Wednesday, September 10, 2008
09/10/08 You Won't Read This In The Greenwich Time: RTM To Vote On Giving Instructional Aides A $500 Bonus

09/10/08 You Wont Read This In The Greenwich Time. Will There Be Mold In The Byram Library? How Hard Can It Be To Get Windows
Moreover, they can't put the insulation In Until This "Fancy Nancy" Glass Is Procured.
09/10/08 You Won't Read This In The Greenwich Time: Janet Lockton From District 7 Shakes Up The Planning And Zoning Commission

09/10/08 You Wont Read This In The Greenwich Time: Fire Alarm Fine Scandal - Sound The Alarm - Greenwich Taxpayers Are Getting Ripped Off

09/10/08 Frank Mazza And The Band Of Idiots On The Hamilton Avenue School Committee Want The Taxpayers To Pay More Than 30 Million Dollars For This???
Hey Frank, Is That Mold????
I Hope We Are Not Paying More Than 30 Million Dollars For A "NEW" Hamilton Avenue School Contaminated With Mold!!!!!
Shocking Greenwich Roundup Photos Take Parents And Taxpayers Inside The "New" 30 Million Dollar Hamilton Avenue School!!!!
The Hamilton Avenue School disaster, which began in 2005, has stretched from an estimated 18-month work period to three years of disappointment after disappointment. The single family homeowners of Greenwich have had to watch the project's price tag balloon to more than $30 million from the $24 million that was originally promised by Frank Mazza and the Hamilton Avenue School Building Committee.
The Board of Estimate and Taxation has approved three requests, one in June 2007, another in January 2008, and another in May 2008, totaling nearly $1.3 million, on the promise that the project would be finished. While The Greenwich Time regurgitates Board Of Education press releases that make ignorant statements like Small fixes are left for Ham Ave.
Last Monday night the Board of Estimate and Taxation unanimously approved a request by the school's building committee to provide a $700,000 cash infusion to the Hamilton Avenue School disaster project. The BET's failure to closely monitor Frank Mazza and the Band Of Idiots on the Hamilton Avenue Building Committee has forced First Selectman Peter Tesei to urge spending curbs and town service cuts.
This cash infusion included an additional $200,000 that was above and beyond the $500,000 that BET had had received preliminary approved at an August 15th meeting. Why wont the BET find a pair of balls and tell the Greenwich Board Of Education that they will not OK anymore Hamilton Avenue funding so long as Frank Mazza is in charge of the building committee.
The project, which began in 2005, has stretched from an estimated 18-month period to more than three years. Worse yet the spineless morons on the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) voted to approve the Board Of Education's request to put Frank Mazza in charge of the Glenville School Building Committee. Only district 11 had the guts to stand up to the out of control Board of Education and unanimously vote against Frank Mazza being placed in charge of the Glenville School Building Committee.
After spending more than $30 million Frank Mazza and the Band Of Idiots On The Hamilton Avenue School Building Committee have less than $30,000 left and that's why we need more RTM members who will stand up for the single family homeowners of Greenwich.
Why didn't the rest of the RTM district leaders have the insight to get their districts to follow the lead of District 11's town legislators?
Hats Off To The Wise Legislators Of District 11
Michael R. Chait
RTM District 11
14 The Avenue Greenwich, CT 06831
James Fahys
RTM District 11
11 Barnstable Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Despina K. Fassuliotis
Occupation: Retired
RTM District 11
62 Ridgeview Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830
Home: 661-5991
Email: wdfass@yahoo.com
Rosa A. Fini
RTM District 11
4 Dewart Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Home: 203-661-0787
James D. Hann
RTM District 11
46 Beechcroft Road Greenwich, CT 06830
James M. Hesburgh
RTM District 11
117 Clapboard Ridge Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Corinne A. Hughes
RTM District 11
230 Stanwich Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Todd Kennedy (Vice Chair)
Occupation: Nurseryman
RTM District 11
1004 North Street Greenwich, CT 06831
Work: 203-869-3152 Home: 203-869-6872
Email: arcturusct@aol.com
Harry A. LeBien
RTM District 11
64 Burning Tree Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Mary Hope Lewis
RTM District 11
72 Doubling Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Home: 203-869-4588
Fern M. Lindsey
RTM District 11
37 Skyridge Road Greenwich, CT 06831
Work: 203-661-3311 Home: 203-661-3311
Email: lindsay1@usa.net
Robert A. Maddux
RTM District 11
33 Butternut Hollow Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Kunduck Moon
RTM District 11
10 Parsonage Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Neal E. Neilinger
RTM District 11
125 Clapboard Ridge Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Dana G. Neauman
RTM District 11
86 Burning Tree Road Greenwich, CT 06831
Richard J. Neuman
RTM District 11
86 Burning Tree Road Greenwich, CT 06831
Rosalind Nicastro
RTM District 11
141 Doubling Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Home: 203-869-1337
Email: roz141@aol.com
Vinay S. Pande
RTM District 11
75 Husted Drive Greenwich, CT 06830
Joseph L. Pellegrino
Occupation: Investment Manager
RTM District 11
5 Beechcroft Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Work: 203-625-2602 Home: 203-611-1889
Email: jpellegrino@psquareinvestments.com
Kathaerine S. Prokop
RTM District 11
26 Meadowcroft Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Adam J. Savits
RTM District 11
94 Birch Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Charles B. Seelig
RTM District 11
96 Rockwood Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Michael G. Wacek
RTM District 11
15 Wyngate Road Greenwich, CT 06830
Mary S. Waldron
Occupation: Real Estate Sales
RTM District 11
5 Hawkwood Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Work: 203-869-7800 Home: 203-629-4423
Email: maryatfive@aol.com
Hopefully, more RTM members will wake up and follow these legislative leaders at next Tuesday nights full RTM meeting.
Please send your comments, news tips and pictures of the screw ups made by Frank Mazza and the Band Of Idiots on the Hamilton Avenue School Building Committee To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/10/08 Is Frank Mazza Nuts?? The Greenwich Fire Department Is Not Going To Be Stupid Enough To Sign Off On This Crap. The Fire Corps Protects Kids!!
How In The World Is Fire Chief Peter J. Siecienski Going To Let His Fire Department Sign Off On These Health And Safety Hazards?????
Fire Chief Peter J. Siecienski Can't Let Small Children Be Exposed To This!!!!
What Is Joseph H. Benoit, Jr., Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal Going To Do About This??????
Where Are Fire Inspectors Chris Doyle, John Fronio And James McDonald ??????
Frank Mazza And The Band Of Idiots On The Hamilton Avenue School Building Committee Are Going To Tarnish The Fine Reputation Of The Greenwich Fire Department !!!!
The Greenwich Fire Department Has Always Rushed To Protect The Small Children Of Greenwich, And They Must Continue That Fine Tradition By Protecting The Small Children Of Hamilton Avenue School.
Please send your comments, news tips and Greenwich Public School Pictures To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/10/08 It's Time To Beat The Press: You Won't See This In The Greenwich Time, The Greenwich Post Or The Greenwich Citizen Shame On These Newspapers!
There Is A Rumor Going Around That These Pictures Were Offered To At Least One Of The Towns Newspapers, But The Reporter And/Or Editor Was Afraid To Publish The Pictures !!!!
We Don't Know If This Is True Or Not.
But We Do Know That When Original Copies Of Fake Beach Passes Were Delivered To A Greenwich Time Editor. He And Or His Editors Did Not Have The Journalistic Balls To Publish The Fake Beach Passes That Made National News!!!!!
We Do Know That This Has Been Going On For Years At The Greenwich Time!!!!!
We Do That When The Greenwich Time Hired A Special Investigative Reporter To Go Over The Martha Moxley Murder, The Greenwich Time Did Not Publish The Investigative Report When It Was Completed.
Years Later, It Took Disgraced Los Angeles Detective Mark Furman To Write A Book Called "Murder In Greenwich" To Help Bring Martha's Killer To Justice.
The Greenwich Time and other Greenwich Newspaper can not help hold government officials accountable to the taxpayers of Greenwich, If They Are Afraid Of Those Public Officials Of Greenwich.
The Greenwich Time Can Not Help Protect The Weaker Members Of Greenwich Society From The Excesses Of The Rich And Powerful, If They Are Afraid Of The Rich And Powerful Of Greenwich.
A Real Newspaper
"Comforts The Afflicted And Afflicts The Comfortable."
When Is The Greenwich Time, The Greenwich Post And The Greenwich Citizen Going To Wake up And See That The Poor Little Children Of Hamilton Avenue School Have Been Afflicted Over And Over And Over For Years.
When Is The Greenwich Time, The Greenwich Post And The Greenwich Citizen Going To Realize That The Little Children Of Glenville School Have Also Been Afflicted Over And Over And Over For Years.
These Newspapers Have Given Betty Sternberg, Sue Wallerstein And Anthony Byrne A Free And Comfortable Ride For Way Too Long. These Failed School Administrators Need To Be Afflicted.
Let's Fire These Losers From Their High Paid Jobs!!!!
Greenwich Tax payers Deserve Much Better Than This!!!!!
The Newspapers Have Given Nancy Weissler, Leslie Moriarty, Steven Anderson And Michael Bodson A Free And Comfortable Ride For Way Too Long. These Hopelessly Incompetent School Board Members Need To Afflicted.
Let's Encourage These Lackluster Board Members To Resign In Shame, So That We Can Get Some Real Leaders Who Will Stand Up To Frank Mazza And The Band Of Idiots Of The Hamilton Avenue School Building committee.
Greenwich Tax payers Deserve Much Better Than This!!!!!
It Is Time For The Greenwich Newspapers To Stop Ignoring The Mothers Of Small School Children Instead Listening To A Bunch Of Board Of Education Windbags.
When the Mothers Of Hamilton Avenue School went to the press and complained of water leaking in their school classrooms they were repeatedly ignored, but when they came to Greenwich Roundup last February we did story after story until Betty Sternberg was forced to shut down the contaminated modular classrooms.
Please See:
03/03/08 - Parents Bring Protest To The "Oldie Moldy Moldie" School Administrators (Note: Check Out The Original Greenwich Roundup Photo In This Posting)
02/07/08 - School Parents Are Having To Suffer Incompetent School Administration Fools.
For the record, before March 2nd there was not even one article about the water soaked modular classrooms in the Greenwich Time, the Greenwich Post or the Greenwich Citizen.
All three Greenwich Newspapers ignored Hamilton Avenue parents, only Greenwich Roundup would listened to them and help them close down the leaking contaminated modular classrooms.
The same is true today.
All three Greenwich Newspapers are ignoring Hamilton Avenue parents, only Greenwich Roundup is listened to them and trying to help them get a safe and sanitary school building for their children.
The three newspapers are still listening to failed administrators, board members and building committee members instead of the parents who have been right all along.
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09/10/08 Thanks A Lot Nancy Weissler, Leslie Moriarty, Steven Anderson And Michael Bodson!! Shame!!!! How Can You Do This To Hamilton Avenue Children?
Why wont Dr. Betty J. Sternberg, Superintendent of Schools , fire Susan Wallerstein and Anthony Byrne?????
Is Building Inspector William Marr Going To Sign Off On Exposing Small Children To Conditions Like This?????
What Is Assistant Building Inspector John Vallerie Going To Do When Hamilton Avenue Parents And Their Lawyers Start Filling Freedom Of Information Requests For Building Department Documents And Photos????
Only A Fool Would Give A temporary Certificate Of Occupancy To A School In This Condition.
Frank Mazza And His Band Of Idiots On The School Building Committee Could Possibly Put Building Department Inspectors In Legal Jeopardy If A Child Is Hurt In An Incomplete School That Was Not 100% Ready To Be Opened.
Please send your comments, news tips and school facility photos to GreenwichRoundup@gmil.com
09/10/08 Oh My God ! Just Look At The "New School" Frank Mazza And The Mob Connected Contractors At Worth Construction Are Delivering To Greenwich!!!!
It Looks Like Frank Mazza And The Band Of Idiots Of The Hamilton Avenue School Committee Are Going To Give Greenwich Taxpayers Another Multi-Million Dollar mold problem !!!!!
Would someone please Email The Attorney General's Office And Tell Richard Blumenthal What Frank Mazza And Worth Construction, Which Has Often Been Accussed Of Being Mob Associated , Are Doing To The Single Family Home Owners Of Greenwich !!!!!!
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is no joke he is going to be all over Michael S. Long, MS and the entire Greenwich Health Department if they sign off on putting the small children of Hamilton Avenue School in classrooms like this.
Michael S. Long, MS had better wake up and realize that Hamilton Avenue Parents will not let their children be out in danger again. These small children and their families have suffered enough!!!!!
Please send your comments, news tips and pictures of any Greenwich Public School to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/10/08 The Greenwich Building Department And Health Department Are Going To Give A Temporary CO To Hamilton Avenue School When It Looks Like This???
These pictures are from inside the "new" Hamilton Avenue School.
This looks more like a horse barn than a school.
How can the Greenwich Health Department approve letting small children going into a school that looks like this ???????
Hamilton Avenue Parents had better start emailing Caroline Calderone Baisley at the Health Department before their children are subjected to these conditions.
Is Frank Mazza's Folly Going To Get Caroline Calderone Baisley In Trouble Or Possibly Fired ?
What's the United States Department Of Justice going to think when they find out Caroline Calderone Baisley is approving putting poor and disadvantaged minority Western Greenwich School Children in substandard facilities, while wealthier Greenwich Children enjoy far better facilities ??????
Did Caroline Calderone Baisley forget that a Hamilton Avenue parent has made a formal complaint to the Department of justice, based apon unequal educational facilities and resources?
Please send your comments, news tips and pictures of Hamilton Avenue School To GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/10/08 Breaking News - Greenwich Police make arrests in 2004 John Bria drug death. Byram Family Finaily May Get Justice.

Police make arrests in 2004 drug death
Written by Kristan Zimmer
Breaking News
Posted 2:39 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008
More than four years after his January 2004 death, police have arrested two people in connection with the drug overdose of 19-year-old Greenwich resident John Bria III.
Jason Cunningham, 24, of 49 Chapel St. and Savanna Lamotte, 23, were arrested Sept. 9 and charged with felony counts of possession of a narcotic. The two were released from custody after posting $1,000 cash bonds and are due in court on Sept. 17.
In 2004, police responded to a report of an unresponsive male at the Brias’ Hollow Wood Lane home on Jan. 16 and Mr. Bria was pronounced dead at the scene. The investigation found that there had been a party in Mr. Bria’s bedroom the night before, and cocaine and heroin were consumed.
The Greenwich Post Is Already Screwing Up The Story By Getting The Facts Wrong !!!!!!
The Greenwich Post Reports...
At the time, no charges were brought against anyone who attended the party, but on Dec. 4, 2007, police reopened the investigation based on new information. Police allege that Mr. Cunningham and Ms. Lamotte had bought drugs and brought them to the party......
- Please Read This Greenwich Time /Stamford Advocate Article:
- Police reopen fatal overdose case
- By Martin B. Cassidy
- February 13, 2008
- Three years after closing the case, police are reinvestigating the 2004 fatal overdose of a Greenwich teenager following a civil suit they say has raised questions about whether drug or other charges are warranted.
- Police reopened their probe after information from a civil case showing prescription and illegal drugs in John Bria III's blood as well as civil court affidavits an attorney for Bria's family said show inconsistent statements.
- The evidence is from a separate suit against friends who were at a party at the young man's Pemberwick home the night he died, police Chief David Ridberg said. Bria, 19, was found dead by his father in his basement bedroom around 3 p.m. on Jan. 16, 2004.
- Three years ago, then-Chief James Walters said the case had been closed without making any arrests, with investigators finding there was no criminal fault by the youths.
- In March 2004, the Office of the Chief State Medical Examiner determined that Bria died of accidental heroin and cocaine toxicity.
- After the case was closed, Bria's parents challenged police to reopen it, arguing the fatal overdose was due to a lethal stew of prescription and other drugs provided by his teenage friends.
- "I had been thinking about (the case) for a while and the family had garnered more information during the civil case that led to us taking another look at the old case," Ridberg said. "We decided it warranted more investigation."
- "We are looking into whether there is any criminal culpability in his death," Ridberg said.
- The youths who attended Bria's party that night are included in the probe, Ridberg said....
- ...The suit alleges the four youths gave Bria illegal and/or prescription drugs at the party. It also alleges that the defendants, except for Lamotte, worked to cover up rather than notify Bria's parents, police, paramedics or anyone who could render Bria medical assistance.
- Last year Bria's family won a legal victory when a Stamford judge ruled against a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, finding that those who provide fatal doses of illegal drugs can be civilly responsible for injuries and deaths.
- Eugene Riccio, an attorney for Caron, said his client was not responsible for Bria's death and had not been contacted by police for additional information."I firmly believe as to the claims against Ms. Caron that this lawsuit is without any basis," Riccio said. "I understand that John Bria's death was a terrible tragedy but Ms. Caron does not bear any responsibility whatsoever for it."
- Katherine Nietzel, the Stamford-based attorney for Jason and Donna Cunningham, said there was no evidence that Jason Cunningham provided Bria with drugs. She said Donna Cunningham picked up her son at Bria's home the morning after the party and had no knowledge of the overdose....
- ...John Meerbergen, who represents Hanscom, said his client also would seek to have the suit against her dismissed.
- "Katie Hanscom has no culpability whatsoever," Meerbergen said. "There is absolutely no evidence she gave anyone anything."
- Lamotte's attorney, Jack Slane, of Heagney, Lennon &Slane in Greenwich, said his client was at Bria's home for 10 minutes the night of the party before leaving.
- "That was the extent of her involvement at the party," Slane said. "Furthermore I will say her testimony in the civil deposition was identical to two statements she gave to police without the benefit of counsel."
- Please Also See:
- 01/04/08 - Greenwich Police Officers Sit On The Post Road Looking For Burned Out Tailights In Hopes Of Making A Drug Arrest
- 02/03/08 - The Stamford Police Know How To Properly Investigate A Drug Death
- 02/04/08 - Savannah Lamotte, would tell police about John J. Bria's Death: "Maria and Jason picked me up around 9 p.m. …
- 02/06/08 - Dr. Ian Rubin's Family Has Complained About The Press, But At Least The Family Got Justice.
- 02/13/07 Finally: Greenwich Cops Reopen Bria Drug Death Case
- 03/24/08 - But, Why Isn't There A "Year Long Investgation" In The John J. Bria Drug Death?
- 04/01/08 - The Police Blotter - Getting Drugs Out Of Greenwich High School
- 04/02/08 - Connecticut law: A principal is obligated to bring forward for expulsion any student they believe either sold or distributed drugs.
- 04/21/08 - Reader Submitted Comments: Nightmare On Pemberwick Road - Or, Should We Say "Hell"-o From Pemberwick Road.
- 05/04/07 - Joe Pisani, Editor Of Greenwich Time, Has Been Fired By The Paper's New Owner
Cops await charges in Bria case
- Two months after police filed arrest warrant applications in the 2004 fatal overdose of John Bria III, prosecutors have not approved charges in the death of the teenager who overdosed in his Pemberwick home...
- ..."I'm astounded by the reluctance shown by the State Attorney's Office in this case when the reports are full of information providing probable cause," Seeger said...
- ...A lawsuit filed by Bria's parent in 2005 is still pending and names Katie Hanscom, Savannah Lamotte, Megan Caron, and Jason Cunningham, four youths who spent time with Bria the night of his death, and Donna Cunningham, who picked up her son the morning after the party.Attorneys for all five defendants said their clients bear no responsibility for Bria's death.
According to press reports as late as 07/31/05
Bria Family Attorney Steven Seeger said the test results will be provided to police as evidence that one or more of the youths who were with Bria the night before he died provided the drugs and should be arrested on drug charges in connection with Bria's death, Seeger said.
The Next Greenwich Police Department Cold Case File To Be Solved Is The Drug Death Of Kyle Lendenmann....
Greenwich Parents Also Want To Know Why hasn't the drug dealer been arrested in the year and half old drug death of Greenwich High School student Kyle Lendenmann?
Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg has previously said police also are continuing a criminal investigation into the death of Kyle Lendenmann, a 17-year-old Greenwich High School student, found dead at his home on Feb. 23 of last year of what authorities said was a methadone overdose.
Let's Arrest Kyle's Drug Dealer!!!
Where Is Greenwich Time Crime Reporter Matin Cassidy????
When will the Greenwich Time cover the arrest of persons involved in the Bria Drug death?????
One Hour Later Debra Friedman Steps In For Martin Cassidy
By Debra Friedman
Staff Writer
Article Launched: 09/10/2008 03:30:13 PM EDT
A Greenwich man and a New Haven woman were arrested Tuesday night in connection with the criminal investigation surrounding the overdose death of John Bria, Jr.
The charges do not implicate the suspects in the death of Bria, according to Lt. Daniel Allen, spokesman for the department. In March 2004, the state medical examiner ruled the 19-year-old died as a result of an accidental heroin and cocaine overdose, police said.
An initial investigation revealed that on the night prior to Bria's death a party was held in Bria's bedroom where cocaine and heroine were consumed, according to a police report. At the time, no charges were brought against those who attended the party.
On Dec. 4, 2007 the case was re-opened on account of additional information that determined the two arrested subjects had allegedly purchased and brought narcotic substances to the party, police said....
If The Case Was Reopened On December 4, 2007, Then Why Did Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg Call Up Martin Cassidy Just Before February 13 2008 Annoucing The Bria Case Had Been Reopened?
Could Police Chief David Ridberg was reacting to the exrensive Greenwich Roundup articles on the John Bria Jr Drug Death Case?
Or are Greenwich Police Department personell back dating when they really opened the John Bria Drug Death Case to make it appear that they were already working on the cold case file, when Greenwich Roundup started to expose the the case to Greenwich residents?
You decide.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
09/10/08 Greenwich Time News - Sorry For The Delay I Am Still Fighting The Flu

To some political observers, the shakeup was viewed as an ominous sign for Himes....
"I think there are two issues, which are the charges that are against him, and a separate issue about whether or not there was excessive force used in terms of with the Taser," Martinez said.
"The bigger question - which is separate from him - is should police officers use them (tasers) in school and what are the protocols for using them."
Martinez said that issue is a matter of debate for parents, teachers and school administrators. Martinez said he has only been retained for the criminal case and does not know of any plans for Londono to pursue a civil case.
"This is probably not something that will be resolved anytime soon," Martinez added.
- Please Also See:
- 08/19/08 Anthony Rinaldi Is Lucky He Only Threatened To Shot A Business Owner. If He Had Thrown Water Ballons At Him He Might Have Got A $50,000 Bail
- 07/28/08 Neil Vidgor And The Greenwich Time Reporting Is So Bad You Can't Even Read Between The Lines To Figure Out What Is Really Going On
- 06/07/08 Hey, Assistant States Attorney Steve Weiss, This Is Why It Was Dangerous For The Greenwich Police To Use A Taser Three Times On A Greenwich High School Student
- 05/26/08 - Greenwich Citizen Marks Memorial Day By Not Covering Teenagers Exercising Their Free Speach Rights That Have Been Paid For On A Battlefield
- 05/22/08 - Nine Days Later - Greenwich Post Comes Out Of It's Self Induced Coma And Finally Reports On The High School Tasing Incident?
- 05/22/08 - Lost In Cyber Space: Greenwich Citizen Ignores High School Tasing Controversey For Nine Days. Greenwich Citizen Readers Don't Know What's Going On.
- 05/21/08 - Greenwich Police Departments Repeated Use Of A Taser On A High School Student Has Struck A Nerve - Concerned Parents Want To See The Video
- 05/21/08 - Why Didn't David Curin Get A $50,000 Bail For Assualting A Lady On Greenwich Avenue?
- 05/20/08 - School Resource Officer Carlos Franco Says Greenwich Police Department Is racist. Officer Franco might not be a happy camper at GHS.
- 05/20/08 - Former Greenwich School Administrator And Others Speak Out About Greenwich Police Use Of A Taser On A Greenwich High School Student
- 05/20/08 - Caught On Tape - Police Officer Franco Giving 140 Pound Boy Up To 50,000 Volts Three Different Times
- 05/20/08 - Greenwich Citizen & Greenwich Post Are A Sleep At The Switch: A Police Officer Used A Weapon A Greenwich High School And They Know Nothing
- 05/19/08 - Reader Submited Comments About Weapon Being Fired At Greenwich High School - What Was the Crime? (Enhanced With Video) Updated
- 05/19/08 - Even More Comments About Greenwich High School Taser Incident (updated #3)
- 05/19/08 - Beat The Press - The Greenwich Citizen, The Greenwich Post Have Their Heads In The Sand
- 05/18/08 - 3 Greenwich Cops Give 140 Pound Boy 50,000 Volts And A $50,000 Bail For Not Going To A School Office Over A Water Ballon Incident (Updated)
- 05/18/08 - Comments About Greenwich Student Getting Tased Three Times In The Greenwich Cafeteria (Update #6)
- Of Tasers and Water Balloons (Or Greenwich's Version Of "Don't Tase Me Bro")
- Shocking Developments at Greenwich High School
- Study: Houston police used Tasers more on blacks - Greenwich Time
- Greenwich High School Student Tasered: The Community Responds - Station Stops
- RTM Votes to Postpone Taser Funding Request - WestportNow.com ...
The Final Word On Tasers Today:
- Many people think the Idea of the Taser as a magic bullet conflict-ender may have convinced police forces to overlook the possibility the devices are not as safe.(I use a lot of strong words but I don't use "brainwashed" but others have)
- A San Francisco Cardiologist Zian Tseng recently stated Studies on tasers are flawed. Dr. Tseng pointed out, Most commonly cited studies that show the devices are safe were financed by Taser International.
- The Taser dilemma is also indicative of the continuing transformation of US police forces into a more Paramilitary mindset.
In the era of unmanned drones, wiretapping and Army Special Forces, the town of Greenwich is proposing a new line of defense in the war on terror - lobstermen.
The better the populace understands the reality of the picture, the more likely it is that planners can act wisely, effectively and in a timely fashion. As everyone knows from personal financial pressures, the good old boom days are over....
Support saving the trees near Bruce Museum
In response to the letter from Peter C. Sutton, executive director of the Bruce Museum ("Museum didn't seek removal of trees in park," Greenwich Time, Aug. 29) - Save the trees!
I appreciate the concern for the safety of visitors. However, if the trees are healthy and sound, I cannot see a problem with safety.
The people who run the Bruce Museum are impressed with, and almost worship, the fine works of artists. These trees also are great works of art. They control pollution, are beautiful, and present enjoyment and comfort to all of us. They have been doing this for 100 years. They cannot be replaced.
Mary G. Pellegrino
The writer is a member of the Representative Town Meeting from District 1.
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Or the other way around - Legal pot is making the poor lazy and shiftless, claims the NYPost. Isn’t it just as likely; more likely, that lazy, shiftless people tend to be poor and u...8 years ago
Drop - In Spanish Storytime with Miss Myriam - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:30 AM *Where:* Cos Cob Library You're invited to Drop-in Spanish Storytime with Myriam. Sessions take place weekly. Bring...8 years ago
Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
Tales for Tots 2s and 3s - *When:* Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:30 AM *Where:* Greenwich Library at Rear of Children's Room Drop-in program for 2 and 3 year-old children with a parent/c...8 years ago
Fairfield Greenwich Securities Class Action Settlement - Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Press+Releases/Fairfield+Greenwich+Securities+Class+Action+Settlement/11264585.html for the full st...9 years ago
Cara Mendaftar di Agen Bola Online - *CARA DAFTAR SBOBET Indonesia - Buat mendaftar SBOBET CASINO itu tak lah sulit alias sangant gampang & enteng sekali. Sebelum mulai sejak mendaftar sediki...9 years ago
Presentation to NW Florida State College Center Life Long Learning on The Episcopal Church - Recently, I was honored to be invited to present a program and classroom discussion on the basics of the Anglican Church to the Comparative Religions Class...10 years ago
I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad! - He died a real death, but now he lives a real life, he did lie in the tomb, and it was no fiction that the breath had departed from hi...10 years ago
Appeals Court Refuses to Void Madoff Settlements - The decision leaves intact a $410 million settlement with J. Ezra Merkin, a Wall Street hedge fund manager, and an $80 million settlement with Fairfield Gr...10 years ago
Trucks on the Merritt - Once again we have to put up with trucks on the Merritt Parkway crashing into bridges. In the Greenwich Time article (here) there is mention of a bill pro...11 years ago
Michael Mason Midwives MISA - The hugely-important issue of the projected Music Instructional Space/Auditorium, aka MISA, came up for one final vote in the RTM (Representative Town Mee...11 years ago
Questionable play-calling dooms Greenwich football team - How cool is it that I was able to watch the Greenwich-Staples game live on my laptop? If you missed it you may rewind and view the entire game on MSG Varsi...12 years ago
Guilty Plea Expected in Trautwein Murder - STAMFORD -- A former New Haven mechanic whose conviction for murdering North Stamford resident Joanne Trautwein in 2005 was overturned by the state Supre...12 years ago
Grandma Joyce's Apple Cake - Since we have had an unnaturally warm winter this year, it feels like we are a month ahead of schedule. The crocuses and daffodils are already stretching...13 years ago
Transitioning Into Fall - Fall is just around the corner, with last night’s cool temperatures in Greenwich being a cruel reminder for those of us who are in denial that summer is ...13 years ago
Redistricting - OK, I get the knee-jerk reaction to change offered by someone partisan is often going to be rejection. But the reaction to the proposed redistricting rolle...13 years ago
Meet the Rev. Halley Low! - The Rev. Halley Low was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. He holds a B.A. in history from Stony Brook University and a Master of Divinity, Magna...13 years ago
Reverse Mortgages - If you are a home owner or getting ready to be a home owner and you know that money is tight especially with the economy the way it is, it is important t...14 years ago
Different vision of America? No argument here. - In his opening speech at the recent Tea Party Convention held in Nashville, former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo claimed that Obama would never have ...15 years ago
I've joined the FCC National Broadband Plan team - Yesterday at blogband.gov it was announced that I've joined the FCC's National Broadband Plan Task Force. I'm delighted to be helping Blair Levin and his t...15 years ago
Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg - [image: Image = GRU = Greenwich hedge fund manager Clifford Asness, president of AQR Capital.jpg] Date: May 13, 2009, 5:10 AM Number of Comments on Photo:0...15 years ago
05/02/09 The Latest Greenwich Police Reports - *This Just In ....* *Greenwich, officers agree to settle over military lawsuit* Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman *Two years after five Greenwich police ...15 years ago
2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session - Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of the not...16 years ago
New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago