- 10 Hot Brainstorms 2012-04-19, 08:23 pm... jokes about it. The government sends you $9,000 a month. For the rest of your life. E) When Does It Stop? I'm in Greenwich, CT as I write this. You can't even see anyone's house. They are all enormous but the gates are huge so you can't see ...
- Proposed bill would double Greenwich auto taxes 2012-04-20, 12:09 amFashion plate Tommy Hilfiger pays roughly $6,400 a year in motor vehicle tax to his hometown of Greenwich on his 2003 Ferrari Enzo, which has a book value of just under $1 million.
- Greenwich boys tennis sweeps New Canaan 2012-04-19, 11:52 pm... boys tennis team with aspirations for league and state tournament success will have to travel that road through Greenwich. "It was a better win than I expected," Greenwich head coach E.J. Haskell . "It showed that our guys knew New Canaan wasn't a ...
- With rivers low, anglers await first day of trout season 2012-04-19, 11:51 pm... easier for them to see you coming. It's just going to be more challenging." Historically a hot fishing spot in Greenwich, a place known as the Bathtub Pool, located on the north Mianus off River Road, is "extremely low," said Ingraham, urging ...
- Developer slams town's lack of affordable housing 2012-04-19, 11:01 pm... has the lowest percentage of affordable units -- 2 percent -- as measured by the state. The next lowest community, Greenwich, has 5 percent. According to the legal appeal of the TPZ's rejection of the project, the developer said the commission ...
- For Greenwich Salon, Five is the Magic Number 2012-04-19, 08:45 pmGREENWICH, Conn. - Becker Salon turns five this year, and Becker Chicaiza, the salon's gregarious owner, wants to celebrate.
- What's Happening in Greenwich This Weekend 2012-04-19, 07:52 pmGREENWICH, Conn. - This weekend in Greenwich, check out a Hurricane Katrina film screening, a townwide cleanup for Earth Day, a boat show and family concerts.
- Sacred Heart hosts annual Discovery Gala 2012-04-19, 06:54 pm... Robert Dilenschneider of Darien, Discovery Award recipient Teresa Ressel of New Canaan, Linda E. McMahon of Greenwich and Bill Mitchell of Westport. Corcoran, Dilenschneider, McMahon and Mitchell were all co-chairs of the event. Photo by Tracy ...
- UPDATE 1-Interactive Brokers 1st-qtr misses Street 2012-04-19, 05:48 pm... selling of shares to match supply and demand by using their inventory or seeking offsetting orders. Shares of the Greenwich, Connecticut-based company were down 2 percent in extended trade. They closed at $16.63 on Thursday on the Nasdaq. We welcome ...
- J Hotel in Greenwich approaches opening day 2012-04-19, 03:31 pmApril 19--What was a simple place to take a break from a day on the road will soon reopen in Greenwich as a posh and unique hotel and restaurant.
- San Francisco 'big data' company Splunk nearly doubles in IPO 2012-04-19, 03:28 pm... for enterprises," Paul Bard, director of research for Renaissance Capital, an IPO investment advisory firm in Greenwich, Conn., said in an interview Thursday. The company's technology runs in more than half of the Fortune 100 companies, including ...
- Louis Smeriglio, 85, Lifelong Greenwich Resident 2012-04-19, 03:00 pm... will be a memorial service at 11 a.m. May 19 at the Knights of Columbus in Stamford. Castiglione Funeral Home in Greenwich is in charge of arrangements. Instead of flowers, the family asks donations be made to the Greenwich Hospital Foundation, 5 ...
- Boutique opening benefits Kids in Crisis tomorrow 2012-04-19, 02:37 pmA new women's clothing boutique looking to bring Soho style to Greenwich Avenue will open on Friday, April 20.
- Joseph 'Joe Putt' Pietrafesa, 91, of Port Chester 2012-04-19, 02:37 pm... ebrated at 9:30 a.m. Friday at Corpus Christi Church in Port Chester. Burial will follow at St. Mary's Cemetery in Greenwich, Conn. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be to the Wounded Warrior Project , P.O. Box 75817, Topeka, KS 66675.
- State Waits For Word On No Child Left Behind 2012-04-19, 01:31 pmAs Connecticut waits to learn whether the U.S. Department of Education will ease up on No Child Left Behind requirements, education reform advocates fear that changes state lawmakers are trying to make in the governor's education bill could jeopardize the state's request.
- Pay-imperiled Pandit sets $4.3M house sale 2012-04-19, 03:00 amAfter management OK'd a whopping $15 million pay raise, Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit put the Greenwich, Conn., house he and his wife have owned for the last 11 years on the market for $4.3 million.
- Town calls for water conservation due to dry conditions 2012-04-19, 01:13 pmThere's rain in the forecast for Greenwich this weekend and it couldn't be coming at a better time, according to the town.
- Citigroup's Pandit Lists Greenwich Home at $4.3 Million - Bloomberg 2012-04-19, 10:48 amCitigroup's Pandit Lists Greenwich Home at $4.3 Million Bloomberg Through the end of March, there were 38 homes listed for sale between $4 million and $5 million, according to data compiled by Mark Pruner, a Greenwich-based agent with Prudential Connecticut Realty and author of the real estate blog ...
- College of Charleston student who died after falling was leaving... 2012-04-19, 10:46 am... Pitts was looking at the stars with several friends when he slipped and fell over the edge at 3:25 a.m. Pitts, of Greenwich, Conn., plunged three stories to the sidewalk below, police said. Pitts, a senior economics major and a member of Kappa Alpha ...
- Property transfers April 20, 2012 2012-04-19, 10:10 am... W. Barnett, $550,000. 31 Thurton Dr, John C. and Jennifer W. Ferm to Thomas C. and Julianne Johnson, $2,062,500. GREENWICH 7 Benders Dr, William F. and Maureen Leibrock to Steven J. and Katherine O. Frano, $570,000. 3 Connecticut Ave, Skylark LLC to ...
Greenwich, Connecticut, Home of Late Actress Mary Tyler Moore Sells for
$16.9M - Mansion Global
Greenwich, Connecticut, Home of Late Actress Mary Tyler Moore Sells for
$16.9M Mansion Global
11 hours ago