Sunday, March 8, 2009
03/08/09 Greenwich Roundup Will Update Website Soon.

03/08/09 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: The Dish continues...

Click On Photo To Enlarge
Dirty Dish Towel Asks, "Do You Want A piece ?"
To the Editor,
In reference to Susie Costaregni, also known as the Fabulous Used Dish Towel, popping up..
Anyone ever play "Where's Waldo"? Let's play "Where's Joe"? I mean Joe Pisani. If Susie is back, her dad/english teacher/personal life instructor/boy friend must be too! Where are you Joey?
Joe's supposed to be in NYC working at marketing firm. His days of chief editor are ended a year ago. Yet he can't seem to cut the apron string (or is it the Dish's G String), so he writes for simplistic web sites like "My Greenwich" which isn't worth a second look. Then there's that occasional column in the Greenwich Post, where Joe tries to pat himself on the back while commenting on the moral demise of mankind....yeah, Joe must be a better man than every other man alive!!!! He certainly lives a stellar life. LOL. Hey, if Joe lives in Orange CT, why the heck is he all the way down here in Greenwich?
Geez, we got more REAL LIFE DRAMA than we need, without the likes of Sleaz Monger Susie and Joe.
Hey Joe, can't you take a hint and take your cutie pie with you? Get lost!!!
This Is Real Life
But Wait There Is More.....
Scene "¦ Actress Anne Hathaway was seen recently on "Entertainment Tonight" boasting about her shopping sprees at Target in Stamford while filming "Rachel Getting Married." One of the scenes in the movie took place at Post Grocer's Deli on Long Ridge Road...... BLAH .... BLAH .... BLAH ..... BLAH .... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH .......
But Wait There Is Still More .....
And finally, the "Girl Standing in Nature" bronze statue by G. Segal in Bruce Park and the horses are dressed for winter. I noticed the bronze horse at the Merry-Go-Round Mews donning a lovely white winter scarf. Someone is keeping them warm in this unpredictable economy and keeping spirits bright in Greenwich.
And that's all for now.
Later "¦
-- Got a tip? Seen Susie sucking down free drinks at Valbella in exchange for her weekly mind numbing plugs for the resurant? E-mail Susie Costaregni at thedish2@yahoo.com
Greenwich residents Frank Gifford, the former NFL star and sports commentator, and Olympic gold medal swimmer Donna de Varona were seen having lunch at Valbella restaurant in Old Greenwich this past week; Regis Philbin and friends were spotted dining there Saturday, Jan. 20; and actor Jesse Bradford of "Swimfan" and "Flags of Our Fathers" fame ate there last week. And . . . at Valbella New York on West 13th Street, recent Golden Globe-winning actress and producer Salma Hayek of the popular sitcom "Ugly Betty" was seen having dinner.
Among the 300 friends, colleagues and dignitaries, including her favorite security guard, at the party were Randy Jones of the Village People; celebrity photographer James Edstrom; Fox News legal analyst Lis Wiehl and attorney Michael Sherman; MSNBC anchors Contessa Brewer, Alison Stewart and Chris Jansing; NBC anchor Carl Quintanilla; Lisa Bloom and Diane Dimond of Court TV; and actor Bobby Abid. Boyfriend and singer/songwriter Tomaczek Bednarek wrote a song for the occasion, "You Make the News." Cosby isn't taking a break. This week, she hosted a two-hour radio show on Sirius satellite radio. She heads to her alma mater, the University of South Carolina, next week to teach for a day. Then she travels to the Middle East, where she will speak at a conference.
At The Greenwich Post
More On The Ferguson's Library Funded Dan Malloy Political Event
* Fergouson Libray Director And Employees Working For Malloy
*Taxpayer Fergouson Computer Server Used For Political Event
*Ferguson Library Tax Dollars Used To Pay For Pisani And Malloy's Private Party. "What really struck me that night was the selflessness and sacrifice of the people who labored for months to put this affair on, starting with the major domo, Ernie DiMattia, head of the Ferguson Library in Stamford" - Joe Pisani (Our Greenwich - Oct 21st, 2008 )
Ernie DiMattia, head of the Ferguson Library in Stamford and Melanie Keiffer Have Not Responded To Greenwich Roundup messages left seeking comments about the Furuson's ticket sales for Pisani's private party.
Maybe Ct Attorney General Blumenthal should investigate
the improper use of public funds and resources
used at the very event he was giving a presentation.
Jan and Bob Dilenschneider of Darien recently held a dinner party to introduce George Irish, president of Hearst Newspapers, aka Greenwich Time, Greenwich Citizen, Stamford Advocate, Darien News Review, Norwalk Advocate, Norwalk Citizen News, Connecticut Post etc., etc., etc., ....Give me a break?
We know who George Irish is and we are well aware of his stable of government compliant newspapers.
So We Stand Corrected, Greenwich Post Columnist Susie "DID" Report About Jan and Bob Dilenschneider Greenwich Time Party In Darien
Mr. Hersham is having Greenwich Post Editor Kristan Zimmer Have Susie "The Dish" Give A Glowing Report About Ex-Greenwich Time Editor And Current Greenwich Post Columnist Joe Pisani's Boss Throwing A Party For Greenwich Time's Publisher George Irish.
What's Up With That? ....
Listen to Your Heart is filming 9/21 4-6 PM at the Greenwich train station.
Susie Costaregni probably missed this because she was at at Valbella in Riverside trying to get a picture of Regis and Joy Philbin eating over priced spaghetti.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post
03/08/09 READER SUBMITED COMMENTS: Joe, Susie and the Mayor????

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.
03/08/09 More On Those Hot Babes That Came From Lions Of Greenwich Resident Walter Noel

Balloon Juice
Obviously, it won’t be possible to chronicle all of the fawning media coverage the various finance world moochers and looters received back when they were still viewed as conquering heroes. But this Vanity Fair piece about Walter Noel’s family is probably representative of the worst of it:
03/08/09 The Raw Greenwich News Feed - This Just In ....
The Latest Greenwich News:
Greenwich Academy hockey falls in New England Semifinals Greenwich Time By Chris McNamee When the final buzzer had sounded, Greenwich Academy found itself on the wrong end of a 4-3 score. Their season officially over, ... |
But.... |
Greenwich boys defeat Darien for FCIAC hockey title Greenwich Time By David Fierro STAMFORD -- Sticks, gloves and helmets flew into the air and a wave of red jerseys mobbed Greenwich High School goalie Harrison Root as time ... |
She Is BAAAAAAAAAAAACK !!!!! Susie Costaregni Is Once Again Embarassing Hearst Newspapers With Her Mindless Reports..... |
Greenwich Time Staff But Wait There Is More..... Scene "¦ Actress Anne Hathaway was seen recently on "Entertainment Tonight" boasting about her shopping sprees at Target in Stamford while filming "Rachel Getting Married." One of the scenes in the movie took place at Post Grocer's Deli on Long Ridge Road...... BLAH .... BLAH .... BLAH ..... BLAH .... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ....... But Wait There Is Still More ..... And finally, the "Girl Standing in Nature" bronze statue by G. Segal in Bruce Park and the horses are dressed for winter. I noticed the bronze horse at the Merry-Go-Round Mews donning a lovely white winter scarf. Someone is keeping them warm in this unpredictable economy and keeping spirits bright in Greenwich.
The Single Family Homeowners Can't Afford Another Expensive And Unnessary Lawsuit !!!!! Another Six Figure Lawsuit Is Going To Mean More That More Jobs And Services Are Going To Be Cut In The Town |
What The Heck Is The Matter With Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg? |
Why Can't Ridberg Give Lt. Gary Honulik The Promotion He Is Rightfully Entitled To And Make Room At The Test Taking Table For Some Veterans Who Were Away Protecting Every Thing We Hold Dear? |
All Police Chief Ridberg Has To Do Is Call Lt. Honulik And These Veterans Into His Office. A Deal Could Be Made To Let The Number 1 Scorer Form The Last Police Exam Become A Captain And To Let The Veterans Sit At The Test Table On The Next Exam But No, Thich Headed Ridberg And Town Attorney John Wayne Fox Want To Go To The United States Supream Court !!!!! It Is Disgusting And Un-American To Punish Military Personel Who Recieved An Emergency Order From Greenwich Native And Former United States President George Bush To Leave The Jobs And Go Into A Combat Zone Overseas Chief Ridberg Should Be Fighting For These Officers Federal Rights Instead Of Going To Court In An Effort To Punish Them For Putting Their Lives On The Line As They Protecting Our Rights Ridberg Could End Both Lawsuits Tommorow .... IF HE WANTED TO Lets Take Politics Out Of Police Promotions In Greenwich Fight over Greenwich police promotion lives on, so does injunction Greenwich Time By Debra Friedman The legal battle between the town and a police lieutenant over a controversial 2003 promotion is not over yet, despite a recent state . The legal battle between the town and a police lieutenant over a controversial 2003 promotion is not over yet, despite a recent state Supreme Court decision that ruled in favor of the town.
While the state Supreme Court ruled that the town had the right to promote whoever it wanted, Emmett claims the three justices who ruled against Honulik overlooked key facts in the case- facts that a Superior Court judge and two justices used to rule in favor of Honulik. PLEASE SEE: 2/15/09 Greenwich Time News Links Opinion
Whether the plaintiff, Lt. Gary Honulik, was qualified to be captain or not, townspeople should feel reassured that senior police supervisors can be chosen at least in part on factors such as demonstrated judgment and the ability to lead personnel under them while working closely with those over them.....
02/20/08 The Raw Greenwich News Feed - Greenwich Time News Links Police officers face off over injunction By Debra Friedman
02/04/09 LETER TO THE GREENWICH TIME EDITOR: Greenwich Police Chief David Ridberg A Liability
The Latest Greenwich Blog Posts:
Eye on Greenwich Connecticut: Who caused this mess? Democrats caused this problem and Democrats are worsening it. This amateur hour of an administration is responsible for the trillions of dollars lost in real working peoples retirement accounts and there is no end in sight to their stupidity. Every time Obama or one of his minions opens his mouth I have to work an extra year to make up the loss to my 401k. Obama...Shut up!!!!! COMMENT: Dear Greenwich Guy, I Really Hate To Interupt Yours And Rush Limbah's Dreams Of Obama Failing As Badly As George Bush Did. I Know You And Rush Want To See America And Our President Fail, But .... Let's Forget About Those Talking Heads Over At Fox Noise And See What Real Honest Harworking Americans Think About Our New Commander And Cheif Gallup Poll - U.S. News U.S. Satisfaction Improves Slightly but Steadily
Initial Reaction to Obama Budget Tilts Positive
Americans’ Confidence in Obama Unshaken
Americans Expect History to Judge Bush Worse Than Nixon
A new USA Today/Gallup poll, conducted Jan. 9-11, finds 34% of Americans approving of the overall job George W. Bush is doing as president and 61% disapproving. Those ratings are a shade better than what Bush has received for most of the past year, and may represent the kind of lame-duck approval bounce Gallup has seen for other presidents. Bush mainly has members of his own party to thank for the fact that he is ending his presidency with an approval rating above 30%. Republicans' approval of him rose from 67% in mid-December to 75% in the current poll -- their highest rating of Bush in nearly a year. By contrast, approval of Bush remains extremely scarce among Democrats, and continues to fall under 30% among independents {Like Registered Independent Greenwich Roundup} ... For The Record, Bush joins Jimmy Carter whose final job approval ratings in office registered in the low 30s Final Job Approval Ratings For Recent Presidents Bill Clinton 66% Ronald Reagan 63% Dewight Eisenhower 59% George HW Bush 56% Gerald Ford 53% Lydon Johnson 49% Jimmy Cater 34% George W. Bush 34% |
Great Apartment w/Dinning room and 1 car garage (Old Greenwich, CT ... By admin In the center of Old Greenwich, close to everything. Apartment has been completely repainted. There are ceiling fans in main bedroom and living room. Two Bedroom on 2nd floor of two family house. Features 12'x12' dinning room, ... New York Housing Opportunities - http://housing.nygaypride.com/ |
luxuryproperty: Greenwich, CT estate listed for $95 million Greenwich was dubbed the 12th best place to live in the U.S. Notable residents in Greenwich include Tommy Hilfiger, Diana Ross, and Judge Judy. Mel Gibson's Greenwich home for sale is nothing compared to this ultimate estate! ... luxuryproperty - http://luxurypropertyforsale.blogspot.com/ |
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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Chadwick Boseman - Too soon, the world lost such a genius performer and a fine young man. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman,4 years ago
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Pre-School Storytime & Craft with Allison - *When:* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:00 AM *Where:* Byram Shubert Library A program of simple songs, read alouds and a craft. Program is geared to children a...8 years ago
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I'm Back - Has it really been five years? Copyright EMorrissey 2007, Content of this blog not intended for commercial use.10 years ago
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2009 Women's Retreat Afternoon Session - Ladies, use the top right hand button of the embedded document to view it in full screen mode, or click the iPaper button to print your own copy of the not...16 years ago
New address for our blog! - We are in the process of combining this blog and our main site into one new site: to read future and many older posts, from now on please visit: http://www...16 years ago