The Westchester County and Greenwich, Conn., chapters of the American Red Cross are to be combined under a consolidation that officials say will strengthen the organization's emergency response capabilities and make it more efficient.
The merger, announced today, also includes Lower Hudson Valley chapter operations in Rockland, Putnam, Orange and Sullivan counties, which until now had operated as part of the New York City-based Greater New York chapter. The new chapter will be known as the American Red Cross Metro New York North chapter.
The Red Cross say the new structure allows them to better realize efficiencies, particularly in times of disasters, and will further improve their ability to provide help to those in times of need
The Greenwich Red Cross CEO is out and Mary Young has been tapped to lead the newly combined chapter.
The merger includes a 10 percent reduction of paid Red Cross staffers, who were informed earlier in the summer that they would be laid off by Sept. 1.
The Red Cross says similar consolidations and layoffs are occurring among Red Cross chapters across the country to save money in a tough econonomy.
The Red Cross wont say how many people were laid off in Greenwich, or how much money was saved.
John Ravitz, chief executive officer of the Westchester chapter, has been named chief operating officer for the region, which includes the newly merged chapters along with New York City and Long Island.
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