discovery in 1994, officials simply said there had been evidence of foul play at the home...
....Clark Rockefeller, who remains in custody in Boston on suspicion of parental abduction, lived in the guesthouse behind John and Linda Sohus' residence at the time of their disappearance in February 1985. In the 1980s Rockefeller used the alias Chris Chichester, according to his attorney, Stephen Hrones.
Sheriff's Department officials said Monday that Rockefeller/Chichester is actually Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, who was born in Germany in 1961.
Rockefeller, using the Chichester alias, disappeared from San Marino a few months after the Sohuses vanished. In 1988, he turned up in Greenwich, Conn., using the identity of Hollywood producer Christopher Crowe.
As Crowe, Rockefeller was pulled over while driving the 1985 Nissan pickup truck belonging to John Sohus. He had previously tried to sell it to the son of a minister, officials said.
Hrones said in an interview Wednesday that the truck was sold to his client in the late 1980s by Ruth "Didi" Sohus, John's mother.
"He bought the truck from the mother, he agreed to do the truck payments through the mother, but the mother never sent the title," Hrones said.
"He gave it to someone," Hrones said, because he didn't have the title....
Here's the HOTTEST STORY of the Summer - now attracting global attention, with hordes of German, Austrian & Swiss press (among other European media) arriving in Boston to cover the Crockafellah Case - and local Greenwich Time reporters are busy reading the Lands' End Fall catalog. WAKE UP!
It's Not That The Greenwich Time Reporters Are Too Lazy To Go Out And Cover The Story
It's That They Just Don't Give A Damn
It's Up To Citizen Journalists And Local Bloggers To Step Up To The Plate And Crack Greeneich Crockafellah Story Wide Open For The Greenwich Time
1) ''JOHN DOE" (aka Christopher Chichester, Christopher Crowe, Christopher Montbatten, Clark Rockefeller, etc.) arrived in the Tri-State area sometime around May 1985. Using numerous aliases, "JOHN DOE" reportedly lived & frequented & worked in the vicinity of Greenwich CT in the late 1980s. Investigators said at the time that "JOHN DOE" was a con man who often "surfaces in affluent neighborhoods and mingles in social circles by making friends with wealthy influential people. He often volunteers for good causes like raising money for charity," a sheriff's press release said at the time. For example, he was seen at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, and probably attended a highly-regarded Protestant church.
2) Among numerous residences occupied under a variety of pretexts & aliases, "CROWE" may have lived near/on LOCH LANE at some point in the late 80s. In this period, he reportedly drove a '65 Chevy and perhaps garaged another vehicle - a WHITE PICKUP TRUCK (1984? model) - somewhere in the Tri-State area. LA Police are especially interested to know anything about this vehicle, where it was parked or garaged, etc.
3) Please examine the WANTED! poster and if you have any detailed information about this individual, his whereabouts or activities in Connecticut between 1985-89, pleasecontact LASD police immediately, at (323)890-5500 to speak with Sgts Bobby Taylor or Timothy Miley regarding Case# 094-00061-3199-011. PLEASE ALSO SEE:
... didn't have the title. Rockefeller, using the identity of Hollywood producer Christopher Crowe, was pulled over in Greenwich, Conn., in 1988 driving the truck after he attempted to sell it to the son of a minister, officials said.
Hrones also ..
============================================ Please send your comments to
CP: How does NYC style compare to Connecticut style?
Melanie:Greenwich looks like a Polo Ralph Lauren ad, while New York is less brand conscious and more artsy.
CP: Can you give us the rundown of what you’re wearing?
Melanie: Catherine Malandrino dress, vintage black patent belt, Dolce & Gabbana heels, Elsa Perreti earrings, David Yurman and JKL rings, Chanel cuff, and Chanel glasses.
CP: What do you think about the way women dress when they go out in NYC?
Melanie: It depends on where you are looking. More often than not, I’m disappointed with lack of originality. However, the shoes in this city are rather well done.
CP: What are you lusting after right now?
Melanie: Balenciaga fall ‘08 silver and black leather heels.
CP: What’s your favorite bar or restaurant? And where you think people dress particularly well?
Melanie: I favor the Bourgeois Pig, though it’s hard to say a favorite restaurant, but Le Bateau Ivre comes to mind. I think people dress particularly well in the West Village—minus the NYU influx.
CP: What NYC neighborhood do you most identify with fashion-wise?
Melanie: West meets East Village perhaps.
CP: Craziest thing you’ve ever seen at a club?
Melanie: Myself on a screen whilst dancing on a speaker—that’s a story for another interview!
The good news: DNA testing has confirmed that John Edwards is not the father of Rielle Hunter's baby.
The bad news: The father is Bill Clinton.
Ha ha -- just kidding! It's almost impossible to get pregnant by having the type of sex Bill Clinton prefers.
Also, by now, everyone has heard the news that Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter, has refused to grant a paternity test.
I wonder if Edwards knew that when he was making his chesty offer to take a paternity test? Edwards gushed to ABC's Bob Woodruff: "I would welcome participating in a paternity test, be happy to participate in one ... happy to take a paternity test and would love to see it happen."....
....Edwards is closely following the Kennedy model of responding to charges of misconduct. First, admit only as much as can be currently proved. Second, get the other party to block any further investigation. I guess he really is "Kennedy-esque"!
For example, when the cops found DNA on the murdered body of Martha Moxley in Greenwich, Conn., the Kennedy suspect, Michael Skakel, suddenly remembered he had been up in a tree that night masturbating! (Talk about a tree-hugger.) You can see how something like that could slip your mind...
However, Greenwich Diva Disagees With Ann Coulter and says....
It has been about seven days now since John Edwards admitted to having an affair and it is not going away. Hey people, get over it, it is none of our bus...
============================================ Please send your comments to
Frustrated Quarry Knoll residents will hear Housing Authority plans to rebuild and expand the senior housing development, at a meeting tonight at 6:30 at 15 Quarry Knoll community room.
Earlier this week, residents of Quarry Knoll and neighboring streets complained that they were not notified of the meeting. Then Monday night, many received a notice on their doorstep announcing the planned presentation.
Executive Director Anthony Johnson said the purpose of the meeting is to quell rumors about the proposal and make people aware of the plans for the town’s senior housing units there. The proposal to rebuild its Quarry Knoll senior housing development and expand its McKinney Terrace complex would achieve a net gain of 172 housing units.
“It’s the same proposal we’ve had all along,” he said....
In an attempt to honor his childhood roots, Steve Young, Hall of Fame quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers and Greenwich High School graduate, through his Forever Young Foundation, has agreed to a multiyear commitment with Fairfield Sports Commission, with a guaranteed donation of $10,000 for this year...
Miles Thompson, 19, of 318 Delevan Ave. was arrested Aug. 12 and charged with third degree assault, criminal trespass and breach of peace. Thompson was arrested on an outstanding warrant stemming from an alleged fight at Wilbur Peck Court on June 19. Thompson was released on a $500 cash bond and is due in court Aug. 20.
A 17-year-old Greenwich boy was arrested Aug. 12 and charged with first degree failure to appear and second degree failure to appear. The boy allegedly failed to appear in court to respond to an Aug. 12, 2006 arrest for possession of marijuana and an April 10, 2007 arrest for criminal attempt of conspiracy to possess marijuana. The boy was taken into custody without incident. He was released on a promise to appear and is due in court Aug. 19.
Gary Wilson, 53, of 12 Irvine Road, Old Greenwich was arrested Aug. 12 and charged with second degree breach of peace. According to police, Wilson turned himself in on an outstanding warrant stemming from an incident on April 26. Wilson allegedly had an argument with a Greenwich Point employee and punched him. Wilson was released on a $250 cash bond and is due in court Aug. 19.
As the "Dinnertime Bandit" trial continued in Stamford on Thursday, a young Greenwich woman said the intruder she spotted in her Woodside Drive home more than a decade ago had a distinctly pointy nose....
...."My argument would be the same as before, that it was improperly conducted and the photos were unduly suggestive," Ehring said.
Judge John Kavanewsky Jr. is expected to rule on the photos before the trial continues Thursday afternoon....
Where Did Assistant States Attorney Joeseph Valdez Get His Law Degree?
Maybe, He Got It Out Of A Cracker Jack Box.
Why in the world did Valdez choose to go forward with this poorly investigated case that is being cover on national television?
It's not like Valdez wasn't fore warned to be careful of cases investigated and delivered by the Greenwich Police Department.
Everybody and there uncle knows how disgraced Los Angeles Detective Mark Furman came to Greenwich and solved the decades old Martha Moxley Murder for the Greenwich Police Department.
Assistant State's Attorney Joeseph Valdez should try and delay the trial and call in Mark Furman to once again bail out the Greenwich Police Department.
Assistant State's Attorney Valdez Looks Like A Moron Filing Court Papers To Allow A Nose Lineup To Be Admitted In Court.
Judge John Kavanewsky Jr. Is Not Going To Allow The Improperly Conducted Greenwich Police Department Photo Lineup To Be Admitted In His Court Room, Because He Doesn't Want An Appeal That Will Make Him Look Like A Fool As The Nation Follows This Case.
Greenwich residents are starting to make fun of our Assistant State's Attorney.
Today I overheard one man tell a joke in the Greenwich Train Station.
"What do you call a lawyer with an IQ 50".
"Joeseph Valdez"
Please send your comments and court reports to
When Is Greenwich Time Editor David Warner Going To Realize That You The Local Newspaper Is Supposed To Inform And Not Infuriate It's Shrinking Readership?
Here's the HOTTEST STORY of the Summer - now attracting global attention, with hordes of German, Austrian & Swiss press (among other European media) arriving in Boston to cover the Crockafellah Case - and local Greenwich Time reporters are busy reading the Lands' End Fall catalog. WAKE UP!
It's Not That The Greenwich Time Reporters Are Too Lazy To Go Out And Cover The Story
It is A Damn Shane That Christopher Chichester, Christopher Crowe, Christopher Montbatten, Clark Rockefeller or Whatever He Is Calling Himself Today, Did Not Send Out A Press Release To The Greenwich Time Editor.
Then The Greenwich Time Could Have Ran Mr. Crockafellah's Press Release Through The Spell Checker Before Publishing It On The Web.
At Least Greenwich Time Readers Would Not Have To Learn About What The Crockafellah Did In Greenwich On....
The Geraldo Rivera Show!!!!
It's Up To Citizen Journalists And Local Bloggers To Step Up To The Plate And Crack Greeneich Crockafellah Story Wide Open For The Greenwich Time
1) ''JOHN DOE" (aka Christopher Chichester, Christopher Crowe, Christopher Montbatten, Clark Rockefeller, etc.) arrived in the Tri-State area sometime around May 1985. Using numerous aliases, "JOHN DOE" reportedly lived & frequented & worked in the vicinity of Greenwich CT in the late 1980s. Investigators said at the time that "JOHN DOE" was a con man who often "surfaces in affluent neighborhoods and mingles in social circles by making friends with wealthy influential people. He often volunteers for good causes like raising money for charity," a sheriff's press release said at the time. For example, he was seen at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, and probably attended a highly-regarded Protestant church.
2) Among numerous residences occupied under a variety of pretexts & aliases, "CROWE" may have lived near/on LOCH LANE at some point in the late 80s. In this period, he reportedly drove a '65 Chevy and perhaps garaged another vehicle - a WHITE PICKUP TRUCK (1984? model) - somewhere in the Tri-State area. LA Police are especially interested to know anything about this vehicle, where it was parked or garaged, etc.
3) Please examine the WANTED! poster and if you have any detailed information about this individual, his whereabouts or activities in Connecticut between 1985-89, pleasecontact LASD police immediately, at (323)890-5500 to speak with Sgts Bobby Taylor or Timothy Miley regarding Case# 094-00061-3199-011.
It's Time For Greenwich Time Editor David Warner
To Wake Up!!!!
When is David Warner, the new Greenwich Time Editor, going to get some reporters with the journalistic balls to cover NATIONAL news stories about Greenwich.
David Warner, previously metro editor of The Rockford (Ill.) Register Star and his reporters have to read about Greenwich Crockafellah Case in the Boston Herald and the Boston Globe.
Warner has also been deputy metro editor of The Detroit News and these reporters have to read about the Greenwich Crockafellah Case in the International Herald Tribune and the Times Of London.
Mr. Warner was editor of the Trentonian in Trenton, N.J. and they have to read about the Greenwich Crockafellah Case in the New York and Los Angeles Times.
Would David Warner Have Ignored The Greenwich Crockafellah Caseif he was still the city editor of the Philadelphia Daily News; or the editor of the Daily Local News in West Chester, Pa?
Surely, David Warner would not have sat on the Greenwich Crockafellah Case when he was the city editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Why can't all of the reporters at these papers read what their old boss thinks about the Greenwich Crockafellah Case.
However. all of these reporters can go and see how a real editor covers the local, national and international angles of the Crockafellah Case if they were to checkout a real newspaperman like Frank Girardot who is not only an editor but a working journalist who is willing to get his hands dirty.
Please Take A Look At:
Crime Scene blog With All Of The Money That Greenwich Has And All Of The Money That Greenwich Businesses Pay For Display Ads In THE GREENWICH TIME You Would Think This Town Could Afford A Newspaper Editor With The Caliber Of A Frank Girardot. It Is Time For Greenwich Time Editor David Warner To Come Out Of His Self Induced Coma!!!! In fact if you do have a news tip or remembrance about Mr. Crockafella I wouldn't even bother sending it to the clueless David Warner.
Perhaps, you would have a better shot of having your story published if your rememberances published if you contacted a mega international newspaper like the Los Angeles Times, New York Times Or Boston Herald. Or maybe you should just send your tips to a small town reporter like....
But don't waste your time sending your Greenwich Crockefellah news tips or remembrances to David Warner at the Greenwich Time, because he will probably continue to sit on the story that is on National Television every single night.
There Is A Lot Of Interest In Greenwich About The The Greenwich Crockeffellah Saga.
One Greenwich Resident says that he is putting together a book proposal about Mr. Crockeffellah.
Just Three days ago Greenwich Roundup published a readers comment seeking more information about the Greenwich minister and his son who became suspicious of Mr. Crockeffellah reported him to to the Greenwich Police Department over the sale of a used car involved in a California Missing Persons / Murder Case.
Chichester surfaced in 1988, when he tried to sell a truck belonging to John Sohus in Greenwich, Conn., police told "Unsolved Mysteries."
The seller used the name Christopher Crowe, the same name used on the stockbroker application, to sell the truck to the son of a local minister, who reported the episode to police after the man could not produce the truck's paperwork. Greenwich police did not return a call on Wednesday.
To: Subject: Episcopal Church in Greenwich CT? Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 07:21:43 +0000
I don't know Greenwich CT especially well, but I had many friends from the town & area. This looks like the kind of Church he'd attend:
It doesnt get any more Yankee than this : but The Rev. Canon Sydney A. Woodd-Cahusac (correct spelling!) was far too old - could it have been a grandson?? (Incidentally, Syd was an attorney before his late ministry - he was treasurer & house cousel to Rockefeller University.) Or was it another staff member's son? Too young, but the current The Rev. Robert M. Alves, The Rector might help; 954 Lake Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06831 (203) 661-5526 Otherwise, other Protestant Churches in Westchester Co. (it must be there):
Creepy con man Clark Rockefeller posed as the long-lost brother of serial killerDavid Berkowitz, Also Known As, The Son Of Sam Killer, and tried to use theSon of Sam'sSocial Security number to get his Wall Street broker's license.
The fake Rockefeller - born Christian Gerhartsreiter in Germany and jailed for allegedly kidnapping his daughter, "Snooks" - called the killer's lawyer around 1985 claiming to need information to confirm that Berkowitz, who was adopted, was the sibling he never knew, the lawyer said.
"He said that he'd been abandoned by his family, too," said lawyer Mark Jay Heller, who is convinced that the caller was Gerhartsreiter.
Heller refused the caller's request for a Social Security number, but the bizarre Bavarian appears to have gotten it anyway.
A former colleague said the faker got his first finance job in 1985, with venture capitalist Stanford Phelps in Greenwich, Conn., using the name Christopher Crowe.
Phelps fired him within a year after learning from the National Association of Securities Dealers that he had used the Social Security number of David Berkowitz, said the ex-colleague.
When Gerhartsreiter got a job at Nikko on Wall Street, Phelps called, and again "Crowe" was fired, the trader said.
Rockefeller's lawyer, Stephen Hrones, said his client doesn't have a memory of using Berkowitz's ID.
At his next job, at Kidder-Peabody, Gerhartsreiter "went into his manager's office saying his parents had been kidnapped in South America and he needed to go down there to pay a ransom," the trader said.
The next day, FBI agents showed up at Nikko, looking for "Crowe," Barnett and the trader said.
They wanted to question him about a truck he was driving in Connecticut that was owned by John Sohus, his ex-landlord, who'd vanished with his wife, Linda, from their San Marino, Calif., home four years earlier.
They never found "Crowe" or the truck, but in 1994 contractors digging a pool at the home unearthed three plastic bags containing a hacked-up male skeleton, according to the LA County Sheriff's Office.
... But after two days at Lehman, Rockefeller told his supervisors that he needed to take time off to search for his parents, who he said had gone missing in Afghanistan. Sources said Rockefeller – who told co-workers at Nikko he was film director Christoher Crowe – was dismissed by Lehman. Rockefeller even invited co-workers to the Greenwich, Conn. guest house he was renting for screenings of “his” movies. Rockefeller claimed he was living in the guest house because his own home was being renovated, a claim that co-workers assumed was one of his tall tales.
Within days of his dismissal from Lehman, Connecticut State Police detectives arrived at the offices of both Lehman and Nikko looking to question Rockefeller. ...
One guess what they might have wanted to question him about. Yep.
Is Rupert Murdock At The Fox News Channel Going To Have To Send Geraldo Rivera Break The Greenwich Crockeffelah Story For Greenwich Time Editor David Warner?
Geraldo Knows Greenwich And Some Of The Players, Because He Got His Big Break At WABC Channel 7, Which Is Just Down The Road From Greenwich.
I Bet Geraldo Could Easily Handle The Greenwich Crockeffelah Story For David Warner.
Geraldo Rivera was hired by WABC-TV in New York City as a reporter for Eyewitness News. In 1972, he garnered national attention and won an Emmy Award for his report on the neglect and abuse of mentally retarded patients at Staten Island's Willowbrook State School and began to appear on ABC national programs such as 20/20 and Nightline. After John Lennon watched Rivera's report on the patients at Willowbrook, he and Rivera formed a benefit concert called "One to One" (released in 1986 as Live in New York City.) Rivera would be one of the correspondents reporting Lennon's murder on Nightline on December 8,1980. Rivera also appeared in The US vs. John Lennon, a movie about Lennon and Yoko Ono's lives in New York City. It was released in 2007.
Around this time, Rivera also began hosting ABC's Goodnight America. The show featured the famous refrain from Arlo Guthrie's hit "City Of New Orleans" (written by Steve Goodman) as the theme. The song served as the later inspiration for the network's hugely successful morning show, Good Morning America.
After Elvis Presley died in 1977, various media mistakenly reported that he had died from a heart attack. Rivera then investigated Presley's prescription drug records and concluded that he had died from multiple drug intake. His conclusion caused Tennessee medical authorities to later revoke the medical license of Dr. George C. Nichopoulos, for overprescribing.
In October 1985, ABC's Roone Arledge refused to air a report done by Sylvia Chase, for 20/20 on the relationship between Marilyn Monroe and John and Robert Kennedy. Rivera publicly criticized Arledge's journalistic integrity, claiming that Arledge's friendship with the Kennedy family (for example, Pierre Salinger, a former Kennedy aide, worked for ABC News at the time) had caused him to spike the story; as a result, Rivera was fired. Sylvia Chase quit 20/20, although she returned to ABC News many years later. It has never aired.
In 1994, he began hosting nightly discussion of the news on CNBC called Rivera Live while continuing to host Geraldo. The show was portrayed in the final episode of Seinfeld, with Rivera as himself reporting on the lengthy trial of the show's four main characters.
Rivera had a small, uncredited part in the 1990 film The Bonfire of the Vanities as a television reporter named "Robert Corso". He also has a short cameo on the series finale of Seinfeld with his former news colleague, Jane Wells. He was also the inspiration for the character Wayne Gale (portrayed by Robert Downey Jr.) in Oliver Stone's 1994 film Natural Born Killers; in fact, much of the character's interaction with the murders Mickey and Mallory Knox was inspired heavily from Rivera's interview with Charles Manson.
Kurt Vonnegut mentions Rivera several times in various novels, including Palm Sunday and Fates Worse than Death, never in a favorable light. Rivera was married to Vonnegut's daughter Edith. They divorced in 1974.
Please send your comments and news tips about the Crockafellah to
Here Is One Of Greenwich Roundup's Favorite Geraldo Clips
The World Famous 1988
Bob Button is most well-known in town for leading a number of musical groups including the Button and Bows, a group of female singers who performed swinging standards under his direction. Mr. Button provided piano accompaniment.
After years of enriching the community with his music, Greenwich resident Bob Button has died. Those who knew him say he will be remembered and missed for his energy and creativity. The pianist used his skills to bring entertainment to members of the community. Peg Delacruz, member of Mr. Button’s local band Button and Bows, remembers his relentless passion for music and sharing it with the town.
The trial for the man accused of being the notorious “Dinnertime Bandit” is under way at Stamford Superior Court.
Alan Golder was arrested in Belgium in November 2007 after years of eluding police, who believed him responsible for a string of burglaries in town in the late 1990s. Mr. Golder’s alleged tendency to break into occupied homes during the early evening hours earned him his colorful nickname, and stories about him were broadcast on America’s Most Wanted and Unsolved Mysteries.
Mr. Golder faces 10 charges connected to four burglaries in Greenwich in 1996 and 1997, including larceny, robbery and kidnapping for allegedly restraining a woman with neckties after she caught him stealing items from her home. Testimony began on Tuesday before Judge John Kavanewsky Jr. as Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Valdes attempted to prove to jurors that Mr. Golder is the notorious burglar.....
...“We were watching TV and they had this report on about it,” Mr. Liepman said. “He said that it was him and the heat was on. I got a little shaken up and he said he was going to go on the run.”...
...Testimony in the trial was expected to continue Wednesday, after press time, and today. Court will not be in session on Friday, but will resume on Monday. Based on the current schedule, Judge Kavanewsky said he could anticipate the case going to the jury for deliberation on Tuesday.
Mr. Golder remains in custody in Suffield on a $3 million bond.
Despite hope earlier last week that it would be able to avoid it, the Board of Education has decided to go ahead with dispersing Glenville School students throughout the district for the first part of the new school year. With completion of a new Hamilton Avenue School by Aug. 15 looking all but uncertain, the board decided last Friday to move Hamilton Avenue students back to the modular classrooms at Western Middle School and to disperse the Glenville students to four schools within the district. Once the school is completely ready, the Hamilton Avenue students will be sent to the new school, which will free up the modulars for the Glenville students, where they are scheduled to stay until the rebuilding of their school, which is set to be demolished, is complete.
Convict recounts jewelry sales with Golder An alleged accomplice of Alan Golder said he sold off ill-gotten jewelry provided by the suspected jewel thief throughout 1997 before Golder vanished as police investigated him for a series of brazen burglaries of town mansions.
Here's some food for thought from Tuesday's Democratic congressional primary won handily by party-endorsee Jim Himes over petition candidate Lee Whitnum - she received about half as many votes as signatures she collected to get on the ballot.
Glenville parents pass out school supplies The Parent-Teacher Association at Glenville School has made a yearly ritual of placing back-to-school supplies - from pencils and Magic Markers to sticky notes and glue sticks - atop each student's desk before they arrive for their first day of class.
Teens find summer work cleaning up townWorking with whips, sheers, hand pruners and rakes, is just one day on the job for a group of teens getting paid to help clean up Greenwich.
Town twins go for the gold BEIJING -Greenwich rowers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss will compete for gold this weekend after finishing second in Wednesday's 2,000-meter qualifying race of pair's rowing.
Greenwich Water Polo makes waves at Junior Olympics Greenwich Water Polo's four A teams proved that they could compete with the absolute best the sport has to offer at the boys USA Water Polo Junior Olympics recently
In July of 2000 we moved from Greenwich to Walla Walla, Wash. In July of 2008 we received a bill collector's notice from the town of Greenwich demanding payment of unpaid taxes for 1999 due in July of 2000 for two cars we owned at the time plus eight years of interest. To say that I am ourtaged that the town of Greenwich would wait eight years to decide to tell us about a tax we may have owned, plus accumulated interest, would be an understatement.
The bill collector, American National Recovery Group Inc., has sent a sheet explaining that under Connecticut statue and case law there is no obligation for the tax collector to send a bill, and lack of receipt is no excuse for non-payment. Moreover, the taxing entity cannot forgive interest. I am stunned. The absurdity of it is surpassed only by the injustice. If, in fact, we owe a tax, we will, of course, pay it, but eight years of interest? Either the town of Greenwich is incompetent in its record keeping, or this is a deliberate scam to raise funds in a most unethical way.
This is not simply a matter of legal equity, it is a matter of moral turpitude. After all, what is the difference between this behavior and the behavior of private entities engaged in the corrupt practices of organized crime?
"The Fab Floor"
By Jerry Zezima
You can make book on the fact that I’m not a guy to sweep things under the
rug. But you may be floored to know that I brought the hammer...
February Made Me Shiver
The face of 2,000 games with a voice that is
hanging on by a thread
The second month of 2025 has nearly passed by completely and I haven't
written. I don...
Interest Rates Up – Sales Fall – Market Stays Tight
We have 217 listings on the market which is a record low for this week. We
only have one listing under $700,000 which is 0.5% of the market. Under $1
WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress
What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use
control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit
is every...
Carl Higbie has made numerous racist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, misogynist,
and anti-migrant statements, even calling for shooting people who cross our
Or the other way around
Legal pot is making the poor lazy and shiftless, claims the NYPost. Isn’t
it just as likely; more likely, that lazy, shiftless people tend to be poor
and u...
Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam
*When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM
*Where:* Cos Cob Library
You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take
place weekly. Bring...
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison
*When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM
*Where:* Byram Shubert Library
A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to
children a...
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s
*When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM
*Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room
Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...
Cara Mendaftar di Agen Bola Online
*CARA DAFTAR SBOBET Indonesia - Buat mendaftar SBOBET CASINO itu tak lah
sulit alias sangant gampang & enteng sekali. Sebelum mulai sejak mendaftar
Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad!
He died a real death, but now he lives a real life, he did lie in the tomb,
and it was no fiction that the breath had departed from hi...
Appeals Court Refuses to Void Madoff Settlements
The decision leaves intact a $410 million settlement with J. Ezra Merkin, a
Wall Street hedge fund manager, and an $80 million settlement with
Fairfield Gr...
Trucks on the Merritt
Once again we have to put up with trucks on the Merritt Parkway crashing
into bridges. In the Greenwich Time article (here) there is mention of a
bill pro...
Michael Mason Midwives MISA
The hugely-important issue of the projected Music Instructional
Space/Auditorium, aka MISA, came up for one final vote in the RTM
(Representative Town Mee...
Guilty Plea Expected in Trautwein Murder
STAMFORD -- A former New Haven mechanic whose conviction for murdering
North Stamford resident Joanne Trautwein in 2005 was overturned by the
state Supre...
Grandma Joyce's Apple Cake
Since we have had an unnaturally warm winter this year, it feels like we
are a month ahead of schedule. The crocuses and daffodils are already
Transitioning Into Fall
Fall is just around the corner, with last night’s cool temperatures in
Greenwich being a cruel reminder for those of us who are in denial that
summer is ...
OK, I get the knee-jerk reaction to change offered by someone partisan is
often going to be rejection. But the reaction to the proposed redistricting
Meet the Rev. Halley Low!
The Rev. Halley Low was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. He
holds a B.A. in history from Stony Brook University and a Master of
Divinity, Magna...
Reverse Mortgages
If you are a home owner or getting ready to be a home owner and you know
that money is tight especially with the economy the way it is, it is
important t...
Different vision of America? No argument here.
In his opening speech at the recent Tea Party Convention held in Nashville,
former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo claimed that Obama would never
have ...
I've joined the FCC National Broadband Plan team
Yesterday at it was announced that I've joined the FCC's
National Broadband Plan Task Force. I'm delighted to be helping Blair Levin
and his t...
05/02/09 The Latest Greenwich Police Reports
*This Just In ....*
*Greenwich, officers agree to settle over military lawsuit*
Greenwich Time
By Debra Friedman
*Two years after five Greenwich police ...
2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session
Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it
in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of
the not...
New address for our blog!
We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new
site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit:
The third quarter sales statistics are out and they provide some
interesting reading (if you lead a very dull life, that is). Sales are down