The Greenwich Time's Previous Corporate Owner, Tribune Media Is Using It's Flagship Newspaper, The Hartford Courant, To Endorse Barack Obama.
In its 244-year history, The Courant has endorsed only one Democratic candidate for president, Bill Clinton. Now they have endorsed a second Democrat, Sen. Barack Obama, with the hope that if elected, he governs from the middle as Mr. Clinton did.
While The Greenwich Time's Current Corporate Owner, Hearst Newspapers Is Using Greenwich's Future Newspaper, Connecticut Post, Is Endorsing John McCain.
Before Connecticut's Feb. 5 presidential primary, the Connecticut Post endorsed Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain and Illinois Democratic Sen. Barack Obama for the nominations of their respective parties.
The CT Post says, they believed both candidates were men of principle and honor with the ability, if elected, to make the difference in moving this nation in a new, much-needed direction.
The CT Post Endorsement states, Throughout this long campaign Barack Obama has demonstrated a keen intellectual curiosity and a consistent approach to problem-solving.
Now here is the bizarre part, The CT Post is endorsing John "Keating Five" McCain, because he has more experience in Washington.
The Editors Of The Clueless CT Post Just Don't Get It.
Families On Main Street Want To Throw The Washington Bums Who Created The Wall Street Meltdown Out Off Office.
Families in Greenwich want a deeper questioning of America's basic foundations, and a sharper focused direction that Obama will bring.
Greenwich and Fairfield County needs to get moving in the right direction. We need to fully address major problems such as health care, education and infrastructure. The country needs to unite in addressing the war in Iraq that is exerting a disabling impact on the economy.
A Port Chester Weekly Newspaper Publisher, Once Told Me That The Greenwich Time Was Such A Terrible Money Losing Newspaper, That The New York Time's Has A Higher Penetration Rate In The Town Of Greenwich.
This Means That More Greenwich Households Read The New York Times Than Read The Low Circulation Greenwich Time. The free weekly Newspapers like the Greenwich Post Actually have a higher circulation number than than Greenwich's lackluster and poorly edited daily.
So More Greenwich Voters Probably Read This In Depth New York Times Endorsement For Barack Obama Instead Of The Un-influential Greenwich Time.
Maybe, that's why Numbers show Obama could win Greenwich and be the first Democrat to win this Bush Republican Enclave since Lyndon Baines Johnson was the last Democrat atop the national ticket. Hey, even Joe" I Have To Somehow Dump This Loser McCain" Lieberman now says "I'd try to help a victorious Obama"a
Here Is What Progressive Greenwich Residents That Want To Fix Our Problems say....
To the editor:
Like another great candidate, Jim Himes was raised by a single mom, spent some early years out of the country (his Spanish is fluent), attended public schools and excelled at Harvard.
The similarities continue: Jim has served tirelessly in Greenwich as president of the Democratic Town Committee and a member of the Board of Estimate and Taxation, while working in New York and Norwalk for affordable housing and small business development.
Both candidates are products of the American dream and want to bring back an America where this dream is possible. Implicit in this wish is the immense gratitude and humility both have expressed for that which they have received.
Jim is a leader, a man of comprehensive vision and a pragmatic thinker. He would bring new energy and a fresh pair of eyes to the overwhelming problems we face. Having worked over 10 years in the banking industry, Jim has known for a long time that the fundamentals of the economy have been shaky, not "strong," as his opponent stated just last month.
Contrary to his opponent's views, Jim has supported appropriate regulation and oversight of the banking and investment industries, and opposed the privatization of Social Security. He has consistently opposed the Iraq war.
So here we are today: on the brink of an economic collapse, facing a housing crisis and rising health care costs and unemployment numbers; our educational system no longer the best in the world; and still we are engaged in two agonizing wars.
For too long I have felt powerless to impact what I have felt was the demise of this great country. Hope finally came to me in the names of Jim Himes and Barack Obama.
With all due respect to Mr. Shays, 21 years representing Connecticut's 4th Congressional District is just too long.
A vote for Jim Himes is a vote for change.
Lynne Rohrer
However, there are many Bush Republicans that have drank a little too much Fox News Koolaid
To the editor:
Robin Hood (aka Barack Hussein Obama) and his merry men (aka Democratic Party) want to storm Sherwood Forest (aka America) and take from the rich and give to the poor.
How does Mr. Hood define rich? What happens when there are no more rich in the forest? What happens when Mr. Hood ventures out into areas outside his comfort zone of Sherwood Forest (aka foreign policy issues)?
On Nov. 4, when we step into the voting booth, we should be sure we ask ourselves the important question: Do we want Robin Hood to be our pres-ident?
Scott A Miller
In Outer Space
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