Temple Services Candle Lighting Times
Friday, Oct 8 6:08 pm
Temple Sholom's Worship Schedule
Friday, Oct 8 6:30 pm
Saturday, Oct. 9 9:30 am
Sunday, Oct 10 8:30 am
Sisterhood at Saks 
Sunday, October 17th 10:00am-12:00pm
"Basic Black and Beyond" Fashion Show at 11:00am
Light Fare and Drinks will be served. Receive a 15% discount on purchases made during the event. For more information, Please call 203-862-5308.
Please enter through Greenwich Avenue doors. |
Temple Sholom Simcha Corner

Mazel Tov to:
Scott & Reina Kissel, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ilan.
David & Laurie Prose, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Oliver.
Martin & Kim Sands, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Michael.
Gordon & Kayla Cooper, on the birth of their son.
Ali Blaser & William Pawlowsky on their wedding.
Kevin & Jodi Frattaroli, on the Baby Naming of their daughters, Janie and Ella.
AIPAC High School Summit participants: Eric Aaron Ross Aaron Jeff Katz Sophie Lewis Mallory Madfes Sam Savitz Tyler Tananbaum Robert Levine Lindsey Noskin Michele Socher Jen Walter
| This Week at Temple Sholom
- Sunday, 10/10 - JNYC Brunch
- Monday, 10/11 - TS Closed in Observance of
Columbus Day
- Wednesday, 10/13 - Lunch N' Learn with Rabbi Mitch; Beginning Hebrew
- Thursday, 10/14 - Beginning Hebrew; ConText Informational Meeting
- Friday, 10/15 - Sunday, 10/17 - Scholar in Residence Weekend: David Keren
| This week at Temple Sholom
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JNYC Kick-Off Brunch Sunday, October 10th, 12:00 noon
Join the Jewish Network of Young Couples for a kick-off brunch. Enjoy socializing with friends old and new! At the home of Joey & Giselle Borres. To RSVP and for the address, please contact Sarah Fradkin at sesamesarah@gmail.com.
Exciting Adult Education Opportunity! ConText Thursday, October 14th, 7:00pm Informational Session A 2-year program brought to Temple Sholom through the Jewish Theological Seminary. This program, designed to reach Jews interested in high-level, engaging Jewish learning, offers a framework within which to understand the Jewish past, refine your personal approach to the challenges of contemporary Jewish life and develop a unique and informed outlook toward the Jewish future. Curriculum includes: Jewish Texts & Interpretations (Year one) and Jewish Cultures & Communities (Year two).
Course will take place on Thursday evenings from 7-9:45 pm. There is a fee of $695/year. Some scholarships may be available. The class begins on Oct. 28th.
For more information, contact Alice Schoen at alice.schoen@templesholom.com.
Upcoming Programs & Events
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Scholar in Residence Weekend: David Keren Friday, 10/15 - Sunday, 10/17
Join us as we welcome certified Israeli tour guide and educator, David Keren to Temple Sholom. David has led Rabbi Mitch's previous missions to Israel and will be guiding this December's trip as well. David is an expert in the field of archeology and Jewish history.
Friday, October 15th, 2010 Services 6:30 pm, followed by Shabbat dinner & discussion at 7:30 pm "The City of David - Do the Archeological Excavations Match the Bible?"
Please RSVP for dinner to Josh Altman, 203-542-7163 or http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=raq7v4bab&et=1103757625733&s=1359&e=0015XIQdXc2-qGHsurh4BxUiCnUrbXgBkTmfApVZecjoEGqyiyMPPXTvtuICzPz3ir-S4V5Ei-2v9ywy1EVUG_h7Q==. There is no charge, but please consider make a contribution to help cover the cost.
Saturday, October 16th, 2010 Services, 9:30 am, followed by lunch and discussion at 12:45pm, "One City, 3 Faiths- the Centrality of Jerusalem to Judaism, Christianity and Islam"
Sunday, October 17th, 2010 Services 8:30 am, followed by breakfast and discussion at 9:15 am.
2nd - 3rd Grade (Be'yachad) Youth Group Pajama Party Sunday, October 17th, 11:00am-12:30pm Joins us for a late breakfast, art projects, video games, Israeli cartoons, play dough and more!
Be'yachad members - FREE! (membership forms available in the TSRS office) Non-members - $5
Wear your PJs to school if you are coming to the party. Questions and RSVP - Contact Josh Altman. With RSVP, children in TSRS will be escorted to the youth lounge after religious school.
Mahjongg for the Masses Tuesday, October 19th & Wednesday, October 20th
Sisterhood's next Mahjonng evenings are coming up soon!
Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 7:00 p.m. Open to "never-evers," beginners and players. $10 for those who want to work with our teacher, Stef Buckley (limited to 16 people); $5 for everyone else.
Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 7:00 p.m. Open only to "never-evers." $10 each. Limited to 16 people.
"Never-evers" includes anyone who has never played, as well as all those people who played with Stef at our first mahjonng event.
mailto:wigini@gmail.com. Please let me know if you can bring a mahjonng set with you. You must RSVP to be guaranteed a spot because we need to rent enough tables for everyone.
Community Programs & Events
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Young Families Initiative
Apple Picking with UJA Federation of NY in Westchester Sunday, Oct 17th, 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm |
Contact Information Lori Baden, Director of Communications, Membership & Programming
Temple Sholom 300 E. Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 203.542.7172