Hopefully Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Wont Screw Things Up Too Much During His Last Week Of Being In Charge At The Greenwich Time

There Was Joe Pisani, David Warner, Jim Zebora, Bruce Hunter And Now There Is ......
David McCumber
Hearst Newspaper President's Steven Swartz "100 Days Of Change" Program Was A Complete Failure In Greenwich Under Bruce Hunter's So-Called "Leadership".
Greenwich Politicians And Insiders Are Shaking In Their Boots As Steven Swartz Brings In A Big Gun To Cover Greenwich.....
All Voices In Greenwich Society Will Be Heard, Because David McCumber Is A Prize-Winning Investigative Editor With Journalistic Balls And Specialized In Local Reporting At The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
PRESS RELEASE: Hearst Newspapers Names David McCumber Editor of The Advocate & Greenwich Time & Editorial Director of Hearst's Connecticut Newspaper Group
New York, NY
NEW YORK, Hearst Newspapers announced today that David McCumber has been named editor of two of Hearst's Connecticut newspapers, The Advocate of Stamford and the Greenwich Time, as well as editorial director of its Connecticut Newspaper Group.
The announcement was made by Steven R. Swartz, president, Hearst Newspapers, and Mark E. Aldam, senior vice president for Hearst Newspapers. The appointment is effective April 27.
"David has been a valuable member of the Hearst Newspapers team for the last decade and we are excited to have his leadership at The Advocate and Greenwich Time," Swartz said. "He will also bring a wealth of editorial experience and journalistic vision to all our of Connecticut papers."
Additionally, McCumber will assist in coordinating and editing investigative journalism across the Newspaper Group, working with Phil Bronstein, editor-at-large for both Hearst Newspapers and the San Francisco Chronicle, and investigative reporters and editors at the other Hearst newspapers.
Most recently, McCumber was managing editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. During his nine years in that position, he worked to establish the newspaper's prize-winning investigative team and strengthened the P-I in other areas, particularly local reporting and photography. McCumber joined the P-I in 1999 as senior editor for projects and has more than 30 years of experience in journalism at more than 10 newspapers. He is a former executive editor of the Santa Barbara News-Press and former Sunday editor, city editor and assistant managing editor of the San Francisco Examiner.
McCumber was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 1984 at the Arizona Daily Star for a project he directed and helped to write on abuses in defense procurement. He is the author of four nonfiction books, most recently An Air That Kills, co-authored with Andrew Schneider, based on a P-I series that revealed the asbestos poisoning of a tiny town in Montana. Other books include: The Cowboy Way: Seasons of a Montana Ranch; Playing off the Rail; and X-Rated: The Mitchell Brothers.
In addition to the The Advocate and Greenwich Time, Hearst's Connecticut Newspaper Group includes two additional dailies, the Connecticut Post in Bridgeport and The News-Times in Danbury, and six weekly newspapers in Fairfield County. The Connecticut Post, with roots that go back to 1883, is southwestern Connecticut's largest circulation daily newspaper and has been recognized with many honors, including the 2008 Newspaper of the Year Award from the New England Newspaper Association
Hearst Corporation (http://www.hearst.com/) is one of the nation's largest diversified media companies. Its major interests include ownership of 15 daily and 49 weekly newspapers, including the Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle and Albany Times Union; as well as interests in an additional 43 daily and 72 non-daily newspapers owned by MediaNews Group, which include the Denver Post and Salt Lake Tribune; nearly 200 magazines around the world, including Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan and O, The Oprah Magazine; 29 television stations through Hearst-Argyle Television (NYSE: HTV) which reach a combined 18% of U.S. viewers; ownership in leading cable networks, including Lifetime, A&E, History and ESPN; as well as business publishing, including a minority joint venture interest in Fitch Ratings; Internet businesses, television production, newspaper features distribution and real estate.
SOURCE: Hearst Newspapers
Editor & Publisher
NEW YORK David McCumber, former managing editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, has been named editor of two Hearst newspapers in Connecticut, The Advocate of Stamford and the Greenwich Time, Hearst announced Monday......
1/27/09 I Spoke To Steven Swartz's Office About Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Using Hearst Corporation Lawyers In Appropriately
Hearst Newspapers Is Closing Down A Really Good Newspaper In Seattle While It Sends It's Corporate Lawyers To Attack A Blogger Who Criticized A Really Bad Newspaper That Has An Editor With A Thin Skin.
What the Star Tribune and the Greenwich Time could learn from Seattle P-I as bankruptcy looms
When Hearst Corporation announced it put Seattl's oldest newspaper, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, , up for sale, the newsroom didn't hesitate to report on it. It's news after all, they say.
The clock is ticking on the paper's future and time is starting to run out. Hearst is waiting 60 days to find a new owner, otherwise the paper could go online-only or close completely. Talk about a downer of a week for a newspaper that has gained a lot of respect in recent years as it upped its local coverage.
The paper is now doing something risky and pretty unique. They are documenting their own unknown future and giving readers a window into a frightened and most likely depressed newsroom as everyone waits for good news.
The Star Tribune, which could file bankruptcy in less than two weeks, should use Seattle P-I as an example of how a newspaper handles its own potential downfall.Seattle P-I had video coverage of Hearst Newspaper Division President Steve Swartz telling the staff that the newspaper will go up for sale.
Here's The Video......
When Is Hearst Newspaper Head Honcho Steven Swartz Going To Realize That Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter Is No Digital Don.
However, Hunter Whines Like A Diva.
Other Hearst Newspapers Are Enhanced With Video Reports, But Has Any One Seen A Video Up On The Home Page Of The Greenwich Time In The Last Year?
Steven Swartz Needs To Wake Up. Thin Skinned Bruce Hunter Is The Wrong Man At The Wrong Time To Lead The Greenwich Time In These Very Difficult Times.
Here Is A Greenwich Time Story That Was Way Too Big For Incompetent Ex-Greenwich Time Managing Editor And Now Hearst Business News Reporter Jim Zebora To Cover.....
Former Seattle PI editor named to lead Connecticut Newspaper Group
Posted: 04/20/2009 02:42:01 PM EDT
.....Hearst Newspapers, following a period of financial losses, converted The Post-Intelligencer into an online publication, Seattlepi.com last month.
McCumber on Monday said he is looking forward to the challenge of his new position.
"Communities like Stamford and Greenwich are going to be in the best position for newspapers going forward," he said. "I'm very bullish about the future. I'm not so much focused on dollars and cents but on good journalism. I have a passion for local news."
One of his first tasks will be learning about the communities and getting to know the staffs of the newspapers, McCumber said. .....
Meanwhile. Ex-Greenwich Time Managing Editor And Now Hearst Newspaper Reporter Jim Zebora Is Probably Working On His Next Beer Column That He Submits To Two Different Organizations......
The Associated Press.
Google Analytics Says Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Is One Of The Best Things To Happen To Greenwich Roundup In A Long Time
Here Are A Few Highlights.....
Shame, Shame, Shame On Hearst Newspaper Managing Editor Bruce Hunter For Trying To Silence A Critic As Young Men Shed Their Blood In Far Away Lands To Protect Our American Way Of Life
Nothing Is More Disgraceful Than A Hearst Newspaper Editor Trying To Silience A Blogger Who Criticized A Newspaper.
Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter For Years Has Been Criticizing The Job Performance Of Everyone From The President, The Governor, The First Selectman Anyone One Else He Choose To Target Pompous And Arrogant Bruce Hunter And The Other Greenwich Time Editors For Years Have Told Greenwich Residents Who To Vote For After Making Local Candidates Come Grovel At The Editorial Bord Offices In Stamford.
A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation ("SLAPP") is a lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff's goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate
1/28/09 I Spoke To Hearst Corporate Lawyer Ravi Sitwalla Today, It Looks Like We Have An Understanding, But Some Still Have Their Panties In A Bunch
Greenwich Roundup Spoke On The Phone Twice With Hearst Newspaper Editor Ravi Sitwalla Today To Follow Up On An Email Or Phone Call. Mr. Sitwalla Confirmed That We Had An Understanding And That Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Would Send An Email With Specific Links To Posts That He Thought Might Violate Hearst Newspaper Copyrights.
Hearst Corporate Lawyer Ravi Sitwalla Said He Wanted To Send A Second Email "Clarifying Some Issues".
When Asked About This He Said That Greenwich Time Is Still Upset At The Continued Posts In Greenwich Roundup About The Management Of The Paper.
I Told Ravi, That This Is The Problem With Hearst Newspaper's Threatened Legal Actions Against Greenwich Roundup. It Is Clear That Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Editor Bruce Hunter's Actions Are Motivated To Intimidate And Silence A Critic.
Now Even When The Critic Has Agreed To Accommodate The Hearst Corporation Hunter Still Seeks Threatens To Limit Greenwich Roundups Rights With A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation ("SLAPP")
Unfortunately the goal of Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor's lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence a critic by burdening him with the cost of a legal defense with the hope that Greenwich Roundup will abandon its criticisms.
If Greenwich Roundup lets Thin Skinned Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Get Away With This What's To Stop Him From Using Hearst Corporation Lawyers From Going After Greenwich Blogger Bill Clark When His Greenwich Gossip Once Again Calls The Greenwich Time The "Yellowich Time"?
Or Will Thin Skinned Bruce Hunter Use Hearst Corporation Lawyers To After Greenwich Blogger Chris Fountain Next Time He Criticizes "The Local Rag" In His For What Its Worth Blog.
Bruce Hunter Is more than happy to waste Hearst Corporation Assets on a lawsuit with the goals getting a defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion In an effort to get a critic to abandon His criticism.
Bruce Hunter's Goals Are Clearly Also Designed To Intimidate Others Bloggers From Criticizing His Job Performance.......
I would suggest you join the MBA and we talk.
It just so happens I am in New Rochelle.Sent from Bob Cox's iPhone
Media Bloggers Association
1/26/09 Hearst Newspapers Attacks Citizen Journalist Who Is A Critic Of The Management Of The Greenwich Time - Use of Hearst Photographs and Articles
Town mocks managing editor as computer illiterate
""Things have changed in the last 26 years, but Bruce Hunter hasn't."Give Hunter an out-of-style suit, a disco ball, a clunky phone, an outdated computer and a Rubik's Cube and he he is a happy camper.
Our economy wouldn't survive without the Internet, and the cyber-world continues to represent the only hope of saving the Greenwich Time from becoming extinct
It's extraordinary that someone who is a Hearst Newspaper managing editor doesn't know how to update the the online opinion pages.
Where's Bruce Hunter And The "LOCAL HARD HITTING" Online Greenwich Time Editorials ????
Online Readers At The Greenwich Time Wonder IfNew Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has Already BeenThrown Overboard By Hearst Newspapers.
Just when you thought things couldn't get more bizarre at the Greenwich Time....
Chaos reigns at the Greenwich Time, where new Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter and his top two lieutenants have not updated the papers online Opinion pages since last Thursday January 15th - sparking rumors that they me feuding with their corporate owners at Hearst Newspapers.
On Friday January 16th a Stamford Advocate editorial was posted online at the Greenwich Time and it has remained there for the last five days.......
Business smarts aside, the governor's nominee to fill an empty seat on the state Board of Education raises questions of suitability.
Our disagreement is not with Ms. McMahon's business abilities, but rather her line of work. She is the chief executive officer of the Stamford-based World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., parent corporation of “Raw,” “Royal Rumble,” “Smackdown” and other productions that combine wrestling and acting for bizarre entertainment.
No Connecticut school would condone the ring behavior of the WWE's biggest headliners. Some lessons a child might learn from watching a WWE event: Being a violent bully is cool. Smashing someone over the head with a metal chair won't cause serious injury. Women are sex objects and attracted to the most brutish men. It's entertaining to make fun of people.........
Last June Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg was quoted in the Greenwich Time That He Was Going To Release The FBI's Most Recent Uniform Crime Report For Greenwich Before The End Of The Year.Chief Ridberg Did Not Keep That Promise To The Residents Of Greenwich.
But Last Year Came And Went.
The Greenwich Time Reporters Who Work For Hearst Newspapers Don't Have The Journalistic Balls To Go To Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg And Say, "Hey Chief, What Happened To Those Crime Statistics You Promised The Taxpayers Of Greenwich?
Greenwich Time Reporters Don't Have The Journalistic Balls To Hold Chief Ridberg Accountable To The Single Family Homeowners Of Greenwich.
When CT Senator Chris Dodd Promised And Did Not Deliver Documents To The Public About His Countrywide Loans Wall Street Journal Reporters Had The Journalistic Balls To Say,"Say Hey, Chris Where Are Those Loan Documents."
We've got some leftover business from the 110th Congress -- namely, Chris Dodd's July 2008 promise to release the details of his sweetheart loans from ...
Chris Dodd's now-venerable promise to release documents pertaining to his 2003 mortgages with Countrywide. This newsprint icon of commerce reminded its ...
But The Cowardly Greenwich Time Reporters Are Afraid Of Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg, Because He Is Thin Skinned And Uses Police Resources To Retaliate Against Critics.
Time And Time Again, Greenwich Residents Have Heard Police Chief Ribderg Go On Local Radio Station WGCH And Repeatedly Attack Attorney Lindy Urso, Greenwich Roundup And Others.
Over A Year Ago Greenwich Roundup Was Complaining About Crime In Byram And Unsolved Murders In Greenwich At This Blog And On Sam Romeo's Greenwich Matters Radio Program On WGCH.
I Have Often Agreed With Fellow Blogger Greenwich Blogger Bill Clarke Who Often Says,"Greenwich Is The Safest Town In America To Commit A Murder."
About Eight Or Nine Months Ago, Greenwich Police Union Chief And RTM Member Sgt. James Bonney In A Public Meeting Said That He Refused To Live In Cental Byram Because He Did Not Want His Children Exposed To The Drugs And Gangs Violence.
The Police Union President Also Said That Many Greenwich Police Department Officers Used To Live In Byram, But Moved Out Because They Did Not Want To Expose Thier Families To The Drugs And Quality Of Life Issues.
It Is Greenwich's Dirty Little Secret That Byram Has Progressively Gotten More Dangerous And Worse Over The Last Five Or Six Years.
One Day Greenwich Roundup Has To Figure Out Away To Get His Byram RTM Meeting Recordings Or the Police 911 and Radio recordings that have been obtained through Freedom Of Information Requests Up On This Blog.
Here Are How Police Resources Are Used In Crime Ridden Byram:
A Little Over A Year Ago Greenwich Roundup Criticized New Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg For Repeatedly Going On WGCH And Attacking Attorney Lindy Urso For Saying That This Police Departments Theory That Andrew Kisseel Case Was A "Suicide For Hire".
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.