Surprise - A Perry Mason Moment As Public Defender Is Fired And Attorney Mark Sherman Is Hired By Leonard Trujillo
Defendant in Kissel case hires new attorney
Motive still unknown as case delayed
By Ken Borsuk, Staff Reporter
Those wondering what police believe motivated the two men charged in the death of Greenwich resident Andrew Kissel will have to wait at least a few more weeks to find out.
Wednesday afternoon in Stamford Superior Court, Judge Richard Comerford kept the arrest and search warrants in the case sealed pending a hearing on May 20 to decide the matter. The delay in the decision was granted because Leonard Trujillo, who has been charged with Mr. Kissel’s murder, hired a new counsel. Public Defender Patrick Culligan and has been replaced by Mark Sherman.
Mr. Sherman, who was officially hired on Tuesday, said he needed the time to get up to speed on the case and submit a redacted version of the warrant to Judge Comerford in an effort to keep information he feels could damage his client’s right to a fair trial if released to the public.
By delaying the case until later in the month, it also delays the probable cause hearing for Mr. Trujillo, who has been charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder. That hearing had been set for May 21 and a new date has not been set.
In court Mr. Trujillo had to formally waive his right to have that hearing within 60 days of his March 22 arrest. Mr. Sherman said he has not decided whether to ask for a new hearing.
Mr. Trujillo has not entered a plea. Mr. Sherman said if the judge found there is probable cause to proceed with the case he would plead not guilty and dismissed reports that his client is cooperating with authorities to provide testimony against his cousin Carlos.
Carlos Trujillo, who served as Mr. Kissel’s driver and personal assistant, has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and has pleaded not guilty.
At the May 20 hearing, Judge Comerford is expected to consider all possible redactions to the warrant and then decide whether it should be released to the public. A new probable cause hearing date could also be set at that time.
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Arrest warrants to remain sealed in Kissel case
STAMFORD - The two suspects arrested in connection with Andrew Kissel’s murder last month were in Stamford Superior Court Wednesday where it was determined their arrest warrants will remain sealed for the time being.
Kissel was found stabbed to death in his Greenwich mansion in April 2006. This past March, Greenwich police charged Kissel’s driver, 47-year-old Carlos Trujillo, with conspiracy to commit murder. His cousin, 21-year-old Leonard Trujillo, was also charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder.
The warrants have been sealed ever since the arrests. Police have also been very tight-lipped about the case. Many thought the arrest warrants would be unsealed Wednesday, but in a surprise move, Leonard switched his legal representation from a public defender to a private attorney. The new attorney, Mark Sherman, then asked for three weeks to make edits to the arrest warrants.
Carlos’ attorney also asked that the warrants remained sealed until edits can be made. The judge agreed that to unseal the documents now might put the defendants’ rights to a fair trial in jeopardy.
The prosecutor also asked for the identities of six key witnesses to be kept secret.
Carlos has pleaded not guilty, while Leonard has yet to enter a plea. Sherman must file his proposed edits by May 20.
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