naive person would not be able to see that?
The single family home-owners of Greenwich have been trusting Principal D'Amico with an entire school.
The citizens of Greenwich expect Principal D'Amico to be fair and reasonable.
The parents of Glenville School need to be able to trust Principal D'Amico.
The ethically challenged Principal D'Amico so far has refused to issued an apology for what he did to Mr. Carbino, the Glenville Parents, the Glenville School Children, the Board Of Education, and to his superiors.
Even though Principal D'Amico's lawyer has been quoted in the media suggesting that he should apologize.
It appears that Principal D'Amico has no remorse for what he has done.
This has been going on since May 6th, mistakes or errors in judgement don't take a month to admit to.
Principal D'Amico had a lot of time and chances before, his suspension, last week to make things right.
What is Principal D'Amico teaching the young children who are told to trust and obey him as if he were their parent.
Principal D'Amico is teaching them an invaluable lesson.
Never tell the truth until you are so backed into a corner you have no other choice!
When all else fails...Lie!!
Never ever apologize when you are wrong!!!
Is this the lesson that you want your children learning at Glenville School.
should immediately call in the
Greenwich Boy Scouts
to counter the awful lesson that
Principal D'Amico
is teaching the children of
Glenville School.
- Principal D'Amico should be Trustworthy.
- A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him.
- Principal D'Amico should be Loyal
- A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation.
- Principal D'Amico should be Helpful.
- A Scout cares about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward.
- Principal D'Amico should be Friendly.
- A Scout is a friend to all . He is a brother to other Scouts. He offers his friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own.
- Principal D'Amico should be Courteous.
- A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.
- Principal D'Amico should be Kind.
- A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing.
- (Nor does he silently sit back and let his supporters threaten Mr. Carbino's child at the Topix / Greenwich Time Message Boards)
- Principal D'Amico should be Obedient.
- A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.
- Principal D'Amico should be Cheerful.
- A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.
- (Especially little children who are celebrating their special day with their classmates).
- Principal D'Amico should be Thrifty.
- A Scout works to pay his own way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.
- Principal D'Amico should be Brave.
- A Scout can face danger although he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.
- Principal D'Amico should be Clean.
- A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He chooses the company of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean.
Principal D'Amico should be Reverent.
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
(Principal D'Amico will have to answer to his maker for what he has done to the Glenville Community in general and to the Carbino family in particular.)
Anyone supporting Principal D'Amico should take a long look in the mirror and see what you consider to be your core values.
Do Glenville parents really want a principal that falsified documents and then lied to his superiors, as one of your child's primary moral guides?
Glenville parents ask the school system to teach their children citizenship, fair play and community values.
Principal D'Amico should have been fired once the Board of Education became aware of the facts.
Who knows what else they found out when they began to dig.
How can Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Betty Sternberg not dismiss an unrepentant liar like Principal D'Amico.
Are Principals in Greenwich allowed to lie to the school superintendent and coaches are not allowed to lie to the Superintendent?
Is Western Greenwich Society built on the the failed aristocratic theory that rank has somekind of special privilege.
Or is Western Greenwich Society based in the common sense Conneticut Yankee democratic values that say, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
How could Superintendent Dr. Sternberg keep Principal D'Amico, he lied and tried to cover it up?
For over a month there has been no apology.
What would be next Principal D'Amico changing test scores?
But would that OK with you?
It could make Principal D'Amico and the school "look" better.
Maybe, then the high paid Principal D'Amico could get a big fat raise for changing test scores that would temporarily make him and Glenville School look good.
Then, maybe we could make Principal D'Amico the school superintendent so that he could lie and change test scores all over the town.
Then we could wait for the State Of Connecticut coming in to take over our public schools, as the federal government cuts off all our grant monies.
According to press reports Principal D'Amico through his lawyer stated that he did in fact lie to his superiors and did lie about how long the policy has been in the handbook.
"The school representative did not feel and neither does Mark at this point…that he was as candid as he could have been with them as to when he amended it and that's what really seems to be the sore point," said Principal D'Amico's attorney, John Gesmonde
Principal D'Amico is basically admitting to lying and trying to cover it up.
This all because Principal D'Amico singled out Mr. Carbino.
For the record, Mr. Carbino has given honest straight forward answers and stayed on point. You have not seen wild distractions from the Carbino family. Nor has the Carbino family needed to hire a Hamden lawyer.
Has it ever occurred to the Glenville parents that if Principal D'Amico treated Mr. Carbino like this he probably bullied others parents and famlies.
If Principal D'Amico covered up this scandal he probably covered up others.
- Since when is it OK for our Principals to lie to us?
- Since when is making up rules after the fact OK with us?
- Since when is altering documents after the fact to prove a point OK with us?
- Since when are Principals with personal vendettas OK with us?
- Is any of this acceptable?
If Principal D'Amico lied to his superiors and to Board of Education members this time he probably lied to them in the past, not to mention parents and teachers.
How can Glenville parents trust Principal D'Amico with their little children?
How can someone who is supposed to mold children.
Why would a parent want their child to have a caregiver with such low standards?
both is which Marc D'Amico doesn't have!!!!
Please today's related article:
06/02/08 An Open Letter To Nancy Weissler Of The Greenwich Board OF Education - Situation At Glenville - Where's The Leadership And Accountability (Updated).
Please see:
06/01/08 One Of Principal Marc D'amico's Supporters Is Keith Crocco Who Posted On The Topix Greenwich Time Message Board 26 Times In 24 Hours.
05/31/08 Sometimes Greenwich Time Reporters Remind One Of The Bush Administration Before Nine Eleven. They Just Can't Connect The Dots.
05/31/08 Friday's News Headlines From The Greenwich Citizen - Late And Incomplete
05/30/08 Serious "Cup Cake" Allegations? With Ten School Days Left In The Year It Is A Disgrace That School Spokesperson Kim Eves Is Withholding Vital Information From Parents.
More Information:
05/29/08 This month principals from all over the world have been suspended and in each and every case the parents were told why, except in Greenwich
05/28/08 Greenwich Post And Greenwich Time Websites
Have Breaking Glenville School News
Where's The Greenwich Citizen?
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com