Saturday, December 27, 2008
12/27/08 READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Kaja has a plan to help Peter Tesei Close The Greenwich Budget Gap

12/27/08 Ready 2 Beat Loves To Tap Into Greenwich Diva's RSS Feed Of National And International News Stories

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If your invitation to Mustique’s been cancelled… - You can always try Georgia’s Sea Island. Plenty of rooms available, albeit without much staff to service them. Or, according to this post, you can probably...
Greenwich Forum
Norwalk boy, 15, leads cops on 2-state chase - 4 Comments, last updated on Saturday Dec 27 by GO-GO-GO
Cos Cob Blogger Iggy Makarevich At High Strangeness
Leaked? Whaddaya Mean 'Leaked'? - Sometimes strange and seemingly rather stupid trends afflict large portions of the populace. Well, seemingly large, at least, if whatever trend it is is some...
John Ferris Robben - T-shirt Philosophy Page At Our Greenwich
It was Boxing Day! What’s that? More boxing soon. - What’s the punchline? Boxing? Cheers!
Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
The Store - Made an anachronism by digital - The Store is in trouble in terms of profits - and its future. Yet, digital Amazon had a banner year in profits - and in being a model for how to operate a ...
Ex-Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani's Our Greenwich Page
Christmas vacation redux - Throughout my career, usually because of convenience but more likely out of desperation, I always managed to take off the week between Christmas and New ...
12/27/08 THUNDER COLT'S REAL ESTATE REPORT ----- MY NEW HOME IN CONNETICUT : Conyers Farm Ghosts - Mostly Good

12/27/08 Greenwich Time News Links On Saturday. TOP STORY: Will Republican's Like Robert McKnight Kill The New Byram Swimming Pool?

"Certainly, the availability of external funding plays into it. But the question is how much and when will we get it?" First Selectman Peter Tesei said.
"If we have to choose between a fire station and a pool, public safety will take precedence," Tesei said.
Lavery would not disclose how much has been raised for the project in private donations, other than to say that the group was shoring up its base of people who made pledges to the project and seeking additional donations.
"Right now, we are in a new set of financial realities both for the town and our donors," Lavery said. "We're going back to our donors. We need more donors. Anyone who is in the fundraising business these days has to revisit their donors and make sure they're comfortable." ......
Day-after-Christmas shopping was less than frenzied in Greenwich Friday, despite banners advertising new discounts in many storefronts.
The Christmas spirit is shining a bit brighter in Chickahominy this season. About 60 people in the working-class neighborhood will receive food vouchers to buy groceries through the town's Holiday Aid Program, courtesy of a donation by the Chickahominy Reunion Association, according to David D'Andrea, the organization's president.
A 15-year-old Norwalk boy led Greenwich and Port Chester police on a wild, two-state, Christmas day chase for several hours following a car crash, police said.
Port Chester authorities told Greenwich police that earlier in the day they were following a young male who was driving a car when he crashed near King Street on the state line and ran off with an adult passenger. Port Chester police caught the adult, but the juvenile escaped from authorities into Greenwich, police said.
Slusarz said the teen, whom police did not identify due to his age, evaded authorities when he swam across the Byram River.
"He was last seen in the Byram River swimming across. We were unable to pick him up when he got to the other side," Slusarz said.
An hour later, Officer Joseph Turcsanyi spotted a teen covered in mud on Brook Crossway back near the state line running through backyards, police said.
Police caught the teen a short distance later, at 100 Glenville St., where officers arrested him about 3:50 p.m., police said.
Greenwich police charged him with interfering with a police officer and second-degree criminal trespassing, police said.
After the teen was apprehended by Greenwich authorities, police learned he was wanted by Norwalk police for a disorderly conduct charge, at which point he was transferred there, police said.
Port Chester police did not release any information about Thursday's incident.
BEDFORD, N.Y. Clearview's Bedford Playhouse, Route 22, (914) 234-7300 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: 12:45, 4:30, 8:15 BETHEL Bethel Cinema, 269 Greenwood Ave....
Two companies on the opposite sides of the globe have joined efforts to go green. Green Earth Technologies Inc
Looking beyond our depressing times
The dark threat of a full-scale depression hangs morbidly over the holiday season. White Christmases we all love, but this witch's brew of frigid cold and icy roads and sidewalks isn't exactly what we sentimentalists had in mind.
Aside from the presidential election, perhaps nothing on the national scene has received as public attention as the ongoing rescues of a variety of ailing industries.
Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out that way.
One bank after another has refused to discuss where the money, coming directly from U.S. taxpayers, has gone. Despite receiving billions of dollars in bailout funding, often as a result of their own poor decisions and bad ideas, these institutions have decided they don't need to account to anyone for where the money is going.
And there seems to be little anyone can do about it.
An effort to contact 21 banks that received a minimum of $1 billion each from the federal bailout resulted in nothing but dead ends. The Associated Press could not elicit specific answers from any institution during its investigation. ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ..... BLAH ...... BLAH ...... BLAH ....... BLAH .......
12/27/08 SEC Investigators Are Focusing On Greenwich Resident Walter “Feeder Fund” Noels. The Feds Are Digging For Clues At Greenwich Fairfield

Wronged Fairfield County investors are telling Greenwich Roundup that Securities And Exchange Commission investigators have been playing catch up by swarming the offices of Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel since last Monday. The SEC investigation is a bid to learn just how much the Noel family knew about Madoff’s about fraudulent investment scheme.
Defrauded investors are saying that initially SEC officials from the agency's regulatory side were looking at Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel's business records, but now some of the SEC investigators are from the enforcement side of the agency.
This suggests that SEC is seeking a evidence of criminal wrong doing at the Greenwich Fairfield offices.
Worried investors, who have been defrauded, say that their phone and email messages to SEC officials or Greenwich Fairfield have not been returned.
Other hedge funds that acted as "Feeder Funds" on behalf of Bernard Madoff's 50 BILLION DOLLAR fraudulent investment operation also will be infiltrated by SEC regulatory and criminal investigators in the coming days if they haven't been already.
Defrauded investors are telling Greenwich Roundup that SEC Criminal Investigators may have been at Trentmont Capital Management in Rye New York as early as Tuesday of this week. Trentmont supposedly had $3.3 Billion of It's 6 Billion with Bernard Madoff's Ponzie Scheme.
Bernartd Madoff's Fraudulent Investment Vehicle differed from past scams because it used prominent third party intermediaries, such as Greenwich resident Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel to attract very wealthy investors.
Greenwich Fairfield pooled money for wealthy individuals and institutions, and were relied upon by their investors to watch over third party managers, like Bernard Madoff.
Fairfield Greenwich Investors have turned out to be some of the biggest losers in the Madoff’s Billion Dollar Fraud Fiasco. Walter "Feeder Fund" Noels had about $7.5 Billion of Greenwich Fairfield's $14 Billion in assets with the Madoff Fraud Fund.
Investors are saying that Walter Noel has the biggest hedge fund balls in all of Greenwich. Apparently Walter Noel's family is claiming that the bulk of the remaining $6.5 Billion rightfully belongs to them.
Apparently Walter Noel's five beautiful daughters and son in laws are prepared to spread the remaining Fairfield Greenwich Billions around the globe, if they have not done so already.
SEC criminal investigators are trying to determine exactly where the alleged Fairfield Greenwich Billions are housed and if Walter "Feeder Fund" Noel's family is truly entitled to any of remaining monies.
Since, Walter Noel's son in laws are mostly foreign nationals time is of the essence as the SEC criminal investigators poor over Greenwich Fairfield's offices.
Can you image how hard it would be to recover Billions from war torn Columbia if Walter Noel’s Columbian son in law made a deal to have drug lords launder a few Billion bucks?
And so our inclination has been not to discuss its returns,” says Jeffrey Tucker, partner and co-founder of Fairfield Greenwich, a New York City-based hedge-fund marketer. “Why Barron’s would have any interest in this fund I don’t know. ...
As the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission began to construct the world’s biggest fraud case against Mr Madoff, a second class-action lawsuit was filed against Mr Noel and Fairfield Greenwich. ...
Fairfield Greenwich allegedly derived some $300 million per year from their Madoff product - that's the rumor. When someone is paying you or me or anybody that much per year to go to polo matches with high-net-worth investors and tell ...
The investigation will focus on Fairfield Greenwich Group and Banco Santander SA?s Optimal Investment Services and Banif units, the newspaper said, citing unidentified people at the government prosecutor?s office. ...
Fairfield Greenwich,who lost $7.5 billion on Madoff,were told by a potential buyer in 2004 of concerns about placing money with Madoff. Yet they kept doing it.
He is a partner of Fairfield Greenwich Group, the most damaged entity in the fraud of the Madoff company in which that group had invested 7.5 billion USD. In addition he has been married for 19 years to Corina Noel, ...
by christopher fountain
Opinions about how Fairfield Greenwich Group came to incinerate $7 billion of client cash at the hands of Bernie Madoff vary from "incompetent" to "criminally negligent" to "co-conspirators." Regardless of where the truth lies, ...
Fairfield Greenwich Group, founded by Greenwich society newbie Walter Noel, has portrayed itself as a victim of the Bernie Madoff alleged fraud, which may be the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. But the New York Times offers ...
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
- H L Mencken
12/27/08 We Hate To Say We Told You So , But We Told You That The PTA's Were Hiding The Fact ThaT They Had Lost Parents Money

5 PTAs seek overdue funds
By Colin Gustafson
Greenwich Time Staff Writer
Posted: 12/27/2008 01:00:00 AM EST
Five parent-teacher associations have joined nearly two dozen nonprofit groups across the country in accusing a Seattle-based company of failing to pay them tens of thousands of dollars in overdue fees.
Julie Faryniarz, president of the Greenwich PTA Council, said Bellevue, Wash.-based Count Me In, an online company that assists organizations like youth sports teams collect registration dues and donations, owes $75,000 in unreimbursed registration fees to the associations at Parkway, Old Greenwich, North Mianus, Cos Cob and North Street schools.
With the help of their attorneys, the five associations earlier this month sent formal complaint letters to the Washington state attorney general's office and the Federal Trade Commission, Faryniarz said.
They also sent Count Me In a letter demanding full repayment by Dec. 1. After not receiving the fees, they pursued legal action against the company, according to the PTA Council president, whose organization oversees all town public school PTAs.
"We want the money back," said Faryniarz, noting that the associations had used the online service for more than two years to process parents' registrations for afterschool programs and association memberships. "This is just bad business. They're taking away from our kids."
Messages left with Count Me In, a subsidiary of Arena Group Inc., in Bellevue, Wash., were not returned........
......Under its contract with the Greenwich associations, Faryniarz said, Count Me In collected registration fees from parents paying by credit card for various programs, then subtracted a handling fee of about $3 and sent the rest of the money on to the associations to fund their programs.
......But earlier this fall, Count Me In began to fall behind on its payments to the associations and, in mid-November, after making a single payment under an agreed-upon schedule, ceased payments altogether, Faryniarz said.
The associations used the money to fund afterschool classes, buy school supplies and pay for programs such as book drives, parties and fundraisers, said Alison Burns, PTA co-president for Parkway School......
We Warned Eastern Greenwich Parents 17 DAYS AGO That Their $75,000 Was Missing.
We Are Guessing That Clueless Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson Got His Board Of Education Press Release Just Before The Close Of Business On Friday Evening.
Dan Kully Flew Out To Bellevue, Washington In An Attempt To Recover The $75,000 Not Payed In The Secret October Payment Plan.
The PTA's Are Missing A Lot Of Money
Where Is The Parents $75,0000?
Parents Enraged At Bellevue-Based 'Count Me In'
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- Parents and PTA leaders on Tuesday banged on the door of a Bellevue company that's at the center of a nationwide controversy after a KIRO 7 Eyewitness News story revealed the firm hasn't paid back money it owes to youth sports teams.
Dan Kully was among those looking for answers at the offices of Count Me In, a company that helps thousands of youth sports teams to help collect registration dues and donations.
"Seventy-five thousand dollars really hurts," Kully told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Gary Horcher. "And the last people that anyone should be taking advantage of are kids."
VIDEO BACKSTORY: How Horcher Broke 'Count Me In' Story
Kully's sister runs a PTA for 15 schools in Greenwich, Conn., that hired Count Me In to supply a Web site and process credit card donations. He said the PTAs discovered Count Me In appeared to be keeping all the parents' money -- $75,000.
Count Me In's doors were open on Monday, and phones were being answered. On Tuesday, phone calls went unanswered and doors were locked.
Some little leagues said they're missing from $60,000 to $150,000 in registration money collected by Count Me In.
The company sent one local parent an email Tuesday that said, "We cannot provide your organization a payment plan as the timing and amount of future funding is uncertain. We will not make promises we do not know with 100% certainty can be kept."
12/24/08 Reader Submitted Comments:Thanks From Hamilton Avenue Parents!
At Least Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson Doesn't Have His Daddy Send Annoying Emails To Greenwich Roundup Like Greenwich Time Reporter Martin Cassidy Does.
Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed - Bloggers Who Are From, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich
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