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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

11.24/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Greenwich Resident Ned Lamont

What Green said
TheDay - New London,CT
By Ted Mann While the Democrats dither over Chris Dodd's chances at re-election and Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont thinks long and hard about whether he ...
Things We Are Thankful For
fairfieldweekly.com - Norwalk
By FCW Editorial We are thankful Sarah Palin is somehow becoming less presidential• We are thankful we now have a way to make it up to Ned Lamont. ...
GOP'ers shake up field, Dems should worry about 2010
Hartford Courant
... While the Democrats dither over Chris Dodd's chances at re-election and Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont thinks ...

Lawyers, Guns and Money: Yet More on Lieberman
By Robert Farley
The altogether more sensible way to take it is that the campaign to unseat Lieberman by supporting Ned Lamont had the foreseeable consequence of pushing Lieberman to the right if he managed to win anyway. As Ezra argued, the primary ...
Lawyers, Guns and Money - http://lefarkins.blogspot.com/
'Tis the Season - Jonathan Kantrowitz - Connecticut News
By Jonathan Kantrowitz
Cocktails and conversation with Ned Lamont As he explores a potential run for Governor of Connecticut 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. at the Home of Jessie and Benoît Jamar 29 Raiders Lane Darien, CT. RSVP to Jessie Jamar at jessiejamar@gmail.com ...
Jonathan Kantrowitz - http://blog.ctnews.com/kantrowitz/
Foley considers run for gov.
By ConnPolitics.tv Staff
Foley would make a better Governor than that "Wingnut" Ned Lamont. I bet DSCC is really getting scared that they may get shut out in 2010. With Nasty DiNardo at the helm of the CT DEMS what do you expect !!! ConnPolitics - http://connpolitics.tv/index.php
The North Haven Way: Coming Out Of The Woodwork: Candidates For ...
By Chris Peterson
Ned Lamont- (D). Lamont would certainly be the wealthiest candidate in the race if he decided to run. He has formed an exploratory committee. He spent $16 Million of his own money in his failed Senate race against Joe Lieberman. ...
The North Haven Way - http://northhavenway.blogspot.com/
Collins Report » Blog Archive » Analyses: Joe Lieberman said "yes ...
By Coach
In 2006 when Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman was fighting for his political life in a primary with Ned Lamont, he found himself abandoned by his "friends" in the Democrat Party. Being a former VP candidate meant nothing to those who ...
Collins Report - http://www.collinsreport.net/

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11/24/09 Grant aids seniors

Family Centers will increase activities and support for the town's older adults through a $3,000 grant from the Alliance for Children and Families.

The funds will add recreational, educational and support programs at McKinney Terrace and Parsonage Cottage, two of the Greenwich Housing Authority's senior residences. Programs will include art classes, music classes, exercise classes, mental health services, nutrition workshops and socialization events.

Greenwich-based Family Centers was one of 21 organizations to receive the grant through the Alliance for Children and Families' New Age of Aging Initiative, designed to help prepare nonprofit human-service organizations throughout North America to best provide services for older adults as the baby boom generation ages.

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

11/24/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed

15 bus passengers taken to hospital after I-95 accident in Greenwich
Connecticut Post
By Debra Friedman A bus crash on I-95 in Greenwich is seen here from a state Department of Transportation traffic camera. The accident is causing heavy ...
Brynwood Partners VI buys Balance Bar from Kraft
The Associated Press
. — Brynwood Partners VI LP, a private investment firm in Greenwich, Conn., said Monday it bought energy bar company Balance Bar Co. from ...
Red Cross seeks drivers
Greenwich Post
Director of Community Services, Greenwich Chapter, American Red Cross, 99 Indian Field Road, Greenwich, CT 06830 or faxed to 203-869-0192.
Greenwich High's Capossela, Jones, Weir sign letters of intent
Greenwich Time
By David Fierro The Greenwich High School swim team captains, from left, Emily Weir (UCLA), diver Kara Capossela (Maine) and Shannon Jones (Fordham) sign ...
See all stories on this topic
Greenwich resident named to ABT board
Greenwich Post
William L. Hughes, an executive with CA Inc., has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the American Ballet Theatre (ABT). Mr. Hughes oversees CA's ...

Friends of Greenwich Library Present Holiday Magic Show at Cole ...
By Kate
The Friends of Greenwich Library will present Season's Greetings Magic Show · balsters.jpg on Saturday, December 5 at 2 pm in the Cole Auditorium. Season's Greetings is a holiday themed magic show that will thrill and amaze all ages. ...
Library News - http://www.greenwichlibrary.org/blog/library_news/

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to

11/24/09 Press Release: NBC Nightly News Airs Story on Rockin' Water & The Rockin' Appalachian Mom Project Nov 25th

RW Logo
NBC Nightly News
is airing a follow-up story on
The Rockin' Appalachian Mom Project!
6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 25
(barring any breaking news)

Old Greenwich's own Amy Guerrieri, founder and CEO of ROCKIN' WATER™, has been rockin' the Appalachian area of Kentucky this year, - making four trips to the one of the most poverty stricken areas of the United States - Martin County, Kentucky - and taking with her a "Mom Brigade" each time, along with truckloads of donated school supplies, food, Rockin' Water, clothing, medical equipment, heaters and more!

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams has followed this effort from the very beginning -- from Connecticut to Kentucky -- and is airing a follow-up story that will touch your heart in this Season of Giving.

Barring any breaking news, the show airs on NBC (Ch. 4 in the New York City metropolitan area.) and on all other NBC stations across the U.S.

A special THANK YOU to everyone who participated
in this amazing outpouring of support!

THANKS to the Moms who went on the most recent trip to Kentucky with Amy Guerrieri two weeks ago: Alison Barlow, Allison Cohen, Jenifer Howard, Melissa Price, Ellen Sweeney, Heather Wise and Michele Wolfram.

Also a big THANKS to Jim Ressler of Medical Angels for coming to Kentucky and all of the wonderful donated medical supplies!

You all ROCK!

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
ROCKIN' WATER 187 Sound Beach Avenue Old Greenwich CT 06870

11/24/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: greenwich Resident Linda McMahon

2010: Moore problems for Dems?
CONNECTICUT: Senatorial candidate Linda mcmahon (R) responded yesterday to a question about Khalid Sheik Mohammed's upcoming civilian trial by saying she ...

Godless Liberal Homo: Former Pro Wrestler Makes Allegations ...
By libhom
headshot of Linda McMahon The Senate Campaign of former WWE CEO/Diva Linda McMahon is more fun than a C Street party. It's just the gift that keeps giving. In case you've missed out on the previous entertainment, here are my two past ...
Godless Liberal Homo - http://godlessliberalhomo.blogspot.com/

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to

11/24/09 Letter to the Editor - please put in for the volunteers sake -thanks!


On behalf of the Department of Parks and Recreation, I would like to thank the following volunteers for their assistance at our 27th Annual Halloween Happenings.

Boy Scout Troop 35: Steven Bozzuto

Girl Scout Troop 50168: Jennifer Franzé, Jessica Kuesel,

Girl Scout Troop 50322:Sophia Lanuza

Girl Scout Troop 50463: Julie Edelston, Kaitlin Jackson, & Rachel Winpisinger

Girl Scout Troop 50760: Cameron Riolo, Nicole Salamon, Lainie Soler, & Stephanie Williamson

Girl Scout Troop 50197: Katie Chapin

Gemm Learning Center: Billy Diaz & Deli Marden

Sacred Heart Confirmation Class: Sarah Carlo, Eamon Cartine, Jack Giuliani, Nick Palastro, Ashley Rispoli, Kristen Rispoli, Michael Rispoli, & Mark Schmeiler

A big thank you to our sponsors: Pepsi Bottling Group and Gemm Learning Center

I would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Darlene Franzé & Donald Mohr!

Claudia Collins
Recreation Supervisor
Greenwich Parks and Recreation

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

11/24/09 Greenwich Post Breaking News

Covering the news of Greenwich, Connecticut

Breaking News

Traffic is backed up on Interstate 95 this morning due to an accident in Greenwich southbound between exits three and four.
Read more

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com


What a good idea!
I hope you will do this with me.

Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.
As they are working hard to get rid of CHRISTMAS, we could send them a card showing support for a Christ filled holiday.
Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it. And be sure to let them know exactly how you feel and believe about their position.
Here's the address
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York , NY 10004

Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions.
It only takes 44 cents to tell the ACLU we believe in Christmas. Also tell them that there is no such thing as a " Holiday Tree". It's always been called a CHRISTMAS TREE!

And pass this on to your email lists, using Bcc. We want to communicate our faith to the ACLU! We value the phrase, "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." That means something.

The ACLU, (the American Civil Liberties Union) is the one suing the U.S. Government to take God, Christmas or anything religious away from us. Nativity scenes are even banned in government places now. Prayers are not allowed in schools. We need to send our voice, so they know how many people value their freedom. Hope you take time to send a card.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

11/24/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed

2009 Greenwich Old Timer's Athletic Association Honorees
Greenwich Time
In 2005, 50 years later, he took two relay teams from Greenwich High School to run in the Penn Relays. While in high school he added the fall sport of cross ...
US Corporate Bond Sales Climb to Yearly Record
... the movement of credit back into the economy," said Schumacher, who helps oversee $30 billion in fixed-income assets from Greenwich, Connecticut. ...
See all stories on this topic
Train shows in Greenwich, Fairfield
Danbury News Times
The 37th annual Fall Train Meet will be pulling into the Greenwich Civic Center Sunday. The event is expected to be a requisite stop for model train ...
Long lines greet opening of new Apple Store in Greenwich, Connecticut
"After throwing open the doors of 356 Greenwich Ave. with a big countdown at 10 am, store employees handed out free T-shirts with 'Greenwich Avenue' written ...
ABC News
World's Most Expensive Homes
ABC News
By Roxanne Emadi, Forbes.com Last year, a 40-acre Greenwich, Conn., property with a 21897-square-foot, 14-bedroom Jacobean manor was listed for $125 million ...
Brynwood Partners VI buys Balance Bar from Kraft Foods, terms not disclosed
Los Angeles Times
(AP) — Brynwood Partners VI LP, a private investment firm in Greenwich, Conn., said Monday it bought energy bar company Balance Bar Co. from Kraft Foods for ...
US Corporate Bond Sales Climb to a Record $1.17 Trillion
... as it opened this year, according to Brian Yelvington, director of fixed-income research and strategy at Knight Libertas LLC in Greenwich, Connecticut. ...

Bank of WHERE????? – Our Greenwich
By franktrotta
... avoid an annual fee cancel the card by calling this number: 1 800 778 6262. I called that number and became outraged. Call the number and see why. ...
Our Greenwich - http://ourgreenwich.com/

AppleInsider Apple store in upscale Greenwich Conn to open Saturday
Construction continues at the Greenwich Conn Apple store as crews rush to complete the structure in time for the grand opening this Saturday ...

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