Monday, May 11, 2009
05/11/09 The Latest Blog Posts About Greenwich......
By Chris Rovzar
It's an important lesson that should really only have to be learned once. Daily Intel -
Is there anyone in Greenwich who's still sane and not under ...
By christopherfountain
Is there anyone in Greenwich who's still sane and not under indictment?
Stay away from me with that purse, Peter. Peter! Round Hill Road resident and Walt Noel neighbor Frederic Bourke feared ... For What It's Worth -
Bruce Museum Outdoor Festival Greenwich Blog :
By gb
Bruce Museum One Museum Drive Saturday,May 16-Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:00am-5:00pm Held on the grounds of the Bruce Museum in Greenwich. The Festival. Greenwich Blog :: The Blog of... -
please send your comments and blog links to
05/11/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed Late Night Edition
The Latest Greenwich News Briefs:
David Rabin Is Still Making Headlines ......
Recession: One day in America Fort Wayne Journal Gazette David Rabin, once a senior vice president of marketing, can't even get a job recruiting members for a Greenwich, Conn., gym. ... |
Expert: Sex, Internet addictions go hand-in-hand Seattle Post Intelligencer ... a case like that of Greenwich, Conn., investor Stephen G. Dent, who became a repeated victim of extortion after interacting with women he met online. ... |
The Latest Greenwich Blog Posts:
Prime Broker Names New Hire Hedge Fund Focus Will Obama's So-Called "Hedge Fund Bullying" Hurt The Rescue Plan Or Help The Plan By Stablizing The Markets? |
The Journal Can't See Through the Hedges : CJR "Hedge funds really need a community organizer," Mr. Asness quipped in the three-page letter, pointedly signed as "Unafraid in Greenwich, Conn." And: Some hedge funds have said that a key part of PPIP could unfairly benefit Allianz SE's ... CJR - |
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/11.09 How Some Women Score In Greenwich
Jane Genova
... money, even after a professional crash. And Brown was right on the money about the meetings in affluent areas. Two Greenwich, Connecticut geezers proposed to me after their wives died. Rich men tend to be lazy socially and will grab onto any nearby ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/11/09 When You Report The National News Always Find A Local Angle Or Expert: Stocks Take A Hit On Earnings
The Arizona Daily Star
... Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index slid 1.4 percent. "The market has gone too far, too fast," Douglas Cliggott, the Greenwich, Connecticut-based manager of the $81 million Dover Long/Short Sector Fund, which beat 97 percent of its peers last year, told ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/11/09 When You Report The National News Always Find A Local Angle Or Expert: Boeing's new business: rent-a-drone
... budgeting $3.8 billion to buy drones in its fiscal 2010, Peter Arment , an analyst at Broadpoint AmTech Inc., in Greenwich, Connecticut, said in an interview. a oeWe know that the military servicesa demand for these systems is going to go up ...
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/11/09 No One Gives You More Up To The Minute Associated Press Coverage Than The Greenwich Time
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Space shuttle Atlantis is on its way to the Hubble Space Telescope. Atlantis and seven astronauts blasted off Monday on a mission that has more risks than usual. It is NASA's
By Marcia Dunn The Associated Press
Davis' buzzer beater lifts Celtics over Magic
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The defending champions aren't giving up their crown easily. Glen Davis made a 21-foot jumper as time expired to help the Boston Celtics hold off a furious rally and defeat the
By Antonio Gonzalez Associated Press
Damon homer in 7th lifts Yankees over Orioles 5-3
BALTIMORE -- After Aubrey Huff had his fun at the expense of Joba Chamberlain, the New York Yankees got in the last word against the Baltimore Orioles. Johnny Damon hit a three-run homer in the
By David Ginsburg Associated Press
Please send your comments, news tips and Press Releases to
05/11/09 The Greenwich Time Tries To Add Blog And RSS Feeds To It's Site, But It Can't Compare To The "Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed" Dodd blasts critics of his wife
U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., blasted critics for raising suspicions about corporate boards served on by his wife Jackie Sunday in an op-ed for the Hartford Courant. He called the claims raised by state GOP Chairman Chris Healy a "flat-out lie" and "low-blow politics. more »
They Also Have These Posts: Jimmy Fallon finally getting degree from former college Coast Guard finds 1 of 2 missing men Once 'Wall Street North', Stamford looks for new identity Dodd says he's open to torture hearings
For What It's Worth By Riverside Blogger Chris Fountain
Dented dignity - Ah, this is better. After a few hours of lag time, Greenwich’s most recently-famous citizen, Steven “Dido” Dent, is heading for the natioal prominence he...
Vivapop Community Events RSS Feed
Tag Sale: May 16 - North Greenwich Nursury School Greenwich, CT 203-869-7945 General Interest Infant and little kid clothes, toys, books, strollers, high-chairs, and much ...
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
Dan Baum's life at THE NEW YORKER - Who cares - What a throw-back to the days when elite media could get away with being self-absorbed. Dan Baum, who did a stint at THE NEW YORKER a few years ago, tweets a...
Ask the Doctor: Medical Health Articles
The Healthiest Way to Achieve Maximum Calcium Absorption - It is a known fact that in normal conditions only 10% of the calcium we consume is actually absorbed by the blood. The remaining goes out through urine....
Greenwich Blog : The Blog of Greenwich, Connecticut :: USA
Bruce Museum Outdoor Festival - Bruce Museum One Museum Drive Saturday,May 16-Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:00am-5:00pm Held on the grounds of the Bruce Museum in Greenwich. The Festival features...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Viewed Web Article - RSS Feed
Some still without power this morning - BRIDGEPORT ---- A number of homes are still in the dark this morning following Sunday's windy weather. Connecticut Light & Power is reporting that ...
The Latest From Claudette Rothman, AKA,Greenwich Diva
Jailed Iran reporter, Roxana Saberi, ‘to be free’ later today - TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Iran will release imprisoned Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, her father said Monday. var CNN_ArticleChanger = new CNN_imag...
The Daily Spurgeon
Pressing Forward - The Christian’s motto is, “Upward and onward.” Not as though he had already attained, either were already perfect, he presses forward to the mark for the...
Greenwich Student, Blogger And Receptionist krystle's Collection of things *not to forget*
Cops: Kidnappers Shown On Camera - (CNN) -- Police in San Bernardino, California, released pictures of two suspects in the abduction of a 3-year-old boy who was taken at gunpoint from his ...
Former Greenwich Resident Rosie O'Donnell"s RBlog
look at that beak!!!! - the new star trek movie is fantastic beyond my expectations so well done in every way it moved me so seeing spock then and now just genius chris pine ...
Today's Greenwich Time Most Emailed Web Article - RSS Feed
Greenwich 'sugar daddy' extorted in Web of romance - The women called him "master." He called them his "slaves." But the women Greenwich financial titan Stephen Dent met online clearly were the ones with the ...
Lincoln's Log - Hearst Newspaper VP Lincoln Millstein's Pitiful And Ameturish Attempt To Prove He Is A Hip Greenwich Blogger
Hazardous waste day - I’m not exactly sure what constitutes hazardous waste, but I am certain that I have plenty of it in my house. The flotsam and jetsam of modern life and the...
Exit 55 By Rob "WGCH" Adams - The Sports Voice Of Greenwich
Thank You Long Island! - I admit that I must confuse people. I mean, here I am - radio guy, supposedly outgoing and garrulous. And sometimes painfully shy. Among the many people ...
Greenwich Time: Community Events - RSS Feed
Fairfield County Scene - YWCA volunteers took to the runway in the newly remodeled ladies department of the Darien Sport Shop at the Wine, Women and Wallets fundraiser April 2.
Cos Cob Blogger Iggy Makarevich At High Strangeness
How to identify political parties - This little old lady calls 911. When the dispatcher answers she yells "Help, send the police to my house right away! There's a doggone Democrat on my front ...
The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
Golden Y Award Winners Spring 2009 - CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the Semi-Annual Y2C2 Jeopardy Tournament! They are the current holders of the coveted Wonderful Golden "Y" Award!
O5/11/09 Please Just Shoot Me .... It's Time For Susie

Boy, when new money marriages bite the dust, they bite it hard.
The Real Celebrity Gossip Hounds Were Reporting......
09/30/08 Susie's Upset !!! Greenwich Gossip Hounds Are Following Joe Pisani And Susie Night And Day !!!! Joe Says To Leave Susie "The Dish" Alone !!!!
Just a little while ago the phone rang at my home and on the other end phone was Joe Pisiani.Mr. Pisani indicated that he was not happy with the reporting about him at Greenwich Roundup and the letters from Greenwich Roundup readers that had been sent about him.
Shocker: Supermodel Stephanie Seymour And Greenwich Rich Boy Peter Brant Split
They both know hearts can change. Public figures divorce all of the time, but rarely are we moved to think: but why? They were so right for each other! But that was what we exclaimed this morning when reading about the difficult parting of ways between Stephanie Seymour and Peter Brant in "Page Six." Not only were they a physical match, as you can ...
Written For, By And About Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani
...I learned a great lesson while friends and pretend foes gathered to toast me for my deeds and roast me for my misdeeds over the years at The Advocate and Greenwich Time.
The great lesson I learned, if you can believe this, is humility. How, you might wonder, do we learn humility when people praise you? Because I knew beyond a doubt I’m not the wonderful person they think I am.
We’re all a mixture of weak and strong, good and bad, paisley and plaid, true and false. I won’t continue. You get the idea. It’s called the human condition.
Greenwich Roundup Exclusive
Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Creates Controversy Where Ever He Goes.
More On The Ferguson's Library Funded Dan Malloy Political Event
Fergouson Libray Director And Employees Working For Malloy
Fergouson Computer Server Used For Political Event
Ferguson Library Tax Dollars Used To Pay For Pisani And Malloy's Private Party
"What really struck me that night was the selflessness and sacrifice of the people who labored for months to put this affair on, starting with the major domo, Ernie DiMattia, head of the Ferguson Library in Stamford" - Joe Pisani
(Our Greenwich - Oct 21st, 2008 )
"For tickets or more information, call Melanie at 351-8206 or email" - Susie Costaregni
(Greenwich Post - DarienTimes - New Canaan Advertiser - Thursday, October 16, 2008)
Ernie DiMattia, head of the Ferguson Library in Stamford and Melanie Keiffer Have Not Responded To Greenwich Roundup messages left seeking comments about the Furuson's ticket sales for Pisani's private party.
Maybe Ct Attorney General Blumenthal
should investigatethe improper use of public funds
and resourcesused at the very event he was giving a presentation.
There were high points aplenty during last weekend’s toast-and-roast testimonial at the Hyatt in Old Greenwich for Joe Pisani, my friend and colleague. The turnout was strong, with guests from various parts of Joe’s life over the last 25 years, and many of those through his work with The Advocate and Greenwich Time.
(I’m always shocked to see Joe’s four daughters. They are so gorgeous — each could be a super-model tomorrow. They also look like Joe. How is this possible, I always wonder? Then comes the aha! moment: Sandy Pisani, Joe’s gorgeous wife.) .......
03/09/09 Last Fall Greenwich Roundup Warned Stamford Taxpayers That Dan Malloy And Libray Administrators Were Wasting Library Funds
"What really struck me that night was the selflessness and sacrifice of the people who labored for months to put this affair on, starting with the major domo, Ernie DiMattia, head of the Ferguson Library in Stamford" - Joe Pisani
Here Is The Complacent Media Report That Tells You Who And What, But Fails To Tell You Why.....
STAMFORD -- The Ferguson Library is asking taxpayers to fund a 7.6 percent increase in their budget for the fiscal year 2009-10 to cover increased expenses.
The library has asked for about $100,000 to make up for decreased revenue
Please send your comments news tips and press releases to
05/11/09 PRESS RELEASE:Hamilton Avenue Open House
an Open House on May 20, 2009.
We hope that you will be able to attend and that you can include the date
in your papers/announcements/calendars.
Thank you!
Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail:
Fax: 203-869-8003
You are cordially invited to
The Renaissance School at Hamilton Avenue
Open House
May 20, 2009
6:00PM till 8:00PM
Come join us to celebrate our beautiful new school.
R.S.V.P. Requested
May 10, 2009
203-869-1685 ext. 1457
Please be advised, parking is limited.
Tentative Program
6:00PM – On Your Own Tour
6:45PM – Welcoming Ceremony
and light refreshments
7:45PM – Ribbon Cutting
Our sincere thanks to:
The Hamilton Avenue School Community, Board
of Education, Building Committee, RTM, BET,
Board of Selectman, Greenwich Public Schools,
Community Organizations and Associations.
Without the community and town support,this
journey would not have been possible!
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
O5/11/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Availability of Town Government Information
entitled "Forget About Tea Parties: Why can't we have e-Petitions here
in Greenwich?"
You may recall that the RTM in December of 2007 unanimously passed the
This resolution was designed to make Town government meeting
information readily and quickly available to all citizens.
Paul Curtis
Dear Mr. Curtis,
Your Organization has done an excellent job of keeping Greenwich residents fully informed via the cable access channels and your group's web site.
Perhaps your group's web site would be the perfect place for the town to establish a web page where citizens could start and access “ePetitions” based upon what they saw and read at the public access Channels and web site.
The Section of the agenda you refereed to is ....
6. To consider and act upon the following sense of the meeting resolution, requested by the Town Services Committee.
WHEREAS, the Representative Town Meeting (the “RTM” of the Town in its responsibility as the representatives of the electorate of the Town need to be apprised of all activities of Town Departments, Boards, Commissions, Councils and Committees, including all School Building Committees and Building Project Committees; and
WHEREAS, the First Selectman is responsible for the administration and methods of procedure with respect to such departments as defined within Section 217 of the Charter of the Town of Greenwich, Connecticut and the Town's local government access television channels.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, it is the Sense of the Meeting that the First Selectman adopted as Town policy the following:
(a) The Town shall provide and maintain a display case accessible to the public in the main lobby of Town Hall for the posting of notices and agendas for all meetings and special meetings as defined in Title 1, Chapter 14, Sections 1-200, 1-225(c) and 1-225(d) and Title 7, Chapter 90, Section 7-3 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(b) Any updates, modifications and changes to the notice and agenda of any meeting or special meeting shall be posted pursuant to paragraph (a) above within four (4) business hours from the time that they are filed with the Town Clerk. Special attention shall be paid to any update, modification or changes to the notice and agenda of any meeting filed with the Town Clerk between twenty four (24) and twenty eight (28) hours prior to the meeting or special meeting; in such cases, these shall be posted immediately.
(c) The Town shall provide an electronic version of the notices and agendas for all meetings and special meetings posted pursuant to paragraph (a) above on a single web page on the Town’s web site. The web page shall provide the following information in chronological order:
(1) The date, agency, location, time and purpose of any meeting or special meeting; and
(2) A link to the electronic version of the actual notice and agenda for such meeting or special meeting.
(d) For purposes of this policy only, the Town shall determine the formats to be utilized for the electronic notifications but shall adhere to the following guidelines in making their determination:~
(1) Use a document format that is available at no expense across all computing platforms;
(2) Have, at minimum, the agency name, date, time, location, and purpose of the public meeting or hearing electronically syndicated using an open, standard electronic syndication format for dissemination to any interested party; and
(3) Allow an interested party to subscribe to these notices and agendas, and receive the notices and agendas via electronic mail; and
(4) Be updated pursuant to paragraph (b) above.
(e) The formats described in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) above shall be developed in consultation with the Representative Town Meeting or a Special Committee of the Representative Town Meeting.
(f) All electronic notifications described in this policy shall not constitute legal notice as required pursuant to Title 1, Chapter 14, Sections 1-225(c) and 1-225(d) and Title 7, Chapter 90, Section 7-3 of the Connecticut General Statutes. This policy shall not constitute a replacement for the notice requirements required to any citizen affected by any decision or ruling by any Town Department, Town Commission or Town Board. The electronic notifications described in subparagraph (d) of this policy shall also not constitute a replacement for the mailing of notice of meetings to persons filing written requests pursuant to Title 1, Chapter 14, Section 1-227 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(g) All the Town's local government access television channels shall provide the information set forth in paragraphs (d)(2) and d(4) above during scheduled times in the course of its broadcast day as directed by the First Selectman.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
05/11/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Morning Edition
The Latest Greenwich News Briefs:
The Word Is Out: Dupont Is No Longer Protected By Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter And The Greenwich Police Department
New Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber Allows Reporter To Name Names Weeks After The "Sex Slave Extortion" Story Broke In Greenwich
Women paid for sex accused in DuPont heir blackmail plot ALSO: Prominent Conn. man tangled in sex extortion case The Raw Greenwich News Feed Continues ...... |
College Notebook: Area residents shine in crew Norwalk Advocate PJ Santoro (Greenwich) had a goal and an assist, won 18 of 23 face-offs and added nine ground balls while Tom Hollingsworth (Wilton) had nine saves in goal ... |
Pole to Pole Adventures - CANCELLED Norwalk Plus Magazine Greenwich CT – From the Ilulissat Ice Fjord in Greenland, to the Pine Island Ice Shelf in Antarctica, Dr. David Holland, Director, ...... |
Todays Greenwich Roundup Editorial:
Forget About Tea Parties: Why can't we have e-Petitions here in Greenwich?
As Greenwich Roundup surfed the web he came across a town government that had an “ePetitions” section on their web page. This page was where residents could sign up to make their voice heard in support of particular issues.
Greenwich Roundup did a bit more Googling, and it seems that there’s quite a few local and county governments around the world that do this now, and Greenwich Round Up Thinks that it is an excellent idea for the town of Greenwich.
Greenwich Roundup thinks that an ePetitions would give the town's registered voters the chance to promote all manner of causes to First selectman Peter Tesei. How about an ePetition calling for calling for Frank "Glenville School Won't Be Finished Until October of 2009" Mazza to resign before he creates another Hamilton Avenue School Fiasco that will cost more town employees to lose their jobs.
However, here in Greenwich we probably will never see anything that innovative, as far as Greenwich Roundup can tell, the town's IT department will never offer an ePetitions system.
Which is not surprising since many do not think that digital engagement is really the Town Of Greenwich's speciality.
Do you remember how over a year and a half a go how the Greenwich's IT department was going to give every elected official and appointee an email address.
The reason for this was so that It would be easier for the towns taxpayers to file freedom of information requests emails that discussed town bussiness and were thus considered public documents.
Forexample if an RTM member or planning board member uses his own personal email address to discuss town business he or she has created a public record, that the town clerk has no access to.
So the Town Of Greenwich was going to set every elected and appointed town official with a town controlled email box.
A contractor was hired in early 2008. the system was tested almost a year ago, but the email addresses were never issued to RTM members or to political appointed board members.
The email service contract was agreed to, the money was spent, but Greenwich's It Department did not implement the project that First selectman Peter Tesei had called for.
Obviously, the incompetent Greenwich IT Department will never be able to handle an ePetitions page at the town's web site, because they can't even issue email addresses to public board members.
That’s a bit of a shame, as there’s no shortage of contentious issues where a petition might be quite useful.
An ePetition system that counted only votes from Greenwich's registered voters would have been helpful on many recent town controversies such as the Cos Cob street addressing issue or the Byram park funding issue.
How about an ePetition on affordable housing at the Cos Cob Pwer Plant site or an ePetition for a Byram Police Substation.
Maybe an ePetition over if Cos Cob should let Chase Bank replace a resturant.
Time and time again Greenwich town officials have misfired and had to back away from initiatives, because they were not in touch with what the single family homeowners of our town really want.
Please See This Recent Greenwich Time Editorial:
If town officials didn't learn the lesson in March, they should have now: Consult those to be affected before moving forward with a policy that could have a fundamental impact.
Some weeks ago, public reaction caused the town to reverse course on rules that would have put new restrictions on mooring and related boating activities. Now an outcry from Cos Cob has brought a screeching halt to a plan -- initially presented as essentially a done deal -- to revise street addresses on East Putnam Avenue as early as this month. Townspeople and businesses were advised this had to go forward because of confusion the current address system was causing for emergency responders. The situation was a liability as well as a safety concern.
However, all that was changed within a day after vigorous objections were registered during a public hearing on the plan......
So in the absence of anything official.....
Maybe one of the local newspapers or one of the towns bloggers should set up a web page wit ePetition functionality.
Greenwich Roundup is evaluating the technical and financial options for doing this at the moment.
Greenwich Roundup has a lot of unfinished internet projects that he is now trying to get caught up on and is reluctant to start a new project.
But, if you have an idea for a petition to pilot the system and help get us going, send an email to .
Or do you think ePetitions are a waste of time?
Any comments on this are welcome.
05/11/09 Reader Submitted Comments: Permissions
I was hoping to please ask permission to use photo's of an ATM scam that was posted on your link for the following article.
Saturday, March 28, 2009 03/28/09 Greenwich ATM Thieves Caught In Norwalk
05/11/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Overnight Edition
The Latest Greenwich News Briefs:
Women's Lacrosse: Gettysburg holds off College of New Jersey, 10-9 Inside Lacrosse (press release) Junior Lexie Hearn (Old Greenwich, Conn./Greenwich) gave the lead back to the Bullets with an unassisted score at 6:34 and Bitter followed just under the ... |
Hedge Funds Are Piqued by White House Wall Street Journal "Hedge funds really need a community organizer," Mr. Asness quipped in the three-page letter, pointedly signed as "Unafraid in Greenwich, Conn. ... |
Women's lacrosse falls in NCAA regional Colby News - Waterville,ME The Panthers got six goals from sophomore Chase Delano (Greenwich, Conn.), including the first two goals of the game and the last two. ... |
The Latest Greenwich Blog And RSS Feeds:
Furniture-maker has reputation for quality - Crain's New York Business Mr. Lawrence's deep knowledge of what customers want—and what they'll pay for—was handed down from his father and grandfather, who had a tiny upholstery shop in Greenwich, Conn. The family typically saw higher profits in its higher-end ... - Arts News Feeds - |
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
"The Fab Floor" - By Jerry Zezima You can make book on the fact that I’m not a guy to sweep things under the rug. But you may be floored to know that I brought the hammer...2 days ago
Greenwich High students can now select classes online: 'We're late to the party' - CT Insider - Greenwich High students can now select classes online: 'We're late to the party' CT Insider4 days ago
February Made Me Shiver - The face of 2,000 games with a voice that is hanging on by a thread The second month of 2025 has nearly passed by completely and I haven't written. I don...3 weeks ago
Interest Rates Up – Sales Fall – Market Stays Tight - We have 217 listings on the market which is a record low for this week. We only have one listing under $700,000 which is 0.5% of the market. Under $1 milli...2 years ago
Upcoming Event: Virtual Discussion with Phillip Goodrich and May Wuthrich on their audiobook - *Upcoming Event:* * Virtual Discussion with author Phillip Goodrich **and audiobook producer and director May Wuthrich on their Audiobook Original,* *Som...3 years ago
WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress - What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is every...3 years ago
Capitol Update: Vaccine Distribution, Restaurant Relief, and New Laws for 2021 - Please see below for an update regarding vaccine distribution efforts in Connecticut, a summary of House Republican proposals to assist bars and restaurant...4 years ago
Chadwick Boseman - Too soon, the world lost such a genius performer and a fine young man. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman,4 years ago
Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town - Greenwich, CT Patch - Greenwich Local Business Guide: What's Open, Closed in Town Greenwich, CT Patch4 years ago
David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 - Greenwich Time - David Ogilvy, of Sotheby’s Greenwich, dies at 77 Greenwich Time5 years ago
September 11 Memorial/Remembrance Services in Greenwich - Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took the lives of thousands. It is hard to believe so much time ha...5 years ago
Current Conditions : 24.8F, Mostly Cloudy - 5:02 PM EST Mar. 6 - Temperature: 24.8°F | Humidity: 23% | Pressure: 30.14in (Rising) | Conditions: Mostly Cloudy | Wind Direction: WNW | Wind Speed: 0mph6 years ago
TOWN OF GREENWICH SHOULD DENY HIGBIE A PLATFORM - Carl Higbie has made numerous racist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, misogynist, and anti-migrant statements, even calling for shooting people who cross our southe...6 years ago
AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] - AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar] Darcy Wheeler 4.4.2017 AMP, also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open source project that a...7 years ago
Or the other way around - Legal pot is making the poor lazy and shiftless, claims the NYPost. Isn’t it just as likely; more likely, that lazy, shiftless people tend to be poor and u...8 years ago
Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM *Where:* Cos Cob Library You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take place weekly. Bring...8 years ago
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s - *When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM *Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...8 years ago
Fairfield Greenwich Securities Class Action Settlement - Visit at for the full st...9 years ago
Cara Mendaftar di Agen Bola Online - *CARA DAFTAR SBOBET Indonesia - Buat mendaftar SBOBET CASINO itu tak lah sulit alias sangant gampang & enteng sekali. Sebelum mulai sejak mendaftar sediki...9 years ago
Presentation to NW Florida State College Center Life Long Learning on The Episcopal Church - Recently, I was honored to be invited to present a program and classroom discussion on the basics of the Anglican Church to the Comparative Religions Class...10 years ago
I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad! - He died a real death, but now he lives a real life, he did lie in the tomb, and it was no fiction that the breath had departed from hi...10 years ago
Appeals Court Refuses to Void Madoff Settlements - The decision leaves intact a $410 million settlement with J. Ezra Merkin, a Wall Street hedge fund manager, and an $80 million settlement with Fairfield Gr...10 years ago
Trucks on the Merritt - Once again we have to put up with trucks on the Merritt Parkway crashing into bridges. In the Greenwich Time article (here) there is mention of a bill pro...11 years ago
Michael Mason Midwives MISA - The hugely-important issue of the projected Music Instructional Space/Auditorium, aka MISA, came up for one final vote in the RTM (Representative Town Mee...11 years ago
Questionable play-calling dooms Greenwich football team - How cool is it that I was able to watch the Greenwich-Staples game live on my laptop? If you missed it you may rewind and view the entire game on MSG Varsi...12 years ago
Guilty Plea Expected in Trautwein Murder - STAMFORD -- A former New Haven mechanic whose conviction for murdering North Stamford resident Joanne Trautwein in 2005 was overturned by the state Supre...12 years ago
Grandma Joyce's Apple Cake - Since we have had an unnaturally warm winter this year, it feels like we are a month ahead of schedule. The crocuses and daffodils are already stretching...13 years ago
Transitioning Into Fall - Fall is just around the corner, with last night’s cool temperatures in Greenwich being a cruel reminder for those of us who are in denial that summer is ...13 years ago
Redistricting - OK, I get the knee-jerk reaction to change offered by someone partisan is often going to be rejection. But the reaction to the proposed redistricting rolle...13 years ago
Meet the Rev. Halley Low! - The Rev. Halley Low was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. He holds a B.A. in history from Stony Brook University and a Master of Divinity, Magna...13 years ago
Reverse Mortgages - If you are a home owner or getting ready to be a home owner and you know that money is tight especially with the economy the way it is, it is important t...14 years ago
Different vision of America? No argument here. - In his opening speech at the recent Tea Party Convention held in Nashville, former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo claimed that Obama would never have ...15 years ago
I've joined the FCC National Broadband Plan team - Yesterday at it was announced that I've joined the FCC's National Broadband Plan Task Force. I'm delighted to be helping Blair Levin and his t...15 years ago
Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg - [image: Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg] Date: May 13, 2009, 5:10 AM Number of Comments on Photo:0...15 years ago
05/02/09 The Latest Greenwich Police Reports - *This Just In ....* *Greenwich, officers agree to settle over military lawsuit* Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman *Two years after five Greenwich police ...15 years ago
2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session - Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of the not...16 years ago
New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago