Himes criticizes Shays over Wall StreetNORWALK - With Lehman Brothers in ruins and AIG being bailed out, Democratic congressional candidate Jim Himes faulted...
No cause found yet in house fireFire inspectors said they have been unable to determine the cause of a fire that badly damaged a Cedarwood Drive home last week.
GA takes lead in solar powerMany young adults will hear political candidates spar over the best ways to achieve energy independence this election season, but those who attend Greenwich Academy's newly renovated Middle School may listen with unique insight.
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Greenwich family can't resist the call of the Fiji islandsGoodbye, Great Captains Island and Little Captains Island. Hello, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. That's what one family is saying this week as they prepare to move from Greenwich, their adopted hometown for the past nine years, to the land of 322 islands
View/Sign Guest BookLUCIANO J. "MAGISH, LOUIE THE TRAPPER" ANZOLI age 82, of 122 Cross St Babcock Village, Died Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at the Westerly Hospital. He was the husband of the late Nancy Anzoli. Born in Greenwich, CT on April 24, 1926 a son of the late Jacino and Marianna Anzoli. He was a self employed landscaper. He was a member WWII US Navy Veteran. A Volunteer Fire Fighter for Long Ridge CT. He loved Nature and Fishing and was a fan of Pavarotti and the three tenors & Ernie Tubbs Music, He will be sadly missed by his son Armando L. Anzoli of Westerly, A sister Josephine Fisaro of Stamford, CT, his mother in-law Blanch Sefcik of Stamford, CT and a sister in-law Mary McAuliffe of Cambridge, MD Besides his loving wife and parents he was preceded in death by a sister Gloria Lavalo, three brothers Peter, Armando and Mike Anzoli Relatives and friends are invited to attend a Funeral Service Saturday, September 20th at 10AM in the Buckler-Johnston Funeral Home 121 Main St. Burial will follow in River Bend Cemetery. Calling Hours are respectfully omitted. For online condolence shared memory books go to
http://www.buckler-johnston.com/Lack of regulation ends predictablyThere was a time (for many, we're still in it) when the fashion was to rail against government regulation in all its forms.
Shays wrong on Sarah PalinTo the Editor:
Columnists and letter writers are quick to provide anecdotal evidence of Shays "moderate" positions, but there is a clear pattern of his rightward movement on matters of national and international consequence since 2000: His uncritical support for the "war on terror," which the Rand Corporation has called counter-productive and ineffective; his failure to discern the problems military contractors, such as Blackwater, pose for Iraqis, our troops, and our reputation abroad; on the domestic front, his vote against tax cuts for the middle class and against the extension of credits for college tuition (HR 3996). And voters should not forget Shays' vote to allow torture by CIA interrogators (HR 2082). In fact in close votes (votes where Shays' vote was essential to the passage of Republican legislation), Shays voted with the Bush crowd 89% of the time.
The latest proof of Shays' move to the right is his support for the "awesome" Sarah Palin. His statement that "It's a woman that should be selected, not a particular woman," should send a strong message to women (and men) who support choice and who believe in women's rights in general. The woman Shays finds "awesome" would like creationism taught in our schools, believes that prayers to God will bring about the Alaskan oil pipeline, it was God's will that America invade Iraq, and that she is free to use lobbyists, as long as she flatly denies it. Perhaps McCain is comfortable with Sarah Palin's ignorance and lies, but shouldn't Christopher Shays have the principles and guts to temper his support for a vice presidential choice that clearly (and crudely) was intended to please the most extreme segment of the Republican Party?
Jim Himes has firmly addressed all the issues most dear to Fairfield County voters, including civil and human rights, the economy, education, health, energy, Middle East peace, the "war on terror" and the war in Iraq. Himes will deliver informed votes based on his principles, intelligence, and experience -- not on politics. He will put Fairfield County before Washington politics as usual.
Robin Winick
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