The Parents Of Greenwich School Parents Refuse To Accept Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's arrogant "Fast Shuffles" that repeatedly disrespect them and their children
One month ago concerned Greenwich parents staged a protest in front of the Board Of Education offices demanding answers.
The parents were there because they were not happy with the failed leadership of Betty Sternberg and her big rubber stamp, also know as, the Greenwich Board Of Education.
What Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg fails to realize is that things have changed in Greenwich. The parents and taxpayers have had enough.
These parents, want justice for their small children who have suffered enough.
The Greenwich Board Of Education will have no peace and these parents are not going away until all the facts come out.
What Greenwich desperately needs is a summit to discuss how the Greenwich Public School System is administered and how it affects the taxpayers pocket book.
In the past there was a conspiracy of silence at the Board Of Education, but the single family home owners can no longer afford to pay for fiasco's like the failed Hamilton Avenue School "Non-Construction" Project.
Eventually, Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg will have to admit that the Greenwich Public School System
left small children in a contaminated classroom for over one year.
The only questions that remain is just how bad the contamination was and which Greenwich School Administrator knew what and when they knew it.
The School Board Member's can keep old trying to use their tried and true "sweep it under the rug technique", but it just is not going to work this time.
Will the single family home owners and taxpayers be able to just the current Greenwich Board Of Educators again?
The Taxpayers Of Greenwich Have Had Enough And They Want Accountability And They Want It Now.
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