News Reports By Teri Buhl The Former Hearst Business Investigative Reporter That Was Foolishly Let Go By Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber
Falcone, Inmarsat Deal Could mean Billions For Satellite Co. FINalternatives By Teri Buhl Hedge fund honcho Phil Falcone and broadband company LightSquared yesterday executed their cooperative agreement with Inmarsat, ... ======================================= Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
Whatever Happened To Journalistic Ethics And Standards In Bridgeport
Connecticut Post Advertisers And Readers Don't Want Unfair And Unbalanced Reporting From Fake, Phony And Fraudulent Political Writers
Over The Last Three Years Greenwich Millionaire Ned Lamont Wined Dined And Pocket Lined A Stable Of Partisan Bloggers That Befriended Hearst Vice President Lincoln Millstein And Hijacked The Connecticut Post's Blog Page.
Alfonso Robinsonwho volunteers or gets paid to use the alias "CT BLOGGER" to solely up load a campaign commercial, that was paid for by the Jim Himes Congressional campaign.
Jim Himes posted the video that Connecticut Post writer Al Robinson on Facebook by writing the following to his followers....
Jim HimesSneak peek at my first ad - really lays out the choice we face this November.
These biased Connecticut Post writers even included Congressman Jim Himes' beloved wife Mary Himes
However, Dannel P. Malloy Blog Was Shut Down Soon After It Became Came Clear That He Would Be Running Against Ned Lamont In The Gubernatorial Race.
The Unethical Cowboy Mentality Is So Bad One Connecticut Post Writer Dave Ruden Threatened To Use Hearst Corporation Email Servers To Launch An "Email Bomb" Denial Of Service Attack, Because We Sought A Response From Hearst Employees About The Plagiarism Scandal.
Steven Swartz's lack of leadership and total disregard for Connecticut Post readers is just another huge dent to the credibility of mainstream journalism in Bridgeport.
Another Big loser in the Himes / Hearst Newspaper Pauperism Controversyis Jim Himes himself, because before Ned Lamont lost in the Democratic primary to Dan "The Comeback Kid" Malloy Congressman Himes lead all of the republican challengers in all of the pools.
In fact Jim Himes' could not stop crowing about how Dan Debicella won the Republican primary with less than 2/3rds of the primary vote.
Then, Jim Himes stole a page from Ned Lamont's play book and took in the rouge bloggers at the Connecticut Post. Himes' campaign manager Mark Henson to start posting campgain emails without attribution and Himes got Al Robinson to work on posting his "first ad" on YouTube.
Connecticut voters, who already had some distrust of Jim Himes, now were totally turned off by his unethical use of Connecticut Post Writers.
Now a poll released by the American Action Forum has the Dan Debecella / Jim Himes fourth district congressional race in a statistical dead heat.
Currently Dan Debicella trails Jim Himes by only 4 points, which is within the margin of error.
However among those certain to vote, the poll has Debicella and Himes at 45% to 45%.
Connecticut voters are turned off and do not trust a congressman who wines, dines and pocket lines fake, phony and fraudulent bloggers.
Connecticut voters look want an ethical congressman and Jim Himes will meet the same fate as Ned Lamont if he keeps lets these rough Connecticut Post political writers be the spokespersons for his campaign.
However, the biggest loser of the Himes / Hearst Newspaper Plagiarism scandal is CT Post Editor Tom Baden who had fiddled as the Bridgeport newspaper's reputation has went up in flames.
If You Do A Google Search For "CT Post Editor Tom Baden" The First, Second, Third And Sixth Result Is About How the Himes / Hearst Newspaper Scandal Was Improperly Handled.
40% Of The Top Google Results For Tom Baden Are About He Failed To Uphold Journalistic Standards And Ethics At The Connecticut Post.
The Old School Hearst Newspaper And Connecticut Post Newspaper Monopoly Only Shows Up At Number Nine As The New JackRoundup News Blog Network Delivers Close To 6,000 Daily Unique Visitors Everyday.
Here is today's Google search results for,"CT Post Editor Tom Baden"....
Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden has thrown truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability out the ... -Cached
On Aug 17, 2010, Bridgeport Roundup Sought A Comment From Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swatrz, Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden And Other Hearst ...
Aug 12, 2010 ...Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden is ignoring the leading voice on the ...Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden and Connecticut Post political ... - Cached
Tom Baden became editor of the Connecticut Post in July 2008. ....So when Connecticut Post editor Tom Baden asked us to get live scoring updates of high ... - Cached
Tom Baden is the editor of the Connecticut Post. In 2008, Tom Baden replaced James Smith as the editor. For Connecticut Postcontact information, ... › ... › USA › Connecticut › Bridgeport -Cached - Similar
Aug 17, 2010 ... Well, Connecticut Post's news editor Tom Badentold Bridgeport residents not to worry as he pointed to an old 2002 Hearst Newspaper ... - Cached
Editor, Tom Baden. Founded, 1883. Language, English ... On August 8, 2008 the Hearst Corporation acquired the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) and www. ...
The Connecticut Post, southwestern Connecticut's largest circulation daily newspaper, has ... John J. DeAugustine. Publisher.Tom Baden. Editor. ... - Cached
Mar 3, 2010 ... Publisher, John J. DeAugustine; Editor, Tom Baden. Website: E-mail: BRISTOL. The Bristol Press. -Cached - Similar
When We Shine A Light On The
Himes / Hearst Newspaper Plagiarism Scandal
The Cockroaches Ran For Cover
Greenwich Roundup Has Not Been Able To Get A
Comment From Fourth District Congressman
Jim Himes Or His Campaign.
Messages Left For Jim Himes' Campaign Manager
Mark Henson Have Not Been Returned.
Several Emails To Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz And
Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden Have Not Been Responded Too,
However, We Were Able To Secure The Following Comment
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New address for our blog!
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site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit:
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