Trouble, the dog of the deceased Leona Helmsley, has lost a fortune investing in the Greenwich Citizen News Web Site.
The dead Helmsley left her beloved dog a $12 million trust fund, according to her will, which was previously made public in surrogate court.
Associates of Trouble have come forward accusing the Greenwich Citizen of squandering away the dogs newly acquired riches on it's news web site.
These associates are complaining that the so called news web site only gets updated about once a week.
Trouble has asked authorities at the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate the Greenwich Citizen Web Site.
During his press conference, Trouble sounded like a dog who was very angry for what the Greenwich Citizen had done to him. He used the words "Main Stream Media Crooks," "Heartless Con Artists" and "Web Site Hustlers"
Trouble says he's found a good lawyer and is going to sue the pants off Greenwich Citizen editor Don Harrison.
"What kind of newspaper doesn't update it's web site on a daily basis?" Trouble yelped. "I am losing a fortune here. What advertiser is going to want to advertise on a web site with week old news?"
No one knows yet if the newly acquired lawyer and the complaint to the SEC will make things easier on the pampered pooch.
"I think Greenwich Post Editor Don Harrison can stick web site up his… [expletive]." Trouble added.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to curse, but I am going to be eating canned dog food, because of this guy Harrison!!!!"
Greenwich Citizen Editor Don Harrison said,"I don't know what the dogs problem is. We will probably update the web site later this afternoon.
"Trust me, lot of school parents in Greenwich are still very interested in reading about the lying Glenville principal who was suspended weeks ago," added Harrison.
Please see the Greenwich Citizen's
Current Top Story:
Holding a Popular Principal Accountable: D'Amico to Return
"John Grasso, principal of Riverside School, will serve as his mentor and sounding board over the next year."
In addition, D'Amico will meet with from time to time "a consultant on ethics and job responsibilities."
And when he returns to work on July 1, said Sternberg, "He will apologize to the Glenville community and to the parent (Frank Carbino) for "misrepresenting the facts."
"The ethics and the responsibility were not such a big story," said Carbino, referring to the cupcakes headlines, "But accountability is important." "People make mistakes and that's true," he said, "and putting my name on this was a mistake but I'm accountable." He also said he was "completely satisfied with the ruling" and "looked forward to next year."
D'Amico did not return phone calls for comment, but he will be present for what will be his third annual "Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony" on July 16.
Please Also See:
06/19/08 - FBI Calls Off Search For Greenwich Citizen Editor Don Harrison.
We Will Keep You Posted And Let You Know If The Greenwich Citizen Web Site Is Updated Some Time This Afternoon.
UPDATE (1:49 PM):
No News Scoops Here.
The Greenwich Posts Finally Updates
It's Web Site
Going toe-to-toe Tuesday night during a P&Z standing-room-only hearing in Town Hall were foes of and advocates for a $100 million, 66-classroom new Stanwich School for 750 students on 37 acres at 257 Stanwich Road.
Trying to ascertain what mold there was within the modular classrooms that housed the Hamilton Avenue School students the last three years has proven an illusive task.
Make way for a "No Child Left Inside" strategy with a two-way pitch: gets kids moving and heighten their appreciation of the outdoor environment.
Last Friday, Superintendent of Greenwich Public Schools Dr. Betty Sternberg took a medical leave of absence until mid-August.
Dear Class of 2008: Each year at this time, we write to congratulate you on your successes, to remind you that what you consider may be failures are really lessons in disguise, and to wish you Godspeed as you embark on this next journey in your lives.
Skip Classroom Party? A Bad Idea for All
To the Editor:
In response to letter writer Dorothy D'Amato claiming, "Kids have enough parties at home," calling for parents to skip the classroom party: These are elementary school kids, ages 5 to 11 years old...
Glenville School are sadly all too willing to overlook the important issues. The principal knowingly and purposely deceived Mr. Carbino (the parent) and his superiors when he went so far as to change the guidelines on the school Web site. Can he be trusted to be forthcoming and honest when dealing with other issues?
As for Mr. Carbino, celebrate birthdays with your kids to your heart's content, and don't let anyone tell you different. They'll be grown up before you know it.
Rick Novakowski
Cos Cob
The month of June is usually a quiet one for sports programs around the state. With graduations approaching and the spring sports seasons at an end, summer is eagerly awaited.
Please send your comments, news tips and abused dog reports to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com