Felix Rodriguez (felixmrodriguez) is now following Greenwich Roundup's tweets on Twitter.A little information about Felix Rodriguez:
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com |
Saturday, June 12, 2010
06/12/10 Felix Rodriguez is now following Greenwich Roundup on Twitter!
06/12/10 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Afternoon Edition
The Latest News About Greenwich
Greenwich Filipinos celebrate independence Danbury News Times The Filipino flag flies next to the American flag during a flag-raising ceremony at Greenwich Town Hall Friday morning honoring the Philippines declaration ... | ||
Greenwich High School soccer coaches soak up World Cup spirit Greenwich Time Greenwich High School boys soccer coach Kurt Putnam prepares his team for a practice session in September 2009. Putnam will be rooting hard for his native ... | ||
Baseball expert teams up with Greenwich Hospital for prostate cancer awareness Greenwich Post Greenwich Hospital will team up with "Ed Randall's Bat for the Cure" charity foundation to raise awareness in the battle against prostate cancer with an ... | ||
Free marine biology demo at Greenwich Point this Sunday Greenwich Post This Sunday, June 13 at 3 pm, Jenna Carlson, Greenwich High School Marine Biology Instructor, and several GHS Marine Biology students will offer a free ... | ||
Matt Damon can sleep standing up TVNZ ... Bozan Barraso - was reportedly seen enjoying a quick nap on his feet backstage at a recent Save the Children fundraiser in Greenwich, Connecticut. ... | ||
Cook Your Buns race a big success Stamford Advocate Anatolie Vartosu of Stamford was the first place finisher for the men in the the "Cook Your Buns" 3-mile race at Greenwich Point, Friday evening, June 11, ... | ||
Lions aid underfunded camp program Greenwich Post The Greenwich Lions Club has been contributing to the Greenwich Department of Social Services Campership Program since 1980 and earlier this month it made a ... | ||
Cops issue safety tips for prom safety Greenwich Time With prom and graduation season here, Greenwich police have issued safety warnings regarding underage drinking. Police said it is important for parents, ... | ||
'Sugar baby' denies probation violation in court Stamford Advocate STAMFORD -- An Ohio woman convicted of extorting money from a Greenwich investor appeared back in state Superior Court Friday where her lawyer denied that ... | ||
Aren't eight banks enough for Cos Cob? Greenwich Time Earlier this year, Greenwich's Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) wisely adopted regulations intended to control the proliferation of banks, ... | ||
Verizon inches closer to FiOS launch Ct Post Verizon Communications Inc. began the process of getting a video franchise certificate to provide its FiOS TV service in Greenwich. ... | ||
This is what the first-ever Porsche 911 Turbo looks like today Autoblog (blog) by Alex Nunez (RSS feed) on Jun 12th 2010 at 11:03AM Some people attending the Greenwich Concours d'Elegance last weekend walked past this Porsche 911 Turbo ... | ||
Greenwich Post More than 60 businesses and restaurants displayed their services at the Greenwich Chamber of Commerce's annual Business & Culinary Showcase held at the ... | ||
Confident New Fairfield determined to dethrone Darien Greenwich Time Darien hadn't lost to an in-state opponent all season until it was stunned by Greenwich in the FCIAC semifinals, 8-7. New Fairfield beat Greenwich by a goal ... | ||
Cheshire faces familiar foe in lacrosse final Waterbury Republican American The beat Greenwich, 9-7, and No. 1 Staples, 9-8. The Rams and Jesuits have met twice this season with Cheshire (17-2) winning both times, ... | ||
Jamestown Post Journal The winner advances to the championship game at 4 pm against either Greenwich (19-5) or Valhalla (15-9). From left, first baseman and pitcher Kyle Grey and ... |
Greenwich In The Blogosphere
England victorious - Greenwich Real Time - Greenwich Time By Lisa Chamoff No, the FIFA World Cup game isn't on yet, but local ex-pats who play for the Greenwich Arsenal adult soccer/football league decided to have a little international competition of their own. Which game is most important depends upon who's ... Greenwich Real Time - http://blog.greenwichtime.com/realtime/ |
Greenwich Roundup: 06/12/10 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: By Greenwich Roundup ....will be continued on June 23, 2010 at 8:00 am at The Cole Auditorium, The Greenwich Public Library, 101 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830. ... Greenwich In The Blogosphere. Greenwich Community Sailing teaches the next generation ... Greenwich Roundup - http://greenwichroundup.blogspot.com/ |
Fabulous Brick Manor in Greenwich « Homes of the Rich By Kenny Forder This fabulous brick manor is located in Greenwich, CT. It was built in 1996 and boasts an exquisite interior with curved staircase, 6 bedrooms, 7.5 bathrooms, and 10088 square feet of living space. The 4-acre property includes a tennis ... Homes of the Rich - http://homesoftherich.net/ |
Unsolved - In the News: Senate passes bill, 5 years after ... By Meyahna The family of a Greenwich man who vanished five years ago during his honeymoon cruise in the Mediterranean is celebrating the U.S. Senate's passage of a bill that would strengthen security on cruise ships in international waters. ... Unsolved - In the News - http://unsolveditn.blogspot.com/ |
Sour Cherry Farm » Blog Archive » At Barcelona in Greenwich, with ... By Liz At Barcelona in Greenwich, with Christian Petroni. Written by Liz on June 12th, 2010. SCF fans will remember Christian Petroni, the former chef at Peniche in White Plains. Well last September, he went to a new place called Barcelona, ... Sour Cherry Farm - http://sourcherryfarm.com/ |
Matt Damon Sleeps Standing up! - MashCeleb By MashCeleb The Invictus actor - who raises three children with wife Luciana Bozan Barraso - was reportedly seen enjoying a quick nap on his feet backstage at a recent Save the Children fundraiser in Greenwich, Connecticut. "Someone asked him if he was ok, ... Matt Damon was the guest of honor last night at Save the Children's Celebration of Hope event in Greenwich, CT. His pregnant wife, Luciana, was seated next to him for the formal dinner. Matt Damon · Emily Blunt · 30 Rock ... Celebrity News & Gossip / Latest... - http://www.mashceleb.com/stories/ |
Recently Updated Web Pages About Greenwich
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
06/12/10 Greenwich First Selectman Peter Tesei Turns A Blind Eye To The Town's Seniors As They Are Abused By Sam Deibler

It's Up To Greenwich Bloggers And Citizen Journalists Like Bill Clarke To Do The Job Of The Local "Lamestream" Media
Greenwich Senior Citizens Are Hungry Angry And Unhappy
Dirty Work at the Senior Center
For this morning Marva, one of the Town's most dedicated and hard-working employees, who for many years has prepared and served many tens of thousands of tasty home-cooked meals to the folks at the Senior Center, was summarily fired. Laurette Helmrich and Sam Deibler marched into the kitchen together and demanded her keys. She was told to put her personal effects into a cardboard box, and to leave the building and not come back.
As a Town building, the Senior/Arts Center is open to anyone and everyone during its regular hours. Marva, who also happens to hold a part-time job in the building with a private non-governmental agency, has as much right to be in the building as anyone else. Laurette and Sam's high-handed behavior is a textbook example of a lawsuit in the making.
As for Marva, she is in shock. She has worked for the Town for decades, and is only a year or so away from being eligible for her pension. Do you think something may be rotten in the Town of Greenwich, dear reader?
Marva is one of the most competent and dedicated workers this Town has ever seen. The seniors adore her. If the Senior Center were still under the purview of the Parks & Rec Department, this would never have happened.
But things changed. The Commission on Aging took it over. Laurette, who came to the Senior Center from Nathaniel Witherell, has been agitating for several years to bring in the same commercial for-profit food service company used by the nursing home, and to get rid of the independent Town of Greenwich employee Marva and her smoothly-running operation. Recently, food service executive types in fancy suits have been prowling around the Senior Center, sniffing out and scenting a new source of revenue in the offing. And sure enough: it was recently announced that they will be taking over Marva's operation on July 1.
The price of the new portion-controlled assembly-line meals will jump 33%. The quality will almost assuredly go down--how can you improve on Marva's home cooking? But Laurette and Sam will no doubt have earned the gratitude of the food service honchos for their help in landing this profitable new contract, and if the seniors get the short end of the stick, well, they're not exactly the most vocal or powerful constituency in Greenwich, are they?
It's too bad that Charles Dickens is no longer around to roast the Town of Greenwich for this despicable and rotten behavior towards Marva, not to mention the many people for whom her cooking has long been their main meal of the day. But he's not, and his type of righteous indignation is not considered fashionable in this Town these days. Probably most people in Greenwich will simply shrug their shoulders and say, so what?
But if there are any people out there who happen to believe that what happened to Marva this morning is shameful and wrong, here are the names of your neighbors who are in charge of this fiasco:
’11 Lori Jackson (Chairman) 2005 698-0158 (H)
46 Keofferam Rd.
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
’11 Catherine M. Brennan (Vice-Chairman) 2005 869-6222(H)
1 Meadow Drive 536-9576© Cos Cob, CT 06807 869-0080(O)
’10 Kristen N. Browne (Sec) 2007 203-661-0693 (H)
4 Grange St. 203-863-3206 (W)
Greenwich, CT 06830 Kristeng@greenhosp.org
’12 James B. Dougherty 2009 203-661-4865(H)
747 North Street 203-869-3085(W)
Greenwich, CT 06831 Jdough1928@aol.com
’10 Karen LaMonica 2004 661-0216 (H)
34 Benenson Drive 914-997-7912 ext. 750(W)
Cos Cob, CT 06807 203-536-7062 ©
914-997-0024 (F)
’12 John "Jack" Morris 2009 203-637-2143 (H)
49 Lockwood Ave. 203-253-0567 ©
Old Greenwich, CT 06870-1718 morrislj@optonline.net
‘11 Howard "Chip" Serrell 2007 661-2498 (H)
12 River Lane 769-2542 (W)
Cos Cob, CT 06807 howard.serrell@wachovia.com
Staff: Samuel E. Deibler 862-6710 (O) 867-6711(Direct)
1 Mill Pond Court 862-6701 (Fax-office)
Cos Cob, CT 06807 661-9343 (H)
Chicky Krois 862-6710 (O)
862-6701 (Fax-office)
Oh, and you might consider calling or emailing the Board of Selectmen as well. Peter Tesei, Dave Theis, and Drew Marzullo can all be reached at http://www.greenwichct.org/ --just click on "Board of Selectmen" at the right margin on the home page.
In a perfect world, Marva would be re-hired, and Laurette and Sam would be the ones told to put their personal belongings into a box and get out. And the greedy for-profit food service people would be told to get out and stay out. But Greenwich, Connecticut is far from a perfect world, and today it has become markedly less so.
Shame on the Town of Greenwich!
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06/12/10 “Is Greenwich ready for bestiality?”

A Slave Escapes, a Story Unfolds - New York Times
She was referring to indecent acts committed by Esteban Montejo, the real-life slave of the title, who lived alone in the forest for years after escaping the Cuban sugar plantation where he was born in 1860. Bestiality aside, a Catholic church in this leafy hedge-fund homeland might seem an unlikely place to stage a rare revival of Mr. Henze’s anti-priesthood, anti-American, anti-capitalist ode, the major event of this year’s Greenwich Music Festival.
But the enthusiastic reception awarded Ted Huffman’s excellent new production of the work demonstrated the open-minded attitude and artistic freedom often denied Mr. Henze, 83 — still an active composer and member of the Communist Party in Italy, where he has lived for more than 50 years. His left-wing politics and homosexuality made life difficult in Germany, his native country. His music also initially received a hostile welcome, deemed too expressive for the postwar avant-garde but too thorny for general consumption.
Mr. Henze wrote “El Cimarrón,” a striking musical theater work, in 1970 while living in Cuba. It is based on the “Autobiography of a Runaway Slave” by Miguel Barnet, who conducted extensive interviews with Montejo. After hiding in the forest, Montejo fought in the Cuban War of Independence in the late 1890s, saw the transition to Castro’s government and died at 113 in 1973.....
More Information:
“El Cimarrón” continues on Saturday and Sunday at
St. Catherine of Siena
4 Riverside Avenue
Riverside, Conn.
(203) 637-0536
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
06/12/10 The Raw Greenwich News Feed:
The Latest News Reports About Greenwich
Senate passes bill, 5 years after Greenwich man's disappearance Greenwich Time The family of a Greenwich man who vanished five years ago during his honeymoon cruise in the Mediterranean is celebrating the US Senate's passage of a bill ... |
Greenwich psychic completes court program; charges dropped Greenwich Time STAMFORD -- A Fairfield County psychic charged with fabricating a story about being assaulted outside her Greenwich Avenue store had her case dismissed ... |
Greenwich, New Canaan battle for Division I lacrosse crown Stamford Advocate The Greenwich High School Cardinals celebrate an 11-9 victory over Darien High School, June 9, 2010 at Fairfield Warde High School, during the Girls ... |
Greenwich independent bookstore beats the odds Hartford Courant When Greenwich resident Diane Garrett opened Diane's Books on Grigg Street in 1990, a fellow bookseller told Greenwich Time that ... |
Gabelli Global Multimedia Trust Annual Meeting of Shareholders to Continue ... MarketWatch (press release) ... will be continued on June 23, 2010 at 8:00 am at The Cole Auditorium, The Greenwich Public Library, 101 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830. ... |
Greenwich In The Blogosphere
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06/12/10 Another one of Mark Zuckerberg's victims steps forward
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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